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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5801015 No.5801015 [Reply] [Original]

Let me start off by saying I am very sensitive to input lag. Small discrepancies make it impossible for me to complete a game or enjoy myself, so I need the optimal setup. Now, to get to my question. Is it possible to use an original controller, adapter to USB, and emulate on a 9ms LCD with less roundtrip lag than original hardware on a CRT? Ok lads, now it gets interesting. I did some Googling, and from what I understand a 4th generation console like the SNES has over 40ms between button press and change on screen. I don't have a SNES controller to USB adapter so I can't measure if that has lag. But maybe someone here knows that. And if I use runahead I can get zero input lag so my roundtrip lag is 9ms only from the monitor.

>> No.5801016

>Small discrepancies make it impossible for me to complete a game or enjoy myself
Then don't emulate at all. Your optimal set up is real hardware with a crt.

>> No.5801020

Retroarch has less input lag than original hardware.

>> No.5801030

USB2 has a latency of around 0.2ms. Whatever the internal rate of your adapter is, will vary from one model to another.

>> No.5801046

Run ahead is nice.

>> No.5802565

Where did you pluck that ridiculous number from?
Just use retroarch with readahead mode.
>a 4th generation console like the SNES has over 40ms between button press and change on screen
You're pulling numbers out of your arse. It depends on the game. Some games have 1 frame of lag internally, some have like 9 or 10.

>> No.5802572
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>> No.5802585

I don't mind the slight input delay that comes with emulation, but I cannot handle the lag that comes from playing games on a huge HDTV that hasn't been set up properly. The one time I brought it up when playing at one of my friend's houses, he and all my other friends didn't know what I was talking about, I had to show them by tapping the stick and timing how long it took for the action I inputted to actually start happening. They still didn't think anything was wrong, I guess they all played games on TVs that weren't made for gaming, or they didn't bother setting it up and thought it was normal for actions to take 1/4 a second to actually start happening.

>> No.5802603

The average layman doesn't notice or care about these things. In a way I envy them. Ignorance is bliss.

You're appraoching this all wrong, OP. At the end of the day it's about the games. What consoles are you looking to play? Can you make a short list of what is your priority? That will help determine your setup.

>> No.5802643

If you notice these things then runahead is the last thing you would want to do. Runahead breaks the game code open and messes with it, that's why setting runahead too high will often produce bugs, many very obvious. Runahead is really just something to keep the kiddies happy, to pretend like they're playing games properly without using real hardware.

>> No.5803092 [DELETED] 

Runahead works. If OP is sensitive to lag he should have no trouble determining the appropriate level of runahead on a game by game basis.

The other issue is controller latency. Raphnet makes controller adapters that are specifically focused on minimizing input latency.

>> No.5803140

so you care about input lag and not the countless other inaccuracies?

>> No.5803146

>set up properly
That is your problem. You think setup always has something to do with a tv and the capabilities it has. A shit tv is always shit. A good tv can be shit if you make a mistake. A great tv can be good if you make a mistake. A great tv can also be impossibly low to the point of only the most autistic people pretending to notice a difference, and EVEN THEN they usually point out differences in the display technology not the "delay" or "gtg" as they misuse daily.

>> No.5803147

>Countless other inaccuracies
lol. Try harder.

>> No.5803179

I don't have to try anything, I have real hardware and enjoy it, you're the one trying to convince people emulation can be better because muh runahead less input lag that doesn't even work with all games.. The games were developed and tested on the real hardware, with that exact amount of latency in mind. If real hardware on a crt is too much input lag for you that's just another level of autism man

>> No.5803239

What is one example of the countless inaccuracies that runahead caused for you?

>> No.5803243

>Is it possible
>and from what I understand
You don't understand
>maybe someone here knows that
No one knows the answer the the question you don't understand. There isn't just one single adapter that has a specific amount of lag just like there isn't only one LCD that has a specific amount of lag
>I can get zero input lag
No. You fell for the runahead meme. Like most poorfags your age.

>> No.5805394


>> No.5805404

>unironic retroarch shills
You're not even getting paid for this, it's not worth playing retarded over

>> No.5805419

gray to gray response time is never relevant to anyone

>> No.5805616

What inaccuracies? Why are you trying to change the subject?

>> No.5805828

I say that because I have a pretty big HDTV that has very low inpuy delay which I use for my PC, all I had to do was go into it's settings and enable "Gamer Mode" to make it not shit.

>> No.5806219
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>mfw your 2 frame gamer mode lag isn't shit

>> No.5806221

Unironically CRTs have 3.

