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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5853717 No.5853717 [Reply] [Original]

Which RPG games have the best cities and towns to explore?

All I can think of is Earthbound, Final Fantasy VII, and Pokemon GSC.

>> No.5854192

>RPG games

>> No.5855094

utlima 6-7, baldur's gate 2, planescape torment

>> No.5855121

Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Grandia, Earthbound

>> No.5855229

Soul Blazer my negro.

>> No.5855237

Starocean the niggest

>> No.5856057

Those with the smallest ones. Fuck RPG towns and all their useless NPC jibberish.

>> No.5856096

I was having a hard time trying to decide what retro towns I liked too. I don't think I do.

>> No.5856631

what was the point of the house that you could buy?

>> No.5856637


>> No.5856657

I always thought it would be interesting to have an RPG that takes place entirely within a large city with different districts and such, kinda like how Parasite Eve takes place in NYC, or how a huge chunk of PS:T takes place in Sigil.

>> No.5856696

Not sure if this counts as an RPG, but I enjoyed the towns in wonder boy in monster world.

>> No.5856860

You can buy a house in Earthbound?

>> No.5856881

Pokemon RBY
Pokemon GSC
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Paper Mario

>> No.5856886

>Majora's Mask
there were some cool secrets that lead to rupee farming

>> No.5857113

Vagrant Story is all different parts of Lea Monde, though mostly beneath it. It does feel more up to scale than most.

>> No.5857448

I didn't play it much, but wasn't the old Torment (aka Planescape: Torment) like that?

What about Anachronox? Was that entirely on the ship? Played only the first few minutes there also.

>> No.5857450


>> No.5857570
