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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5886942 No.5886942 [Reply] [Original]

>clusterfuck: the frontend

>> No.5886957

I'm an RA fanboy, I use it frequently. I will fully admit it's poorly documented, convoluted, and some features flatly do not work. It's not something for normies.
But if you're a nerd, you shouldn't have any problem configuring it. Once you spend uh..a week setting it up, it works very well.

I feel it's worth the effort simply for the ease of using a 10-foot interface as opposed to a desktop UI, the unified controller mapping, and global shaders. The CRT shaders in RA are amazing.

>> No.5886983

Seems like only Player 1 can control the menu as well, something I learned the hard way when I tried playing a co-op game with a friend.

>> No.5886985

It's really not difficult to setup but it's buggy as fuck and the ui is an inconsistent mess. It's nice having a centralized frontend but sometimes I miss having individual emulators.

>> No.5887019

"all_users_control_menu" is the first line in retroarch.cfg, or at least it is on my system. Change that value to enable it. I suspect you can change it directly from the frontend as well, but it's probably buried in the advanced settings somewhere.

One thing I learned about RA is that things go smoother if you learn to directly edit the config, shader, and playlist files. Make backups of your old config files before tinkering, and use WinMerge or something similar to quickly compare different config/shader/playlist files to find out what's being changed and why.

>> No.5887027

I'm glad it keeps brainlets like you out

>> No.5887030

I myself haven't really encountered any bugs but I'm sticking with 1.7.7 for the time being. The latest release has some issues so I've read. Also, the amount of bugginess seems to be dependent on which OS or platform you're running it on. Using 1.7.7 on Windows is smooth sailing, at least in my experience. Can't say the same for the memeberry crowd or those users who run it on Android boxes, or rooted Firesticks and such.
The stock UI blows, so I use the ozone menu instead of XMB, and hide all the menus and options I never use. Makes for a much, much cleaner experience.

>> No.5887037

This, is this board just zoomers who don't know how to change the theme of software they use?
Ozone is great for me too.

>> No.5887073

>brainlet: the op

>> No.5887080

I don't know, man, this flycast thing is goddamn wonderful, at least for the few games I've tried.

>> No.5887085

it's a pretty simple interface though

>> No.5887087

What's the fucking point of a frontend that brings it all together if you have to manually switch cores anyways? Retroarch should be automatically figuring out the correct emulators itself when I select a rom/iso

I'll stick to individual emulators, thx.

>> No.5887101

>figuring out the correct emulators itself when I select a rom/iso

>> No.5887106

Dreamcast emulation under RetroArch is the very last thing on my list. I made the mistake of diving down the N64 emulation rabbit hole a month ago, and I want that to "work" as well as it can before I move on to the Dreamcast. My major gripe is Mupen64PlusNextProOpen1337 or whatever the fuck they call it now only works with the OGL backend renderer, requiring me to make a config change and restart RetroArch if I want to use it. Meanwhile, every other core I use works perfectly with Vulkan as the backend. First world problem for sure, but it still annoys me.

I recall Dreamcast emulation to be shitty the last time I tried it, which was admittedly several years ago. I check the libretro github page frequently and it looks like flycast is moving along pretty swiftly. Once I have that working to my liking, my entire RA setup will be complete.

>> No.5887121

>What's the fucking point of a frontend that brings it all together if you have to manually switch cores anyways?
You do not have to manually switch cores.

I seamlessly go from game to game, core to core. In fact, that's one of my favorite pastimes - just browsing through tons of games and demoing ones that look or sound appealing. I've found quite a few fun games that were previously unknown to me by doing this.

You have to learn how to create your own playlists, which is doable with the RetroArch playlist web app. You just drag and drop content into a browser tab, make mass edits to your liking, then save it and do any final tweaking with Notepad++'s find-and-replace. Then you can browse the playlists and load games seamlessly, with no manual core swapping. If you use No-Intro romsets, the built-in scanner will make a playlist for you, but you may have to do a tiny bit of tweaking afterwards with Notepad++ like I mentioned.

The playlist web app is here https://www.marcrobledo.com/retroarch-playlist-editor/

>> No.5887124

all of those steps are pure autism

>> No.5887136

>Drag and drop too hard
>ctrl+f too hard
Okay then brainlet

>> No.5887143
File: 152 KB, 350x350, FB_IMG_1529514485057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the FUCK can't I reset hotkey binds to default without going into a cfg file
Why the FUCK do I need to manually add romhacks to a playlist through the Desktop Menu
Why the FUCK do all my shaders just suddenly sometimes disappear, making it so I need waste an hour finding what I want again and fine tuning the parameters
Why the FUCK is the shared memory card feature not working for me despite me having it ticked in options? I can't play multi-disc psx games..
Why the FUCK is the dreamcast version of Vampire Survivor zoomed in like 80% when playing it through the dreamcast cores available

