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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5888357 No.5888357 [Reply] [Original]


Tl;dr The day Dragon Quest 11 releases on Switch (Sept. 27) DQ 1, 2, and 3 will also be released on the eshop.
>However, you should know that these don't appear to be direct ports of the original NES classics. Instead, the screenshots and text style look similar to the mobile ports put out on iOS and Android.

>They're priced at $5, $6.50, and $12.50, respectively.

So are those mobile versions any decent?

>> No.5888368

These aren't the mobile versions, the IOS ones use the proper sprites. These are an abomination based on an exclusive PS4 release in japan.

>> No.5888397

Should I buy them though? Never played any DQ ever.

>> No.5888416

OP here. Are you trying to imply you're me, sir?

>> No.5888452
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, DQ Switch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are build off the mobile versions if I remember right
They look really bad but if you are fine with how it looks it is based on the mobile version. DQ1 there's not really any changes between the SNES and mobile version. Maybe stat increases but overall it's the same game. DQ2 the game has sparkles on the floor where items are. Which DQ2 is notorious with fucking you over with it. Better stat improvements so Cannock (green prince) isn't useless like before. DQ1 and 2 SNES didn't have a lot added to it so the few tweeks to make the same a bit less of a chore is ok.

DQ3 however things are not looking as well as it should. For one enemy animation is gone. Another there's a board game in the SNES version that is removed from the mobile version. Honestly I don't really think of anything actually good about the mobile version over the SNES version. Unless you want to play official versions. GBC is there but I don't really like how tiny the screen is when exploring so I always went with the SNES.

Overall if you want to play official localization of Dragon Quest 1-3 this would be the one to go for but that being said SNES of 1-3 are still the ones I would go for.

>> No.5888457

emulate 3 snes and play the original nes games. this is an abomination

>> No.5888476

not amyone in this thread. thank you for this. opinions on best versions for the rest of the series?

>> No.5888501

1-3 SNES
4 - Depends on your feelings of the localization of the DS version honestly. It's really thick with accents (at least the first few chapters) which really sours your taste. Mobile put in the party chat they removed from the DS so that's the best version for that. Personally I enjoyed the NES version but you need to be ok with a bit of NES RPG interface.
5 - DS/mobile
6 - DS/mobile
7 - 3DS
8 - 3DS if you are ok with the 3DS screen resolution since it has more content PS2 if you want a better looking game
11 - Switch seems to be the best version that's coming out soon. Doesn't have the graphical quality that PS4/PC has but it has more content plus a 2D SNES style looking mode that you can play the whole game as.

>> No.5888520

Could you describe why instead of just chucking out meaningless meme words?

>> No.5888556

How about reading the few replies above you, fucking retard.

>> No.5888562

You didn't give any actual reasons other than visuals, which amounts to OLD GOOD NEW BAD. I don't consider that a valid reason in itself.
"Abomination" is an incredibly strong word, and should only be used if the gameplay itself became altered, perhaps to the point of being fundamentally broken.

>> No.5888574

No that actually is a good alone reason at that

>> No.5888580

I am not even the guy you replied to, but if you bothered reading you would understand why this port is shit compared to snes remake. Maybe that's excepting too much of you.

>> No.5888582

DQ1 isn't even worth 5 cents

>> No.5888719

>Mobile put in the party chat they removed from the DS so that's the best version for that.
The party chat wasn't removed from the DS. It was removed from the localized version.
Party chat was only added for the PS1 version, it's not present in the original.
Dragon Quest isn't worth playing in languages other than Japanese.

>> No.5888823

new really is worse, its all stretched out and janky

>> No.5888828

No because new shit bad and old thing great. Unless it was on the original system it sucks and it's awful.

>> No.5888829

Yes somehow most people on /vr/ hate on the Famicom versions.

>> No.5888830

Pretty much it's not exactly the same exact game from the old game released on the SNES and I did not grow up with it therefore it's bad.

>> No.5888832

4 DS has romhacks that add the party chat (from mobile version) or the NES script.
7 is far longer on PS1, but it depends if you think that's a good thing.
11 Switch combines PS4 and 3DS exclusives, plus orchestral music, dual voice acting and additional story content of its own. Only thing you're technically "missing out on" is the low-poly 3D mode from the 3DS port.

>> No.5888835

Yes but they will always like it because it was when they were a kid and can live off the nostalgia. Now it is awful because they do not want Zoomers to enjoy what the Boomers grew up with.

>> No.5889021

Beginning to think I should buy at least one of these just to spite /vr/.

>> No.5889041

>4 DS has romhacks that add the party chat

>> No.5889068

Just buy it and enjoy it for what it is. Yes it's not "mah original sprites from Famicom" but if you want to try something that still retains a classic look and sorry some Quality of life upgrades then you should get it. I know I will.

