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5802223 No.5802223 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5802225

Aesthetic cancer and pure Western mediocrity.

>> No.5802248

A mediocre 3D re-imagining of Donkey Kong Country (not itself a great game in the first place) with impressive graphics for its time.

>> No.5802274


>> No.5802278

Tell us more, zoomer.

>> No.5802279

PS1's an amazing console; it's Crash that sucks.

>> No.5802294

Hating on Crash is about as zoomer as hating on the majority of the Sonic series, i.e. not at all.

>> No.5802323

Temple Run, you are in for the universally acclaimed Temple Run on ps1. (lol)

>> No.5802325

ok zoomie.

>> No.5802454


>> No.5802459

a shitty platformer with no personality

>> No.5802462


>> No.5802472

Ebic samefag.

>> No.5802483

Can all of you just go back to /v/ already?
OP just skip Crash 1 and play 2. Thats actually a great one, Crash 1 is just like a released prototype

>> No.5802534

wtf crash is fucking fun as hell and trying to break every box in the level is an awesome challenge, why do you hate fun nigger?

>> No.5802559

dude its so fucking zoomer, millennials grew up with the good sonic games

>> No.5802587


>> No.5802752

>australia-kun is a Crash fan

>> No.5802758

>Can all of you just go back to /v/ already?
>OP just skip Crash 1 and play 2.
>Thats actually a great one,
>>Crash 1 is just like a released prototype

>> No.5802768

>majority of the Sonic series.

>> No.5802841

>aesthetic cancer
>easily one of the most aesthetically pleasing games on the PS1, while being an early title
Do you hate jungles or something?

>> No.5802875

One of my eccentricities is that I think bad art looks bad. And the character design in Crash games is poor man's Rare, which is an impressive feat given it's Rare.

>> No.5802926

i think lots of people hold this game so high because of nostalgia but the game honestly have some bullshit levels of difficulty and its super cryptic about certain unlockables (the remake at least gives you hints about them)
also the 3D depth perception is pretty shit with that camera angle, i think 2 and 3 tried to fix that a bit by elevating the camera a bit and also moderating the difficulty level a bit to make it less bullshit, the 2D sections are ok tho

>> No.5802948
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You're completely full of shit

>> No.5802950
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Imagine a 2017 remake having inferior lighting to a 1997 game.

>> No.5802951

FPBP. A travesty of a 3D platformer, limited cheap copy of superior N64 legendary games. I feel sorry for people who had to grow up with this.

>> No.5802957

The poster count isn't going up for some reason

>> No.5802962

>bullshit levels of difficulty
It's really not that hard. I swear a lot of people's problems would be solved if they knew/remembered that holding the jump button when you bounce on an enemy or object makes you go further. Like in slippery climb with the birds. You mention the remake and depth perception, but you should know (if you're judging based on N-Sane) the jumping physics there were definitely not identical to the PS1 original. N Sane had a tendency to slide you off edges.

>> No.5803006

Are you trying to make my argument for me by posting that picture? I nearly laughed out loud when I clicked it. Horrendous character design. That belongs in a Gex/Bubsy crossover game.

>> No.5803013

Absolutely pathetic thread. I entered in hopes that I would be able to discuss crash 1 but it seems there's nothing but low-quality bait here. Grow up.

>> No.5803046

Sorry, Crash is doodoo.

>> No.5803136

The desire to play the second one.

>> No.5803150

I think this thread is full of americans, every country in the world loves Crash but americans grew up with Mario 64 so they're butthurt about Crash's popularity
rate my theory from 1 to 10

responding to OP: it's a great game, have fun friend

>> No.5803172

I remember back when the remake trilogy first came out there were tons of Japanese people doing livestream play throughs. I don’t get the hate for crash, the music is good, the gameplay is simple but challenging, I love the tribal aboriginal aesthetics, what is wrong with some people?