All in all I like retroarch a lot but FUCK

>> No.5887147

Oh, and why the FUCK can't I have hotkey binds be core specific, so I can use L2 and R2 for consoles that don't need them

>> No.5887187

>Why the FUCK can't I reset hotkey binds to default without going into a cfg file
You want an option in the input settings to globally reset all hotkey binds to default? Seems reasonable. But I guess you could make seperate retroarch.cfg files and load them as needed.
>Why the FUCK do I need to manually add romhacks to a playlist through the Desktop Menu
The built-in scanner needs a database to compare checksums to. It uses the No-Intro and Redump databases for this, so romhacks won't be added by the built-in scanner. It's kinda like complaining that Plex's content scanner isn't pulling down the correct labels from TheTVDB for my home movies. You're just going to have to use the desktop menu or the web app like I mentioned above to add romhacks.
>Why the FUCK do all my shaders just suddenly sometimes disappear, making it so I need waste an hour finding what I want again and fine tuning the parameters
Never had this happen once. My gut says you're mistakenly trying to use shaders for OGL under a DirectX backend or vice versa. In any event, the "shaders" directory will contain all your presets so you can look there for more info.
>Why the FUCK is the shared memory card feature not working for me despite me having it ticked in options? I can't play multi-disc psx games..
I know for a fact it does work. The PSX documentation is perhaps the most thorough of all the cores, so check the docs and see what you're doing wrong.
>Why the FUCK is the dreamcast version of Vampire Survivor zoomed in like 80% when playing it through the dreamcast cores available
Who knows. I haven't messed with the Dreamcast cores yet. Dreamcast emulation has always been buggy though. Use the FinalBurn or MAME roms for Vampire Savior, they just work.
>Oh, and why the FUCK can't I have hotkey binds be core specific, so I can use L2 and R2 for consoles that don't need them
Create and load customized retroarch.cfg files like I mentioned.

>> No.5887194

>Why the FUCK is the shared memory card feature not working for me despite me having it ticked in options? I can't play multi-disc psx games..

In fact I may have found the answer just now:
>The 'Memcard 0 method' core option needs to be set to 'mednafen' for the 'Shared memcards' core option to function properly.
You're probably using the libretro memcard format by mistake.

>> No.5887213

>wanting to emulate a console port of an arcade game
Retard detected, post discarded.

>> No.5887349

Flycast only supports OGL for the time being, but the emu is snappy and very compatible, even with WinCE games. The Naomi support is also pretty good, provided you use MAME format ROMs. I think you can set up custom settings per core, but I'm not sure about the video driver.

>> No.5887532

The Dreamcast Vampire Survivor is unironically the best version of the game.

>> No.5887568

You don't even spend a week to configure it. At most it's just a whole afternoon, from installation to controller.

>> No.5887583

Every Dreamcast game I actually want to play actually works. Just not the one I want the most
Virtual On stars but crashed to desktop after like 5 seconds

>> No.5887598

UI sucks. Emulators don't work with all games. Corrupted save files, especially for MS. Mobile version buttons are terrible. Save state system is bad. Updated and all my cores needed to be redownloaded. Other standalone emulators seem much better.

>> No.5887674

>Mobile version buttons are terrible
Onscreen Overlay>Overlay Preset

>> No.5887681

>Program selects wrong controller for player one
>Want to change order of controllers
>"Just rebind all the buttons lol"
Am I missing something or did they fail to implement a feature every other emulator on the planet has as standard?

>> No.5887682


Good tip. RA is more reliable and stable when you make changes to the configs with a text editor as opposed to making changes in the RA menus.

>> No.5887765
File: 127 KB, 500x1193, green GB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virtual On Starts but crashes to desktop after like 5 seconds
The Naomi or Dreamcast version? The Naomi version was affected by a regression that was fixed five days ago; try updating your core if that's the case. There are commits pushed to flycast daily it seems, so perhaps you should be updating the core frequently anyway.
Yeah, RA likes to auto-assign and map controllers as soon as they're first seen.
With all your controllers plugged in, change the device index for player one in the binds menu to the correct input device and see if that helps. Do this with a mouse and keyboard and not with a controller, because if you set the index to "disabled", you instantly lose controller input. I think there needs to be an "are you sure?" step before RA allows you to disable an input device.
Speaking of, my #1 protip for RA is to disable the automatic saving of retroarch.cfg on exit. This allows you to mess with things and not worry about fucking up. Like say, I don't know, accidentally setting the controller device index to "disabled" and then being prevented from sending controller inputs to the frontend. Not a problem on PC where you have other input devices at your disposal, but if you did that on a console or another platform with only one input device, it can be annoying to fix.

Disable the auto-save of retroarch.cfg and then only save changes to the config when you're sure of something. Of note, core options are always saved on exit and auto-save cannot be disabled for them. When I first started with RetroArch, I made my retroarch-core-options.cfg read-only until I got the hang of things.

