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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 80 KB, 1047x333, Resident_Evil_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5809046 No.5809046 [Reply] [Original]

do you agree?

>> No.5809049


>> No.5809078


>> No.5809080
File: 232 KB, 937x985, 1469506042088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a lame cop out, but I think they're are all great in their own ways. That beings said, the one I reply the most now is Resident Evil. The DS version is just so handy to have.

>> No.5809089

I don't like 3 at all. Just the premise of being chased by Nemesis makes me uncomfortable, which is exactly the point, but I don't like it.

2 is okay but REmake will always be the superior of the fixed camera games.

REmake > 2 > 1 > 3

>> No.5809093

I don't think I ever actually even finished 3, just got bored with it or something.

>> No.5809110
File: 251 KB, 650x1052, 1565716624196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Anon >>5806861 wanted to know where this art work was from. They are from the Japanese strategy guides. I believe it's in the directors cut one. I own the original version myself and the art work is identical.

>> No.5809118

If you want to play it again an HD mod for the Gamecube version recently game out. It looks sick.

>> No.5809137

REmake=3 > 2 > 1

>> No.5809141

What makes REmake better?

>> No.5809173

Everything that can be remade? It stays true to the original and improves all the visuals and audio.
ye, oh yes you guise know what is in the upward direction!
The game is out on pc too..

>> No.5809176

More content with new puzzles and subplots like Lisa

>> No.5809224

1 < 2 ... 3

>> No.5809229

Resident Evil is for boys and Splatterhouse is for men


>> No.5809236

4 > Remake > Remake 2 > Rev 2 > 2 > Rev > CV > 1 > 5 > 3 > 0 > 6

No need to thank me.

>> No.5809267

4 is not a real RE game though, so try again.

>> No.5809292

3 isn't even a real Resident Evil game. In reality it's
1 < 2 < CV

>> No.5809293

You could say that back when 4 first came out, and you'd be objectively wrong, but it would be somewhat compelling if you claimed that 4 was probably going one-off. But it wasn't. Just for fun, let's break this down.
>core titles = 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
We can neatly divvy these up as:
>Fixed Camera Survival Horror
>Fixed Camera Action Horror
>Third Person Action Horror
>First Person Survival Horror

So just with the core titles alone, the majority don't follow the traditional AiTD formula, thus that clearly no longer defines the series. You're welcome, no need to thank me :)

>> No.5809302

Neither is Remake 2 since it is just RE4 with a new Leon skin

Fuck all third person shooter "REs"

>> No.5809341
File: 72 KB, 220x210, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three equals two greater than one
What am I reading, I'm not that good at mathematics bruh.
It's funny how board members claim that newer titles not replicating retro titles aren't even part of the series/aren't the considered the games.
Meh, they're all great in their own right..

>> No.5809369

I wouldn't say REmake 2 is a traditional RE but it's far from Resident Evil 4

>> No.5809372

You just posted cringe, bro.

>> No.5809382

>More content with new puzzles and subplots like Lisa
I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit, I did not hit her. I did not.

>> No.5809404

was revelations 1 and 2 any good?

>> No.5809413

They're both really good. If you're unsure, start with 2.

>> No.5809459

4 killed the series.

>> No.5809486

1 is very mediocre, i don't know how that game was so popular
2 i don't know

>> No.5809489

No, what the fuck

1 > 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3

>> No.5809496

>i don't know how that game was so popular
Not much competition.

>> No.5809576

4/5/6 are not real RE games, but 3 still qualifies. 7 is weird.

>> No.5809584
File: 27 KB, 605x495, 67583722_2420795594669698_163382733488259072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REAL RE GAMES: 1/2/3/REmake/CVX/OB1/OB2 and POSSIBLY REmake 2


>> No.5809630

>not real
based schizo posters

>> No.5809684
File: 1.19 MB, 960x678, 1547511882454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE2 is the total package. Gameplay, replayability, story and design. RE3 has somewhat more refined controls, like the intro of the 180 turn, but overall feels very much like a side story to keep players busy until CV comes out. As classic as the original is, its very dated compared to its sequels.

>> No.5809689


>> No.5809758

i likes nemesis because he's pretty much an emo tyrant, but his final fight was trash

>> No.5809775


>> No.5809779

Resident evil 4 was shit.

>> No.5809965

1 was. I played it many times.

2 was irredeemable garbage I refunded after 20 minutes.

>> No.5809975

I bet you picked Claire's campaign first, immediately got triggered by moira and rage refunded.

