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File: 6 KB, 356x192, BreathofFire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5854274 No.5854274 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Capcom shit on this series after 4? These games were awesome and incredibly fun RPGs.

>> No.5854771

To be fair, Capcom shat on all its IPs starting in the mid 2000s and continued to do so for over a decade. They've only just started to get their act together again within the past couple years.

>> No.5854798 [DELETED] 

Because they didn't sell. Surely you as an American is aware of the prime directives of capitalism.

>> No.5854804

Because they didn't sell. Surely you as an American are aware of the prime directives of capitalism.

>> No.5855323

>nostalgic moron who hasn't played all the way through these games in 20 years shits on BoF5
Nothing worth engaging with here.

>> No.5855364

Fuck you Quarter was awesome

>> No.5855601
File: 45 KB, 640x480, CAlRYFJU8AEDviq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money, but I also think that Japanese devs in general just had/are having a hard time staying relevant/adapting to the times. It's not just BoF.

It's a real shame with what happened with it though. I like DQ and all, but if the series stayed with the East Asian influenced music and art direction that it used for BoFIV and the later games were just an evolution of that, then the series really could have evolved into something great and unique.

It's sad that once it finally got a footing for itself that they switched gears with DQ and then killed the series. The direction that DQ went with is a niche that's been encroached on since anyway.

>> No.5855659

Quater wasn't them shitting on it. I appreciate them trying to do something else with it because BoF1 through 4 are as cookie cutter jrpg as you can get. BoF4 was still pretty generic in gameplay, but its based more heavily off eastern mythos than western fantasy and the ending is has some balls.

The mobage that they released not too long ago was them shitting on it.

>> No.5855770

Japanese developers make games for the Japanese market. They seriously do not care at all what is popular in the west. That means gacha games and otaku shit. Yes, its garbage, but they aren't making that crap becaus they aren't "adapting", they are making it because that's what the Japanese market wants.

>> No.5855778
File: 19 KB, 777x246, just fuck my franchise up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did Capcom shit on this series after 4?

They released IV at the end of the PS1's life and never ported it, then used that as an excuse to kill the franchise off

>> No.5855781

Literally no one "ported" Playstation games. The PS2 and PS3 play PSX games.

>> No.5855809

Dude, it is over! No more good games! Did you not get the memo after 2007? It is time to die, video gamer.

>> No.5855895

>That means gacha games and otaku shit. Yes, its garbage, but they aren't making that crap becaus they aren't "adapting", they are making it because that's what the Japanese market wants.
Disgusting. Maybe Stadia will save video games the same way Netflix saved anime.

>> No.5855902 [DELETED] 

what bof is this?
it looks like bof4 but i don't recognize the characters.

>> No.5855908

It's just fanart based on IV's style.

>> No.5855909

yeah, i found it after searching in yandex.

>> No.5855961

Better question: why was localization for the series so incompetent? I and II had awful scripts that weren't even touched when they were ported to GBA, IV cut multiple scenes that weren't even scandalous, and III fucked up the instructions on how to get through the desert.

>> No.5856784

But it was rushed and unfinished because it was a PS1 game right when PS2 was coming out, and also not shilled very heavily for the same reason. And the low sales were absolutely due to being a "last gen" game.

>> No.5857441
File: 111 KB, 762x1084, bof-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did port bof4 tho

>> No.5857451

I still find it odd that they decided to port 4 to PC, then again Capcom was taking a swing at PC in the 2000s. Unfortunately most of their ports were outsourced to the infamous Sourcenext, who crippled games and made them much worse performing than they should be. There's also those weird Japan/Korea only ports like Rockman Dash 2 and Rockman X7.

>> No.5857462

Or just play the old games?

>> No.5857575

Squaresoft did it was FF7 and 8. It was just the hip thing to do I guess.

>> No.5857579

Basically, Japanese zoomers are awful and Japanese millennials are salarymen and hardly play games anymore outside of the latest Dragon Quest.

>> No.5857676


>> No.5857690

That looks like the title to a fantasy novel, font and all.

>> No.5857706

>saved anime

The bottom, fell out of the disgusting moebait incest market and studios realized that they could only make one isekai a season. Netflix had nothing to do with it. That's like saying Disney saved the comic book industry.

>> No.5857716

J-Zooms have only ever played phone games, and J-Millennials never had the stupid games as political stance idiocy the west had that would have made them care about the current state of games.

>> No.5857990

I'm French asshole.

>> No.5858019

Japanese people hate the west as a whole. And I can't blame them. Whites with their own self destruction have become as bad as niggers or muslims in their eyes.

Still, have to agree that games are pretty much dead in Japan. For as much as gaming is normal part of everyday life, the actual shit they play nowadays is unbelievable garbage.

>> No.5858383

Oh is the moeshit era of anime finally over? Thank fucking god.

>> No.5858451

I don't know why people insist on calling it Dragon Quarter. It was BoF5 in Japan and DQ was the subtitle. In the west they just dropped the 5 like they're ashamed it's part of the series. And they should be. There was nothing to like about it and it was a BoF in name only. There is "trying new things" and then there is "going completely off the rails" which is what 5 did. From the "timed" gameplay that punishes you if you veer off the path to explore, to the linearity, the 3 character only party, and the whole premise of dying and getting a game over being encouraged so you can replay from the start to power up and see more locked cutscenes, from the completely asinine save system that is worse than RE's type writer ribbons. For an RPG it failed in every regard and that is why BoF got killed off. You can see from >>5855778's sales figures even the Japanese weren't having any of that.

>> No.5858461

Because it doesn't feel like a BoF game, and calling by something other than a roman numeral thus feels right.

>> No.5858489

No one "seemed interested" as far as the suits knew; the ports sold poorly, crossover appearances were rejected, references in other capcom works are nearly non-existent, and even the shitty mobage failed to garner any interest which is usually your go-to platform as far as franchise and nostalgia exploitation goes

>> No.5858580

>For an RPG it failed in every regard and that is why BoF got killed off.
This is what the most atrophied weeb brain thinks. What are roguelikes? What is skill based gameplay? What are BOF trademarks of Ryu, Nina, Dragon transforms, village management etc?

>> No.5858593

>A weeb likes weeb games and dislikes it when they stop being that.
My god, what a shocker. Sorry anon, but he's not the asshole here. Nobody likes things they enjoy getting hijacked and veered into a completely new direction.

>> No.5858737

Since when is BoF a roguelike? So because it has a Ryu and Nina in it it's carte blanche for it to be whatever random genre of the day and is still BoF? I'd rather have a BoF cooking mini-game series than what we got in 5.

Now to be fair I did finish 5 and it wasn't terrible once you learned how to abuse the save system to give you infinite saves (like a normal RPG should have), but I also never cared enough to replay it. Which kind of sucks because the story and characters seemed cool but coming hot off the heels of 3 and 4 which were great RPGs 5 was a 180 degree shift in the wrong direction.