>> No.5887772

I came here to plug this
its built into RA and its a great way to keep track of the games you play and compete with friends.

>> No.5887774

>You don't even spend a week to configure it. At most it's just a whole afternoon, from installation to controller.
You're not wrong, but for me, it took a long time as I wanted all the boxarts and shit to display properly, then I got kinda OCD about shaders (scanlines...must....be...perfect) and spent a while customizing the UI. That and other small user experience shit I obsess over.

>> No.5887775

What friends are you talking about?

>> No.5887795

>Flycast only supports OGL for the time being
Just my luck it would. Oh well, I'll just have to make a video driver change and restart the front end once I get around to playing with flycast.
>I think you can set up custom settings per core, but I'm not sure about the video driver.
Yeah, I've looked into it and it's not possible to make per-core video driver settings. But hey first-world boomer gamer problems amirite.

>> No.5887802

ra has a front end with box art? I'm using ra with launchbox is ra better at it?

>> No.5887809
File: 896 KB, 637x900, Comfy FM Towns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Difficult for me to say, as I haven't fucked with LaunchBox in quite some time.
I can say that if you want boxart, screenshots and title screens in RetroArch, download them directly from Github instead of using the front end's content downloader. The built-in content downloader has always been buggy for me.


Just put them in the "thumbnails" directory and name the folder the same way it appears on the Github page but without the @ commit# at the end.

So like, "Console Maker - Name of Console"

>> No.5887818

I'm using the Flycast core, updated. Still nothing

>> No.5887820

Oh, and boxarts and stuff won't display automatically unless you're using a No-Intro/Redump romset and you built a playlist for them.
For my ancient Sega Saturn isos, I just manually re-labeled them in the playlist so they would match known thumbnails and everything worked fine. I need to at some point replace my PSX .isos with ones verified by Redump.

But if you use a No-Intro romset, you don't need to do anything.

>> No.5887828

>When Retroarch decide it's a good idea to copy the PS3 OS.
What the flying fuck were they thinking?

>> No.5887829

thanks. I've spent far more time tweaking front end stuff then I'd like to admit. I'll likely stick with launch box because it's mostly done aside from some mostly arcade stuff with bad file names

>> No.5887830
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not werking

>> No.5887832

it's literally just an option. one you need to even enable first.

you've never used the software.

>> No.5887835

wasn't that around well before ps3

>> No.5887836

ra? I use it regularly

>> No.5887839


>> No.5887840

You've piqued my curiosity so I'm going to try this myself. I've been wanting to mess around with flycast anyway, as there's been some claimed performance enhancements made recently.

>> No.5887852

you have to manually rename the old memcard file if you were using the other method previously

>> No.5887854

Got it working. Is there a way to load the psx bios in retroarch? I've been using SOTN to see what I have saved..

>> No.5887859

Turns out it was just the rom I was using. It was a .cdi. other .cdi's are working for me, just not that one.
The .gdi rom seems to be working just fine, but now I can't get it to show up in the playlist. not even through the desktop menu


>> No.5887870
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Well good, and thanks for enticing me down the Dreamcast rabbit hole. Performance, analog and rumble work great and now I'm gonna be playing Virtual On all night now.

For reference, I'm using the rom from Vimm's Lair just FYI.

>but now I can't get it to show up in the playlist
This is what my playlist entry looks like:

"path": "G:\\anon\\videogaems\\Cyber Troopers - Virtual-On - Oratorio Tangram (USA)\\Cyber Troopers - Virtual-On - Oratorio Tangram (USA).cue",
"label": "Cyber Troopers - Virtual-On - Oratorio Tangram (USA)",
"core_path": ".\\cores\\flycast_libretro.dll",
"core_name": "Flycast",
"crc32": "DETECT",
"db_name": "Sega - Dreamcast.lpl"

Tailor something like that to your needs. Make sure to backup your playlist before fucking with it.

>> No.5887872
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The board kinda fucked up the formatting so here's a screenshot from Notepad++

>> No.5887880

I just tricked it by putting something random in desktom menu and redirecting the path.

Jesus christ these controls, Custom Robo it's not. cant seem to map the rotations to the right stick and movement to left either, unless I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.5887896
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>config file damaged
>Doesn't boot

>> No.5887920
File: 38 KB, 583x433, PSX CD Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a way to load the psx bios in retroarch?
There's no official method that I'm aware of and I'd like to know if one exists. I just now had a hunch that loading an audio CD image would send Beetle PSX HW to the Playstation's CD player, and then from there I could just exit back out to the memory card manager and I was right. I can see and manage my save data by doing this. So maybe try that?

Just take any .mp3, use ImgBurn to build an iso image from it, and then point Beetle PSX at the resulting .cue file.

>> No.5887951
File: 408 KB, 500x355, Sleepy Mario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant seem to map the rotations to the right stick and movement to left either
You probably figured it out by now, but you have to first re-map the left analog inputs over to the right stick, then re-map the D-pad to the left analog stick. Note the little icons in the controller UI that show you directional cues along with the axis indicators, that way you can decipher what X- or Y+ means. Make sure to save a game remap file when you're done.