>> No.5809985

Can you even choose campaigns? I just did what the game gave me, but I refunded it because they plastered ketchup all over the screen the second you take damage and it stays there until you use a green herb. Like hell I'm paying $20 to have my first play experience ruined by red smears all over the place. FPS sure, I understand, but in a survival horror where you are supposed to conserve herbs and NOT use them until you desperately need to? Fuck off with that, RE7 is guilty of the same thing.

>> No.5810008

good dude backed HARD

>> No.5810087

Desu REmake 2 is ironically more of a survival horror than 2

>> No.5810109


But this is wrong.
RE4/5/6 are action games through and through. You can and have to play them like action games.
You can not play REmake2 like an action game. I mean, you can, for a little while or in short bursts. Feel real good about it too, just like when you got to do it in older RE titles. But that is not a sustainable gameplay style. Like, at all.

>> No.5810180

so according to y'all

>> No.5810227

The anon you are replying to clearly has not actually played REmake 2 because they are too poor to afford a PC which can run it. They watch YouTube videos and decide that it is an "action" game.

>> No.5810269

I don't care. I want fixed camera. It should be easy for Capcom to patch it in. Just move the camera to a specific point in each room. A fan mod could probably do it. They have no excuse.

>> No.5810271

got a link to the mod?

>> No.5810332

It's on PS4 too you tard, but you're right let's start a Master Race war on the /vr/ board instead of sticking to facts

>> No.5810428
File: 130 KB, 783x1021, 1565704825667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to playing my wife in REmake 3

>> No.5810430

The only thing I agree with is some random anon ranking games always makes for a shit thread

>> No.5810694

It always bugged me that you finally get to explore Raccoon City proper and it's still just a series of weirdly connecting hallways like any of the other games, anyway. Always keeps me from getting into it. Also, it's really obvious the whole "flight or fight," "save ammo" shtick of the series was totally improvised out of the way people perceived being able to exploit really bad enemy pathing, like "uhhh yeah we totally did that on purpose, yes that IS the real meat of these games." RE1 and 2 you can blow everything straight to hell and suffer no long-term penalty, RE3 actively encourages you to dump all your ammo fighting this one thing that constantly pops up and even boxes you into corners where you have literally no choice or else take damage getting past him. I love the games--don't get me wrong--but it's kind of funny knowing so many people argue about the games based on this sole aspect, when it was obviously an accident.

>> No.5810798

>an accident

Yeah because developers don't have testers. There aren't many games where you struggle until the end. The joy of these classic RE games is actually the illusion* of struggle. If you are lucky and don't fuck up too badly in the initial hour of the game then you have just enough ammo to deal with everything. On the blind run (which is most important anyway) you feel capable to handle any immediate threats and situations but still know and feel the urge to not be wasteful because of other shit down the line. Having zero items and trial and erroring your way through games is not fun nor challenging, it's tedious and a chore. There is a fine line between the two and finding the right balance is what old RE games do very, very well.

It's not developers fault that you replayed these games to autismal degree and can finish them blindfolded now without any challenge.

>> No.5811091

I wonder how they will handle Nemesis. Mr. X is easy enough to handle given how REmake 2 controls, but I can't really imagine fighting Nemesis with REmake 2 controls. They might need to add a dodge function (again) and possibly some kind of stealth system. Either way, I'm stoked for REmake 3.

>> No.5811170


>> No.5811173
File: 299 KB, 713x167, gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mods will be GLORIOUS.

>> No.5811178

what are these pauldrons for
I tried to figure it out many times, but I've never, ever come to a plausible conclusion

>> No.5811190
File: 215 KB, 407x405, 1531933364035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing any game involving manual aiming on console

>> No.5811315

Getting shot/stabbed in the shoulder impairs your ability for self-defense.

>> No.5811324

Calm down sperglard, I wasn't saying mean things about your girlfriend. I love the RE games. But, the whole "this is what this series has always been about and any game that doesn't do it right is BAD" mentality that fanboys stick with is flatout misguided. And you think Capcom adequately playtests their games down to the meta on their first go-around? CAPCOM?

>> No.5811328

>It looks sick bruh
No it doesn't. Fortunately the original on PS1 in 240p on a CRT looks fucking great.

>> No.5811383

Gooks don't know how to design characters, even when attempting a realistic aesthetic.

>> No.5811697

Besides mercenary mode 3 is lame.

>> No.5811841


2 had alot of shitty cutscenes and easy gameplay

>> No.5812031

good thing getting shot in the chest doesn't

>> No.5812045

Zombies mostly go for the neck/clavicle area.

