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File: 269 KB, 682x678, dq5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5790183 No.5790183 [Reply] [Original]

What classic dq game is the best i've only played dragon quest 1,5 and 6. I have only beat 5

>> No.5790245

Can anyone who reads moon tell me where the "Thwack," "Zoom," "Fwoosh" stuff started? I noticed that the fan translations have normal spell names. Is it not in the original Japanese?

>> No.5790297

I'm playing DQ4 on the NES now, just a good portion of the way into chapter 5. I've only played the first 3 DQ games so far but 4 may be my new favorite, like the story is actually good and I like the characters.

>> No.5790645

What do you consider normal spell names?
Japanese DQ always used HOIMI, BAGI, RARIHO etc.

>> No.5790651

Well, Thwack used to be called Defeat, for example.

>> No.5790658

I never played the English versions so I have no idea.
Why can't they just use the original names? They are inspired by American games like Wizardry.

>> No.5790709

The Japanese spell names are all Japanese sound effects. Like "Sizz" in Japanese is "Mera" from "mera mera" (the onomatopoeia for fire burning). The early Dragon Warrior games released in the west couldn't come up with a decent translation for these, so they just gave the spells generic names like "fireball" and "defeat".

When Dragon Quest 8 came out in the states, there was a big push to finally make the series catch on here. They went all-out with that game's localization, adding voice acting, an orchestrated soundtrack, and trying to give recurring elements something resembling a definitive translation. Before this, you'd get cases where items and enemies would constantly change names between games. For example, the Wind spell was "Infernos" in some games and "Gale" in others. Now it's Woosh in every game.

>> No.5790712
File: 268 KB, 1400x917, DQIII_manual_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quest III is the quintessential JRPG.
Go play it now.

>> No.5790716

Bad example, most are just magic words with no meaning aside from related spells having similar names.

>> No.5790718


Nearly all of them have actual meanings.

>> No.5790723

They're based on onomatopoeia much like the Japanese spells are based on descriptive words. I think it fits and gives the series something all it's own rather than a plain English word like "Blizzard", the localization name for which is now Kacrackle.

The localized versions created their own language for magic in DQ.
Ka-Crack-Le, "Ka" as a prefix meaning a high level spell, "Crack" being the spell of crackling ice, and "Le" being a suffix denoting a more advanced spell.
Crack = Ice spell, Crackle = Advanced Ice spell, Kacrack = High level Ice spell, Kacrackle = High level advanced Ice spell. It's real neat.

>> No.5790724
File: 71 KB, 1035x386, dw7 dq7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the old way was better

>> No.5790725

>Nearly all
I'm not seeing a lot on that site.

>> No.5790727

It really isn't it's very cookie cutter and unimaginative.

>> No.5790734

It's too close to English. Compare it to Wizardry:

BADIOS - 1-8 points damage to one monster
DIOS - Heals 1-8 points to one character
KALKI - Improves the AC of entire party by 1 during combat
MILWA - Light, lasts a short time
PORFIC - Improves the AC of the caster by 4 during combat
CALFO - Reveals the trap on a treasure chest
KATU (Wizardry 5 only) - Charm monster
MANIFO - Paralyze 1 group of monsters
MATU (Wizardry 1-4 only) - Improves party AC by 2 during battle
MONTINO - Silence a group of monsters
BAMATU - Improves party AC by 4 during battle (only 3 in Wizardry 5)
DIALKO - Cures paralysis
HAKANIDO (Wizardry 5) - Drain monster's spell points
LATUMAPIC - Identifies unknown monsters
LOMILWA - Light, lasts until leaving the dungeon or entering dark area
BADIAL - 2-6 points damage to one monster
BARIKO (Wizardry 5) - 6-15 points damage to one group of monsters
DIAL - Heals 2-16
LATUMOFIS - Cure poison
MAPORFIC - Improves party AC by 2, lasts until leaving the dungeon
BADI - Attempt to kill one monster outright
BADIALMA (Wizardry 1-4) - 3-24 damage to one monster
BAMORDI (Wizardry 5) - Summon monsters to fight for the party
DI - Resurrect dead character
DIALMA - Heal 3-24 points
KANDI - Gives rough location of a lost character
MOGATO (Wizardry 5) - Banish one demon
LITOKAN (Wizardry 1-4) - 3-24 damage to one group of monsters
KAKAMEN (Wizardry 5) - 18-38 damage to one group
LABADI (Wizardry 5) - Like MABADI, but transfers hit points to caster
LOKTOFEIT - Immediate transport back to Castle, with some nasty side-effects
LORTO (Wizardry 1-4) - 6-36 damage to one group
MABADI (Wizardry 1-4) - Damages one monster for all except 1-8 hit points
MADI - Heals one character completely, cures anything less than death
BAKADI (Wizardry 5) - Slay one group of monsters
IHALON (Wizardry 5) - Grant favor
KADORTO - Raises character from ashes
MABARIKO (Wizardry 5) - 18-58 damage to all monsters (all groups)
MALIKTO (Wizardry 1-4) - 12-72 damage to all monsters

