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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 557 KB, 1200x1200, DVdGnqXUQAEEa_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5854868 No.5854868 [Reply] [Original]

How do you really feel about scanlines?

>> No.5854873

I like em extra thicc

>> No.5854874

No but some of these upscaling filters are getting crazy. Should have made a thread about that instead.

>> No.5854876

Only necessary if you have any aesthetic discernment.

>> No.5854885


>> No.5854892

Ever since Analogue changed their scanline settings on Super NT and Mega SG, I have a hard time making them look how I want. I've been playing without, but I was really enjoying how they looked.

>> No.5854951

For me, most scanline filters just don't look good. The problem is the screen gets too dark with half the vertical resolution being cut out, which is something that didn't happen with CRTs because they were calibrated with this in mind.
Maybe it's something that can be fixed on something that takes full advantage of OLED 4K with HDR or something to compensate, but I've never tried one of those out.

However, the main draw of a CRT isn't the scanline look. It's something that doesn't get talked about much, but the biggest benefit is the response time. I'm not even talking about that in terms of having zero input lag. I'm talking about how you can have moving objects on a CRT and they still retain perfect crispness. Meanwhile on flat-screens, things always get smudgy and blurred when moving around, like with text on a dragged window on your PC. Certain panel types are worse about this than others, but they all still have the problem to an extent, and it can be jarring in things like side-scrollers.

>> No.5854976

You're right in general, but you're wrong on some of the particulars. They do look much better with scanlines than any other display does, but CRTs weren't calibrated with displaying 240p signals in mind. And even with a perfect response time a scrolling game won't look as good on a modern display unless it can strobe and can replicate the phosphor behavior of CRTs.

>> No.5854980
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>> No.5854984

You’re in for a rude awakening when you see a modern screen without ghosting. Maybe you have friends that aren’t poor or can visit a nice store some day.

>> No.5854987

>but CRTs weren't calibrated with displaying 240p signals in mind
All standard definition displays show 240 lines at any given instance. Even with 480i, which is just 240 lines alternating 60 times a second.

>> No.5855000

480i isn't 240p.

>> No.5855016 [DELETED] 

Actually, it is. Surprise! The only difference is that the even and odd fields are drawn on to of one another instead of betwixt

>> No.5855069
File: 207 KB, 1440x900, 1553709176495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really depends on both the kind of scanlines and the game.
They're usually not necessary,
but some games heavily relied on the mild blurring effect of CRTs.

In short, sometimes justified.

>> No.5855086

I don't personally care for them, but I can understand the appeal of a well-calibrated 240p CRT

>> No.5855089

>Actually it is the same thing, except it's different! Also, I like to say the word betwixt!

>> No.5855092
File: 41 KB, 345x430, A8E136F2-B7B2-46AF-8BAD-721D5902B485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re a meme. You didn’t actually see scanlines on the average set.

>> No.5855096
File: 37 KB, 345x430, Tri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you weren't paying attention.

>> No.5855129

What about hybrid scanlines?

>> No.5855134
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>> No.5855140

Newfag here, I don't get what the purpose or advantage of scanlines is? If there's a reason for them wouldn't it makes sense for me to apply them vertically too? How do I do that?

>> No.5855145

Games that were designed to be displayed in 3:4 look better with vertical scanlines, i.e. a 90 degree rotated CRT.

>> No.5855274

Every filter has them too dark, and they mean nothing unless combined with a shadow mask / aperture grille.

>> No.5855329

I was, and they’re a meme. You couldn’t see them when sitting a normal distance from the set.

>> No.5855469

Grew up with them. Feel nostalgia for them. Don't go out of my way to emulate them.

>> No.5855541

480i still only displays 240 lines at any given time. During the first 60th of a second it shows the even 240 lines, then on the second 60th of a second it shows the odd 240 lines, and so on. That's what the interlaced part of 480i means.

>> No.5855552
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>> No.5855575

>How do you really feel about scanlines?
I feel like they're not actually visible if you sit the correct distance from your TV so they don't fucking matter. Stop putting your eyeballs on the TV glass, OP.

