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File: 134 KB, 460x321, samus-diagram-np-edit_NR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5816427 No.5816427 [Reply] [Original]

What happens when she has to poop?

>> No.5816437


Good one, OP.

>> No.5816438

manlets on suicide watch

>> No.5816447

It's collected and stored just like any other space suit. We actually don't have the technology to do this for women right now since their plumbing is more subtle than men and they have a whole additional type of waste material but I'm sure this has long since been surmounted by Samus's time.

>> No.5816453

what happens when she turns into a ball? does all her poop just get squished into her?

>> No.5816454

it's ok, they fixed her height to make it more normal later

>> No.5816456

No, it stays in its receptacle. We can presume it's flexible. Or maybe that's when it gets ejected.

>> No.5816650

she can blitz through her missions in 45 minutes. Pooping isn't even an issue.

>> No.5816660

Suddenly, the morph ball bombs take on a whole new meaning...

>> No.5816710

Ohhhhh yeah. Maybe it super compresses the poop, originally just for efficient storage but it turns out with the modification it can eject little balls of if that have enough energy stored in them just from their density, when the pressure equalizes with the atmosphere on Brinstar their decompression alone creates a little explosion.

Everything wouldn't get splattered with poop though it'd have been compressed until it was like stony shrapnel.

>> No.5816750
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Jesus, this post...

>> No.5816756

What do you think save stations are for?

>> No.5816771

Girls don't poop.

>> No.5816776
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>> No.5816865

Yes they do and it's delicious.

>> No.5816868

i want a 6'3 girl to rape me in the booty hole with her massive dick

>> No.5816883

It's only when she's wearing the suit. Not that you can't get raped by a woman in a power suit.

>> No.5816893

according to the pic the suit barely makes her any taller (maybe like an inch max) so i'm good

>> No.5816897

It's a video game, so who gives a shit

>> No.5816903

she has to, somehow

>> No.5816907

The pic also shows she can't even lift her arm at the shoulders.

>> No.5816956

so what do they have another hole they do a different kind of poop or pee out of?

>> No.5817078

yeah but it's tied to the phases of the moon and blood comes out

>> No.5817281

Do tall women produce larger stools?

>> No.5817297

they have larger bodies meaning they need more food so yes

>> No.5817319

what the fuck, explain please. that doesn't even sound human you must be fucking with me.

>> No.5817330

it's basic biology, i learned about it in 5th grade. they need to release blood from their body in order to regulate their emotions. you might notice they get really bitchy around the time it happens, and that's why.

>> No.5817332

though the upside is is that they often got horny and want to fuck at the time. whenever it's your girlfriends time of the month be sure to show her a good time ;)

>> No.5817334

Some brrrap-fag magically materialises behind her and attaches his mouth like a suction cup to her anus.

Once she is done, he magically disappears again.

>> No.5817340

maybe she just lets the poop come out and leaves it on the ground. it's not like it matters since she's just going to blow up the planet anyway lol

>> No.5817402

Are you implying that the bombs in metroid are actually made of poop?

>> No.5817416

Not all women menstruate.

>> No.5817423
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Tranny cope

>> No.5817428

No, the other Anon implied it. I just ran with it.

Only healthy women are likely to be doing EVAs in space.

>> No.5817431

The suit reprocesses the poop into a type of slush that goes through a tube and back into her mouth so that she can stay nourished.

>> No.5817434

How do you define women? People with the biological sex of woman do menstruate. But if you're just takling about gender that's separate, but pointless to bring up.

>> No.5817446

i read this as masturbate and was disappointed

>> No.5817456

Probable mente tenga un sitio de almacenamiento o algo

>> No.5817457
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Not sure he's a genital mutilation and hormone abuse advocate. Maybe he just means women who are 50+ or very unhealthy women (I've seen a lot of vegan women on youtube talk about how they don't have their period anymore).

>> No.5817461

Source on that image?

>> No.5817476


>> No.5817496

It's not uncommon for very /fit women to also skip their periods. Like if they run marathons and train all the time they might go several months between cycles.

>> No.5817507

lol you can't just throw the word "biological" in a sentence to make it magically more true. The truth is that there are human females who don't menstruate for various reasons (examples: being on birth control, having had hystorectomy, menopause, being prepubertal, having an abnormal puberty due to alien genetic tampering, high levels of athletic activity can lead to weak or no periods, being transgender) and we can't rule out the possibility of Samus Aran being in several of these categories.