>> No.5790738

The words are English descriptive words which is better than a completely made up one since with the fully made up one there is nothing tying it to the action performed.

Compare Malikto with Kazap, Malikto means nothing while Kazap does, well at least Zap does, yet it's not just Thunderstorm so there's a degree of abstraction. I think the DQ localization is one of the best localization jobs in all of gaming.

>> No.5790745

One sounds like magic spell and the other like retards talking to babies.
They could at least have gone with Latin.

>> No.5790747
File: 50 KB, 645x729, D7WCRRGXsAAFZyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the spell names don't fit because DQ is a super serious hardcore grimdark series.

>> No.5792229
File: 146 KB, 752x657, dqv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brehs... what's wrong with the version I downloaded?

>> No.5792830

Same thing happened to me a while back, I think the patch is messed up. Just download a pre patched rom.

>> No.5792845

It's not in Japanese

>> No.5792964

Is there a reason to play the SNES version of DQ5 (outside of "it's original")? Playing the DS version for the second time to get Debora this run but wondering if I should look into the SNES version next time I play it.

>> No.5794034

>3 party member limit
Yeah, nah. Just enjoy the story and then ignore the SNES version of V.

>> No.5794248

>I think the DQ localization is one of the best localization jobs in all of gaming.
Iffy but once they toned down the accents to a more acceptable level I was ok with it. DQ4 DS personally might be one of the most infuriating localization I have ever came across.
Kind of why I'm asking. DS built upon the SNES/PS2 so much that I wonder if the SNES has anything worth playing.

>> No.5796238

I dont have the option of avoiding the SBES version of V, Nd VI, so guess I'll just die.

>> No.5797912

SNES has a hidden trick to recruit monsters instantly but otherwise, PS2 with translation and reshade mod or DS version is the way to go

>> No.5797924

I haven't played the translation of V but what I've read seems horrible.
It's like they couldn't leave a single thing untouched. Accents were only a small part of their rewriting.

>> No.5798198

V has good and bad parts. Like I'd argue Bianca, Sancho, and Briscoletti's dialogue is all great and turns them into extremely likable characters (your mileage may vary), however there's very little excuse for what they did to the king & queen of Uptaten, Ladja, and the people in that weird inn near the eastern mountains (think it was called Knot Welcome Inn?).

>> No.5798951

>turns them into extremely likable characters
What did you dislike about them in the original?
Why did they even rename every character aside from Bianca and Sancho?

>> No.5798975

I didn't dislike them, I just didn't care for them as much. The original is fan translated so most of the dialogue is pretty dry. Now that I think about it though, I will say I prefer Papas/Pankraz in the fan-translation.
As for renaming characters, I don't know. I think the intention behind some of the changes is to make the names more palatable to a western audience.

>> No.5799002

>is to make the names more palatable to a western audience.
This isn't renaming Satoshi to Ash. How is Rudmann less palatable than Briscoletti or Gema wors than Ladja?
They've been pushing this shit in DQ since the Roto/Edtrick and it's pure bullshit.

>> No.5799012

Alright man, I know you already made up your mind on this shit and just wanted to vent, but I'm just saying what I think on the subject here. Also Ladja is rook in Russian, so it goes along with the chess naming scheme present throughout the remake.

