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5870263 No.5870263 [Reply] [Original]

Happy anniversary to my first Final Fantasy game.

>> No.5870304

Happy anniversary. DESU I liked a lot when I played it when I was around 9, but sadly the copy sucked and couldn't get past Edea onto Disk 2.
When I tried it on steam several years later I made it to Balamb Hotel (Fight against Raijin and Fuujin when you get Pandemona) and couldn't play afterwards (moving to a new house, among other things), I still have my save file in there, I don't mind the junction system, and while it's tedious to draw many spells, I actually am enjoying the story.
Besides, this was Nomura's top-tier designs, it wasn't old school nineties anime, it was pretty nice imho. I dislike his more stylized and questionably proportionated designs from the Mid 2000's to this day.
All and all, I like the game in aesthetic, gameplay and plot (I know the story is kinda bad, but it's FF, I like my shonen fantasy from time to time).

What's more, If I could live in a FF world, as much as I like FFVII's cyberpunk world, I'm fine with FFVIII's, like FFXV, it's like real life with one or two neat tricks.

>> No.5870310

I got to NORG and then dropped the game because I didn't know how to beat him.

>> No.5870412

My first run of the game was in 1999/2000 when I was in grade 6. I died to Norg and then grinded in the training center until 70+ and beat him. I don't think at the time that I knew that the mobs/bosses scaled with you.

>> No.5870413

Why celebrate mediocrity?

>> No.5870440

I was planning to play it but I heard the history xas lazy and not congruent.

I heard FF5/6 and 9 way better.

>Your opinion?

>> No.5870446

Honestly, 1/2/3/4/9 are the mediocre retro titles.

>> No.5870453

So much ppl praise the 9 like the best RPG EVER, why?

>> No.5870714

9 is good, but it didnt do anything special. It is mediocre in every way. Vivi is a great character though.

>> No.5870721

People praise IX because it didn't do anything special. It was a return to form after FF7 and 8 were steering into sci-fi trappings when people wanted a classic high-fantasy approach.

>> No.5870741

hummm, I see.

>What do you think about the 10 that is taking it's origin in Asian culture (East-Asia in particular)?

>> No.5870750

I know. It returning to the roots doesn't mean that it wasn't mediocre though. It was a good game, and a good addition to the series, BUT, it was mediocre by all standards.

>> No.5870753

Not by ALL standards. The graphics were top tier for its generation, and the soundtrack is as incredible as it is massive. And I don't care what people say, it's got some great characters like Vivi, Steiner, and even Zidane - who is friendly and upbeat - is a big breath of fresh air compared to typical RPG protagonists.

>> No.5870961

>It was a return to form

No it wasn't. Every character was class-locked and couldn't be developed any other way. The vast majority of FF games up until that point had rich class or ability systems.

Even the aesthetics were very different. This was the first FF game to use this character and world design, which later appeared in Crystal Chronicles. I'm not dissing it - I did in fact like the graphics style of both games. It just has nothing to do with classic FF.

>> No.5871000

>any final fantasoy

>> No.5871027

Just because you dislike something that is popular it does not mean that you're smart.

>> No.5871043

trips o' truth

>> No.5871430


>> No.5871554

FFIX is good and mediocre

>> No.5871901

Because 90% of them haven't actually played it. 9 has arguably the worst gameplay of the retro games barring maybe 2, and the cast outside of the main four are useless and irrelevant

>> No.5873218

I don't disagree. I love 9 (especially Vivi) but it is definitely mediocre.

>> No.5873269

>Nomura's top-tier designs
I am kind of conflicted about Selphie's design. On one hand, she is cute and with her tube dress you get to see some pantsu during victory animations. On the other hand, it's hard to consider he an elite soldier considering she wears a tube a dress.

>> No.5873417

Why is this one talked about so much less than VII?

>> No.5873418

Because VII is more popular and has an upcoming remake which leads to newer talking points. VIII gets a lot more threads and discussion than IX, though.

>> No.5873423

Controversial gameplay.

Kind of like II but for different reasons.

>> No.5873430

>Why is this one talked about so much less than VII?
Because the writing fucking sucks. When the game writes itself into a corner, it pulls ridiculous plot twists like convenient bouts of amnesia to put everything back on track.

In terms of quality, FF7's story may be on par with fan fiction, but it doesn't have nearly as many plot holes, inconsistencies and deus ex machinas as 8. Seriously, 8 is the absolute bottom of the barrel for this series.

>> No.5873551

> it pulls ridiculous plot twists like convenient bouts of amnesia to put everything back on track.
Sounds a lot like Cloud's amnesia.