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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5873605 No.5873605 [Reply] [Original]

I need to force myself to play Seiken Dentesu 3// trials of mana, for the snes.
Please help me get hyped about this game.

>> No.5873629
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He analyzes the game well.

>> No.5873630

the games ok

>> No.5873649

>I need to force myself to play Seiken Dentesu 3
No you don't and the belief that until you've played Internet Hivemind Approved Retro Game That Normies Have Never Heard Of then you are not a True Gamer™ is total bullshit.
Boot up the game, play it for a little bit. If you like it, keep playing. If not, play something else. Or don't even bother to try it in the first place; no big deal.

>> No.5873670


>> No.5874130


>> No.5874136

It has a branching class system. Riesz is cutre.

>> No.5874140

If you have to force yourself to play a videogame then you are doing it wrong.

>> No.5874147

its highly regarded as the best game on the snes. ive beaten it 4 times in my life and get hype every time i start it up. playing it on sd2snes is magical. get a crt and go to town my friend.

>> No.5874163

eat me you bitch made faggot

>> No.5874181

>no, i didn't play the game and i hate when other people enjoy things
why didn't you just say so? back to your hole with you :^)

>> No.5874183

>the games ok
Honestly it's far superior than shitty gay ass Chrono Trigger

>> No.5874203
File: 27 KB, 640x400, Tom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only nice thing I can say about this game is that it's ambitious with it's class system and scenario options. Aside from that, the whole thing feels more like a fan-made sequel that ultimately doesn't live up to the polish and direction of it's predecessor. Probably most jarring is the party management menu, it's just so ugly and clunky, and takes forever to do anything in it. I just didn't feel as invested as the characters either, except rogue guy in exile from his kingdom for being framed for murder was actually pretty interesting. I get the feeling that cleric kid was supposed to be endearing, but just came off as painfully obnoxious instead.

Overall the fact that they took an approach similar to Live-A-Live was pretty impressive in terms of story path options and party load-outs. Still, I just didn't feel as invested in Trials' group of six as I did the rag tag trio from Secret.

>> No.5874213

make sure you use the bug fix patch.

>> No.5874223

lemme sum up your post since this painfully obvious critique came from someone that played for less then a couple hours since its common sense that secret of mana 1 sucks in comparison to seiken densetsu 3.

-you liked hawke
-you chose the little girl and expected a cool character because you're a fucking pedophile
-you didnt like the menus

yup that about sums it up. try harder next time.

>> No.5874704


>> No.5874761


>> No.5874767

If I generally like action RPGs, but hate Secret of Mana because of its bad controls, will I like SD3? Does it fix the glaring problems of SoM?

>> No.5874779

play it with retroarch's run ahead second for perfect latency and smooth input.

>> No.5874794

Wow, people are really sensitive on this board.

>> No.5874895
File: 2.05 MB, 640x558, Pink Typhoon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something to get hyped about

>> No.5874910

are you fucking kidding me?
i hope they removed this in the newest version?
cant remember this was ever in the old snes version at all?

>> No.5874976

>i hope they removed this in the newest version
you americucks sure are sensitive

>> No.5874978

it was.
>i hope they removed this in the newest version?
are you.. are you a 60 year old woman against fertile younger women or something?
Wow, people are really trying to bait for replies on this board.

>> No.5875020

oof, i am not a americacuck, i grew up with no borders at all in my mind, fuck off drumpftard.

>> No.5875108

Anon, a wise man once said "If it's not fun, why bother?"
Think about that, and don't force yourself to play games you don't like.

>> No.5875112

>I need to force myself to play Seiken Dentesu 3// trials of mana

>> No.5875118

I don't get why people like you come here of all places to shit up threads on purpose. Is this a /v/ thing? Does someone have a grudge against /vr/ for whatever reason? What the fuck is going on

>> No.5875128

listen dude,
i am a selfproclaimed protector of the internet, laugh as much as you want but consider this, i am not alone, we are many and we will daily do our best to go deep into all the boards and spread more diversity and love for all people, social fairness and fight all the sexsim and bigotry we find. It doesn't matter how small it is, no matter how much we have to fight, no matter the detail, we will do it. We will come to every corner, localizations, fan translations, dubs and subs, youtube comments, chans, metascore and even if it is just a little change, it is worth it for a new future!

one day you will understand, either you follow and keep shut, or you will go down in your own depression when you notic there is nothing you can do!

you want to know why this thread is slow and doesn't get any attention?
because we do not want you to play an old game with all these patriach stereotypes, we do not want to have this be played at all, enough with the fun in video games!

now watch how little you can do.