>> No.5889195

You must be 18 to use this website.

>> No.5889392

You're a cool, level-headed guy, anon. I get so sick of the OLD GOOD NEW BAD shallowness here and a take like yours is bloody refreshing.

>> No.5889514

I'd buy physical, not digital. I'll rom it up.

>> No.5889516

You must be a severe retard to use JRPGs.

>> No.5889568

They're digitial only.

>> No.5889569

>7 is far longer on PS1, but it depends if you think that's a good thing.
What was cut?

Also, anyone have an opinion on the PS2 release of V?

>> No.5889573

And that's why I'm not buying them.

>> No.5889581

I might get III myself, but they're coming out the same day as XI. Now I've been holding out for a Switch version of XI for nearly two whole years - III can wait.

>> No.5889597

>What was cut?
Some bits & bobs like puzzles got streamlined, but the biggest change was switching from random encounters to the neo practice of enemies having actual avatars on the field you ran into to start battle - that alone cut 7's playtime down by a good 40%
I for one think the 3DS version is much better because it trims the fat.

>> No.5889671

Think I'll stick to rom hacks or GB color one its good. I got XI on PS4. They say the S version is a real downgrade.

>> No.5889732 [DELETED] 

You can buy them all CIB on Famicom for around ¥500 each, which is cheaper than what they're being sold for digital.

>> No.5889903

>Personally I enjoyed the NES version but you need to be ok with a bit of NES RPG interface.
And the fact that you can't control your allies. Expect to see a lot of wasted turns from AI allies casting instant-death spells that never work.

>> No.5889926

No retard, you shouldn't be buying roms trapped on a nintendo console. You better not have bought that Seiken Densetsu 3 hackjob either.

>> No.5889975
File: 20 KB, 326x275, hit_or_miss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are alright. I'll let you in on a secret, you can get a physical copy of all three games together for about 35 bucks from PlayAsia. I'm ordering one now. Fuck the haters.

>> No.5889990

>Expect to see a lot of wasted turns from AI allies casting instant-death spells that never work
That's really only against bosses. Dragon Quest in normal battles Beat/Defeat is actually way more useful than you would imagine. But if you need to control your allies there are cheat codes that allow AI control battles. I manage to beat the game without it a few months ago and only really died once to a boss the rest I was able to lives enough before the AI script kicked in and had Cristo stop casting it.

>> No.5889992

You can order a physical copy of all three games for Switch.

>> No.5890007

DS is better looking honestly

>> No.5890019

>Also, anyone have an opinion on the PS2 release of V?
Orchestrated music and 4 party battles instead of 3 in the SNES version and use of polygons than spirits. It's not a bad version just that it doesn't really change enough to really talk about in any meaningful way.

>> No.5890356

PS2 version of V is great

>> No.5890463

Moonrune only, I assume?

>They say the S version is a real downgrade.
Who's "they?" I want names.
And that's just horseshit. The Switch version has the new 2D mode, is voice acted, and a whole slew of QoL improvements. The only measure it's a downgrade is in graphics, which (1) I don't care and (2) Even so, based on my own experience with the demo and what I've read others say about it, it's pretty universally agreed how great the game still manages to look on the Switch.

>> No.5891016

Regardless, the series has made Defeat-spam a running gag, usually with Kiryl/Cristo being picked on for it.

>> No.5891186

It's an Asian multi language release, so it has English.

The people who say S is a real down grade are the people who bought it on PS4 and are upset the Switch version is getting a fuckton more content so they are pretending that since their version has better graphics it's the definitive version.

>> No.5891779

I agree just that people view it in a way that it honestly isn't. Yeah the first 3-4 turns he just waste his turn/mp casting it. But you tend to be able to survive that at which point he "learns" it's immune to death and won't cast it again in battle.

>> No.5891850

I always equip him with the Staff of Punishment/Divine Wrath asap, and then he tends to use that weapon's magic spell instead, making him much more useful.

>> No.5891863

Buying a physical copy. Already have the gbc versions so I don't really mind the changes good or bad.

>> No.5891896

>paying for a game I got free with nintendo power

>> No.5891924

It’s on PC too, mong.
>slew of QoL improvements
Lel shut the fuck up you cuck. The “very fast” battle speed is only necessary for impatient zoomers. There aren’t any changes for the better.
>2D Mode
Cute novelty but captures none of the atmosphere of the 3D mode. Same could be said about S’ downgraded graphics.

>> No.5891930

just emulate the snes version instead

>> No.5892073

It's Multilanguage, if you put it in a switch on English, it plays on English. I own a couple Multi Language Switch cartridges, they are awesome.

>> No.5892205

Emulate the GB ones instead.