>> No.5855586

Yeah, I know. And? 480i isn't 240p.

>> No.5855590

They matter, retard, regardless of how close you put your big dumb head to your TV and whether they're thick black lines or barely there they affect the image.

>> No.5855591

Go away zoomer. You've never experienced scanlines

>> No.5855612

The original quote was
>The problem is the screen gets too dark with half the vertical resolution being cut out, which is something that didn't happen with CRTs because they were calibrated with this in mind.
You counter this by saying 480i is not 240p. But both 240p and 480i have half the vertical resolution blanked out at any given instance

>> No.5855625

I especially hate scamline filters that make the scanlines just as thick as the actual image. It doesn't look that way on a real CRT, whether aperture grille or shadow mask, whether consumer or professional monitor. Real CRT phosphors have a blooming glow and the scanlines end up like a third the size of the picture lines

>> No.5855646

This discussion's a waste of time, but 15khz CRTs weren't calibrated with one set of lines being permanently blanked (240p) in mind. They're calibrated with rapidly alternating blanked lines (480i) in mind. If you disagree with that then you just don't know what you're talking about, not that it matters one way or another.

>> No.5855648

Reread the post and the thread

>> No.5855772

Artwork was designed to be displayed with scanlines back in the day.

>> No.5855796

Nah. Scanlines are the result of shit tech, nothing more.

>> No.5855802

>implying art wasn't designed to utilize that shit tech to its fullest

>> No.5855964

I literally do not give a shit. The graphics do not make a game, and the scanlines are such a small part of the picture. Anyone that really, REALLY cares anout this shit is autistic as fuck, or a hardcore hobbyist (tistic).

>> No.5856001

I like them

>> No.5856520
File: 7 KB, 190x266, 324634623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers believe scanlines are just the black lines

>> No.5856552

>I'm talking about how you can have moving objects on a CRT and they still retain perfect crispness. Meanwhile on flat-screens, things always get smudgy and blurred when moving around, like with text on a dragged window on your PC.

Niggz you need to get a plasma tv. I still have one from 2008 and it's going strong. No motion blur, anti burn in tech is effective, and the 'only lasts 7 years' thing is a meme if you crank brightness and contrast to 100% and run it for 12 hrs a day.

>> No.5856563

This, everyone who cares about this is an idiot

>> No.5856571

nigga, did you slap scanlines over one of those awful smoothing filters like super eagle? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.5856632

>getting a plasma in 2019 instead of an OLED

>> No.5856636

>old people think zoomers believe black lines are scanlines

>> No.5856646

My 50" are Panasonic plasma cost $1500.

I have yet to see any LCD or LED to replicate the depth of color or clarity of motion at even double the price point. I am reminded of this every time I watch a sports game at a friend's house or local bar.

And that's because the tech is simply ill suited for the job. Instead we get marketing for higher pixel density, thinness to mount on your wall, and all sorts of extraneous apps bullshit when all of that is covering the simple fact that it can't beat the video quality of a TV released 11 years earlier.

>> No.5856647

Learn to fucking read.

>> No.5856654

no u

>> No.5856656

>t. zoomer

>> No.5856665

Higher end OLEDs may have good motion handling, but they'll never be as good as CRTs.

>> No.5856717

>How do you really feel about scanlines?
They look like shit when they are thick and defined. I prefer a more muted scanline, but I also game on a CRT as the developer intended. Fuck emulation and its filters.

>> No.5856730

I don't know why filters can't still get the look right. You'd think with 4k displays and such we'd finally be at the point where they can get the proper look of phosphors down and get the right thickness instead of these hackjobs where the black lines are just as thick as the lines of the actual image being displayed. It looks fake and gay.

>> No.5858295

Won't they though? We have 144hz monitors these days.

>> No.5858432

was gonna say i love em but honestly they're kind of a cliche now

>> No.5859178

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jflrB0UIcFE This CRT shader makes the DKC games look their best on an emulator + modern display and I had to look everywhere for the right one.

