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5850043 No.5850043 [Reply] [Original]

is learning Japanese worth it to play Super Famicom games?
how long will it take to learn for an average 4channer?

>> No.5850046

It's 2019, if you haven't learned already maybe it's too late.

>> No.5850051

no its not worth it. there aren't nearly enough good games to justify learning that language

>> No.5850057

i started playing retro games only few months ago
i just want to learn only enough to read what they are sayimg

>> No.5850086 [DELETED] 

You should be learning Mandarin instead for when China surpasses the dying west in the next few years.

>> No.5850090

>only been playing games for a few months
>debating whether or not it's worth it learning an entirely new language for a few years just to play imported jap games

>> No.5850091

I've heard many estimates and it really depends on you, how much time you put into it each day/each week, how well you study and remember info, and how often you use it once you have it. If you dedicated yourself significantly you might be able to get there in as little as 6-12 months.

>> No.5850102

Learning a new language is always worth the trouble even if you think you won't use it that much in the end. Except Chinese, don't learn any fucking Chinese because that's a death sentence to your career.

>> No.5850254

6 months to understand 90% of any game with help of a dictionary.

>> No.5850275

What level of competency are you shooting for, OP? It's mostly going to come down to how much time and effort you are willing to invest.

>> No.5850285

Learning a new language is ALWAYS a plus
You can even put it on your resume
A friend of mine started learning japanese with various free options he found on the internet and is already able to read most stuff after very few months

>> No.5850342

You are mixing up the goal and the way:
Super Famicom games are worthwhile to learn Japanese with.
They tend to have simple kanji so they are easier to read than kana-only games and train you more without overwhelming you.
You should be able to jump in after about 100 hours of covering the vocabulary and grammatical basics, the rest comes from practice and repetition.

>> No.5850520

1000 Kanji make up 90% of the written words you will see. Keep in mind that this is largely the equvilent to how "The" makes up 50% of all written english. If you don't mind looking up shit in a dictionary at learning 40 Kanji a day it will take you 30 days.

>> No.5850530

The real pain in the ass is the grammar. And I'm not talking about 此れはユダヤ人ですか? basic bitch shit either.

>> No.5850568
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Are you sure about those numbers? From my experience many SFC games don't use the full 教育漢字 and restrict themselves to grades 1-4.
I recently played FF5 and they included pronunciation for complex words like 神殿、封印、暁、闇 or 魔物.

>> No.5850582

Then you have shit like cuck trigger using deprecated kanji in the medieval ages for flavor.

>> No.5850585

Can you show examples? How are they deprecated, do they use 旧字体 instead of 新字体?

>> No.5850619

Why would they add pronunciation for 魔 when it's like the first Kanji everyone sees in their lives?

>> No.5850637

Learning the essential grammar and all the 2000 grade school kanji takes less than a year, then you can start gaming with a dictionary (which will be slow as molasses at first, and that time might be better spent on more efficient ways of grinding that 40.000 word vocab, but at least you're doing what you set out to do and that's the encouragement you need some times).

>> No.5850664

That's 膣.

>> No.5850679
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>playing games where being able to read the text matters

>> No.5851163

Japanese people do not use this kanji.

>> No.5851313

So you know it's not まぶつ.

>> No.5851843

I've seen it used so fuck you.

>> No.5851848
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>I learned a foreign language to understand different people and expand my cultural ba-

>> No.5851859

>is learning Japanese worth it to play Super Famicom games?
make a list and if it's over 15 I'd say yes

>how long will it take to learn for an average 4channer?
the average 4channer is a permanent procastinator and underachiever. so probably several years, if he doesn't drop out

>> No.5854341


>> No.5855015

good game OP

>> No.5855776

Better be careful or some autist will jump you. Good thing no one here recognizes any games that weren't recently featured on youtube.

>> No.5855795


You'll need to learn tons of Kanji to be fluent in Japanese

>> No.5855804

Knowing kanji doesn't make you fluent. Practice does.

>> No.5855875

So learn them?

>> No.5856008
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I bought PS1 TokiMemo so now I have an excuse to learn jap.

>> No.5856045

Video games are a pretty bad reason to learn Japanese. Japan has much more to offer than just games.

>> No.5856048
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I started learning Japanese because there were loads of untranslated (or badly translated) JRPGs and manga I wanted to read.

During this time, my tastes in comics and games shifted massively, and now I kinda hate the media I originally wanted to learn Japanese to read.

But I've learnt a lot, and can read pretty much any shonen/shoujo manga without *too* much trouble provided I have a dictionary (it takes a long while though). I'm gonna keep learning more because Japan's culture/history seems interesting and I need to spice up my CV.

(pic unrelated, I just think its a cool looking game).

>> No.5856629

hur dur you should learn japanese for business or culture only xd fuck video games and cartoons

>> No.5856739
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bout 2 years if you grind hard

>> No.5856864

It's the perfect plan.

