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File: 17 KB, 400x306, nintendo_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
588310 No.588310 [Reply] [Original]

how come there isnt a 64dd emulator

>> No.588317

Because technical problems, we don't even know how some chips work on N64.

That's why it's a mess.

>> No.588379

technical issues, general lack of interest in N64 emulation.

I always assumed Japan doesn't like N64 and hence no good emu support. But that stems from my assumption that all the best emus are made by Japanese folk with no goals in life other than good emulators.

>> No.588396

I always wondered what the F-Zero X Expansion was like.

That game really needs a VC rerelease with the expansion added to it.(and maybe online support? Fat chance)

>> No.588419

It kills me not to be able to try out the eXpansion kit. The track editor looks outrageous and the extra music is awesome.

>> No.588423

We don't even have successful, regular N64 emulation.

>> No.588429
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What is a 64DD
Not young, just stupid.

>> No.588434

Like this:

The expansion kit is truly one of the few redeeming features of the 64DD. SimCity 64 is another one, but those 2 games are not worth the massive price tag of this system.

>> No.588435

Nintendo 64 Disc Drive

>> No.588445

Sheeit. I read about the 64DD but I didn't know what it was. Were there any decent games for it?

>> No.588448
File: 2.10 MB, 2960x2360, 64DD-Attached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing. It was a massive flop,(even moreso than the Virtual Boy) and ended up only getting an anemic release in Japan. It only has 9 games.

>> No.588464
File: 32 KB, 501x510, COMPLETE_SET_OF_NINTENDO_64,_64DD_DISKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.588461

Here are the games. There are a few more disks, but those aren't really games/are obsolete RANDnet disks.

>> No.588474

What the heck how could it flop?

>> No.588480

>Released 2 years before Gamecube
>No games

>> No.588491

>PS3 Move

Intermediate update releases always flop.

>> No.588494
File: 41 KB, 640x480, capturecart-167678_640w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They simply took too long to make it, and new consoles were on their way. Nintendo gave up on the system before it's japanese release, only making it available through a subscription service. Many games(including OOT and the cancelled Mother 3) were planned for the 64DD.

This is the strangest contraption I have ever seen for this thing. Does anybody know what it was used for? Looks like a Mario Artist thing.

>> No.588503
File: 16 KB, 293x255, wiggum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F-Zero X Expansion

>posting this pic
>Captcha: easy dedburn

>> No.588507

mabey something to do with internet i dunno

>> No.588502

The Famicom Disk System was successful.

>> No.588510


>> No.588512

That's a capture card of some sort.

>> No.588524

Sort of, but it had huge piracy problems which caused Nintendo to not release it in other regions. It was originally made to offer game saves and cheaper games, but the amount of space games needed quickly exceeded the FDS's capabilities. Plus, cartridge batteries were becoming economically feasible.

As far as I know, the PC-Engine CD did okay in Japan(Not at all in the US) and actually attracted quite a lot of developers for it.(Including Konami for Rondo of Blood)

>> No.588539


>> No.588548

You could capture images from the TV and use them in the horrible creative titles

>> No.588545

I'm guessing the only worthwhile one out of them is the F-Zero pack?
Also I heard it didnt sell well because of the price

>> No.588570

I was under the impression OOT MQ worked with n64 emulators... wonder if someone ripped the game from the GC OOT/MQ disc, if it'd work with n64 emulators.

>> No.588564


>> No.588574

Fail in the western market. Everything seems to succeed in the Japanese market, no matter how ridiculous it may appear.

>> No.588701

Not necessarily.

I'm pretty sure that's all the MQ N64 roms are, just rips from the GC release. That disk literally contains just emulators and roms, so there's no reason it wouldn't be able to run on the real thing/emulation.

>> No.588753

I really really want to play the Simcity game for the 64DD.

>> No.588767

This may come as a surprise, but there's no reason to.

>> No.588773

>That disk literally contains just emulators and roms
That's exactly why I mentioned it. So there is a working rip then? Personally I played MQ on my GC & never bothered looking if there was a valid working rip for emulators before.