>> No.5799023

I'm not up on the deep lore behind Dragon Quest. What's with the Slimes? I thought they were evil so I killed them, but later games show they're intelligent and pretty chill.

>> No.5799046

They're the series's mascot.
Some are evil and others are good.

>> No.5799054

What I want to know is why they reverted back to "Erdrick" as the DQIII Hero's name instead of keeping it as "Loto" for some consistency with Japan.

>> No.5799167

By I think Dragon Quest 4 (maybe there is a friendly slime in 3) they wanted to do more weird/fun things with Slimes. So more and more became just goofy monsters you run into and can talk to.

There's even games where you play as them like Rocket Slime which are amazing.

>> No.5799367

Outside of just being grindy it's alright. The whole idea of retracing your ancestor steps in getting to the castle and defeating the Dragon Lord is a nice start for the series.
Sadly because they rushed the game you can feel it being not as well design as it should have been. Sadly all the remakes are based on DQ2 so they all feel like they have issues.
They took all the issues DQ2 had and either made it work or just threw them out and just improved on all the good DQ2 had. Gives you just enough of a hint on directions that you still need to explore to find where to go. Only real issue are the level walls in the bosses.
Really it's for people that found they needed more directions on where to go. Chapter story system made it so the side characters had more of a reason to explore with you. And gave you a better view of the world as you ran into previous played characters and towns. Chapter 5 is a bit more linear at times and less of a level wall in terms of bosses. AI is honestly impressive...against common enemies. Since Beat/Defeat/Wack/Thwack are actually really useful against normal enemies. But since it takes about 5 rounds before they understand the bosses resistances all boss fights in those early rounds are a pain.
The most main character focus story and honestly really good. Explore stopped being kind of the thing about this point (there still is exploring but it still mostly a focus story game). My only issue is the game goes so far out of it's way to get you to marry Bianca that the idea of even having a choice is wasteful. Debora however is one of the best addition to the remake of a DQ game because her party chat is worth picking her.

1-3 was more of them giving you a big world to explore and items to collect in that world. 4 is more character/story focused while retaining item collecting. And DQ5 is just pure character focus.

And never played DQ6 really should but no one ever seem to even care to talk about it.

>> No.5799428
File: 1.60 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190803-151409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't played the translation of V but what I've read seems horrible.
It's damn great, though. It doesn't have ridiculously over the top accents like IV and actually injected personality to characters in general and to the game itself (chess theme). The fan translation is damn fine but I would never choose that one over the DS/Mobile one.

>> No.5799484

I played the game in Japanese and didn't think the characters lacked personality and your screenshot doesn't look like something I'd want.

>> No.5799501
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190725-123407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you, I guess. Personally though, I enjoyed the localized version tons more. But I do get why people get mad about it.

>> No.5799504

Do you actually understand Japanese?

>> No.5799509
File: 77 KB, 950x720, EA5o0D3U0AAuA38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5799520

>Infernos is wind
The biggest issue with the older spells was DQ had horrible text sizes. You can tell the localizers tried their best to fit what they could.

Personally I'm ok with the spell names. Every JRPG has weird ass names for spells so them just using things like "Wack" for Death and "Crackle" for Ice is fine by me.

>> No.5799704

The grinding in Dragon quest 1 absolutely had to be as heavy as it was. The way the game has the world opened up, and limits carrying healing items and only having one party member allowed them to make surviving random encounters a crucial and risky element of the game where the more difficult locations opened up in a natural way and encouraged you take risks.

No other JRPG matches this feeling as well as dragon quest 1 does. Beating it for the first time is Kino, and speedrunning completely changes your perspective on it.

>> No.5799713

I don't see how walking around a town fighting monsters so you can afford equipment and gain levels fits into your description.

>> No.5799736

I love the core idea of what you do in Dragon Quest 1 like exploring caves and fear of getting out of a dungeon alive. It's just the difference between one part of area to another is like 2-3 levels. And the amount of enemies you need to kill to gain those levels is crazy high. There's no gradual curve in DQ1 just massive spikes between areas. For what they wanted to do and give a basic understanding on how RPG work it's a wonderful game but saying the grinding in DQ1 is somehow great doesn't make any sense.