It's been fun helping you and the other anon(s) but I need to sleep. I'll check this thread again tomorrow if anyone else needs general RetroArch tips, as I know a fuckton about that frontend and libretro in general.

>> No.5888025

RA is shit. I'd rather use an individual emulator but theres no standalone CRT Royale shader

>> No.5888068

>Once you spend uh..a week setting it up, it works very well.
Thats what i did last week. Lol

>> No.5888083

It's pretty efficient for a controller interface, but they have a more recent UI driver that's more akin to PPSSPP

>> No.5888109

Yeah, it's called ozone. I suspect it will become the default soon. I much prefer it to xmb.

>> No.5888114

I remember when my friend was shilling the hell out of this a few years ago. I always thought it was overly convulted and thought that just using individual emulators was better anyways.

>> No.5888149

lets not forget the "tiny bit of tweaking in notepad+"
i personally prefer MaLa over retroarch and hyperspin

>> No.5888153

gay ones

>> No.5888159

>tiny bit of tweaking in notepad+"
Which, quite literally, takes 30 seconds. It's not big deal at all.

>> No.5888162

Took me no time to set up on Android. I like it, but its available emulators can't handle quite a number of games. And the whole front end lacks support for diagonals, which makes it suck even more.

>> No.5888267

>Config>Input>All Users Control Menu
Did you even look for it?

>> No.5888280

Assuming you are talking about core config, you can open retroarch-core-options.cfg and just delete the core configuration in there. If you know what specific change you made that caused it to not open you can just delete that.
They realy need to add a core config reset button in there.

>> No.5888639


>> No.5889276

Why does it lack diagonals? Anyone know? It's fucking retarded is what it is.

>> No.5889350

not him, but I did exactly as you suggested and doesn't work. the right stick just doesn't do what i want it to

>> No.5889385

>the right stick just doesn't do what i want it to
What is it that you want it to do?

>> No.5889482

just want a set up where left stick controls movement and right stick controls camera. i know theres no actual camera in the game and can only turn right and left, but can't even do that.
but it lets me do the opposite. free movement control with the right stick and camera with the left

>> No.5889524

Hold your controller upside down. :^)

>> No.5889560

I found a fix by using xpadder to switch left and right sticks

>> No.5889592

I did exactly this last night, with the right stick controlling left and right camera pan, so I know it can work. I was using RetroArch 1.7.7. under Windows with an Xbox One S controller and the latest flycast core.
In any event, glad you got it working with xpadder.

>> No.5889832
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>even considering Retroarch a frontend
Anybody who puts up with XMB bullshit can hardly be called a man.

>> No.5889852

Shiet, that frontend is a 100x more difficult to configure than RetroArch is and that's saying a LOT. Are all the useful features still paywalled?

Plus RetroArch handles tons of other shit on top of just being a 10-foot interface - netplay (that actually works), shaders, control mapping, achievements, integration with streaming services, etc.

You don't have to use XMB.

>> No.5889860
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, neo geo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't have to use XMB.
Correct, you can use an actual frontend and reap all the benefits of Retroarch without the horror of its GUI.

>> No.5889919

>XMB sucks haha
There are other menu layouts to choose from. You can customize them to you liking.
>lol XMB
You've got nothing, huh?

>> No.5889923
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without the xmb i'd probably just use individual emulators

>> No.5890257
File: 907 KB, 1317x1080, Akumajou Dracula X - Chi No Rondo (English - Fully Translated)-190718-072557.png color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only issue is the video driver fucks up games a lot, and I can never have a single one be used all the time.

I know the Beetle HW for PS1 gives me a black screen and that's it, but if I change the video driver to another it'll fix this, but changing the driver means all screenshots will be this weird blue tint because it fucks up the R/B channels somehow.

I never use it for Dreamcast or higher since the standalone emulators are fine for that.

>> No.5890310

There are standalone builds.

>> No.5890319
File: 11 KB, 407x360, sega twin stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you are new to the series.
It's an arcade game that is supposed to be played with a special twin-stick controller.

>> No.5891194

Anyone tried playing it with dual flight joysticks?

>> No.5891284

Do you have to configure inputs for each emulator?

>> No.5891306

What's the go-to NES emulator these days for windows. I was using Jnes last night to try and mess around with some game genie codes, but it never saves the codes I add to it.

>> No.5892430
File: 116 KB, 634x634, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based retard

>> No.5892473


>> No.5892485

it's more like
>no diagonals: the frontend
It's fucking weird cuz all the emulators it has available all have diagonals. do the retroarch people just hate diagonals? wtf

>> No.5892540

Imagine not being able to figure out RetroArch. This is boomer central, alright.

