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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 406 KB, 1090x490, Screen Shot 2013-05-01 at 5.23.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
588119 No.588119 [Reply] [Original]

what is this

>> No.588132

>Item Condition: Acceptable

Gets me every time.

>> No.588135
File: 6 KB, 160x160, 1345890218191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Item condition

>> No.588136

>Item condition: Acceptable

Fuck, I'd hate to see one in poor condition.

>> No.588139

Gee, Dumbass! It looks like a LoZ MM Cart with damage

>> No.588141


It's acceptable, apparently.


>> No.588145
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some nigga put this game up for 75 dollars on ebay last week.
It was "Used-Good Condition".

Look at it.
Just do it. Click it. I dare you.

>> No.588143


Woah, eBay is so hip!

>> No.588151


I'm guessing the game itself at least plays with no problems. Isn't that all that really matters in the end?

>> No.588158

Plastic chunks are broken off, that ain't acceptable.

>> No.588160
File: 727 KB, 1600x1200, ohgodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one. It's not as bad because we have the power of isopropyl alcohol.

>> No.588162

Of course not dipshit, that cartridge is in ABSOLUTE GARBAGE UNACEPTABLE condition.

>> No.588163


If the game can actually be played with no issues then of course it's acceptable. Why else would you be buying the game?

>> No.588170

If it was like that I'd rather emulate it.

>> No.588182

its ultra rare oriogonal Zelda fur teh oriogonial nintono

>> No.588183

Acceptable would be something like the sticker peeled off; you could just print a new one. Acceptable is not "I smashed the game cartridge with a hammer because I got mad at it".

>> No.588184


>emulating N64 games

And besides, you'll be playing the game on the actual hardware. The gameplay itself won't be affected if the game itself so came from a box that was still factory wrapped (that is only assuming of course that the internal chip isn't damaged in some way like the seller seemingly claims)

>> No.588192

>(that is only assuming of course that the internal chip isn't damaged in some way like the seller seemingly claims)
And that is why I wouldn't even go for it because it is too much of a risk, and since it is a gaping hole even more dust can settle inside.

>> No.588194


Oh jeez, THOSE kind of parents. No wonder it's covered in ink. Their special little flawless angel can draw on whatever he wants while doing no harm.

>> No.588201


But it just looks like the top part of the plastic has been damaged. The actual chip does not fill the entire cartridge so there's a good chance that it is unaffected. Hence, "Acceptable". Some electrical tape on top of there and it will probably last quite a while longer for someone to play on.


electrical tape should cover pretty well

>> No.588204


Bro, the amount of impact that would fuck that cartridge up HAD to have caused shock damage to the board inside. I see what you're saying on the emulation thing but I wouldn't trust abused hardware for shit.

>> No.588206


That's "acceptable" under Ebay's rating system. Still functional.

>> No.588207


well, it probably WAS his game. you seem to imply he defaced a priceless work of art or something

>> No.588209

If I had to look for a valuable reason, it would be written because they couldn't steal the games from you.

>> No.588215

Eh I was more or less implying that people who switch a letter in their kids name just to make it "unique" rarely discipline them to treat their things with the same "value" they're held to be to the world but I guess your way works too.

>> No.588261

I'm confused, why are you defending this? Even if it's acceptable by eBay's standards, it's not acceptable by any sane person's standards, especially not for that price.

>> No.588281


I'm Euro so I just assumed Jaryd was a regular American name. I actually wrote my name on some of my games too back in the day (used the awesome sticker labler though from dad's work) since I was often bringing my games over to various friend's house and since we'd all do this things could easily get swapped up


I was gonna counter this with how in this case the top part is really all that might have been damaged until I noticed that the light on the cartridge seems to imply that it's completely buckled in so I guess not

>> No.588291

This guy must be laughing his ass off knowing gamers like you would rage if this shit sells.

>> No.588295

>it's not acceptable by any sane person's standards

except for people who just want to play the game on actual hardware?

>especially not for that price.

i don't disagree but used video game pricing is such a mess these days that i really can't even be upset by it

>> No.588297 [DELETED] 

hahah op is a fucking faggot

>> No.588307


Because the only "acceptable" it needs to fall under is eBay's system to be rated as acceptable on eBay.

>> No.588320

No, if someone were to want to play the game on the actual hardware, you're not going to pay 20 bucks for a cartridge that's smashed. Even if it's cosmetic, you've got to be a complete fucking retard to want to buy that.

If someone's going to buy a cartridge, I guarantee you they're going to buy an intact cartridge, not a smashed on that looks that sketchy.