>> No.5803182

>you will never be as threatened by anything as nintenfats are by crash
The first two are amazing while the third one kind of sucks.

>> No.5803184

>all of this samefagging
I played it for the first time through emulation right before the remakes came out. I enjoyed the music. Also to all of the fags saying it copied DKC ITT, Crash has actual difficulty and isn't boring like DKC.

>> No.5803193

I've never associated Crash fans with Eurofags, just kids and nostalgic retards. I'm Canadian and I know it was advertised on TV like crazy here and in the U.S., and pushed in the ad pages of game magazines, so I doubt it was unpopular in North America.

Not a great series, though. Not at all. I'd take the Jumping Flash games over it in a second. Those games while not amazing either are at least nice to look at and interesting. And if you expand to 2.5D PS1 platformers there's Klonoa, which is an excellent game.

Crash was the PS1's Sonic; heavily marketed, aimed at and embraced by kids, and of dubious quality, and now only really loved by those who played it as kids; except that, unlike the best 16-bit Sonic games, it's visually unappealing and it never approached the level of a game like Sonic 2.

Suggesting that it's as good, as popular, or will be considered as classic in 20 years as something like Mario 64--even in Europe--seems ridiculous, but maybe I'm wrong; I'm not Euro.

>> No.5803203
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>I'd take the Jumping Flash games over it in a second
What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm>>5803184
and Crash 2 is probably one of the best platformers I've ever played.

>> No.5803205

Must be the only platformer you've played.

>> No.5803220

the majority of the /vr/ sonic series is good

Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic CD

majority of the sonic series at the time was good

>> No.5803234
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>nintendo fanboyism
>the thread
>the few dissenting comments are just people saying anything not nintendo is not inherently bad


>> No.5803240

Feels like more of a natural progression from 2D platformers than the open world 3D platformers of its era. If you preferred 2D platformers you'll like it. Skip the sequel, jump to number 3.

>> No.5803246

>OP just skip Crash 1 and play 2.
Hmm? I just completed them both and the first one was much more fun. The level design in 2 just felt boring as shit.

>> No.5803252

It depends on where you're setting the bar. 1, CD, and 3 are fine in the grand scheme of all platformers, but if you compare them to something like the classic Mega Man series, the classic Castlevania, or the NES/SNES Mario games, they're a joke. 2 is the only one that even belongs in the conversation. I'd take any of them over any Crash game though.

Naughty Dog made the right decision to finally move to producing glorified interactive movies with realistic styled characters. The Jak and Crash series made it obvious that they've never had any talent for mechanics or character design.

>> No.5803276
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>people hating on 2

>> No.5803278

You've fucked up on the causal connection. 3D platforming is a genre that almost no games have done well, and the gap between the best examples and the average examples, unlike in almost every other genre, is massive. It's nothing to do with Nintendo allegiance. I didn't own an N64 until after I had a PS2. My console during that gen was PS1, which was and is one of the best consoles of all time, but Nintendo just shits all over just about every other studio that's tried that genre.

Banjo? Fine I guess taken in isolation--shit characters and absence of good platforming aside--but compared to Mario 64 it's a joke. What else is there? 3D Sonic? Shit. Crash? Jak? Sly? Spyro? Not offensively awful, but not great. Rayman? Conker? Same deal. Mirror's Edge was an interesting experiment. Some people praised that indie with the dumb tophat bitch when it came out. No weight, no momentum, generic Euro art, a nothing soundtrack. And where is it now?

Odyssey was a major improvement from the regressions that were Galaxy and 3D World, but even Nintendo hasn't been able to match their first effort. It's not fanboyism, it's the nature of the genre. It's deceptively difficult to do well.

>> No.5803295
File: 2.86 MB, 216x270, Slow Dude Runs Away From Slower Cops-31w9ni2snre31.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Crash is bad" in platformer discussion is the equivalent of "Only open world games are good" in general game discussion.