>> No.5892226
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I played the PS2 version. I preferred the graphics and sound and felt like I'd be pushed to pick the new girl in the DS version.
I didn't like V itself with its lack of freedom.

>> No.5892236

Playing an RPG on PC

>> No.5892247

And said PS4 release is built upon the Mobile versions.

>> No.5892249

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.5892409

>felt like I’d be pushed to pick the new girl in th DS version
Debora does quite literally push herself on you at the last minute (when you’re deciding who to marry), but that’s just her character. The story still paints Bianca as the best choice.

SEETHING Switchlets

>> No.5892517

Guess what, anon? I am going to pay your advice exactly zero heed, I'm going to buy my copy of the definitive Switch version, and I'm going to have a total blast playing it. What are you going to do about it?

>> No.5892558

The idea was that this way I can pick between Flora and Bianca on the PS2 and if I want to replay it I can pick Debora on the DS and Bianca or Flora on the SFC.

>> No.5892563

Basedtendo tards get a shit version lmao

>> No.5892568

Better than the other two, which get nothing.

>> No.5892626

I own a PC so I can play literally every version of every DQ at my leisure, but keep being a Nintendo paypig and giving them money for the same game ad nausem

>> No.5892635

Enjoy XI S in 10 years.

>> No.5892641

I've in fact never played II or III before, so I will happy give the developers the money they've rightfully earned, even if they had to wait 30 years to get it.

>> No.5892648

>the PCfag cries, saying he totally didn't want the best DQ spin-offs

>> No.5892650

Ah, makes sense. Though I’ve never thought twice about marrying Flora. She’s just perfect in every regard.

>> No.5892665

I hated how blatantly the game tries to guilt you into choosing Bianca, so I went with Flora out of sheer defiance.

>> No.5893737

Thanks, anon, I'll order a copy.
I've never ordered from Play Asia before. How long does their shipping take?

>> No.5894035

It kinda sucks how Nintendo is Epic Games-ing all these games, but at least you could argue this is them lashing out for being hardcore chadolded during the gamecube years. How long will it be until Nintendo nabs an exclusive Cod or Rockstar game? You know Nintendo wants those big names on their consoles, no matter what chadposters on /v/ say.

>> No.5894036
File: 27 KB, 433x212, Luisas_Tavern_DQ3_manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad how Dragon Quest brings a lot of /v/ console warring.
Just play the NES originals, and if you like them, play the SNES remakes when you decide to do a replay.

>> No.5894053

>Epic Games-ing
Bad anology. What makes EG terrible is its awful platform, customer service, and the Chinese botnet stealing all your data. Also
>Console developers wanting exclusives for their systems
Wow, what an outrage. What a terrible, recent development which totally hasn't been happening since the 70s.

Besides, 7 out of the first 10 DQ games were (initially) Nintendo exclusive, and that's not even including all the spin-offs. As far as most people are concerned, it is absolutely a Nintendo franchise.

>> No.5894119

unga bunga games on different launcher bad, games on 300 dollar box good

>> No.5894135
File: 3.66 MB, 2000x4000, EpicGamesLauncher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese botnet that comes with Epic Games is unquestionably bad you fuckwit.

>> No.5894232

DQ 1 and 2 were on the MSX.

>> No.5894236 [DELETED] 

$35 is a rip, each game is only $5 CIB at BookOff

>> No.5894239

>Steam is also spyware

>> No.5894265

That does us little good if you can't read moonrune.

>> No.5894269

You deserve nothing.

>> No.5894278

And yet I have multiple, translated options. How blessed am I? :)

>> No.5894283

Awful translations that completely lack the charm of the original.

>> No.5894286
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>> No.5894289

Considering they aren't even released yet, it is greatly premature to judge the translation quality right now.

>> No.5894304

And the best versions of the 3 top games in the series aren’t on Nintendo consoles. It isn’t by any means a Nintendo franchise anymore.

>> No.5894309

>As far as I’m concerned
FTFY. The first 6 Final Fantasy games were Nintendo exclusive too (not to mention the spin-offs) but no one considers it a Nintendo franchise.

>> No.5894392

oh fuck, I just read that. I'm deleting System 32 right now. I hope the Chinese didn't' already steal my identity/penis.

>> No.5894705

They're going to use the translations from the mobile versions, without a doubt.

>> No.5894732 [DELETED] 

You're on a message board, dedicated to retro games. The best version of retro games are nearly always the original uncensored uncucked Japanese version which always has the better box art too which makes buying the western version completely pointless. And you haven't even started to take lessons in Japanese? Do you even actually care about playing games and getting the authentic experience?

>> No.5894839

Nigga I play video games to get away from homework, not to dedicate myself to five more years of it.