I'm not talking about the eBay rating. This guy's saying that that's an acceptable condition for a cartridge. eBay condition ratings are bullshit, but to say that a smashed cartridge like that is acceptable in general is just stupid.

>> No.588335

How the hell does that even happen?

>> No.588327

Acceptable is the lowest it can be rated. On eBay, "acceptable" means too bad to be called "good."

>> No.588329

Anyone got the picture of EarhBound with the brand in the back of the cartridge?

>> No.588341

>that is acceptable in general is just stupid.

Which is an entirely subjective thing. The only thing that matters is Ebay's definition of it. If you can plug that shit in your console and have it play with no issues then how can it not be considered "acceptable"?

>> No.588346


looks like he stepped on it

>> No.588352

Because it's a hideously deformed cartridge and would be considered in bad condition by everyone who's not eBay.

>> No.588360


He didn't write "ACCEPTABLE CONDITION" in a text box you fucking ape, he chose it from a list of conditiond provided by eBay. And based on the parameters he was given, the cart is acceptable.

You know "acceptable" isn't considered a good rating, right?

>> No.588404

Acceptable condition usually tends to nothing but the game. No box, no manual, nothing.

Wasn't there another below acceptable, "For parts or not working?" could of sworn i'd listed some stuff like that.

>> No.588426


There is, but this cart may be functioning.

>> No.588457


and everyone who just wants to play the game on a N64


well that is only what one can assume from the rating if this New Jersey man is a trustworthy person

>> No.588459 [DELETED] 

A shitty Zelda game getting what it deserves, honestly.

>ib4 mah childhoods

>> No.588465

And I'm sure the arc of lightning that rockets out of the top of the cartridge during gameplay is a "feature".

>> No.588483

If it didn't work when you bought it, return it.

eBay is really biased towards the buyer, no?

>> No.588487

>Asspine about the ebay term "acceptable"
If I remember right you can't list it lower than that for working items.

>> No.588497

Wait can that happen? I've tested/played on busted carts like in the OPs pic and never experienced that.

>> No.588506



>> No.588531

Let me end this here:

>> No.588532

happened to me once, luckily I happened to have a magic sword with me so it absorbed the blast

>> No.588535
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>item condition: Acceptable

>> No.588536

>Perfectly fine game gets shat on by /vr/ because autism

>> No.588551
File: 2 KB, 77x77, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's extremely unsanitary and not only dust but a fucking cockroach could crawl in there

want me to pay an extra $5 for fucking duct tape?

Don't misuse "autism"

>> No.588552

>perfectly fine

You deserve to be shat on along with it.

>> No.588553

"Acceptable" is the lowest condition rating you can give a working used item on eBay. The only rating lower is "For parts/not working", and you cannot narrow down search results by that category, so it typically only gets used for things that legitimately don't work.

>> No.588579

>Not just taking a copy of john madden football and putting the game in that
>muh condition

>> No.588580

>because autism
Any normal person wouldn't want that piece of shit in their collection

>> No.588576

This is a bro from /toy/ telling you that all golden MM cadriges suffer from Gold Plastic Syndrome...Unsurprisingly, most copies I´ve seen are chipped or broken from one side or another.

>> No.588587

>Normal person
>Collecting kids games
Yeah, ok.

>> No.588597

There are plenty of college and university young adults out there who like playing/collecting games from their childhood.

>> No.588602


uhm, you don't need an entire roll of duct tape to cover that up


except those who just want to play a great game on it's actual hardware?

>> No.588595 [DELETED] 

Thank you, have a nice day

>> No.588608

Strange, it sent me back here.

Pretty sure they would still have most of those games though.

>> No.588609

Look at some that sold:



>> No.588613

Even then I'm still willing to bet they'd hold out for a copy (that they could probably find at the exact same price because fucking ebay is ridiculous) that doesn't look like that

>> No.588614

You can probably reshell it with a clean sports game, even paint it golden. All MM cadriges are prone to breakage

>> No.588617

Yeah and working at a vintage game store I can tell you they do not give a fuck about condition. Many will buy it play it and trade it back in a few months.

>> No.588624

How come my copy has never ended up like that.

>> No.588630

When you list items on ebay, "acceptable" is the lowest quality option you can select. Though there is a separate text box where you can type "yes, there's a goddamn fucking hole in the case."

>> No.588628
File: 25 KB, 450x232, goldplasticsyndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay Gold Plastic Syndrome!

>> No.588629

how do you even do this? Not a single one of my carts has a crack, let alone a huge missing chunk.