>> No.5817508

I for one would gladly shit into her mouth to provide sustenance. <3

>> No.5817513

nobody gives a fuck about you or what you have to say. crawl back into your cave you shiteating cumbucket.

>> No.5817586
File: 518 KB, 859x608, サムス74649561_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very /fit women
Just goes to show that overtraining can be a real problem, and running marathons actually isn't a healthy thing to do, especially not for women.
They aren't biologically "fit" at all if they can't breed.
Also, go back to R*ddit.

>> No.5817707
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>> No.5817716

>...being transgender
Yes guys don’t have periods even when they dress up like girls and cut their penises off.

>> No.5817724

If I had a choice between eradicating Mexican cartels who slit innocent people's throat and people like you who think that there's more than one objective definition for women, I would pick people like you.

>> No.5817726


>> No.5817735

No, but they do have blood and puss constantly leaking out of their front-hole.

>> No.5817738

*vomits* trans people should be shot in the streets.

>> No.5817765

Caught my gf pooping...so I broke up with her. She said shes off to pee while were watching a movie, now shes been gone 5 minutes and i knew something was up, i knocked on the door and asked if everything is ok, she said yes she'll be right out...her voice was labored and i became suspicious...so i yelled "IM COMING IN!' she screamed no but there was no stopping this, i smashed through the door and i see her sitting on the toilet seat, i told her to get the fuk up, she didnt so i threw her off, i looked inside the toilet...just as i suspected, a goddam log, bitch u better pray this isnt yours. i looked around and saw no pet in site, I KNOW THIS IS UR POOP U WHORE, she screamed at me that im crazy and that shes calling the cops, all the while toilet paper in her hands. i told her no need to call the cops, im breaking up with u u some kinda poop whore. and that was that. I feel like a new man and off to find a woman who doesnt poop.

>> No.5817832

If I found my woman pooping, I would shoot her in the face.

>> No.5817846

>Women poop the movie

>> No.5817910

i wish they pooped movies instead of brown stinky logs. then they'd be good for something other than fuck sex

>> No.5817916

someone should write a fairy tale called "the girl who didnt' poop"

>> No.5817920 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 562x255, 1566084495491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has this not been posted yet?

>> No.5818040

putcha trip back on, prince

>> No.5818067

this is why you don't get to see her in her underpants unless you finish the game quickly. she doesn't want to take her suit off because you'll see her body is caked with shit because you took 10 hours to beat the game

>> No.5818082

nice to know that she can hold her poop in for just under ten hours at which point she becomes incontinent and it all just spews out at once.

>> No.5818089

the internet has desensitized me so much I find this thread more humorous than disgusting

>> No.5818095

poop has always been funny

>> No.5818115

I still feel gross from fapping to this doujin.

>> No.5818147


She has a catheter/poop tube that leads to the waste reservoirs in her shoulders and lets a tiny bit out at a time when she uses the morph ball.

>> No.5818830

But all trannies shitpost

>> No.5818907
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>> No.5818980

Her spaceship has a toilet, she uses that.

>> No.5819157

Chozo DNA makes her immune to needing to dump

>> No.5819329

Citation needed

>> No.5819442

>abnormal puberty due to alien genetic tampering
Of course a tranny would be mentally ill enough to believe in aliens interfering with humans.

>> No.5819576


>> No.5820097
File: 410 KB, 640x496, peridot cam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally Samus's backstory, you clod.

>> No.5820154

But Samus was literally given Chozo DNA to make her strong/agile enough to use her Power Suit.

Or are you one of those people who will literally disregard whole chunks of actual facts simply for the sake of fucking with someone?

>> No.5820164

They're just speculating that the Chozo DNA may have left her infertile. It's not entirely impossible, hybrid animals often are. I'm not sure if ligers and tigons etc menstruate anyway or not though.

>> No.5820185

>being transgender
AHA thought you was gonna sneak that one in, now didja tranny?

>> No.5820523

Same, homie.

>> No.5820559

Samus is a normal human, end line.

>> No.5820869

She was born a basic human, but the chozo genetically modified her, a normal human wouldn't be able to breathe the atmosphere of Zebes and probably wouldn't be able to properly integrate with the Powersuit either. Read the Zero Mission manga.

>> No.5820881

Too bad you weren't born a normal human. Better kys so you don't taint the gene pool.

>> No.5820901

how is this thread still up lol

>> No.5820916

i wish we were still talking about poop

>> No.5821015
File: 138 KB, 601x895, Page05-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her being genetically modified is canon.

