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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 332 KB, 1440x1080, rondo crt royale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5798967 No.5798967 [Reply] [Original]

Does /vr/ use shaders when emulating retro games?

>> No.5799003

Mostly tvout+interlacing on a PC CRT

>> No.5799096


Yes. Its the first thing I enable, either via Retroarch or Reshade.

I get fucking annoyed when there are no options to enable CRT-scanlines-aperture grille in a particular game

>> No.5799113
File: 3.20 MB, 1411x1080, Super Mario World (USA)-180531-210528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. It's a matter of personal taste. I like it to at least feel kind of like a CRT, even if it's not perfect. Plus it's fun to just fool around with different shaders on different games.

>> No.5799115

No if I wanted scanlines I would just play on a CRT.

>> No.5799143

Looks like some of that awful analog shader pack shit. There are way less offensive vaseline-tier options, anon.

>> No.5799162

Yes, and pretty much refuse to play any other way.

>> No.5799168

Using any kind of shader to do geometry correction is foolishness. When you are looking a curved screen CRT you don't perceive it as being curved like that. And the light it emits doesn't go off in the same direction like your LCD does either.

Best to stick to light shader effects. Just enough to put some texture back into the image.

>> No.5799174
File: 3.49 MB, 4032x3024, curves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you are looking a curved screen CRT you don't perceive it as being curved like that
I don't use curved meme shaders like that anon, but that's a silly statement. Smaller CRTs are very curvy.

>> No.5799214

Yes, but when you are actually looking at them and playing them you don't see the screen as being curved. Your brain corrects this.
When you play with geometry shaders the correction never kicks in, or even if it does it was never necessary in the first place.

>> No.5799220
File: 3.95 MB, 4032x3024, compsth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that CRT on my desk right next to my other monitors, I assure you that your brain doesn't magically "correct" the image. The only difference is that the photos heavily wash out the image because I can't adjust the exposure settings on my phone. The closer you sit to the screen, the more you can see how the image sort of "rolls" over the curve in sidescrollers. On my big CRT, or just sitting several feet away, you won't notice it.

>> No.5799242
File: 27 KB, 206x245, 1528425324341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a go in RetroArch using CRT-Royale+TV outs and turned on the geometry parameter.
It's not so bad really.

>> No.5799253

>>>5798967 (OP)
>I do. It's a matter of personal taste. I like it to at least feel kind of like a CRT, even if it's not perfect. Plus it's fun to just fool around with different shaders on different games.

Just my answer.

>> No.5799665

the human brain doesn't work even remotely like that. are you retarded?

>> No.5799765

>When you are looking a curved screen CRT you don't perceive it as being curved like that.
That's how it works when playing a game with that shader applied too. You're looking at a screenshot, so it's more noticeable.

>> No.5800165

I don't use any filters because they look stupid to me but I upscale the resolution and stretch it to 16:9 so that is probably worse.

>> No.5800187

>Filters look stupid
>I stretch the image to 16:9
You no longer get to have an opinion on what looks stupid. I mean ever.

>> No.5800276

Yeah, that terrible thing is definitely worse than that decent thing.

>> No.5800346

yeah guess I'm a pleb but meme filters are gay and the retro equivalent to 'film grain' and all those other modern post processing effects.

>> No.5800353

If there's a way to add film grain back to a film after it's been stripped out the moronic company producing the blu-ray, I'd happily do that, even if it still doesn't look as good as the original. Your comparison's fine. It's just your taste and judgement that sucks.

>> No.5800357

If I didn't have actual CRTs maybe I would, but if I'm ever that desperate for muh scanlines I just play on a real CRT. There's nothing wrong with sharp ass pixels properly scaled on a flt screen

>> No.5800365

The point isn't the physical geometry of the screen surface, it's the way the raster electronics draw the image. On a real CRT, the hardware is designed with the curved screen surface in mind and projects in such a way that the resulting image *doesn't* demonstrate this warping, especially if tuned right. The difference is most geometry shaders actually bend the edges of the image. This simply isn't how it behaves on a real tube. The electron gun is at a fixed location and fires at a fixed frequency, so by scanning across a curved surface like the inside of a tube, it actually maintains a relatively constant distance and time-of-flight from the gun to the incident phosphors. Notice how you see a bit of overscan on just the middle of the image, that's because the image is "flat" relative to the viewing angle and specifically accounts for the curvature of the screen.