>> No.588631

There you go /vr/o, hope you don´t drop it

>> No.588635 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 780x700, the_3742a3_1455267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No,no, that shit is only don eby young parents who want to make their kid super special because the brat's name is spelled oddly.
Its sort of like how black women add a "De" or "Ja" to a random pile of letter to create a unique "ethnic" name
Dakory, Jamarie, Deonte, etc.

>> No.588637

It's random. It's similar to the yellowing effect on white plastic.
You could hide it in storage for years and it will erode the moment you bring it back out.
You could keep it in a chain smoking home and dunk it in soda and it would be as strong as ever.
It's really all about luck.

>> No.588642


>> No.588645

Somehow I imagine somewhere out there is a kid who told his friend about an secret extra cartridge hidden inside, but you have to break the top open to plug it in.

Ether that or one epic rage-quit.

>> No.588646 [DELETED] 

You know that story is made up, right?

>> No.588647

hey, I heard that in one out of every 1000 MM cartridges, they hid a plastic triforce! Let's smash yours open and see if we got one!

>> No.588658


Oh! So THAT'S what's been happening to our toilet brush. How weird. Make me wonder how old that thing is.

>> No.588661

Since it does nothing but cleans shit, i'd say too old.

>> No.588662 [DELETED] 

It still holds true in spirit because they actually DO do that.
They'll do things like say "Thabisha" is pronounced Tabitha and shit.

>> No.588668

I luld
Yeah, that happens a lot. My copy had two small chips when I bought it, nothing too terrible for apoxie and some gold paint. But maybe I should buy a new shell for it.

>> No.588669

Ever hear something rattling around inside one of your cartridges? It's a secret hidden triforce/chaos emerald/pokeball!

>> No.588676 [DELETED] 


>> No.588683

>break open 7 Sonic the Hedgehog cartridges
>get the 7 chaos emeralds
>go super anon
>fly around and stuff
BRB bulk buying copies of sonic

>> No.588707

" Yes, it is ugly.
Yes, it works excellent!

Cartridge is beat up badly, has no effect on gameplay.
I added tape to the sides to keep it together. Both front and back labels are fine."

Item description
It's being held together with tape

>> No.588709 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 335x473, 1330357081581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It still holds true in spirit

They live among us, they vote, and they breed

>> No.588716 [DELETED] 

Fun fact: I went to high school with a black girl who's name was Raquel. You'd pronounce that Rock-kell, right?

She said it's pronounced Ra-quail. I certainly thought she was simply mispronouncing her name, but she swore to god that that was how her name was pronounced.

>> No.588721
File: 62 KB, 700x466, 4266lump_hammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta catch 'em all!

>> No.588723 [DELETED] 

And I know a girl named Michael and pronounced Ma-kayla.

My name is Michael.

>> No.588730 [DELETED] 

>She said it's pronounced Ra-quail.

that's how I would honestly pronounce it as well

>> No.588738 [DELETED] 

That bitch is just stupid then. There's no way Michael could be pronounced as Makayla in any stretch of the word.

>> No.588746 [DELETED] 

Negro spotted.

>> No.588757

It can't just be 7 sonic 1 carts though, you have to break open all 7 different genesis sonics.

>> No.588771 [DELETED] 

Then it would've been spelled R'quille.

>> No.588772 [DELETED] 



>> No.588778 [DELETED] 

It's a broken version of a shitty game, that's what it is.

I'd buy that cart just to fully destroy it.

>> No.588787 [DELETED] 


>> No.588793 [DELETED] 

your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.588806 [DELETED] 

Say the dash, but the 'g' is silent

>> No.588818 [DELETED] 

Furfags spotted

>> No.588823 [DELETED] 
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>> No.588808 [DELETED] 


>> No.588810 [DELETED] 


>> No.588831 [DELETED] 


>> No.588832 [DELETED] 
File: 489 KB, 200x113, 1356854544600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dayumn, gurl let me get ma note pad, I need to write dis shit down.

>> No.588856 [DELETED] 

Well, this thread was fucking awful.

Way to go guys, keeping /v/ in the heart.

>> No.588863 [DELETED] 

You people are /v/, don't act all high and mighty just because you got an r in your name now.

Same goes for /vg/ and(as horrible as it is) /vp/

>> No.588874

>Condition: Acceptable
>Top of the cart looks like it's been smashed in with a hammer.
And that's why I no longer buy from ebay.