>> No.5806229

you're never going to get "zero lag", stop thinking like a retard.
Every time you've ever played video games there has been lag, so what your perception of "lag-free" is is actually just low latency.
Now you can try to minimize it, in fact you should, but being so autistic as to complain about the unavoidable lag in original wired controllers is retarded.

>> No.5806416

Unironically you're a retarded child

>> No.5806434


>> No.5806436


>> No.5806438

The only way to play is with original hardware on a CRT. If you don't want to pay reseller prices for games just get a flashcart.

>> No.5806454

Can't argue with that factual evidence.

>> No.5806456


>> No.5806457

Where was the evidence in the posts I was contradicting? I don't see any. They just used a few more pointless words than I did.

>> No.5807017

>My tv has only 12ms of input lag
>connect CPU + GPU HDMI Out to the TV
>Running retroarch
>USB controller
>no matter how fast is my CPU the bluetooth joystick + n motherboard hdmi out just add 20~30ms of input lag
>I can't help to think I'm having small drops in frame rate in full screen mode
>There are 4 video driver options in retroarch and i don't know which is more accurate
>I'm not sure which audio driver works better with vsync enabled

>> No.5807049

As someone who used to praise such feature I stopped using it. Not only there are many games that even with a setting of 1 break and warp things around the place like crazy, I found that some of my missed inputs were mostly caused by it. I'd rather not have that issue than have the character on a platformer feel "lighter".

>> No.5807085

By the sounds of it you don't even have a dedicated GPU. Try opengl with Hard GPU sync with the lowest setting possible (0, if it lags 1) or d3d11. Disable fullscreen optimizations if you use W10 and run RA on fullscreen with windowed fullscreen mode disabled. RetroArch can't fix the rest of your setup though.

>> No.5807115

1. Grab a decent computer with a GPU that has vulkan support
2. If you're not willing to research on how to use something like CRT_EmuDriver and use a CRT TV with that shit (and waste a lot of time, and use old drivers, and be forced to use AMD GPUs only) buy yourself a goddamn 120hz LCD monitor
3. Use the vulkan driver on RetroArch and set vsync (that's right) swap interval to 2 (for 120hz)
4. Don't bother with the runahead meme

It's a decent compromise compared to most setups. If by chance you grab a lightboost monitor it's even better, you can ditch the swap interval option and use black frame insertion to have (almost) no blur (though there might be some image retention business)

>> No.5807210

Impressive to see so much bad advice condensed into such a small space.

>> No.5807225

Alright, let's hear it. What's wrong with it?

>> No.5807314

1. Software emulation sucks
2. Vulkan support is irrelevant
3. Setting up CRT_emudriver isn't a waste of time, and playing old games on an LCD is atrocious
4. You're not limited to AMD as you can set custom resolutions to output to CRTs using Nvidia cards
5. Runahead is one of the most important advances in the history of emulation and is in large part what makes emulating action games almost worthwhile. If you can't afford arcade boards it's essential
6. No mention of audio latency which using default settings is horrible, and only after a combination of careful tweaking and fortunate hardware gets to a level that's almost tolerable
7. No mention of the huge variation in latency of different controllers

>> No.5807374

1. It doesn't match real hardware which is why I said it was a compromise
2. It is relevant as there -is- a difference in terms of input lag between different video drivers, settings between these, operating systems and the hardware being used
3. Which is why I suggested the monitor specs I suggested, also it kinda is a waste of time. You have to either cope with a shitty computer dedicated to it (not the greatest experience) or be stuck with super resolutions, having to set custom modelines and making sure you have each platform set up accordingly. The slow switching between progressive and interlaced modes doesn't make it any better.
4. 15khz modelines? Tell me more
5. Runahead is also inaccurate, resource intensive and produces awful results with quite a few genesis/snes titles
6. No mention needed
7. If you're playing with a shitty bluetooth controller and you're complaining about a few miliseconds, what can I say.

>> No.5807713

Inaccurate how?

>> No.5807731

It's literally a manipulation of the game code. That's why you get strange glitches and bugs appear if you set it too far ahead, with big differences between games.

>> No.5807748

What bugs? Can you name one?

>> No.5808047

Runahead breaks Bloody Wolf turbo. Run ahead feature in retroarch must be set to disabled

I'm not sure how to configure audio to avoid latency though. I always leave audio sync on but i never mess with the delay and other settings

>> No.5808174

If you're on Windows use wasapi and set the latency as low as possible before you start hearing crackling. If you're on Linux use Jack if you've miraculously managed to set it up properly, or if not, some form of alsa.

>> No.5808178

>Let me start off by saying I am very deep entrenched in autismn.

>> No.5808825