>> No.5800839

This looks fucking terrible, why would you want to play like this anymore?

>> No.5800847

The thing is that's not how CRTs look IRL. That's how they look if you try to take a pic of them.

>> No.5800848

Depends on the system and the game.

>> No.5800870
File: 3.21 MB, 2818x2126, smb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I enjoy playing in simulated RF crap-vision.

>> No.5801180

Even that at least looks like RF into a proper working CRT, my first color TV as a kid had a lot of burn in and washed out color
Used that thing until it would only display red because holy shit I have a TV right here in my room and can play my NES games whenever I want

>> No.5801191
File: 564 KB, 1173x896, crisp pixels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and carmackpilled

>> No.5802094

never used them before
what shaders do you recommend bros?

>> No.5802673

GTU with scanlines turned off.

>> No.5802704

45yr old here even back in the 80's no one i knew had such a shitty tv image like this.
You guys are all retards.

>> No.5802935
File: 103 KB, 1024x731, 1551563958765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use the one that looks good. sometimes I don't though because I can't. My favorite is a secret.

>> No.5802995

Fucking finally, someone else says it. I thought I was going crazy or something. I don't remember blurry shit from my childhood NES-on-CRT memories, I remember pixels.

>> No.5803020

Please tell me I BEG YOU

>> No.5803412

I did. It actually looked worse than this.

>> No.5803421

I have been using TV-Out+interlacing. I then manually go in and make these changes

>halation effects OFF
>-5 R 0 G +5 B Horizontal convergence
>+5 R 0 G - 5 B Vertical convergence
>film grain 18
>little extra saturation
>little extra contrast
>target gamma 2.40
>CRT gamma 2.35
>red gain +0.05
Then I adjust mask type to shadow mask and give it very big triads, can't remember exact settings. Then I apply geometry correction to give the screen a slight simulated curve like >>5799113
/vr/ may hate this but I say don't knock it until you honest try it. I was skeptical at first too.

What I end up with is something that feels like I'm looking at a consumer tier shadow mask composite video CRT. It doesn't look identical by a long shot, but the spirit is there. And somehow that makes all the difference for a lot of games. Since I have started playing like this I have been spending longer periods of time actually playing games and enjoying them than I used to.

>> No.5803431

tee hee

No no no.
Hint:it's not supereagle anymore

>> No.5803535

The operative part of his post I think is "RF." Those things are garbage at transmitting video signal. Puts everything into a big static-y blender. You probably grew up using A/V cables.

>> No.5803671
File: 2.97 MB, 1600x1200, Spyro the Dragon (USA)-190726-221628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s o u l

>> No.5803727

Yes, something like that although sometimes I back the film grain aka noise back down to 12. 12 is composite, 18 is RF.

>> No.5804246

Not like that.
For 8 and 16 I use bilinear filtering, for everything else I just leave whatever is in the default settings.
I fucked around a bit with some goofy filters in Mesen but got sick of them. Emulated scanlines always bother me if I'm playing on PC, I find them too distracting on the whole even if individual sprites and screens might technically look better. I always turn them off eventually.

>> No.5804269

ugh. total groan zone

>> No.5804286

For 3D games, I'll freely admit to using all sorts of antialiasing and upscaling because I like my 3D visuals *clean* so to speak, as long as the emu allows it.

For 2D and pixel art games, I only use a touch of bilinear filtering if scaling is uneven, and maybe some form of composite blending to mask dithering. memelines are for fags

>> No.5804290

Enjoy your pixel shimmering from uneven scaling.

>> No.5804304
File: 516 KB, 1920x1440, Akumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rondo (J)-190726-010457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is bilinear filtering acceptable in your opinion /vr/? It's the only filter I use except for the occasional NTSC filter I use for when the color gamut is off.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.5804309
File: 918 KB, 1460x1120, Super Mario World (USA)-190802-021006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shimmering here, fren. It just works.

>> No.5804314
File: 480 KB, 1906x810, Lufia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't give a shit what you think
I've tried a variety and this is just the most natural to me. Games just feel right and I don't notice any issues. Without it, it feels like I'm playing on an emulator. Other shaders just look weird and can be fun to mess around with but that's it.