>Better kys so you don't taint the gene pool.
Trannies can't taint the gene pool because they're sterile from all the hormone injections, not to mention having their genitals cut off. And like 50% of them do commit suicide eventually.

>> No.5821078

I am trans and this is bullshit. You should have already assumed biology is not going to bend down to any degree of wishful thinking, what the fuck Sevenleaf.
We are NOT biological women no matter how much we want it to be true.
Bullshit like that is why we are the laughing stock, stop it. Don't act like a fucking transtrender. That does NOBODY any good.

>> No.5821082

Xe becums a SJW and works for Sony.

>> No.5821110

Poop is just energy our body either couldnt absorb or absorbed what it could and turns it into shit. Its still energy, so maybe her suit uses her poop as an energy source.

>> No.5821114

You're not a woman. Women can bear children.

>> No.5821118

Welcome to 4chan!

>> No.5821242

Nothing demonstrates besides humans. Being in heat is not the same as menstruation. Menstruation is because of unique adaptations humans have to feed our huge fucking children

>> No.5821271

That's funny my dog sure leaves blood spots on the rug sometimes

>> No.5821278

So nobody is gonna come up with some fan art of this situation?

>> No.5821320

Your fetish is showing nerd.

>> No.5821321

Most female mammals have an estrous cycle, yet only ten primate species, four bat species, the elephant shrew and the spiny mouse have a menstrual cycle.[70][71

>> No.5821341

children are pretty small anon, it's not hard to carry them around

>> No.5821667

not the anon you replied, but my wife is mostly vegetarian and she has her periods every 40 and sometimes every 50 days. Which looked from a biological point of view, isnt normal either. But she is now preggo with our 2nd kid. Also her period ends pretty fast and is not so "bloody".

Not having a period doesnt mean she wont ovulate this month, what if the blood in the period is just waste material from the oganism? Having less blood or not blood at all when your period comes might mean that your organism is clean. Just my guess, Im not a woman to tell for sure

>> No.5821680

She doesn't
Bird DNA

>> No.5821758

Okay and what about "biologically female" FTM and nonbinary people, who have uteruses but don't menstruate due to being on HRT? For future reference "trans" doesn't just mean MTF.

>> No.5821863

Care about yourself, the rest can deal with their problems on their own. I am talking to YOU. Keep that pedantic virtue signaling to twitter.
I'm seriously questioning you being trans.

>> No.5821868

Woah, where did that come from? You're taking this awfully personally.

>> No.5821895

I'm tired of not being able to talk with other trans people without things devolving into this or that group or this or that label. We are people, not fucking words. Having people constantly try to correct me on what I'm supposed to be and how I'm supposed to think? Come on now. I don't need to be an "ally" when I feel I don't have any of those, just people trying to take the moral high ground in every conversation and using their status for profit or attention in all fucking communities.
People like you only make people like me feel more alienated and disliked. That's the effect this bullshit has, but since it works with transtrenders and fake "ally" scum it's fine to do it? Give me a break. You aren't "allies", you are enemies, and you don't realize it because people will play along.

This is just a trait we have. Making it the cornerstone of your very existence is harming in more ways that you'd think. Both to you and others. You don't need to bring it on again and again and again and calling everyone out on being nasty 4chan scum when your behavior is what's causing those reactions. The only reason I'm daring to call you out is because I'm anonymous and can return to my businesses afterwards with no one noticing, I don't use my status for attention, and neither should you. Why would I use it when people like you keeps making a fucking scene on the regular? If anything, I'm keeping it more under wraps than ten years ago.
Because I have to. Because of people like you. Connect the dots.

>> No.5821924

>ou don't need to bring it on again and again and again and calling everyone out on being nasty 4chan scum
I'm not calling anyone "nasty" or "scum", I'm perfectly calm, don't project your hostility onto me. We're having a conversation.

> I'm keeping it more under wraps than ten years ago
That's fine, you do what you gotta do to feel safe and comfortable. Blow out the candles on this pity-party and slink back into the shadows, but don't try and make that my problem.

>> No.5821929

Passive aggressive hostility is still hostility.

>> No.5821946


Join the 45% faggot

>> No.5821947

0_o I just wanted to talk about Metroid lore... jeez anon

>> No.5821974

It's a special cleanout of cells specialized in bonding with the ovum and giving it as much nutrients as possible. Like way more than most other species. This needs to be balanced out by the cleanout because otherwise it's too much of a drain on the body. It's been driven by mutual antagonism between sperms and ovums and growing the huge baby quick.

