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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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5861524 No.5861524 [Reply] [Original]

You do use extension cables on your consoles right Anon? You don't want to wear out the plugs do you?

>> No.5861530
File: 484 KB, 474x475, 1529159145214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have extension cables for my mini consoles but it's because the controller cords are so damn short and my couch sits so far away from my tv.

>> No.5861716

It's too bad quality is all over the place across every system. Only reliable one I've had is for the PCE, and probably because I just got a good one and use it on the multitap. The rest are a complete crap shoot. Could be phenomenal, could be total ass. Whether chink shit or officially licensed.

>> No.5861774

During the last three years, my consoles and controllers have been unplugged once. And that was because I moved into new flat, and I am not planning to move anytime within next five years.

>> No.5861948

I'm not some OCD autist so I only ever unplug my controllers during transportation.

>> No.5863230

But they get dusty if you leave them out and plugged in.

>> No.5863232

No one but autists care.

>> No.5863256

Are they really going to incur damage by just pulling them in and out of the port? Btw I just got a shark pad pro 64 for twenty bucks new in the box fucking score?

>> No.5863261

No, i solder them directly to the board

>> No.5863262

Nice anon post pics.

>> No.5863275
File: 429 KB, 1600x912, IMG_20190905_225449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things have a steel Stick that never fucking breaks it's awesome and it doesn't cost a 100 dollars like on stealsticks64.com

>> No.5863403

Not if you actually use them and play games you stupid clueless collectolard scumbag fat retard

>> No.5863412
File: 45 KB, 632x468, sharkpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Those are bad.

>> No.5863413
File: 26 KB, 400x282, Nintendo-64-MakoPad-64-Controller-N64-clear-Mako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thumbsticks themselves are made with cheap plastic, and the steel shaft inside will split the plastic after a while. I have a Mako Pad and had one of the black variants, friend had the black one. Happened to both of mine and his.

>> No.5863415
File: 48 KB, 628x466, superpadblue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's for your pic

>> No.5863416
File: 49 KB, 629x473, superpadyellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another controller of the same model. Fine for RPGs but not shooters or racing. And there aren't too many RPGs

>> No.5863417

Is that the revision 2 model?

>> No.5863425
File: 17 KB, 466x311, 71eOleXcZgL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the N64 anyways.
Friendly reminder that the Hori Minipad, Retrobit Tribute and Retrobit Brawler are even worse.

>> No.5863426

Still that's a lot closer to the original then say the hori pad mini

>> No.5863430

Still I heard these things last for years a lot longer then the hori pad and especially the original

>> No.5863451

What other option is better? the hori pad is more sensitive and the steel sticks that are 100 dollars aren't accurate https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g9ddxMqYFvI

>> No.5863454


>> No.5863464

Those start to wear out and get more sensitive in months if you put a used n64 controller into that test it'll be more sensitive

>> No.5863481 [DELETED] 

Literally a slightly used n64 controller will be more sensitive if any of these steel Stick models stay within that parameter and for way longer then that makes it better test one of your n64 controllers and see if it's not a little off

>> No.5863496

Also you can see that in the other pic the two mako pads have different sensitivity even the new retrobit controllers sensitivity varies from one to the other you'd need to test a lot more before coming to a conclusion

>> No.5863524

I did. They're bad.

>> No.5863561

Correct the shark pad pro came out in 97 addressing the durability issue right on the packaging that means that in less then a year people analog sticks were all ready getting worn out. N64 controllers absolutely lose sensitivity with out breaking heres a shitty youtuber showing that https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cHbix0Qlk-w&t=131s unless your buying mint n64 controllers for 300 dollars every year your useing an n64 controller that's sensitivity is off

>> No.5863578

Even original n64 controllers that have great sticks still won't have perfect sensitivity and depending on what program you use to benchmark it you'll get different results it's not an exact science

>> No.5863590

It just works for me. Youtube lied to you kiddo.
Actually it's science.

>> No.5863606

By saying it just works for you would imply your not making an objective statement which mean your point is not based on science. On another note I have a original n64 controller with a tight stick that I got off eBay and I noticed the left side in game only is more sensitive then the right side is this normal?

>> No.5865708

why the fuck is it so hard to get an N64 controller right?

>> No.5865724

I only ever had problems sneaking in Banjo-Tooie?

>> No.5866943

Cause even Nintendo themselves got it wrong by making the whole thing out of cheap ass plastic.

>> No.5866953

I really don't get it. All you need is a controller with an analogue stick and a six face button setup. Boom, easy.

>> No.5868008

>You don't want to wear out the plugs do you?
I never unplug my controllers anyway, so what's the problem?

>> No.5868019

The problem is that no one uses optical sensors in the analog stick like Nintendo did. That, and the correct spring tension, is what allows the stick to have virtually no deadzone, far more points of detection, and generally feel good to aim a 1:1 reticle on the screen with. Everyone else just uses potentiometers in their sticks and it sucks.