>> No.5804321

>the default setting on shitty emulators makes you feel like you aren't playing on an emulator
what did he mean by this???

>> No.5804324

God that looks so fucking bizarre.
I really can't handle playing with shit like that on for any length of time. It's nothing remotely like playing on a real CRT.

>> No.5804330

What I meant to say was that you appear to spend more time sucking cocks than playing games.

>> No.5804331
File: 974 KB, 2072x924, svidsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nothing remotely like playing on a consumer SDTV, but it is like playing on a gross broadcast meme monitor.

>> No.5804342

It depends. I default to using none and sticking with it if it looks alright. If there's a lot of jarring pixelation, I'll use bilinear. Scanlines work pretty well for prerendered assets that don't play nice with modern displays.

>> No.5804381

I used to, but ultimately those shaders will never be able to perfectly replicate the look. So I might as well just play them with sharp pixels, since that's how those games naturally look on an LCD monitor.

I wish I weren't broke living in a tiny house with my parents goddamn it, I want a CRT.

>> No.5804384

Fucking god, those were dark times. Fuck RF modulators. My dad broke the cable thing on the back of his TV in the early 00s because the NES's RF modulator output thing was massive and screwed off his poor little cable input.

>> No.5804389

>boomers who can't tell good from bad pixel art think they're entitled to having an opinion on how games are supposed to look

>> No.5804393

>he doesn't use integer scaling only

>> No.5804398

>integer scaling
>not stretching to monitor's native res and slathering it in bilinear vaseline
get a load of this goober

>> No.5804443

>ha see this still image doesn't have shimmering artifacts seen in motion!
>memeline intensity that looks nothing like a consumer or pro monitor
Does your handler let you dress yourself?
You're kind of retarded)

>> No.5804450

I dunno buddy, looks an awful lot like >>5804331 to me. Also it doesn't have shimmering artifacts in motion. Your irrational anger and obsession with these "shimmering artifacts" that don't exist with proper scaling is unhealthy. Take your meds, fren.

>> No.5804452

I'm too autistic to have black borders around the image

>> No.5804460
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm...retro video games baby!

>> No.5804463

333% soul

>> No.5804471
File: 144 KB, 803x802, 1386261875272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually I go with clear pixels but otherwise unironically the only ones I like are the Super Eagle type filters. I hate CRTs and filters that try to emulate them.

>> No.5804484

Honestly, I will never understand why people are so desperate to reproduce inferior imagery when we have superior screens. Is this the same thing that drives people to buy vinyl records?

I can appreciate creative tricks like sending fucked video signals to fake more colour or patterns to fake transparency, but for the vast majority of games, I just want to see them clearly, even if that means Lego sized pixels.

>> No.5804486

If you're going to meme it up with that kind of filter, use scalefx instead. It mangles the image far less.

>> No.5804489

>looks an awful lot like >>5804331 # to me.
In other words, your eyes are broken and don't know what a CRT looks like.
>get called out about artifacts
Why are you so defensive about terms you don't understand? Uneven scaling produces shimmering, light bilinear filtering can hide it. Hope you aren't scaling those memelines unevenly either.

>> No.5804494

I think that bilinear shitfiltering has damaged your brain, anon.

>> No.5804512

SuperEagle is old hat bro, use xBR.

>> No.5804516

Some people prefer the old, blurrier, and therefore smoother image style

>> No.5805442

In my opinion the games were designed to benefit from noise and color bleed, and I'm not just talking about dot crawl in Famicom games or transparencies in Megadrive. Even the PlayStation and N64 benefit from it.
I have owned and extensively used 15khz RGB monitors and eventually I went back to composite because of this.

>> No.5806404

For people who DO use shaders: Is there a better universal shader than CRT-Royale, or is that still the most recommended one?

>> No.5806408

There's delusional and vocal GTUfrens, but royale variants are the gold standard of crt shaders.

>> No.5806413

Thought as much. I tried a bunch of others but they seemed so weird, randomly blown-out purples or things like that - I don't even know who most of these shaders are aimed at. Maybe they're just for specific games.
Anyway, cheers.

>> No.5806425
File: 253 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20190812_210154_929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm don't mind if I do!