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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5792765 No.5792765 [Reply] [Original]

Worth a play now? I like the old RE games

>> No.5792782

Yes, it's still the best in the series in my opinion.

>> No.5792810

It’s a worse version of Resident Evil 2. But even RE2 was overrated for its year. If you’re really looking for muh edgy scary game, play Silent Hill 1 and then realize that even that kinda sucks.

>> No.5792832

Dino Crisis is great, not similar to RE2 besides being survival horror. RE2 is also one of the best games ever and Silent Hill is far below it in terms of gameplay, design, replayability, etc...

>> No.5792837

Keep solving those puzzles designed for 13 year olds and shooting dinosaurs, dumbass.

>> No.5792840

>RE2 is also one of the best games ever

Puzzles are room temperature IQ, even on hard you swim on ammo. The gameplay lasts 2h. Come on.

>> No.5792857

>RE2 was overrated for its year
Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.5792954

Why is regina’s butt so big it’s distracting every time she opens a door.

>> No.5792979

It’s great. Nice graphics and comfy atmosphere.

>> No.5793007

i hated this game it was a big disappointment after playing the RE PSX games
i've heard the sequel is better but i won't bother to check it

>> No.5793036

What are you trying to say? Games are for kids and you don't play games with dinosaurs in them?
This was still the beginning of these kinds of games popping up, most people I knew ended up out of ammo by the end of Disc 2 and couldn't beat the last boss. Difficulty is way above the average median for games, and the games has extra difficulties and modes, as well as one of the best games for actually imposing self challenges like no damage, knife only, speed runs, etc... Every area and enemy placement was designed with care for a great gameplay experience. I can play MGS 1 or 2 now and breeze through it, but I can still recognize the design is top level in all difficulties and can be enjoyed by casual one play---through or beat repeatedly by those who want to perfect it.

>> No.5793042

First game is really rough on the edges and not many people like.
I can highly recommend you the 2nd game tho, it's like a more arcadey RE3.

>> No.5793046

DC1 is rough around the edges but it's worth at least one playthrough. The text translation blows monkey chunks, but the dub is great, miles ahead of RE1 and even better than RE2 and 3.

>> No.5793054

For sure, its one of the better resident evil clones.

>> No.5793059

it's good but you should also play deep fear.

>> No.5793062

>But even RE2 was overrated for its year
based zoomer

>> No.5793076

It's simply put the best AITD/RE style survival horror game from that era; maybe not in terms of scare or atmosphere, but at least gameplay wise it is.

>> No.5793080

If you get tired of it just skip to the second one, you're not missing much in terms of story. DC2 is more action-y, streamlined and less convoluted

>> No.5793109

Dino Crisis 2 is better, play that one

>> No.5793173

DC1 is a lot like the first Resident Evil. One thing of note is that you really aren't supposed to be fighting the velociraptors with your pistol, because they're strong as fuck. Later on, you'll discover a way to make sleeping darts and you can fire them from your shotgun. The main difference between this and RE is that DC has truly 3D backgrounds, not just pre-rendered camera angles. Although the camera usually stays in the same spot, sometimes it follows you.
One thing of note is that the game has 3 endings,with a few variations.

Now DC2, follows neither RE nor DC1. It's sorta like this hybrid arcade-RE3 hybrid, where you can run and shoot at the same time, and the emphasis is on comboing stuff. You can fight as many as 25 raptors per area (only 2 at once). There are more "action" sequences like a tank battle (really) and turret section. They've gone back to pre-rendered backgrounds, but it kind of works. The ambients are also more varied. While DC1 was almost completely inside a research facility, in DC2 you visit a forest, a facility, an underwater facility, a city (the best part) and even a time station.

DC3... well, it's there.

>> No.5793175

By the way, I really liked DC2. Probably finished it 4 or 5 times in a month. It has this scoring system (that's why I said it was arcadey) where you can use points to buy ammo, health or better weapons. You can play as Dylan and Regina - each stage of the game changes the character. There's a pretty shitty underwater section where you move slow as molasses and only have a nail gun, but it's over in 15 to 20 minutes.