>> No.5857103
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Going to be that asshole and ask: what game?

>> No.5857123

It took me 3 months to build up vocab and learn basic grammar rules. Still slow as molasses but i can understand many things. Probably a year or so before you get good enough to play without too many hiccups.

>> No.5857512

Westerners can't learn Chinese unless they're a savant for languages, it's just an entirely separate way of considering speech, it changes the pattern in which you think.

>> No.5857883

Grammar about the subject of learning it takes one's time but easy not it is.

>> No.5857893

Literature is hard as balls for a beginner though

>> No.5857903

Never too late retard

>> No.5857930
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La Pucelle

>> No.5857935

There're lots of good books in your native tongue so I'm not sure where this literature meme came from. I find writing in jap far more entertaining.

>> No.5857991

He said harder as a beginner, not bad.

>> No.5858072

An idiont savant, maybe. They basically use words equivalent to "pineapple," "sea lion," and "pomme de terre" for everything.

>> No.5858719
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I like Priere.

>> No.5858760

Alouette though.

>> No.5858931

Cope harder, N4-kun

>> No.5858939

This, took me about a year and a half before I reached fluency and became able to read just about anything. Three years in now, and I haven't run into a piece of media that I wasn't able to understand for about a year now.

>> No.5858956

I hate when people ask if they should "learn" a language. What do you mean by "learn"? You could acquire the skills needed for playing most non-text heavy games (RPGs, etc) pretty easily I think. IIRC there's not much kanji in older games for resolution/space reasons, so you only have to learn hiragana and katakana. But achieving fluency is a different story, and it's hard to exactly judge fluency. As a long time German student I would suppose I'm fluent, but having spent time there and knowing how complex the language can be makes me feel like I still have a long ways to go. I dislike when people ask me how long it takes to learn German because it is such a nebulous question and depends completely on the perspective. IDK, I'm just being autistic over your word choice lol

>> No.5860621

Learning languages is hard

>> No.5860628
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Alouette couldn't break my spine with her thighs.

>> No.5860661

But both of them could be equally good at breaking my heart penis.

>> No.5860674

>"it's current year" non-argument

stop right there criminal scum!

>> No.5861332

>he doesn't know Japanese isn't offically supported in 2019

>> No.5861458

>for an average 4channer
You can't learn Japanese if you're a retarded 12yo

>> No.5861470

No, not for video games.

>> No.5861578

Okay so I can recognize hiragana characters, plug them into google translate, and usually the gist of what it gives back seems to fit the context of whatever is being translated. I translate the text both in parts and as a whole to learn.

I prefer practicing like this over just drilling words and characters, and I honestly think it’s better for teaching me.

This thread has made me want to play a game and try and get through it doing this. Any recommendations for a game with simple language?

>> No.5861589

>Any recommendations for a game with simple language?
EMIT is made for language learning. You can switch back and forth between English and Japanese for audio and text and jump between sentences.
In addition it features comprehension quizzes.

After that you can play simple RPGs like Dragon Quest.

>> No.5861590

every human is a savant for languages. you've learned a language as a dumb little baby with shit-filled diapers just by listening to your parents talk.

>> No.5861594

yeah but only when you're little or on psychedelics, and then your language dictates how you then perceive the world

>> No.5861601

>not learning french so you can play obscure myst clones in their original language

>> No.5861614

nah, the thing about kids having special language-learning powers is a meme. look up a study called "multilingualism in the northwest amazon", there's a whole valley where every native is a polyglot and they learn a new language in 1-2 years as adults just by hanging out with people who already speak it. adults can learn a language the same way little kids to, they just sabotage themselves with horrible methods like trying to memorize grammar rules from a textbook.

>> No.5862223

Puyo Puyo.

>> No.5862783

What are the best French-only games?

>> No.5863404

There is a meetup.com group for learning Japanese 5 minutes from where I live. Should I do it? I don't know any Japanese yet.

>> No.5863442

Japanese is used by one country with a dying population, knowing it is a huge waste aside from being in certain fields you basement dweller

>> No.5863521

It is also the language for most of the entertainment media that is worth consuming. Your move.

>> No.5863573

Probably not. It's gonna be full of people like you. Who wants to meet that?

>> No.5863594
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Stay home and buy this book instead.

>> No.5863737

Cool excuse lazy tard

>> No.5864263

Not really. Virtually every non-RPG that was worth a shit on SFC got a US/EU release and all of the good games on the platform that were heavy on the Japanese have already gotten translation romhacks by now.

>> No.5864296

Those are most definitely not complex words.

>> No.5864934

>how long will it take to learn for an average 4channer?
If you want to play games comfortably and actually enjoy them you're looking at 2 years or so. That's If you're consistent.