>> No.5892556

Looks like PPSSPP and dolphin dont work with amdgpu on linux. GL and Vulkan is ok for the other cores. Anyone got it working?

>> No.5892576

What the fuck are you even talking about, mate?

>> No.5892772

The only reason to use retroarch is for meme features like runahead and CRT filters. It's not actually very good at all if you don't care about those

>> No.5892779

He posts this in every thread that mentions RetroArch, just ignore him.

>> No.5892783

up/right, down/right, down/left, up/left

Retroarch doesn't have input options for those.

>> No.5892818

Your mom's a Retroarch.

>> No.5893140

And you want those why? Because you're one of those keyboard only plebs, or... ? Ghosting issues? Having a hard time thinking why anyone would need that.

>> No.5893192

Follow the links in the sticky and you'll have an answer.

>> No.5893223

People who don't understand how to use this should be fired off this planet. It literally takes 2 minutes to google how to search for a core, download a core, link your library and than play a game.

>> No.5893337

Hyperspin took me five minutes, launchbox/bigbox still eludes me. Maybe because I slapped retroarch in there and retroarch is trash.

>> No.5893557

I would imagine the only reason anyone would want that is because it works better for them than otherwise. I'm sorry your reasoning and general cognitive skills are sorely lacking, but I think it seems pretty fucking obvious why he would want that, ya dingus.

>> No.5893654
File: 3.02 MB, 480x300, sol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never really seen the fucking point if I'm being completely honest. If I want NES I run Nestopia, if I want SNES I run ZMZ, Dolphin for GC/Wii, etc. A frontend just seems like needless streamlining, especially when it's bound to introduce issues that weren't present when you just used individual emus.

I use it for my Vita because console homebrew is virtually the only time I could see this being useful.

>> No.5894574
File: 1.49 MB, 1728x1080, Xenogears (USA) (Disc 1)-190920-101546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how i can fix this? using Beetle psx (HW)

>> No.5894627

I set it up on my PS3. I like certain parts of it, but it's incredibly buggy in an ironic sort of way for something that's supposed to be a simple front-end.
>no browsing to directories
>it only recognizes roms listed in its database
>download full no intro rom sets specifically optimized for it
>fails to scan the entire folder or freezes mid-scan so I have to do it all over again
>certain cores like the Intellivision emulator are supported on paper but freeze the system
Maybe it's better on PC.

>> No.5894629

>scan a folder of NES roms
>takes 2 hours to finish scanning

>> No.5894835

Agree. The layered keybinds guarantee will confusing new user.
The file system fucked up on gnu/linux
Also additional input lags especially on MAME

>> No.5894847

if it wasn't for the input lag reduction features I wouldn't care for retroarch much. And there's also the fact that PGXP works more smoothly than dealing with the PCSX-R emulator or whatever that has it.

>> No.5894853

more like brainlet filter

>> No.5894872

Yes, click on the xenogears.bin file, the use shift+del, hit enter.
rm -f if you use the linux terminal. And Iike magic, your life is better.

>> No.5894915

It's very good as a 10 feet interface

>> No.5894953

How are you people so stupid?
>open up gui
>download your core
>download a rom set if your core needs it
>supports xinput so you don't have configure your controller like on older emulators
>load core
>load rom
The only thing that might be non-intuitive because of the frontend/core architecture is that there are separated options for the core and retro arch frontend itself, But once you realize if you're trying to change core specific options or global retro arch options, it makes sense.

>> No.5895048

My problem with the inbuilt Playlist thing is that if you want to get something like the gameboy romset scanned that is almost 9k files and it takes like 20 minutes

>> No.5895169

It's ~1200 files and takes about 40 seconds.

>> No.5895365

can you elaborate?

>> No.5895386

what if you transfer retroarch to a computer thats not online?

>> No.5895606

>A frontend just seems like needless streamlining, especially when it's bound to introduce issues that weren't present when you just used individual emus.
Like a complete disregard for and lack of diagonals.

>> No.5895610

It's more of an idiot filter than a clusterfuck.

>> No.5895748
File: 58 KB, 600x430, notepad++logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on how you build your RetroArch playlist, you may need to find-and-replace some entries in it.
For example, if you're using the built-in scanner it will create explicit paths, but you may want relative paths for portability reasons. Like C:\\Users\\Anon\RetroArch\\ROMs versus .\\Roms. One hardcodes the rom path, while the other tells RetroArch to look for a rom folder in its own directory. The latter makes RetroArch playlists portable, while the former means that if you move RA to another PC or device, playlist functionality will break. I always use relative paths in my playlists, as I zip up my RA install, upload it, then share it with friends for netplay. Then the user can just unzip and play - no configuration required.
Same thing goes for core path entries. Depending on how you built your playlist, you may have to change the core path to .\\cores to ensure portability (RA uses json format for playlists so you need two backslashes instead of one just fyi)

Making these alterations takes only a few seconds in Notepad++ by using the find-and-replace function. And if you have several playlists that all need their paths changed, you can simply open all of them in Notepad++ at once and apply the changes globally.