>> No.5793179

DC1 is more Resident Evil than Resident Evil, with even more difficult puzzles, only three guns, even more limited ammo, respawning enemies, and the basic enemy is the equivalent of hunters.

>> No.5793182

On DC3, I've never played it, but I watched a playthrough to see what's wrong with it, anyway. My impressions were

>Very poor detail. It takes place in a space station, but all I saw were dull, grey, empty corridors, there are barely any objects around, and the little that is there are solely for use for progression.
>Fixed camera and 3D movement definitely aren't a good combination. The angles work when you're nailed to the ground, but allow up and down movement and it's horrible. Did I mention that every time there's a camera angle change, more enemies spawn?
>The bosses, oh god, they were the worst bulletsponges I've ever seen. It takes forever to kill them, and if you die you have to start all over again.

>> No.5793191

Don't bother. Now 2, that's a must play.

>> No.5793206

DC1 is perhaps the best survival horror game ever made. Ignore the faggots who say that it is bad.

>> No.5793221

I'm playing it for the first time now and it's pretty great so far. It's more linear than RE but the enemies are much stronger and conserving ammo is an actual challenge.

>> No.5793275

>streamlined and less convoluted
No thanks. This is /vr/, bitch.

>> No.5793278
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Kind of want to play this game right now since I'm a massive RE fan, is it frustrating without a guide?

>> No.5793291

The puzzles are harder, I'll tell you that much, but nothing beyond what a RE player would expect.

>> No.5793369 [DELETED] 

>But even RE2 was overrated for its year
What the fuck what "rightly rated" for PS1 if RE2 was OVER?

>> No.5793371
File: 16 KB, 425x425, based zoomer logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games back in the day were meant to sell guides, anon, not to make you a better player.

>> No.5793375


>> No.5793414

as long as you don't try to kill every zombie in the game you start amassing ammo. Harder difficulties change nothing but stuff you never had to care in the first place (ammo, enemy hp, taking more damage). Look, I had a blast as a kid playing it, but let's not pretend the game is some sort of masterpiece. It was above average at best.

>> No.5793429

Nobody plays it the first time and amasses ammo, avoiding all enemies and just wizzing through the game. Nobody just breezes through the game on higher difficulties. The game is held as a classic by many, many people. You aren't making a good argument.

>> No.5793445

Don't argue with /v/niggers.

>> No.5793610

because you're strawmanning me? I never said the game was bad, nor that it doesn't deserve being a classic. It's just not one of the best games ever like someone mentioned above. I even said is above average.

And maybe then it's just me, but either as leon or claire, i always saved ammo/stronger guns for bosses and lickers/strong monsters, assuming i couldnt just avoid them like zombies. You're only running out of ammo in this game if you go full brainlet trying to kill the monsters from all places. And that happens maybe on your first time playing it? How's that a good argument? At the end of the game i just had so much magnum ammo and acid rounds that i could use them exclusively on bosses, and still having a lot left after doing so.

>> No.5793620

Fuck your mom

>> No.5793621

>Silent Hill far below RE2
Except Silent Hill is probably the best PS1 game of all

>> No.5794026

Best save room music

>> No.5794036

Second best save room music, first one is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_pi376qR4I
not retro but I had to post it.

>> No.5794041

I love that one as well.

>> No.5794176


>One of the best games ever

I see people repeating this ad nauseam, but why is it one of the best games ever? The controls are terrible, the graphics aren’t all that interesting, the story and dialogue are cringy and the horror aspect is dated and not really effective anymore.

>> No.5794187


>> No.5794230


Not really but, thank you, I missed that post. It’s interesting why people go running for “it’s consensus!”, without providing any argument. Honestly, I don’t even mind these games at all, I just want somebody to explain why it’s one of the best ever.

I think Mother 3 is one of the best games ever, and if somebody asks me why, I could easily explain it. Why should it be so hard for somebody for Resident Hill?

