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File: 82 KB, 1429x1429, 2201892-alundra_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5849219 No.5849219 [Reply] [Original]


Is Alundra 2 a bad game? Watching this it was just endless tutorials, cutscenes, and dialogue and very little actual gameplay. I played the first game and loved it but the 2nd game is all but ignored.

>> No.5849227

Lacks Working Designs har-har-har so funny bill clinton references.

>> No.5849508

Imagine Trump references lol

>> No.5849529

2 is one of the worst sequels ever made and has no redeeming qualities to speak of.

>> No.5849531
File: 951 KB, 3132x1224, vic tokai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it funny how Vic Ireland drank the full SJW koo-aid when he used to put outright racist lines in his games. That must be really awkward now.

>> No.5849583

This. Fuck this game, especially after how cool Alundra 1 was

>> No.5849589

the story is cool actually

>> No.5849591

Why did they even call it Alundra 2 when nobody involved with the first game worked on this, completely different dev team and publisher, and the story has no connection? Did they just get the rights to the title and slap it on an unrelated game?

>> No.5849593

So suckers like my 9 year old self would spend their hard earned 40$ on a steaming pile of shit.

>> No.5849627
File: 87 KB, 900x508, alundra_2_air_by_manakh-d5jb8nl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good game. The gameplay is a bit slow because the sword you use actually handles like it's heavy. It's also your only weapon, but you get techs as you progress. You also get magic that you'll actually use, unlike in Alundra where it's only used to spam a boss to death. The storytelling style is similar to Threads of Fate so mostly lighthearted, although it does have a bit of a dark atmosphere too.

Unfortunately it gets attacked by idiots suffering the same derangement syndrome as Triggertards, except that in this case it really has nothing to do with the first game. But it doesn't have "a new legend begins" as subtitle for nothing.

>> No.5850118

>The gameplay is a bit slow because the sword you use actually handles like it's heavy.
My problem with Alundra 2 isn't that the sword is kinda slow, it's that every time you get tapped by the enemy you get knocked down and it takes a solid five to six seconds for you to get up and resume control. It means you spend more time on the ground watching his sluggish getting-up animation than actually fighting most of the time and it killed my enthusiasm to keep going past the opening segment.

>> No.5850210

shit gaem.

>> No.5850538
File: 65 KB, 594x768, 168-alundra-008-xjday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gigit gud

>> No.5850562
File: 194 KB, 369x717, Alexia[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on it, I want to give the game a fair shot soon. Also the official art is way less cartoony than you'd think based on the in-game models.

>> No.5850912

It's a decent game. It gets a lot of hate because it's not as good as the first Alundra, and it has absolutely nothing in common with it.

>> No.5851117


Is there an artbook for this game?