>> No.588780 [DELETED] 

Furfag spotted

>> No.588819

Yes. I've played it before, works great.

>> No.588870 [DELETED] 


>> No.588928 [DELETED] 

Yes, i am in >>>/vr/ furfag
How about you?

>> No.588949

Ironically, very few Japs make good emulators because they prefer closed source.

Only two I know of that have any relevance are Ootake and Xebra.

>> No.588951 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 295x249, 1290301614686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats this all about now?

>> No.588952

The other day I literally cried watching a n64 dd review. I kept remembering how badly I wanted that thing, even if it was just to make F Zero X tracks.

>> No.588961
File: 69 KB, 534x400, Stop Shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Emulation is about making what amounts to a digital copy of hardware. Something that processes data from a ROM in the same (or very similar) fashion as the original console. Because games are built to work on consoles, the smallest errors can cause major glitches, crashes, or simply outright not running. A square peg in a round hole basically.

This is why a GBA or a DS can have rather low specs compared to a computer, but require a lot of processing power to run. The processing power needed to allow emulators to work is so high because the program has to process the ROM data in very specific ways.

If we don't know how something's guts work, then it's near impossible to create an emulator for it.

>> No.588967 [DELETED] 

The shitpost will still shitpost though, and since this is /v/, it will never stop/

>> No.588971

It was semi-cancelled late in development. They realised too late that it was going to be a bad idea since it didn't add a whole lot to them system for how much it was going to cost. The disks were the same size as carts, 64MB. Instead of scrapping it entirely, they tried to recoup as much as they could by selling it in Japan through mail order. No advertising or marketing of any kind outside that. Only sold around 15,000 units.

There was a mod to port the included tracks from the expansion into the standard F Zero ROM. As far as I know, there were plans to include the editor as well, but it got abandoned.

Because a lack of interest has lead to there being very little understood about the system, and because there's so little understood about it it's difficult to drum up interest. I believe someone was successful in getting some very basic 64DD functionality emulated, but nothing that could play the games without a lot more extensive work. There was also a more recent attempt at trying to get the 64DD emulated on an FPGA, so it could be used on a flashcart, but the person doing all the work ran into too many issues, not limited to being unable to even obtain full dumps of the system.

>> No.589004

or the west at all actually

>> No.589002

the famicom disk system was never even released in the US

>> No.589001

>You will never play the fully realized Ocarina of Time

>> No.589030

there is a working rip of it, works fine on emulators, but I think it would have major slow down issues on a real N64 due to the graphical updates they gave it

>> No.589047

I'd played it on a real N64, it plays fine. Funny story, I was showing a few friends a picture of me playing it, and I managed to convince one of them I had access to a beta cart of Master Quest.

>> No.589056

They didn't give it any graphical updates, they just changed a couple hud textures and text to match with GCN controllers.

>> No.589064

It's too bad, really.
A dungeon editor would have been cool.

>> No.589081

>I'd played it on a real N64
>I was showing a few friends a picture of me playing it
>doesn't post said pic here
yeah, really convincing there

>> No.589103

I've lost the pic since then. I have a flashcart, it's nothing special. Look, here's a video of someone playing it.


>> No.589135

why do you people take what was said about a game in it's alpha stages to be gospel of what it would be like, games often change drastically between what leaks about it in the early stages and the final product. Also the "dungeon editor" was probably there for the developers themselves and not even actually planned to be in the game at all, it seems like it would clash with the whole idea of the zelda games actually

>> No.589202

>interviews about ura zelda
>specifically said a dungeon editor toolset was to be included with it

>> No.589245

well either way, this constant "bawww we didn't get the "real" version of OoT, travesty to mankind, blah blah blah" is rediculous, why whine about what could have been, when what we DID get is considered one of the best games of it's era, this sort of whining only makes sense if the game was shit

>> No.589246

I read an article that said the 720 would smash the ps4 because of its kinect 2.0. God I hate Microsoft fan boys. But anyway, the move is fun.
On topic I would want to see what OoT would be like with its expansion.