>> No.5812064

That's a design from RE1 where absolutely nobody from the outside world knew about zombies, and they wouldn't become common knowledge until the breakout that took place after that game is over.

>> No.5812074

can we agree?

>> No.5812084


I've never played 5, 6, or 7. Or the RE2 Remake.

>> No.5812149

Umbrella was puppeteering the RCPD through Irons and Wesker, thus they created and issued that prototype heavy anti-zombie armor to provide optimal protection for the most vulnerable and commonly targeted area of the body while minimally impacting weight and mobility.

>> No.5812153

This is objectively the worst ranking of RE that I’ve ever seen.

>> No.5812165


>> No.5812170


>> No.5812182

getting stabbed by a violent criminal is a higher risk. Literally anything can be a knife.

>> No.5812190

3 is shit and 7 is one of the best games in the series.

>> No.5812192

Imagine believing that 3 is bad and 7 is good. Time to head on back to /v/

>> No.5812195

>not action
You drown in ammo in RE2. The only actual survival games in the good classics are RE1 and REmake.

>> No.5812202

7 is unironically more of a survival horror game than 3 is. 3 is a dogshit prototype spinoff, CV is the real 3 anyway.

>> No.5812205

CV is dogshit literally the worst of the classics along with Zero.

>> No.5812212

>t. didn't own cv at release
You had to be there.

>> No.5812575

Director's Cut=2>Vanilla RE>3

3 is still fun, but give me tighter level design that requires map memorization and back tracking. Also Nemesis can break the flow at times.

>> No.5812621

It's RPD, not RCPD, and why would Umbrella want to protect the S.T.A.R.S. members from zombie bites? They brought them to the mansion to see how good their BOWs were at killing them

>> No.5812630

>7 is one of the best games in the series.
You mean "Boo: Haunted House!" where the whole game is just walking into scripted sequence after scripted sequence and fighting the amorphous black blob enemies that spawn right behind you every time you pick something up because the devs didn't know how to design a map otherwise? You liked that one?

>> No.5813068

Live test subject for prototype armor in a combat situation against said BOWs.

>> No.5813286

Real answer is that it's a jap who YET AGAIN can't be bothered to do simple research on the items they're going to display in their games. It's a load bearing vest (popular back then in the tactical community) that for some reason has been cut short rendering it practically useless and an eye sore.

>> No.5813398

Who the fuck cares, and why are there 80 responses to this shit? RE is a terrible series. The games were unplayable even 20 years ago, can't imagine playing any of them and bring able to say they aged well, because they sure as shit have not.

>> No.5813464

>7 is one of the best games in the series.
I was being generous to rank it above 5.

>> No.5813471

Who fucking cares about what a game was like in context when some geek was impressed by graphics and grateful to get anything on his new shiny Dreamcast? All that matters is how a game plays right now.

>> No.5813497

>All that matters is how a game plays right now
If you really believed that, you wouldn't be here.

>> No.5813825

>its very dated compared to its sequels.
it was just cheaply made
the REmake (pretty much RE 1 but with a budget exceeding a couple hundred bucks this time) and RE2 is where it is IMHO

>> No.5813832

nah bro it wouldn't work
RE2 was made around the fixed cameras, and not being able to see everything
RE2make was made around freelook

>> No.5813842

I do really believe that, and here I am. What are you suggesting?

Old games are generally better than modern games, not for their time, but right now. Nostalgia means almost nothing to me.

>> No.5813849

>getting stabbed by a violent criminal is a higher risk
so let's only cover the parts of the body that are not fatal to stab and leave the vital organs undefended.

I understand that this might have been a design choice to make low-poly models be more distinguishable, but your arguments are just retarded

>> No.5813898

If you get shot in the chest, armor or not doesn't matter, you're staying down. Shot in the shoulder, you can still fire back a few shots.

>> No.5814345
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, re2remakeconcept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, early concept and even testing of RE2 Remake incorporated the fixed camera. The game had a very liberal development process where virtually every idea someone had got implemented into the game in some form so they could have a fully accurate view on how it would work, and decide whether to use it from there. They were going to put in a toggle, but so much of how they balanced the combat revolved around making sure OTS worked perfectly well, so they ended up nixing the fixed camera altogether. They talk about it in the developer interview series they put up on Youtube.

2>1>3 btw. 1 would be the best but the Underground onward kind of falls apart and the condition for Jill's good ending is bullshit.

>> No.5814349

>If you get shot in the chest, armor or not doesn't matter, you're staying down
What did he meme by this???

>> No.5814582

You're talking about a people who don't understand what belts are used for and think it's just a cool-looking fashion accessory

>> No.5817567

Not really.