Yeah it's linear and focused. And that's one reason why it's one of the most solid game trilogies of the 5th generation. If the age meme was real, Crash would probably be the least affected 3D game of the entire gen (excluding 1's saving and no analog support).

>> No.5803297

>Banjo? Fine I guess taken in isolation--shit characters and absence of good platforming aside--but compared to Mario 64 it's a joke.
>Crash? Jak? Sly? Spyro? Not offensively awful, but not great. Rayman? Conker?
oh god you're serious
>Mirror's Edge was an interesting experiment.
Fuck right it was.
>Some people praised that indie with the dumb tophat bitch when it came out. No weight, no momentum, generic Euro art, a nothing soundtrack. And where is it now?
Cryostasis because it's not what's in right now.
>Odyssey was a major improvement from the regressions that were Galaxy and 3D World, but even Nintendo hasn't been able to match their first effort. It's not fanboyism, it's the nature of the genre. It's deceptively difficult to do well.
It's just that no one irons out the kinks. Yooka-Laylee suffered from large expanses of emptiness and A Hat In Time was its own beast but considering you downed it you probably don't know its strengths and weaknesses personally. Galaxy and 3D World also did their own thing, Nintendo hasn't really been back to making it perfect. Odyssey was great for what it was but I agree that the art style wasn't consistent and it played more like Toads Treasure Tracker more than a 3D collectathon platformer.
But hey your assessment wasn't too bad.

>> No.5803315

>It's just that no one irons out the kinks.
Fixing Mario 64's camera would be a case of ironing out the kinks. Almost every other 3D platformer fucks up, at least, the fundamental feeling of physics/movement. That old Miyamoto comment about nailing the feeling of having a character run around before moving onto anything else is not just a meme, I think it's the essential issue of the genre. It's what separates bad from good and good from great. It's something like the platformer version of the sensation of firing weapons in an FPS--when they get the sound and muzzle flash and spread and impact right it makes all the difference to the game as a whole. Sunshine and Odyssey got close enough to be almost tragic.
>Cryostasis because it's not what's in right now.
More like permadeath. I was blanking on the name; history's going to fully blank on the game if it hasn't already.

>> No.5803319

>limited cheap copy of N64
That's Spyro. Crash doesn't play like a N64 platformer at all, that's why it's actually fun.

>> No.5803321 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is going on

>> No.5803329

It's something like a severely neutered 3D World.

>> No.5803361

Some funny fun

>> No.5803378


>> No.5803381

>the fundamental feeling of physics/movement
>the feeling of having a character run around
>It's what separates bad from good and good from great.
Which is why Banjo-Kazooie is an amazing game, it does that all correctly.
>Sunshine and Odyssey got close enough to be almost tragic.
It's not just close it's perfect in that area, it just fails to give environments to explore, but that's just it, they're at their core not collectathon action adventures in the vein of BK or SM64. This is the true tragedy, that Odyssey as a call back was so damn close to nailing that but fails to give the same challenges to the main collectible, mostly leaving them lay about for you to explore the environment.
>More like permadeath. I was blanking on the name; history's going to fully blank on the game if it hasn't already.
Not really it was universally praised but like all games once they hit critical acclaim they slink away into the history books. But I'm willing to bet their core audience is ready for more every few years just like in the movie industry, everything has a time and place to really be appreciated. I just hope no one abandons the genre forever because that would be the greatest tragedy.

>> No.5803396

oof, I misread Sunshine and Odyssey as Galaxy and 3D World >.<
I concede that these two gems did in fact get close but not pull off the same remarkability as SM64.

>> No.5803449
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>> No.5803828

imagine trying to troll on /vr/ and this is what you come up with, their not sending their best folks :(

>> No.5803841


>> No.5803843

Do people actually like Crash 1? Crash 2 was infinitely better.

>> No.5803887

Crash is definitely not bad, and the sequels improve on the 1st game's flaws. Although it's funny how Naughtydog thought their rail hopper was a better game than Mario 64.