>> No.589280

Huh. The more you know.

>> No.589357

>Ironically, very few Japs make good emulators because they prefer closed source.
not true at all, there are actually quite a few good japanese emulators, the reason people complain about it isn't because the emulators are bad, but because they can't be openly developed and modified, and also because a lot of jap developers give up and leave them to stagnate

>> No.589424

You do know what closed source means right?

>> No.589454

I'm not whining about what could have been. I think OoT turned out great. It is however a fact that the game was changed quite because of 64DD's failure.

>> No.589464


>> No.589481

The disk card was patented in the US, but the system was never adapted for our market or produced. I think by that time, they had realized how bad piracy could get and how shittily the consumer would treat the disks, and opted to go with passwords, and later battery and SRAM in the carts instead.


>> No.589502

Kinect didnt flop, sadly.

>> No.589504

In the end, it probably turned out for the better. Almost all NES cartridges are still working perfectly today, unlike FDS systems and FDS disks.

>> No.589513

true that

I feel lucky that none of my FDS games have succumbed to bit rot (this is apparently worse on pirate disks though, so maybe I'm not all that surprised)

thankfully, most FDS hardware problems reported nowadays are just due to a worn out belt, which is an easy fix

a belt swap was the first thing i did to my FDS when i got it, and it runs like new

>> No.589517

>FDS systems
>Famicom Disk System systems
Fuck, I need to sleep.

>> No.589524

I just writemodded my FDS and rewrite any disks I have that stop being readable.

>> No.589562

Do you mean the modding/hacking scene? It's quite successful there.

I know millions or something sold, but all the units I see in people's homes are always covered in dust. Having no gaems doesn't help.

>> No.589568

I was talking about sales. The thing is terrible, but it sold.

>> No.589572
File: 17 KB, 250x299, 1751015-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo dropped the ball when it came to the disk design. If only they had a metal cover like most floppy disks a lot of the longevity issues would have been resolved.

Many disks got broken, and this was only released in Japan, where people are generally more careful with their stuff. Just imagine how quickly they would break in NA or Europe.

At least they have a nice case, though.

>> No.589590

It's the same as the Wii, in that aspect.

Many people bought them, but then never use them once something else(Smartphones) gets their attention. The casual market is very finicky, and this is biting Nintendo in the ass now with the Wii U(along with no marketing/gaems)

>> No.589592

They were all pretty decent, but think of it - GameCube was right around the corner, there were no games planned, an yeah, the price, as well as the subscription to the online service (which was apparently pretty good.)

They pretty much just put it on the market to recoup what they had spent developing it. Sad, too, because just looking at the list of games planned for it makes me want to go back in time and slap whoever was in charge of Nintendo back then.

>> No.589607
File: 220 KB, 784x935, Blue_famicom_disk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the disks did have a cover, but they didn't bother for most to save on costs. At least plenty of shops offered a rewrite service.

>> No.589634

From what I've read, they made ~100,000 64DD units, and sold ~15,000. The rest were basically scrapped.

They might have sold them to get back a small percentage of what they spent making them, as they wouldn't have made 100k units for the kind of release they went with.(subscription service)

>> No.589803

Because it could have been even better, nigger. I love OOT, but the lost bits make me sad

If you get a porchse, you're gonna do a little bit of whining if it was almost a spaceship.

>> No.589997

It's sucky how reverse engineering something seems to be so hard with out a boat load of money behind it.

>> No.590006

because it was cancelled and never came out? why isn't there a snescd?

>> No.590021

There is.
It's called the Playstation

>> No.590035

It's a very complicated issue, but the basic jist was, the deal they had with Sony broke down. They made another deal with Philips (and why we got the horrible cdi Zelda's and Mario games) that also fell thru. By the time everything was said and done the N64 was coming up, and Sony took the tech to make the Playstation so they just gave up on it.