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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1012 KB, 3917x2108, 2420173-n64_console_set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5866381 No.5866381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is every fucking game on this thing complete dogshit?

>> No.5866382

because it was made for tiny children

>> No.5866384

>we're back to our regular schedule of anti-n64 threads

>> No.5866385

sonyggers are obsessed.
they know their games are not as iconic as saturn or n64 ones.

>> No.5866387

Trick question op, the nshitty4 has no games.

>> No.5866391
File: 23 KB, 1280x473, format.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is every fucking movie on this format complete dogshit?

>> No.5866393
File: 23 KB, 369x368, th...thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing but babby games for autists and trashy fps for western dudebros

>> No.5866402

I remember selling my PS1 for an N64 and experiencing first hand the fact the N64 had a shit library. What a fucking mistake that was.

>> No.5866406

Nice samefagging.

>> No.5866407

My wife's son loves his ps classic

>> No.5866417

That is fucking tragic.

>> No.5866419

They weren't all shit. SOme third party game were good, like Golden eye. RE2 was fucking wizardry for the time.
The problem with N64 is that it was design for children and most Nintendo games were absolute shit compared to anything on the market.

>> No.5866463

it's only a bad console if you were a loser with no friends

>> No.5866507

uhhh bro n64 is one of the best retro consoles

>> No.5866539

It's Saturday & little Timmy is home from school.

>> No.5866542

>huge, bulky controller
>it was made for tiny children
ok mang....

>> No.5866543

N64 was a multiplayer console for many-friended Chad gamers. Single player N64 was something I almost never experienced

>> No.5866548

What third fucking world language is this

>> No.5866569

Nonsense, I was a loser and N64 was a fine single player console.

>> No.5866589

It's technically correct - the best kind of correct!

>> No.5866847

Oh wow, a 5th gen console war thread? Never saw one before on /vr/!
I'm fucking glad you kids aren't allowed to bring your 6th gen shitfest here.

>> No.5866889

>A new thread shitting on the gamecube made on an hourly basis,

>> No.5866895

PC gamers also became more obnoxious during that era (as you can peep through Half-Life threads). 6th gen on /vr/ would be disastrous.

>> No.5866960

>jet force gemini is dogshit

>> No.5866961

Well it is.

>> No.5866968

>replying to console war threads

>> No.5867039


>> No.5867040

Dogshit games for dogshit system.

>> No.5867060

it's pretty bad

>> No.5867061

fuck... you convinced me.

>> No.5867063

Stephen King:
The N64 isn't good, The N64 isn't bad, The N64 is dead,

>> No.5867064

Honest question: were there any bad 1st party (Nintendo) or 2nd party (Rare, HAL etc) games?

I loved the ones I had.

Wasn't Goldeneye 2nd party or am I fundamentally not understanding wtf 1st, 2nd and 3rd party games are?

>> No.5867065

based zoomer who just got into S. King due to the new it movie

>> No.5867069

All of them were bad honestly.

>> No.5867070

Is it any good? the first part was decent
Basically every game I played on N64 was awesome, all one dozen of them.

>> No.5867073

If you say so. I had many, many fun afternoons, evenings and nights beating the fuck out of my friends on Smash and Mario Kart and getting the fuck beaten out of me on everything else. Fun times, man. Fun times.

>> No.5867075

I had 20something games for mine. It was by far the one for which I owned the fewest games. Even our NeoGeo had more games.

>> No.5867079

>Smash and Mario Kart
Yikes! Anyway what you enjoyed was your friends' company, not those shitty baby games.

>> No.5867080

N64 haters rarely admit the N64 has any good game, so I doubt your honest question will get a honest answer from them.
but as guy who likes his N64 (as I like PS and Saturn, too, ever since the 90s), I'll say Yoshi's Story, while not outright bad, has questionable design choices that wouldn't be really alarming for some other company who isn't known to be masters of platformers, but being a Nintendo 1st party game, Yoshi's Story seems subpar. Mostly due to the overall game design, controls and presentation is top notch, but the way the game is unfolded to the player has some glaring flaws.
Rare did some good job in all of their games, but you'll find criticism for the "collectathon" games and JFG's tribal hunt.
Still, I wouldn't say any of those games are bad.
If you really are saying 1st party N64 games are bad you're just outing yourself as very biased against the system. You can say they're not your cup of tea, but to say they're, like, shiiit, yeah nobody's gonna take you seriously.
The actual worse N64 game I played isn't a N64 exclusive: Sub-Zero Mythologies.

>> No.5867082

now you got me
your neogeo had more games?
don't know whether to crack joke or accept the reality

>> No.5867083

Yeah, probably. Still fun. I guess people w/o friends didn't like N64.

I'm sorry you had no friends. I'd be your friend, but you probably smell like an unfortunate mix of Cheetos, Mtn Dew, BO and halitosis. : (

>> No.5867085

Pretty much everything on the NeoGeo was good, of course it had more games.

>> No.5867087

Never played Yoshi's Story, but I've never heard anything good about it, so I guess there's that.

My brother's, technically, but yeah. There were like 30 games or so that we had.

>> No.5867090

Neo Geo and N64 have the 2 best Golf video games.

>> No.5867093

>Never played Yoshi's Story, but I've never heard anything good about it, so I guess there's that.
It's worth a try if you like cutesy comfy platformers. 5th gen side-scrollers are already rare, and not many of them were really among the best (those belong to 4th gen), so what little is there is worth a try. Story wouldn't really be as bad if it didn't have the stigma to live up to the usual Nintendo design, and being the followup to Yoshi's Island.

>> No.5867095

Don't compare based Neo Turf Masters with your shitty bing bing wahoo golf.

>> No.5867097

>bign bing
yeah I remember when Odyssey released and many /v/ zoomers heard Martinet for the first time.

>> No.5867101
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>dissing Mario Golf just because of /v/-tier nintendo hate
The absolute state of newfags on this board. Go back!

>> No.5867102
File: 179 KB, 564x605, 3ds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bing bing meme has been around longer than that dumbfuck n64babby.

>> No.5867105

It's a shit game, you only like it because it stars your safespace cartoon character.