>> No.5803892

Even worse is the overly smooth and clean textures that make every block and decoration in the ruins look like it was just put there and mopped clean an hour before you arrived. Soulless garbage as usual.

>> No.5803923

A fun game that is hampered with problems like a shit saving system and unbalanced difficulty. Crash 2 gets it right though. I would honestly recommend playing the HD version of crash 1, and psx for the other two.

>> No.5803932

i like 1 more, the platforming feels more tight, and i enjoyed levels like high road and slippery climb that put my skills to test, 2 is too much gimmicky for my taste, 3 is even worse in that regard.

>> No.5803949

A good time, unlike with Mario 64.

>> No.5803980

Most who played it as a kid have fond memories of it, but it aged like milk compared to 2 and Warped which are still incredible today.

>> No.5804018

Are you serious? Got a source?

>> No.5804191

Yeh sure


>> No.5804370

I loved it, I still love it. I 100% it every couple of years.

Arguments around Crash vs Mario 64 always center around linear vs open world, and the posts in this thread havent been an exception.

I think this is a silly apples-to-oranges argument.

If I wanted to compare a playstation game to Mario 64 I would compare Croc, or Gex.

>> No.5804561
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>> No.5804576

>If I wanted to compare a playstation game to Mario 64 I would compare Croc, or Gex.
That doesn't really help PS1 though.
I think the best actual 3D platformer on PS1 was Jumping Flash (and Jumping Flash 2), severely underrated games. They're the only 1st person platformer games that got it right (unlike, for example, Mirror's Edge)

>> No.5804580

Canadians have shit taste.

>> No.5804809

>No argument

>> No.5804846

only the liberal faggots like >>5803193. I never played crash as a kid and I thought it was a great game when I tried it in 2014 so he's just wrong too. That stupid little cunt can't even break every crate in the first level so he claims he would rather play some boring weeaboo garbage

>> No.5805201

What a bunch of idiots in this thread.
OP play the game, I ignored the series for years and only played it for the first time this year (yes the original, not the remake).
The game takes a bit of getting used to but it's a great platformers with graphics that still hold up well today and actually rival the ones on the remake.
The guys who say the 2nd game is better are correct, it improved on everything the first game did right and more.
Stop reading too many opinions and start playing it and have fun.

>> No.5805337

>I never played crash as a kid and I thought it was a great game when I tried it in 2014
Get out of my country. Deported for crimes of bad taste.

>> No.5805346

>Personally when I first got my hands on Mario I was like WTF? How is anyone going to know what to do here? And although there was a pretty real sense of marvel in this funny new world, I never found it very fun.
Haha Uncharted makes so much sense now. What an utterly shit studio.

>> No.5805364


>> No.5805376
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Day of the Rake best day of my life

>> No.5805752

The funniest thing about those Naughty Dog blog posts is how full of shit they are.

For example, Andy wrote in them that ONLY Naughty Dog used high-end SGI workstations for development and absolutely nobody else in the game industry did the same. Except... high-end SGI workstations were literally the fucking DEV KITS for all early N64 games. They weren't even optional.

>> No.5806074
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get a load of this weeb

>> No.5806195

retard. they made jak and daxter, an open ended platformer. blame druckmann and his ilk for uncharted.

>> No.5806202

Not Spyro?

>> No.5806208

I agree. I've 100%ed Crash 1 twice, but never found the motivation to do it with 2 or 3.

Fuck Sunset Vista though

>> No.5806216

Spyro and BK are primarily collectathons with very little platforming or precision movement requirement from players. Gex 2 and SM64 are collectathons, but both have many sections that require precision platforming, often under pressure from timers, and both require going through a level multiple times to complete them. I don't even know what I'd compare Crash to on the N64 side of things.

>> No.5806346

that seal looks like shit

>> No.5806363

Still a more aesthetically pleasing design than Crash.

>> No.5806364

Fun and angering geriatric weebs apparently.