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5840916 No.5840916 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Castlevania 4 hog the 16-bit spotlight when Rondo of Blood exists?

>> No.5840921

Holy shit OP, is this a Castlevania shitposting thread?
Man, I've missed those.
I'll just go ahead and call every single Castlevania game except for Haunted House shit.

>> No.5840935

gg anon

>> No.5840958

CV4 > DX > when the Snickers bar gets stuck on the coil >>>>>> Rondo

>> No.5840980

Official 16-bit CV Ranking:

Super IV > Chronicles > Bloodlines > Dracula X > Rondo of Blood

>> No.5840998


>> No.5841001

Rondo of Blood is 8-bit

>> No.5841012

4 is a better game and Rondo of Blood is more-obscure-than-thou hipster shit that everyone sucks off because it was on PC Engine.

>> No.5841019

Unfucking playable with Richter. Dracula X shits all over rondo. Go dilate with your loli.

>> No.5841025


1. This site is dominated by Westerners, and everyone had a SFC, and no one had a PC-E.
2. Super gets the mad nostalgia then.
3. Ten times the amount of people have played Super vs. Rondo.

Not a complex question.

>> No.5841027


The PCE-CD is a pretty damn weird console. Rondo has amazing looking detailed sprites, but then the rest of the stages look something akin to what the Master System can produce. SFC in turn can produce sprites as good, but also just as detailed stages. So the SFC is overall more consistent.

>> No.5841028

So at what point exactly did it become cool to have shit taste and pretend that Dracula X is better than Rondo? I didn't see this nonsense until just recently on here.

>> No.5841031

Because Rondo was released on an obscure console.

>> No.5841043

rondork pls go and stay go

>> No.5841046

Nothing wrong with liking drac x better, as long as you don't shitpost saying rondo sucks.
The actual weird thing is that so many people shat on drac x solely because "it's a port of a cooler japan-only game, therefore it's shit".
Both are solid entries that have their subjective pros and cons

>> No.5841050

I would've rather it been a port of Rondo than the turd SNES actually ended up getting.

>> No.5841061

>everyone had a SFC
I bet they actually had an SNES.

>> No.5841095


>> No.5841105


>> No.5841118

What makes it bad? Elaborate

>> No.5841129

I don't think you know how acronyms work.

>> No.5841165

Neither do you if you don't realise you pronounce the whole thing like a word. You don't say the four letters by name.

>> No.5841170

>You don't say the four letters by name.
You do if you aren't aesthetically tone deaf.

>> No.5841174

Nobody calls it snezz or esenee-ezz irl, it's super nintendo

>> No.5841181

You're confusing acronyms with initialisms. This is an acronym so you say "snes" not "ess en ee ess".

>> No.5841183

This, I've always heard Youtubers say SNEZZ but I've always called it the Super Nintendo, and I've only ever met people who say Super Nintendo, there was one person who said SNEZZ and he didn't grow up with the console, he just emulated Earthbound and said that was his favorite SNEZZ game.

>> No.5841204

>not calling it the Super Inn-Eee-Ess
Get on my level nurdos.

>> No.5841214

Old people who grew up with it call it the Super Nintendo, young people who didn't, call it the Sness

>> No.5841220

its not actually rondo of blood.

>> No.5841231

I got mine at Christmas '92 and I've always called it a Snezz. So did most people I knew.

>> No.5841262

>t. LARPer

>> No.5841263

Why would you create a thread like this

>> No.5841273

Yes, an SNES. Don't tell me you're a faggot who calls it "Sness"

>> No.5841282

Fuck no, I'm not into anything like that. I hate fantasy board games, hate Star Wars/Trek, etc, hate all that Marvel/DC shit, pretty much hate everything people who like that shit like.

>> No.5841287

You're right; SNES is an initialism. As an acronym it's ear rape.

>> No.5841290
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The spooky level from Disney nes is better than any of these gay games

>> No.5841308

If you don't like Castlevania, then you are 100% confirmed to have no tastes.

>> No.5841567

It was ten times more accessible in the West for at least 15 years. It's also a great game too, just like Rondo.

>> No.5841603
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Is this the thread where contrarians pick their Castlevania game of choice and say it's the best in order to sound hip and cool for e-points while the rest of us think to ourselves "yeah, Ghouls n Ghosts/Super Ghouls n Ghosts"?

>> No.5841627

stfu stupid bitch

>> No.5841643

Because Castlevania 4 is the better game and the Snez is the better console.

>> No.5841675

It's said aloud as "Super Ness"

>> No.5841683


>> No.5841685

It's neither. It's a text shorthand for "Super Nintendo" that is rarely verbalized.