>> No.5799741

The hurt spell you learn early in the game does enough damage to kill enemies in the first 2 areas in one turn.
Also inns are cheap, but weapons are really expensive.

Grinding exclusively with the hurt spell and is actually faster than getting a copper sword even though you have to got to the Inn to replenish MP more often.

Making it to the town that sells magic keys when you're nearly dead and getting access to everything in the castle early on is super rewarding, too.

>> No.5799749

>exploring caves and fear of getting out of a dungeon alive.
But you had Rura and Riremito in DQ1 that trivialize it. In Wizardry it took a long time until you got Malor and Loktofeit and they had limitations. Other games don't even give you that much.

>> No.5799752

Speak English

>> No.5799775

Leveling up to get stronger takes a long time because it's the safe and secure way. If you die, you're experience points are always still there so you aren't as discouraged.

Getting equipment through spending gold and fighting bosses is where the real/reward of leveling up exists, since towns offer different strength weapons at once, and it's so easy to lose money. getting money faster by searching for goldmen, finding cursed necklaces or getting the keys all have their own risks to them too.

>> No.5799779


>> No.5799802

Just call it Zoom and Evac/Outside. Trying to say their Japanese name is just asking to be called an asshole. One I never said getting those spells early was a good thing. I'm fine with them being end game. What I said what the difference in power between one town to the next are just maddening high. And the EXP for enemies are so low you spend 90% of your playtime.

As for comparing it to Wizardry yeah I get they took a lot from Wizardry but Wizardry was made by people who thought Tomb of Horror was the greatest module ever made and wanted to make it in game form. Horii and other DQ developers was made by people that love just fucking around in Wizardry trying to figure out how it and Ultima worked. And wanted to make a game that had a lot of the feeling of Wizardry but as little of the bullshit Wizardry gives you.

>> No.5799810

The design makes sense and you can see it when you play the SNES and GBC remakes that make it easier. But the design making sense doesn't make the game fun. Dragon Quest is just too grindy, there's nothing to do in the game but grind. It's a really bad game, since there's only so little you can do and it's so repetitive to boot.

>> No.5799830

If you purchase every single equipment as soon as you can afford it, and lose too much money in death, it can take a while.

Collecting the treasure that respawns in caves also has its risks but makes the grinding go a lot faster as well

>> No.5799840

I use the names I'm used to and the ones that are consistent in every game and version. Call me an asshole if you want.

>> No.5799876

But they're not consistent in every game and version. In fact, none of the English releases have used those names at all.

>> No.5799887

This. The first Dragon Quest was all about weighing your options to find ways to make the grind go quicker. For example, around level 15-ish, you have a few options for grinding areas:
>outside of the ruined town, which is the most effective grinding area, but it's a long-ass walk to the nearest town whenever you need to heal
>outside of the final town, which takes forever to walk to and something could easily go wrong and kill you on the way there. The monsters have good exp and gold drops, but they do a LOT of damage and you have to go back to the super-expensive inn every couple of fights
>outside of an earlier town, where the exp is worse, but it's overall safer
It's up to the player which route they want to take. Grinding takes so long that it's something the player really has to put a lot of thought into if they don't want to spend an extra half hour getting to the next level due to a poor decision.

>> No.5800047

the only good dq are 3 5 6
rest is slow slog not worthy time

>> No.5800057

Not entirely /vr/, but are any of the games after 6 worth playing? I watched a friend play some of 8 years ago and it looked slow and dull.

>> No.5800114

Is it just me or is DQIV extremely boring? I've only played the nes version.

>> No.5800132

VII, VIII and IX have issues and I can imagine someone dropping them for different reasons (I still love them, though), but XI is absolutely worth a play.

>> No.5800135

The post-Super Famicom DQ games really, really come down to taste. None of them are bad games by any stretch, but they all have wildly different focuses that may or may not click with you.

>> No.5800153

IX is hurt heavily by it's sidequests which take up most of the game and consist of MMO inspired rare-drop grinding.

Dragon quest 8, and all the games by Level 5, are probably the best reason why it's a shame gen 6 isn't considered retro.