One last tip about RA and portability. Shader presets use explicit paths by default, so if you want to move your install or share it with others and you have shader presets, open those up in N++ and change the explicit paths to relative ones.

>> No.5895774

See the wall of text I just replied to another anon with. Place your roms in a folder inside RA's home directory, organize them into subfolders if needed. Build your playlist using the web app or the built-in scanner, then replace any explicit paths with relative ones. Do the same with cores and core paths, and shader presets.

Then you'll have a fully portable RetroArch install that can be migrated to an offline PC. I've done this many times and it works perfectly. Oh, one final thing I forgot - make sure the backend renderer you choose on the online PC is compatible with the hardware on the offline PC you're targeting. For example, you configured RA to use Vulkan on the online PC, but the target PC does not have a Vulkan compatible GPU.

>> No.5895795
File: 36 KB, 629x504, You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like a complete disregard for and lack of diagonals.
Not entirely sure where this meme comes from. The mushbrains of drooling retards I reckon?
I play a shit load of games that require diagonal inputs and they work just fine in RetroArch across D-pads, analog sticks, and fight sticks. If your retarded mushbrain meme was actually true, games like Street Fighter would be impossible to play using RetroArch.
If you want to test just how retarded you are (which would be significantly, significantly retarded), all you need to do is boot an arcade ROM to the service screen, go to the joystick test, and see what happens when you input diagonal directions on your controller. Spoiler: it works just fine and you are a retard.

>> No.5895815

That's a whole lot of words there, kiddo, but retroarch still doesn't have inputs for diagonals. :^)

>> No.5895826

>not entirely sure where this meme comes from
I would guess, though I'm not certain, that the reason people say RetroArch doesn't have diagonals is very probably because it doesn't have diagonals. Crazy, I know, but maybe just crazy enough to be true, eh? Why does it upset you so?

>> No.5895890

>You: Doesn't use RetroArch, mindlessly parrots memes, and claims that RA doesn't have support for diagonals.
>Me: Uses RetroArch weekly, sometimes daily with games that literally will not function without diagonals. They all work fine and the joystick service tests on arcade ROMs prove that diagonal inputs are being sent.
Congrats guys, you're earned the (You's) your smoothbrains crave like so much retard seratonin. Keep replying to me while I eat some home cooked food and play retro games.

>> No.5895896

I wish there were a good frontend for Linux.

>> No.5895938
File: 55 KB, 754x417, lolnodiagonals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she uses a frontend that doesn't have diagonals!

>> No.5896061

retroarch is a mess, but rather than complaining i'm going to go in quick detail.
the ui is a ps3 clone with a shitload of menus within menus and a shitload of scrolling columns.
basically the only 2 columns that matter are HOME menu and SETTINGS menu. SETTINGS menu is a list of options and does what you'd expect.
HOME menu does things like load, update/download cores, save config(why is this here?) and exit.
after booting a core you get a new column called the QUICK menu, and rather than having its own column its a column within the HOME menu.
QUICK menu does loading/saving states, taking screenshots and disk control, but has overlap with some SETTINGS menu options.
also within the QUICK menu is the OPTIONS menu. OPTIONS is actually the core specific settings menu.

an easy change would be merge the quick menu and home menu, but remove all the overlap options to the settings menu.
options (core specific settings) needs to be a separate entry either on the home menu or possibly in a condensed settings menu.
as it is right now the menu system really gives you that group project feel with none of it feeling together. and don't get me started on the 3 types of saving config types.

>> No.5896146

Yes, but where are the diagonals?

>> No.5896154

They're between the cardinal directions. Are people really this dumb? Is there some secret to mapping diagonals to left trigger or the select button that I'm missing?

>> No.5896175

I don't see any diagonals: >>5895938

>> No.5896185
File: 58 KB, 640x640, 1477022176417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Folder for a game I downloaded has ROM files and BIN files
>Go to the folder when selecting content
>Only shows the BIN files
>When selecting one it refers me to cores I have when I already loaded a core the game is supposed to be for, and it's none of the ones it's suggesting
>Tried doing some searching, leads me to believe that renaming the file to be a ROM file will work
>Causes said file to not appear when I go to load content
>Use the desktop extension to attempt to run ROM files directly and all it does is crash it
Maybe I'm too low IQ or too new at self-configuring but I've got no clue what to do here.

I'm trying to emulate In The Hunt's arcade ROM, if that matters at all.

>> No.5896216

just drag and drop the .zip

>> No.5896245

>just scroll for 10 minutes to get to anything
>this is fine
>this design philosophy is ok
Meanwhile the "official" frontend is official in name only.

>> No.5896247
File: 3.65 MB, 560x315, 1542912269416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that was embarrassingly simple. Thanks. Time to blow up shit as a sub.