>> No.5822249

Samus have a poop to plasma converter which turns her shit into ammo.

>> No.5822265

So are you saying I should send my carpet cleaning bill to you or to Wikipedia or to Bellofiore, Ellery, Mamrot, Walker, Temple-Smith and Dickinson? That sure is a lot of people getting research grants just to cut up a few mouse vaginas.

>> No.5822318

Maybe you should shoot your dog

>> No.5822623

>Not all women menstruate.
Real women menstruate. Men pretending to be women, junkies and other physically ill women don't count. If they can't breed, they are generally worthless to society.

>> No.5822625

Manga isn't canon.

>> No.5822662

>my wife is mostly vegetarian and she [...] is now preggo with our 2nd kid.
If you want my advice on avoiding malnutrition for the baby using the least amount of animal protein possible: Make her eat eggs and liver regularly. Between those two and a healthy portion of veggies, there's hardly a micronutrient that she could be missing.

>> No.5822675

Should women be reduced to breeding stock? In my opinion this is the only possible position for women after modern science (not to speak of their modern freedoms) has revealed them for the natural prostitutes and soulless beasts they are.

In my opinion women should be raised separately, not taught anything but the most rudimentary language, and then be groomed to be breeding stock. The best females will be bred by the best males: these best specimens will be chosen by a special eugenic council of men like myself, of good taste. Additionally I will choose from among men the most impressive specimens as "studs" to breed the female population at large and thereby improve the race.

It is true that under this scheme most men would not be fathers, but most men do not desire this anyway; they would, in exchange, get plenty of free sex, which is better than they can say for themselves now.

The noxious influence of women not only in politics and public life, but also in the culture, in the arts and letters, will be eliminated and the biological quality of the race will be improved under the direction and foresight and good taste of men like myself.

What do you think?

>> No.5822692

I'm sure the kids are on formula

>> No.5822694

This, but unironically.

>> No.5822697

In 500 years there will be designer humans, just like dogs. Through eugenics you will essentially create multiple human subspecies that may diverge to the point of reproductive instability. Then there will be more division between humans than ever before. It will be like the different species of tamriel.

>> No.5822698

You mean everyone will look ugly and dirty?

>> No.5822741

Nice pasta, I'll add it to my files

>> No.5822837

There is a portal in the suit that is near her butthole and when she poops it goes into it and teleports away and that portal sends it (thankfully directly into my mouth

>> No.5822849

this kind of post is why i come to 4chan

>> No.5822852

Clever repurposing of that psycho-feminist pasta, but it kind of falls apart toward the end.

>> No.5822874

yo'ure gay for not knowing the source of this

>> No.5823008

You didn't play Zero Mission, did you?

>> No.5823104

jfc and I thought Princess Sevenleaf was a whiner.

>I am trans and

Q: How do you know if someone on the internet is transgender?
A: Don't worry, they'll tell you.

>> No.5823136

I don't remember the specific source but I know this one is just gender-swapped from the original.

>> No.5823142

no it fucking isn't, go fuck yourself

>> No.5823225

Is this pasta? It should be pasta

>> No.5823235

She just shits herself and goes on her way, the shit dripping down her leg.n

>> No.5823250

Okay, kid, whatever you say then.

>> No.5823743


>> No.5823830

What you call vitamins if your a micropenis

>> No.5824539

What about iron, calcium, zinc, iodine, selenium, amino acids, etc. There’s a lot more your body needs in microdoses than just vitamins

>> No.5824552


>> No.5824605

Not her but you got owned and I fully support trans people that aren't using their weird condition to virtue signal and gain attention as you do so aggressively for your namefag.

>> No.5824606

So vitamins and minerals, micropenis

>> No.5825101

>fully support trans people that aren't using their weird condition to virtue signal and gain attention
Literally the first thing she typed was "I'm trans and...." you think she isn't just as bad as Sevenleaf?

>> No.5825124

Well hes not a namefag and I dont notice any other trans on this board besides the seventroll ^_^

>> No.5825128

Well she's not a namefag or tripfag and just brought that up one time to make a point before leaving and going back to anonymity, so... No, she's not nearly as bad as Sevenleaf.

>> No.5825365
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>> No.5825659
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>> No.5826225

TBF Sevenleaf would have dismissed that as "cis scum" or something otherwise

>> No.5826295

Trannies aren't people

>> No.5826967

as a manlet can assure you sometimes taller women wanted to taste smaller treats, and is fucking delicious to be dominated by a strong and tall girl. hnnngg