>> No.5800170
File: 400 KB, 1275x1032, DQ11 level design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not entirely /vr/, but are any of the games after 6 worth playing?
those games have the problems
mentioned but intensified. And 11 has a lot of iffy game design. But if you don't care about that you can have a decent time I guess.

>> No.5800180

Seriously none of them, not even the fan translations?

>> No.5800191

Fan-translations always used the current English names for spells, never the Japanese.

>> No.5800195

Then they weren't made by fans.

>> No.5800430

You keep posting the same image over and over again in these threads. You might have a convincing argument if you actually posted a variety of maps that highlight a problem, but instead you repost the same shit and act like it proves a point or something. It's like people who post screenshots of the first chapter of DQIV with the Scottish accents, and pretend the whole game is like that.
What am I supposed to be seeing in your image? What is the issue here?

>> No.5800461
File: 392 KB, 1984x1984, alefgard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the point is that you are always constrained to small corridor regions. Just like the islands in 7, 11 puts you in a predictable linear romp. The map I posted is just the most blatant example, the points of interest are painfully obvious and you can't even go to the end of the corridor to the scorpion right away without sitting through multiple cutscenes. This is nothing like the Alefgard games.
Oh and
>and pretend the whole game is like that.
don't even try to imply it isn't.

>> No.5800485

It isn't. The Scottish accents are the hardest to understand and the most in your face, the rest don't even compare.
>the point is that you are always constrained to small corridor regions
You're not proving your point by posting the same image repeatedly. You've put forth an argument and one piece of evidence. If your goal is to convince people, you're failing. I say this as someone who hasn't played 11 and is actually interested in knowing the degree of linearity it has.

>> No.5800494
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, 4-1537814048-1328650461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I say this as someone who hasn't played 11
then why in the world are you hitting the reply button, good lord.

See that shit? A DQ11 region out of many. Region as in, play through 3-5 hours of plot shit before getting shoved in the next small segment. Hell, with some of the segments you aren't even allowed to backtrack until you sit through more cutscenes, it's a corridor game. In DQ1 the world is open from the start, and in DQ2/3 it's open 5 hours in.

>> No.5800503

DQ11 is essentially an extension of 8, which focuses on a linear story over exploration. Problem is the most interesting thing about DQ was always the exploration. The gameplay hasn’t evolved in 30 years and the stories are generally children’s book tier, with the possible exception of 5. Personally I lost interest entirely once the series moved to 3D, the simple battles went from charming to a chore as they became so much slower, and they became driven by lame stories rather than genuinely interesting exploration.

>> No.5800508

>then why in the world are you hitting the reply button, good lord.
What the fuck do you mean? I never implied I've played the game, literally the reason I am responding to you at all is so you could explain your argument further so I can see what I'm in for when I do play the game. What is wrong with you? Why do you whine when someone asks you to elaborate on a position you clearly hold very strongly?

>> No.5800509

I believe that a balance of compelling plot and compelling exploration + dungeon crawling is possible, and up to 5 ( and -maybe- 6) the devs succeeded, but after that the balance was shattered. Shame, because 7 has some good bits of writing buried under the caveman gameplay.

>> No.5800514

Bigger fans than you apparently.

>> No.5800774

Cant relate. I've only played the NES version and it became my new fave DQ. Granted I've only played the first 3.

>> No.5800819

And each game has been getting linear and linear while focusing on it's stories. Complain all you want about it but that's just how the series is now. And has been for longer than it's not been doing it. Half of DQ4 is linear focus stories and even when you are given the boat to explore the game pretty much tells you the best course of action from town to town and the dungeons are just straight linear dungeons. DQ5 doesn't allow you to do anything else until nearly 10 hours in. It's obvious Horii wanted to focus more on the story telling than a whole wide world to explore. And so that's what we been getting.

>> No.5800876

And if that's not bad enough for you, some patches for the games released in the US change the old spell names to their modern localized equivalents (Defeat to Thwhack and so on).

>> No.5800897

Do they also rewrite characters into racist stereotypes?

>> No.5800901

No more so than they already were. It seems to only be for the spell names.