>> No.588871

I think I'm gonna puke

>> No.588886 [DELETED] 

>You people are /v/

You wish. /vr/ can discuss video games. /v/ can't even shitpost properly. /vr/ is and will always be infinitely better than /v/ simply because /v/ can't handle themselves without shitting all over something.

>> No.588890 [DELETED] 
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>> No.588902

sure, the game probably still works, but the game isn't by any means rare, and the case is broken, $21.99 is still too much for it

>> No.588907 [DELETED] 


>> No.588920 [DELETED] 

god, people like you makes me hate the human race, stop assuming things about people based on ridiculous things

>> No.588948 [DELETED] 

Just a daily reminder that /vr/ is /v/ and always will be.

Your reports just make it all the more truthful.

>> No.588981
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>> No.589049 [DELETED] 

Just a daily reminder that /vr/ is /v/ and always will be.

Your reports just make it all the more truthful and the fact that the butthurt janitors placed a bann request on me because of this message makes it funny.

>> No.589074

I hated that game with a fiery passion... Still have no idea why it's so well liked over Ocarina.

>> No.589082
File: 2 KB, 80x80, Haha I just stole money from a kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go...!

>> No.589095

I'm sorry, I just FUCKING hated it. In the year 2000 I was playing games like Deus Ex and Starcraft: BW and then this THING comes out and it's just like 1 long sidequest after another. I want to save Hyrule, not Termina McMoonPenisFace land I don't care about. FUCKING hated that game.

>> No.589096
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>> No.589960


I'm sorry, you have fucking awful tastes.

>> No.589968

Nothing awful about disliking 3D Zeldas.

>> No.589982

Tastes are subjective. What now?

>> No.589993

>two games in six don't take place in hyrule

You are what is wrong with Zelda.

>> No.590016

I make no apologies for not liking games I don't find enjoyable. I felt no connections to the characters and couldn't give a shit about the moon killing them all. Good riddance. Let me go back to Hyrule where it's fun.

>> No.590053

They could have renamed "Termina" into "Hyrule" and thrown Zelda in for 3 seconds and MM would have more in common with OoT's setting that the original Legend of Zelda did. That's a weak argument.

I like MM because it offers the best gameplay in the series. It could take place in South Dakota for all I cared.

>> No.590083

The story didn't grip me. I felt like it was just one long sidequest while I wanted to get back to Hyrule. And the whole three day time limit thing that you had to constantly worry about and go back in time and redo crap and slow down time and yadda yadda just felt like such a pain in the ass. I'm sorry, I've tried to play the game like 3 times since childhood on emulators and I just cannot do it. The beginning where you're a Deku Scrub is some of the worst crap I remember not wanting to deal with. Just let me have my sword and shield and start fighting.

>> No.590091

>Guy states his opinion and sticks to it
>That's a weak argument.

Get the fuck out of here. You've got no place to say whether someone's opinion is good or bad. It's his. Leave it at that.

>> No.590141
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>> No.590697

Holy hell, are you me? That pretty much sums up my entire feeling about MM. ESPECIALLY the Deku Scrub shit. Fight the good fight, anon. You are not alone. MM is shit.

>> No.590713



C'mon guys, we're not the FF fanbase. Almost all the Zelda games are good.

>> No.590727
File: 92 KB, 831x1069, Bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting into the Mega Man games late is suffering.

Also not /vr/ but I was on ebay today looking for Star Fox Assault and it was posted as a rare game.

>> No.590756

It's not his opinion that I think is bad, just his argument. Learn the difference.

>> No.590809

Is there anything worthwhile here?


>> No.590924


>> No.590953

I spot 3 worthwhile games, and 80 bucks for that is insulting.

>> No.590954

My argument was, and is, that I didn't feel gripped by the story, didn't enjoy the early game, and didn't care for the characters and setting. Why? It wasn't entertaining to me. Why wasn't it entertaining? The stuff in the game just wasn't my cup of tea. There ya go.

>> No.590958

Sorry, yeah, there are a couple games that are worth playing, but not for that price.

>> No.590963

Thanks, anon bro. I just could not get into that game at any point in time. I tried less than 6 months ago on an emulator and I still hated it. I still maintain that if Deus Ex had not come out in the same year I wouldn't hate it nearly as much. I was spoiled.

>> No.591003
File: 71 KB, 480x640, 11andsomechange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there hasn't been worse
>implying it didn't sell for $11 and some change

4 bidders. One week auction. Makes me sick to my stomach.

>> No.591006


I recall the back being missing, but I can't find the photo

>> No.591191

I'd say that for 11 it's not a bad deal, you can always get a donor cart for $2 and put it in there.