>> No.5895545 [DELETED] 

>home work
It's good you kids are interested in real games, but trust me being an Emucuck, filter fag who plays fan patches isn't gonna get you anywhere in life

>> No.5895553

Right, because learning Japanese opens yourself to all kinds of career opportunities in places that aren't Japan.

You're better off learning Chinese or Spanish, or even French.

>> No.5895576

you could take commissions translating hentai dojins I guess.

>> No.5895665

god damn they look awful

>> No.5895669

What? Game always pushes you into getting bianca

>> No.5896168 [DELETED] 

I didn't say anything about work

>> No.5896418

You don't know either of those languages.

>> No.5897995

Japan is one of the most important technology exporters as well as being important just in general.
In addition, they are one of the largest exporters of entertainment behind America and have a stranglehold on video games. You could learn Japanese and translate some shitty RPGs or novels and make money off that.

>> No.5898132 [DELETED] 

Learning Japanese is MANDATORY if you want to experience the best games ever made without shitty Bill Clinton jokes shoe horned in

>> No.5898136

>You could learn Japanese and translate some shitty RPGs or novels and make money off that.
Lol its not lucrative. A translator that graduated in Biochemistry in Japan killed himself last month due to how little it paid.

>> No.5898203

Well he should have concentrated on the fucking biochemistry part of his career then. Dude could have worked for an oil company and pulled in six figures.

>> No.5898408

Isn't it true that 2 is practically unplayable compared to modern games? Hell even back then I read it was hard to play.

>> No.5898416

It's fucking stupid and has the worst party you're forced to hang out with that constantly die.
Play the GBC rerelease or the SFC remake.

>> No.5898838
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What's your favorite DQ game you guys? Do you think they will port 3, 4, and 5 to the Switch?

>> No.5898994

DQ3 is the best Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest game, hands down.

>> No.5899003
File: 789 KB, 1507x1868, Dragon Quest V - Tenkuu no Hanayome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me has to be V, literally a perfect game.
Not only the game stays true to the franchise but also manages to stay fresh by having monster joining your party.

>> No.5899009

The previous DQ opened up after you got the boat and aircraft. DQ5 is more like FF where new locations are only unlocked one at a time.
Monster recruiting wasn't a good replacement for the human parties and the game relied too much on it.

>> No.5899028

What's the best way to play V now? Do you think they'll do a rerelease on Switch?

>> No.5899049

Not unplayable just a lot of bad ideas mixed with rushing the game out. It's hardness just comes with lack of any actual directions on what to do, hidden objects on the floor that you can't have any idea they are there, lack of any real balance, and just Cave to Rhone and Rhone itself. Even everyone at Enix at the time said they fucked up and sorry they made it the way it is. At least you can say they learned a lot from DQ2 which is why DQ3 is so good.
DQ7 is my favorite with DQ4 a close second. I know I'm in a tiny minority in loving DQ7 but I really do love the stories they had for the different islands plus the main story is nice as well.

>> No.5899213

I don't think 4, 5, or 6 will be getting a rerelease in the immediately future because the DS versions are still relatively fresh.

>> No.5899238

True that's is a game with heavy story and linear, but, monsters where in many cases better than certain humans characters.
For me is the PS2 version it has a very good translation, the DS and phone versions are also pretty good, and the original is still playable.

>> No.5899783

The monsters lacked character.
The PS2 version added party talk but it's pointless when half of the time you only have monsters to talk to and they don't have anything to contribute.

>> No.5899814

>Monster lack character
>Implying that besides DQIV any of the other DQ had characters with character
You are just hating for the sole reason of hating.

>> No.5899824

8 and 11 have, but to be fair it's been the voice acting which has really let that shine.

>> No.5899846

V came after IV.
III gave you full freedom in your party composition.
The monsters in V just didn't impress me. There was too much luck involved in getting them and their development too inconsistent.
I had some interesting companions like an evil apple or a Behoma Slime but most of the time I missed the human companions of 2-4.

>> No.5899864

The best monsters already easy to recruit as it gets, not sure what you are whining about.

>> No.5899874

I didn't like the monsters and I didn't like V. Is that too hard to understand?

>> No.5901080

Dragon Quest 1,2,3 are all coming out on Switch. What is the best way to play them, NES, SNES, Mobile? Do you think the Switch port will be any good?

>> No.5901083

It's a toss up between 3 and 4 for me.

>> No.5901120

Switch port is just the mobile port but with awful character art.
Play either a translation of the SNES ports of 1-3 or the official translation of 1-3 on the GBC.
From there, I recommend 4 on mobile or DS, 5 on PS2 or DS, 6 on DS, 7 on PSX, 8 on PS2, 9 on DS and XI on Switch

>> No.5901123

Translations are far from the best way.

>> No.5901226

When are they going to release the DQ7 Mobile version in english?

>> No.5901243

The GBC ports are the best way to play