>> No.5875156

Nice pasta nigger

>> No.5875226

what patch

>> No.5875334


>> No.5875340

here's a pre patched rom. english with bug fixes

>> No.5875370

I already know how faggots like you operate. You suck at what you do

>> No.5875583


>> No.5875972
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>this painfully obvious critique came from someone that played for less then a couple hours
I'm guilty as charged. The mechanics felt almost identical to Sword of Mana for the GBA, I figured I learned everything I needed to know about what the gameplay would be like. Was I right? I guess I'll go back and at least finish a playthru though out of curiosity.
>you liked hawke
>You chose the little girl and expected a cool character because you're a fucking pedophile
No, now you're just projecting, just because the pedos on this board are vocal doesn't mean everyone is one. The choice was because I guessed the fighter-black mage-white mage archetypes would cover the widest scope of build options.
>you didn't like the menus
I very much didn't, what did you think of them?

>> No.5876032

Does this work on the official Trials of Mana rom, or only the english patch?

>> No.5876042

The combat sucks.

>> No.5876043

why are you playing the game in nip retard

>> No.5876071

What are you talking about, I mean the english rom extracted from the collection

>> No.5876140

just download the prepatched rom fruitcake

>> No.5876141

One thing to get hyped for is how beautiful the soundtrack is. I don't think this aspect of the game gets the appreciation it deserves. Whenever this game is discussed it's always the graphics or the class system that's gets praise, but I never see anyone talk about the soundtrack. Anyway, here's a few examples:


>> No.5877112

no, go away with your shitty fan translation.
continue to play the officl. version from the collection.

>> No.5877685


>> No.5877691

You only had two more letters to go. Dont play me like that

>> No.5877812

You'd probably rather play the original Breath of Fire 2, too.

Fucking fruitcake.

>> No.5877846

>playing the bug fix patch without rebalancing the game accordingly.
Makes for a terrible experience.
Play the vanilla game and then the rebalance/difficulty patch on like normal for a different experience where mages are useful because you can skip spell animations and don't get rapidly outpaced.

>> No.5877857

>rebalance the game to adjust for the mechanics fixed by the bug patch, that were intended to work from the start

>> No.5877867

I like secret of evermore more of only for the setting

>> No.5877935


>> No.5877960

It never ceases to amaze me how shit official localization teams are.

>> No.5877963

i like it, idk what your problem is

>> No.5877972
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ok r̶e̶t̶a̶r̶d̶ buddy

>> No.5877990

play what ever version you like, niggerfaggot

>> No.5877992

>no japanese to compare to
what's the fucking point?

>> No.5878012


>> No.5878013

The new official release reads like it was run through google translate and some guy just rearranged the words so they sort of make sense.

it made the beast race weirdly more political too

>> No.5878069

Yes anon. The game's balance is unironically worse with the pure bug fix patch. The creator himself even admits that he didn't really try with certain parts like pointing spells to have certain effects just because they game claimed they did so even if the effect did nothing.

Anything would sound more political when the fan translation made the beastmen sound like cave men when they didn't sound that way in jp.

>> No.5878123


>> No.5878664

There are games where due to ignorance of the existence of a bug, the designers ended up balancing around the bugged values when doing playtesting which means fixing it would lead to unintended behaviour.

An example would be the Dagger damage formula in FF5 - because of a fuck up, damage is lower than what it would be otherwise, but if you use a patch to fix it, what ends up happening is that Daggers become so ridiculously powerful it ends up being the best weapon type in the game which doesn't seem intentional given the usual weapon design ethos of the FF series - future versions of FFV (GBA, Mobile) in fact retain the bugged Dagger formula calculation despite implementing other bug fixes or changes.

In SD3 case, having Criticals implemented makes the game ridiculously swingy with people randomly one shotting each other

>> No.5878702
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Yeah, you no longer have a charge meter to attack, you can run infinitely, it doesn't have bugs like the void, no more chore of a weapon system, and the story and characters are just much better. Interesting things from its predecessor like the cannon travel, monster designs, and some music samples are reused.

>> No.5878706

get blacked faggot

>> No.5878707
File: 130 KB, 800x501, riesz angela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also disable layers to see her naked in bed.