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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5792391 No.5792391 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good pre-1990 computer games for computers other than the standard IBM-compatible/MS-DOS fare? (such as computers by Atari, Commodore, Sinclair, etc)

>> No.5792421

There's no Spectrum stuff worth playing. Let's get that off the table. The Atari 8-bit and C64 have many good games, mostly from NTSC land. A few PAL ones are worth playing but most was shovelware or tech demos poorly disguised as games.

>> No.5792423


Let's just gatekeep, shall we?

>> No.5792578

Name three good games.

>> No.5792610
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Lots of good games on the MSX-standard from Japanese developers and publishers like Konami, Compile, Square/Enix and Falcom. Recommend Knightmare, Maze of Galious, Usas, the Gradius ports and Salamander, Aleste 1,2,and Gaiden.

>> No.5792629

Maniac Mansion
Lode Runner

>> No.5792641

Caveman Ugh-lympics

Parodius (MSX)

Jumpman (DOS)

Lots of stuff.

>> No.5792685

Save New York
The Heist
Rug Rider

>> No.5793064

Ballblazer on the Atari 800
is fucking awesome.

>> No.5793072

>There's no Spectrum stuff worth playing
>He fell for the meme
Laser Squad
Lords of Chaos

>> No.5793073

>Laser Squad
What version of Laser Squad is the best? I've heard that the DOS version has a lot of game-breaking bugs.

>> No.5793074

Lords of Midnight
The Great Escape
Head over Heels
Micronaut One

The zx does have some gems amongst the oceans of shit

>> No.5793132 [DELETED] 


>> No.5793214

>The Great Escape
This was a really fascinating game. Years ago I was working on a Fallout New Vegas mod built around a lot of ideas from this (having to be inside your cell, things happening at different times) but sadly the team fell apart before we got far with it.
>Head over Heels
There's a great modern remake of HOH here: http://retrospec.sgn.net/game/hoh
Still a really fun if demanding game, actually being able to properly offline save makes it more manageable as well.

>> No.5793415
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I seriously want one of those MSX2+ machines because I think they're one of the best looking PCs I've ever seen. Too bad a lot of the sought after MSX games (Snatcher, Metal Gear, etc.) go for obscene prices.

>> No.5793476

Sidenote, both games are available legally at the moment...on Steam, one company is porting old computer games to work on modern operating systems, but since the games aren't DOS, they don't seem to be going to GOG.

You can just download the rom or buy a Spectrum and the cassettes though, but The Great Escape is basically 3.99 euros.

Where Time Stood Still, from the same guys, is on the same price.

And Head Over Heels...hasn't come out yet, but it's a port of the...Atari Jaguar version because apparently the freaking Jaguar had Head Over Heels?

Though the same company seems to focus mostly on Amiga titles and some 16-Bit console games made by European Developers which, if Radical Rex is anything to go by, means the company isn't interested in only porting the classics.

Not many Spectrum or C64 games sadly though, maybe they just haven't sold that much, then again, i only learned about those ports through a random forum so i don't think they are even trying to advertise they are porting old computer games and 16-Bit console games to PC which is weird.

>> No.5793486

>Lode Runner
isn't that originally an atari 8bit or apple II game?

>> No.5793491

Apple II. But every version is pretty much the same anyway.

>> No.5793494

I think there were some variants on Japan since that franchise got a lot bigger there.

Anyways, OG Lode Runner is great, there's a reason why the latest Lode Runner game, Lode Runner Legacy, has all the levels from it unlocked from the start...shame that they remade those with voxels though.

>> No.5793558

I want to find a broken one to retrofit an RPi into, make a decent portable Linux machine

>> No.5793589

I think if I were putting a pi into something, I would want some kind of mini model-m keyboard. Not even pretending to be some actual old computer, but just pretending to be a simple keyboard.

>> No.5793615

Impossible Mission
Laser Squad

>> No.5793643

Americans couldn't code for shit


>> No.5793646


>> No.5793668

Oh but these weren't made by Americans.


>> No.5793691

Every single time there were two different conversions of a coin op, PAL blew NTSC out of the water. None of those games you posted would have been better under an American team.

>> No.5793704

Then again, the PAL Street Fighter was p. embarrassing against the NTSC one.


>> No.5793708

Wait, why are you guys even comparing arcade ports? They were nearly always terrible since the teams never had the original source code or art assets and usually had to rush them in six weeks with like one guy programming them. An American or Bong dev team would have had the same issue either way.

>> No.5793714

Renegade had a PAL and NTSC version as well but the NTSC one isn't online anywhere to download that I know of and all videos are of the PAL one.

>> No.5793718

Which system are you wanting it on?

>> No.5793731

Just curiosity because I frankly have no idea what the NTSC C64 Renegade looks like, though the Apple II version might be a clue.


Also the Apple version as it turns out is a port of the NES, not the arcade Renegade. I guess the local arcades didn't have a cab of it so they probably just rented/borrowed an NES and used that port as the basis for this.

>> No.5793739

I understand the NTSC version used only the joystick for control while the PAL one uses keyboard+joystick.

>> No.5793742

If I'm not mistaken, it used joystick because it was altered to do so by someone that converted it from pal to ntsc.

>> No.5793745

This probably won't help, but you can see if one of these is it.

>> No.5793746

>meme info taken from Lemon64 thread
But no, actually there were two entirely different US and European ports of the game. They had different control schemes and the US one apparently no music, SFX only.

>> No.5793747

I'll add that this is not a terrible port considering the hardware.

>> No.5793750

The Simpsons Arcade Game on the C64 is also curious because it was done by an NTSC dev and there was no European release of it.

>> No.5793754

>made by Pacific Dataworks, same people who mangled Bionic Commando
I guess they forgot to eat their Wheaties when they did BC.

>> No.5793837

LMAO... No. Just fucking no.

>> No.5793848

Yeah that Amiga Double Dragon and that Outrun were such quality ports, we sure knew how to code unlike those silly burgers.

>> No.5793948

>Sidenote, both games are available legally at the moment...on Steam,
That's really weird. I thought for a minute these were proper ports up the standard of the Retrospec games, but they just seem to be emulation. They're cheap, but I just don't see the point of paying for these games if that's all they are.
>And Head Over Heels...hasn't come out yet, but it's a port of the...Atari Jaguar version because apparently the freaking Jaguar had Head Over Heels?
The HoH page just seems to be the Retrospec port (in fact it explicitly says as much). Now that's actually good enough to be worth paying money for, but like what's the point when it's been free for nearly 20 years and is still available for download free now?
Great Escape in particular there would be a lot of mileage in a modern adaptation of, in fact I'm surprised some indie dev hasn't ripped the concept off wholesale yet (have they?).

>> No.5796001

"Dungeon Master" is oft regarded as the game that kept the Atari ST afloat in the U.S. a year longer than it should otherwise have existed.

Also, Sundog was fairly popular for the ST.

>> No.5796936

Just wanted to say cool setup