>> No.5794245

>The controls are terrible
They're serviceable. REmake did a better job with them, but that was when vidya was largely in the refinement stage and innovation was already dead and buried.
>the graphics aren’t all that interesting
If you play it as intended on an SDTV over composite, the 2d and 3d blend to give you some pretty incredible graphics. If you're playing on an LCD, yeah it looks really rough.
>the story and dialogue are cringy
It's B-horror and it doesn't take itself too seriously. If you want "deep" horror for big brained niggers, that's what the SH trilogy is for.
>and the horror aspect is dated and not really effective anymore
It's not dated, you are. Children are scared of monster horror, adults aren't.

>> No.5794252

That's even less true than what he said

>> No.5794259

Tank controls are fine. In fact that are casual filters.
The graphics are one the better examples on the console so no idea where you're getting this opinion.
Go back

>> No.5794260

Play the Dreamcast port.

>> No.5794272

this place isn't for you dumb faggot, step up your game if you're gonna shitpost here

>> No.5794742

DC2 isn't streamlined, it's basically a different sort of game altogether. It's more like a fast paced arcade-y action game, the Mercenaries Mode in later RE games ripped it off moreorless. It triggers /vr/ for not being a straight RE clone.

>> No.5794776

Streamlined doesn't mean bad, personally I like DC2 more than DC1 since it has more of its own identity and isn't just resi with dinosaurs.

>> No.5794820

This, the dart system alone makes this game a masterpiece

>> No.5794826

This, its the purest survival horror game ever made.

>> No.5795084

Not even in Top 5, buddy. In a Top 10 however it would be mandatory to see it.

>> No.5795246


>> No.5795359

it's definitely tougher than any RE game, but I feel like it also has a worse OST, it sounds like it was made by the same guy who made the farting basement in RE director's cut
probably the best RE clone though

>> No.5795503 [DELETED] 

It’s not that great. Poor enemy variety, weak set-pieces, the plot is also horribly misled and the biggest missed opportunity. The puzzles are simple enough to be boring but complex enough to be annoying. Areas are boring. Enemies respawn which ruins the Survival Horror aspect of tactical enemy elimination. Environments are boring uninspired lab spaces.

It’s just a pretty bad survival horror game on most fronts and usually derided I’m this board, but I guess contrarians are out here today.

>> No.5795504 [DELETED] 

Nah, it's really a good game, it's just that the sequel is better

>> No.5795505

It’s not that great. Poor enemy variety, weak set-pieces, the plot is also horribly misled and the biggest missed opportunity. The puzzles are simple enough to be boring but complex enough to be annoying. Enemies respawn which ruins the Survival Horror aspect of tactical enemy elimination. Environments are boring uninspired lab spaces.

It’s just a pretty bad survival horror game on most fronts and usually derided on this board, but I guess contrarians are out here today.

>> No.5795525

Nah, it's really a good game, it's just that the sequel is better

>> No.5795723

REbabies can't prove them wrong.

>> No.5795971

Anyone ever wanna smell Regina's pusy?

>> No.5795974

>*crack*pssshhhhhh* Now Dino Crisis 2, that was a game.

>> No.5796424
File: 10 KB, 210x240, A53795F4-59FE-4554-96ED-584BAC8032E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh you mean that big lizard thing?

does Gail not know what dinosaurs are? he acts like he's never heard the word before

>> No.5796452
File: 173 KB, 662x850, B6C42BBF-680A-45F5-94EE-D9602C8CC82A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duck and dodge a dino
>trap it behind laser fence
>it jumps into the lasers like an idiot
>laugh at stupid dino
>accidentally walk into laser fence myself instead of backing up
>dino screeches

pretty sure it laughed at me

>> No.5797313

*Pssssh* now your mom, that was a cunt.
Will you please fuck the back off to your containment board you smegma encrusted faggot?

>> No.5797378


>> No.5797602

Point proven.