>> No.5841690


>> No.5841707

Because Rondo wasn't originally released outside of Japan.

>> No.5841743


>> No.5841759

high on ethanol

>> No.5841830
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Why does everyone get moist over 4 when this exists.

>> No.5841841

I wish this game had better level design

>> No.5841883

inferior system

>> No.5842145

Hardly any platforming.

>> No.5842165
File: 728 KB, 722x1029, Contra_-_Hard_Corps_-_%28NA%29_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of another Genesis Konami exclusive

>> No.5842274

Both pretty much one of the best games in their entire franchises respectively.

>> No.5842293 [SPOILER] 
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>inferior system
We are talking about Castlevania anon. Not console wars. Please try to keep up :^)

>> No.5842332

Both games can be seen as a response to Castlevania limitations as a rigid linear platformer. Castlevania IV was an attempt to modernize the series by actually changing and upgrading the linear formula and rigid mechanics to a more fluid and sophisticated platforming action. In contrast, Rondo is a strictly traditional Castlevania game which focused on aesthetic and style changes as means to freshen up the franchise while retaining core mechanics.

It's funny because I think Igarashi became aware this was not enough and would go on to focus on an alternate level design for SOTN: a different solution for the same problem.

>> No.5842505

>Rondo is a strictly traditional Castlevania
Rondo has many significant changes that distance it from traditional Castlevania, starting from no upgrade whip, no numeral rank, you can jump while climbing stairs. Really the only "traditional castlevania" element it has that IV doesn't is the it doesn't have diagonal whipping, but in turn has item crash, backflip, moonwalk. Not to mention level design is very different to what was usually on previous CV games.

>> No.5842809

Hard Corps would be the best if it wasn't a glorified boss rush

>> No.5842834

because there is no nostalgia for Rondo of Blood in the United States.

>> No.5844786

nobody did this. you and all your friends are west-coast faggots.

>> No.5844848
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As someone who never played a Castlevania game before HoD, and has no nostalgia for any of the 16bit games, allow me to say that SCIV, Bloodlines, and Rondo all feel great, look great, and have great levels. Top-tier games for their systems. Drac-X is also great, but strict.
I can't take anyone serious who dislikes any of these games. I actually like SotN more, but I also understand people's dislike for it. With the 4th gen games, I cannot understand dislike for them.

>> No.5844880

I pronounce it "sneeze"

>> No.5844998

I prefer it partially because I like Simon more than the other Belmonts though the OST isn't as good as other games

>> No.5845194

Is that what you say when you play with your sex nose?

>> No.5845228

>Unfucking playable with Richter

someone sucks cock at video games then

PC Engine didn't have parallax as a hardware feature

it's palette was also a graphical bottleneck. It could show over 400 colors on screen but the palette was the same size as the Genesis, so at most you'd maybe get 80-90 colors while SNES could easily do 200 at once

CD allowed more storage but it didn't improve the graphical potential for the most part. Hucards were usually fucking tiny, and games like Air Zonk and Samurai Ghost made the best of that damn 4 megabits

>> No.5846605

Rondo lacks the 8 direction whipping. Had it had that it would probably be the best one. Although a part of me wonders if people also prefer Simon to Richter. It is close though because sometimes I want to just say that Rondo is better. Bloodlines is good to.

>> No.5846610

I do call it a sness too. Are you really that petty that somebody pronouncing an acronym in a different way from you makes you upset?

>> No.5846842

The internet told anon it was bad, thats why.

>> No.5846853

When I was coming up and the system was current it was ALWAYS called “Super Nintendo” and ALWAYS written “SNES” in all caps to denote it being initialized. I have NEVER, not even once, encountered a person who had real life experience with the console in its lifespan, that said “suhness.”

>> No.5846857

Actual truth right here. These revisionist jacklegs always want to rename stuff and pretend the old names don’t exist. Like shooters, for instance. These babies called them “shmups.” The magazines used to call them shooters or shoot-em-ups. IRL people said shooter or shooting game. No one ever said “shmup.” Imagine actually using that term in front of real people in the real world. Just imagine the kind of degenerate who would straight faced say “shmups on suhness” in public. That’s who we’re arguing with here.

>> No.5846858

>Things that DIDNT happen for $400

>> No.5846859

I’m not everyone. Bloodlines is top shelf. Not just in terms of Castlevania but in general.

>> No.5846861

It's not an acronym in the first place. Just because you could pronounce it doesn't mean you should.

>> No.5846879

based retard

>> No.5846887

Rondo has really retarded input lag making the game unfun with Richter. Dracula X is the better game.

>> No.5847426

Sounds like an emulator problem.

>> No.5847449

Problem on your side