>> No.5896258

/v/-tier thread

>> No.5896267

Have you considered it wasn't designed for unlawful pirates who expect it to manage all 748 various dumps and hacks of link to the past?

>> No.5896268

It used to be garbage until this year. Now it's all I use. It just werks. To think autists work on that for free and brainlets like me get to use it for 0 cost. The days we live in.

Before this year it would take minimum of hours of troubleshooting to get set up, then a few days in x core would cause crashes or the menu would crash at x submenu etc etc but it's great now

>> No.5896392

I've been setting Retroarch up on Android phones at the local sesh's for weed. Lots of dealers have iphones, though, cause they're rich. They are hella disappointed when they can't install it.

>> No.5897989

Anyone who uses retro arch is such a cringepilled zoomer

>> No.5898584

Aw, are you too much of a brainlet to figure it out?

>> No.5898593

RetroArch is for brainlets, though.
Big brains use mednafen, without any gooeys.

>> No.5898595

>>just scroll for 10 minutes to get to anything
I know RA is a brainlet filter but this is too much lol
There is a search function you know.

>> No.5898603
File: 26 KB, 400x463, 1568949158888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you maintain your relationship status?
>By remaining a virgin.


>> No.5898606
File: 200 KB, 1280x853, CLI GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5898621

>u r le incel lel
breddy good meme'ing

>> No.5898678
File: 110 KB, 1920x1080, Mario Bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Retroarch can't run Game & Watch through MAME
>have to keep a separate MAME install just to play Mario Bros.
It's worth it anyways

>> No.5898779

Are you saying I have to use an external web app in a browser just to have the basic functionality of being able to switch cores on the fly? Why the hell can't it be done automatically when I open a ROM or ISO? What kind of autistic solution is "make a playlist"?

>> No.5898806

or just F1 Close Content>Load Core

>> No.5898816

But at the point I might as well have multiple emulators open. Like >>5887087 said, it doesn't make sense to have a frontend that brings everything together if you have to take that extra step just to switch platforms. I should be able to go from NES to Sega Genesis to N64 just by opening the respective games from those consoles. I know this sounds like a needy and autistic complaint, but it really doesn't make sense for that not to be built in to RA already.

>> No.5898834

>Are you saying I have to use an external web app in a browser just to have the basic functionality of being able to switch cores on the fly?
No. You can use the built-in scanner, the web app, or a third-party app called RetroArch Playlist Buddy. I prefer the web app myself but to each brainlet his own.

>Why the hell can't it be done automatically when I open a ROM or ISO?
It can.

>What kind of autistic solution is "make a playlist"?
Let me explain this as simply as I can for you.
People who use emulators download roms in large packs, with the standard pack called a "No-Intro" set. There are also "Goodsets" which contain romhacks and translations.
We're dealing with rom directories that have hundreds and sometimes thousands of files in them that need to be associated with a respective core. They also need verified checksums for use with the netplay lobby, and a standardized label for the boxart scraper.
A database file is required for this functionality, and in RetroArch parlance this is called a "playlist". Every single media/game/rom manager uses an XML or json database file to achieve these functions, from Plex to Emby to LaunchBox.

For people who don't care for that added functionality - or for brainlets who download single roms from virus infested websites - they can simply drag and drop.

>> No.5898845

>I should be able to go from NES to Sega Genesis to N64 just by opening the respective games from those consoles.
I literally do this every single time I boot RetroArch and have no idea why people claim you can't. The quick switching from core-to-core, rom-to-rom is one of my favorite features of RA and it makes exploring your library on an LCD TV with a controller quite fun and simple.
I'd make a webm to show this in action, but I'm tired, it's late, and I'd rather laugh at you than be forced to prove my point with a visual aide.

>> No.5898849

You don't have to manually switch cores you immense fucking retard. That's what the playlist feature is for. You scan a ROMs folder, it creates a playlist, you set a core for that playlist, you play the games. This is no more complicated that importing music files into a player library such as, say iTunes. Are telling us you can't even do that? It's not even an argument you're forming. It's user error - as are the majority of all complaints in here. People are just too tired to explain it for the nth time.

>> No.5898865

Do the whingers understand that there are more than half a dozen emulator cores that can open iso/cue files? If a user has several of those cores installed, how is the frontend supposed to know which core to to open the disc image with? You need to abstract the file extension away and use a database schema to instead assign a label and an associated core to the content.
Look, I said in the very first post in this thread that RetroArch can be convoluted. But holy shit some of you people are helpless or just like to bitch incessantly.

>> No.5898868

I know what Goodsets are. I also know finding a well seeded torrent for a ROM pack can be a pain in the ass, so yes, I'm one of those individual rom downloading brainlets.
>A database file is required for this functionality, and in RetroArch parlance this is called a "playlist". Every single media/game/rom manager uses an XML or json database file to achieve these functions, from Plex to Emby to LaunchBox.
Alright, thank for you explaining that. I haven't used RA in a couple of years but last time I did have to switch cores when changing consoles. But I guess I could have fucked something up in the setup.
>no more complicated that importing music files into a player library such as, say iTunes
iTunes is pure cancer when it comes to music organization, so I wouldn't compare it to that if you're trying to sell someone on how easy it is.