>> No.5859189

They are a cheap solution to making old games look better on HD screens. But I personally prefer upscaling whenever possible.

>> No.5859192

>I don't know why filters can't still get the look right.
Scanlines were a side effect of an odd signal sent to a CRT tv, and I think that plays a big part in it. They weren't a feature. You would think that by now they would have this figured out, but they have gotten close.

>Won't they though? We have 144hz monitors these days.
Not even a 144hz LCD compares to a CRT.

>> No.5859202

Is it true that scanlines induce the McCollough effect?

>> No.5859213
File: 849 KB, 1500x1125, 2A3100C0-B475-4348-90C0-A1D2130C0887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scanlines are love, scanlines are life.

>> No.5859218
File: 916 KB, 1500x1125, B0B12061-14C7-4038-BC90-44A9D83B431E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scanlines! Scanlines!

>> No.5859221
File: 1.55 MB, 2500x1875, 7A7A27EC-B210-4620-9EE4-8DDC2F758082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of nerd would you have to be to not like scanlines? Yuck.

>> No.5859223
File: 626 KB, 1500x1125, 93F7C511-D018-4997-AB46-B2F6EF91F529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well? Hmm? I know what I prefer...

>> No.5859227
File: 13 KB, 362x346, DA28378E-E6CA-4510-8BFD-BCFCE0FB3742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw. Why my thumbnails show moire pattern so bad?

>> No.5859229
File: 3.51 MB, 2560x3840, SEGA Battletoads Near & far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might as well post a photo of my Zenith 25" wells gardner tube via s-video. Pretty much non-existent, which works great for me. I don't like highly defined lines, but I also don't sit close enough that they are visible.

>> No.5859265

I love the look of them. I hate that retro gamers obsess over them, given that the greatest barrier to accurate emulation isn't CRT bloom or anything like that, it's refresh rate.

>> No.5859279

I don't like them, but yet they're still good.
The TV I grew up with didn't make them obvious.

>> No.5860364

thats a lcd

>> No.5860606
File: 1.60 MB, 2176x2572, IMG_20190904_215924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them on my consumer set

>> No.5861004

You'd need an absolutely ridiculous refresh rate out of the scaler or specialized driving circuitry in the panel itself to emulate deflected beam hitting phosphor properly.

>> No.5861009

No, it just takes a lot of tweaking. Try CRT-royale, and tweak the settings for hours. You'll find something you like, probably more than your real CRT.

>> No.5861021

No. You just cannot display phosphor decay properly on a screen that is refreshed at sub-khz frequencies. It's physically impossible.


>> No.5861097

>not having comfy crt gamma glow and bloom in the wee hours of the night

>> No.5861106

No but you can emulate it so well it looks as good. I've got my flat screen and 3 CRTs in the same room. I've been able to compare them side by side. There's all kind of parameters to experiment with in CRT Royale. I actually have more control over the image than on my BVM. I'm not saying they're the same thing, they're completely different technologies.

>> No.5861173

That picture makes me think of the buzz, weird magnetic feel of putting my face near the TV, and the smell. There is no smell like the screen of a 10 inch CRT

>> No.5861246

MmmmMMmmmm. Delicious ozone.

>> No.5861256
File: 30 KB, 546x546, 1566588160327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or are CRTfags getting weirder.

>> No.5861261

Long-term radiation exposure causes all kinds of issues.

>> No.5861282
File: 258 KB, 1280x1280, 240pcomparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the original games intentions be preserved or will it be lost to time and inferior display technology?

>> No.5861396

wtf is this ugly shit on the right side?
I mean i'm all for CRT and real hardware but it seems like you took the most shitty pic you could just to support your point.

>> No.5861405

Dangerous levels of radiation from CRTs are a myth. It isn't a myth however that your mom sucked off a goat.

>> No.5861407
File: 1.22 MB, 2227x1163, IMG_20190904_232620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish the geometry wasn't fucked tho

>> No.5861416
File: 2.22 MB, 2001x1633, IMG_20190904_233754__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay ;)