>> No.5898870

>If a user has several of those cores installed, how is the frontend supposed to know which core to to open the disc image with?
...By looking at the header of the file that it is opening?

>> No.5898873

The cue sheet? Have you actually opened a cue sheet and seen what it looks like?
Here's an example. Try telling what system it's for.

INDEX 01 00:00:00
TRACK 02 MODE1/2352
PREGAP 00:03:00
INDEX 01 00:44:71
PREGAP 00:02:00
INDEX 01 01:41:46
INDEX 01 02:23:56
INDEX 01 04:11:31
INDEX 01 05:03:65
INDEX 01 07:41:58

>> No.5898875

I don't know anything about ISOs, but cartridge ROMs generally have some indicator of the console within the header and I'd be surprised if disc based games didn't have anything similar.

>> No.5898881
File: 1.52 MB, 960x540, 2019-09-22 11-02-10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How believe me. I know that. You just come off as about as competent as an iToddler, so I thought I'd reference something you've likely heard of to make the point.

>> No.5898887

I can tell you, but I have a brain filled with 30+ years of video game knowledge. Software does not have a mind of its own, so it needs a database to reference.
Christ you are retarded.

>> No.5898890

Yeah, this is painful to read. I think discussion of RetroArch should be made into a bannable offense at this point. It's just a shit show all around.

>> No.5898891

>finding a well seeded torrent for a ROM pack can be a pain in the ass
Go to archive.org and search for "No-Intro".

>> No.5898903

>but cartridge ROMs generally have some indicator of the console within the header
Emphasis on "generally". Some do, some do not, and some emulators like Higan use their own system. RetroArch needs a unified system (unifying emulation under one single API is the entire point of libretro) for identifying content, so it uses the No-Intro and Redump informational schemes. Thus RA needs to scan you content and then compare it to those databases.

But again, this is only required for things like netplay lobbies, thumbnail scraping, and global core association of large numbers of roms. A user can run a single core, with single rom or whatever without worrying about this stuff.

>> No.5898907

Who are you talking to?
Thank you.

>> No.5898914

>I haven't used RA in a couple of years but last time I did have to switch cores when changing consoles. But I guess I could have fucked something up in the setup.
Well look, beyond popping into this thread once or twice a day and calling people retards, I also offer help to people who want to set up RetroArch. If you have questions, ask away and I'll answer them tomorrow.

>> No.5898917
File: 93 KB, 902x1945, Screenshot_2019-09-22 libretro libretro-database.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez, you do like typing don't you?

>Working with Playlists
>Playlists (or Collections as they are sometimes referred to) are the lists of games and other content that can be generated automatically by the RetroArch playlist scanner, generated by a third-party playlist utility or script, or edited by hand in a text editor.

>RetroArch Playlist Scanner
>RetroArch incoporates a ROM scanning system to automatically produce playlists. Each ROM that is scanned by the playlist generator is checked against a database of ROMs that are known to be good copies.

>In order for content to be correctly scanned, you must:
>Have a compatible core already downloaded and installed
>Update Core Info Files via Online Updater
>Update Databases via Online Updater
>Restart RetroArch if any of the above was just done

>Finally, the content must match existing databases from the libretro-database README. If those conditions are met but content is still not being added automatically to a playlist, consider submitting an issue report on github.

>> No.5898923

pure cringe

>> No.5898925

>I also offer help to people who want to set up RetroArch. If you have questions, ask away and I'll answer them tomorrow.
I'm at work now and don't exactly have time to be messing with emulators, but I might take you up on that offer next time I have a day off. Thanks!

>> No.5898942

>But if you're a nerd
if its for nerds then why does it have a such a fucking retarded UI instead of a normal pc friendly UI? that shit you get for hitting f5 doesnt count because you still have to use the shitty UI. Why cant I just press the button I want to bind for the game I'm playing like it does for fucking FBA or any other competent emulator handles it. I have to set my buttons in retroarch and then fucking manually bind those buttons in game to the buttons I want. Even that's a pain in the ass because it does it in the most retarded order possible. the order for "retro controller" is b, y, select, start, dpad inputs, a, x. what the fuck is that? Then lets say you want to map a neo geo game to that. you manually scroll through buttons AGAIN in a retarded order A, C, Select, Start, directions, B, D. Why? its so fucking awful. Why couldnt scrolling through buttons have some order that made at least a little bit of sense? If you are developing retroarch please fix that shit and make a fucking actual UI for PC's that non retards can use. please.

>> No.5898964

>built on top of clusterfuck: the operating system

>> No.5898968

>running on clusterfuck: the hardware

>> No.5899207

How do I bind diagonals?