>> No.5800918

>In DQ1 the world is open from the start, and in DQ2/3 it's open 5 hours in.
"Open" is such a meaningless word when you face certain death in pretty much every direction until you grind, and the grind railroads you a certain path.

>> No.5800971

Gasp, the horror!

>> No.5801037

Shouldn't it also be for the enemies? Quite a few of them ended up with very different names in later incarnations. Hell, a few of them changed names between early game.

>> No.5801043

Can you give some examples?
I expect Hoimi Slime changed his name depending on the localization of Hoimi.

>> No.5801050

The spell-renaming patches don't touch monster names, either.

Hoimi is just Heal, so the monster simply goes by Healslime.

>> No.5801053

The official english Dragon Quest localizations are kino.

>> No.5801062

So how do those names fit into the whole WOOSH theme?

>> No.5801082

Heal never changed its name at all even when all the other spells did.

>> No.5801086

But why? HOIMI, BEHOIMI, BEHOMA, BEHOMARA etc are the most cast spells in the game. Why give baby names to other spells if you don't touch them.

>> No.5801091

Probably because they want to make sure American idiots know that these are the HP-restoring spells and thus the most important to recognize instantly.

>> No.5801104

that's why you're a casual. Hell you can speed run those three games because you have the freedom, you can't speed run a movie like 11.

>> No.5801143
File: 56 KB, 250x312, 250px-DQII_Man_o_War.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related randomly fluctuates between "Man o War" and "Jellyfish" depending on the localization.

>> No.5801423
File: 288 KB, 927x1200, DvwPSXQWkAEx-vZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DQ1 is good because you can speedrun the game
wew lad
Dragon Quest was great (and still is just don't play the original) because for the time there wasn't any other JRPG out there on home consoles, people act like it was some hard core shit when in reality it was a dumb down experience for the masses, now retards get mad when pic related is casual in a franchise made for casuals.
I will give you that there's a difference between DQ1 which always gives the player the control of the game and DQ11 where the story progress the game but going as far as to say that the game is a movie is just wrong when the in game world is just so big and full of treasures here and there, not open world because since 4 the franchise (with exception of 6) has been linear.

>> No.5801472

How would you make healing an onomatopoeia. Why are you so fucking hug up about the spell names if can just play it in Japanese. At least I'm assuming you can since you seem perfectly fine with using the Japanese names.

DQ8 is when the localization started to become normalized anyways. Same can be said with Final Fantasy where it wasn't until FF8 where they actually started settling down on how spell and enemy names should be called.

So pulling out your hair because localization took about 10 years to finalize is moronic.

>> No.5801539
File: 33 KB, 1172x960, Dragon Warrior (USA) (Rev 1)-190811-152101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally! Time for lunch and move on to Dragon Quest 2 for NES.
>All the pent-up frustration will make me farm every monster and their family

>> No.5801543

Should I just say "fuck it" and use speed-up for grinding?

>> No.5801558

DQ2 grinding only really becomes a problem when going into Cave to Rhone and Rhone itself. Cave mostly because of how annoying it is to explore with extremely hard enemies. And Rhone itself because of how hard the enemies are and how they have spells that will just completely kill your party. There's a place in Rhone that will resurect everyone and save so it's not that much of a hassle but it can be tiresome.

The boat part can be annoying since they places those crests in places that will just make you scream at the screen.

>> No.5801576

Considering how the newer games allows you speed up battles i would say go for it.

>> No.5801581

Never used it on DQ11 either.

>> No.5801658

>that's why you're a casual. Hell you can speed run those three games because you have the freedom
I don't care about speedrunning a game. I care about the game being fun. Dragon Quest being "open" doesn't add any fun to it because it relies on heavy grinding. Not to mention speedruns for DQ involve heavy manipulation of RNG to minimize grinding, which defeats the entire gameplay point of the game.

>> No.5801714

>The boat part can be annoying since they places those crests in places that will just make you scream at the screen.
The crests honestly never bothered me, since you get enough hints about where they are. The only one that isn't really elaborated on much is the sun crest, but even then you get a hint that it's on an island so you know to stop and play the flute whenever you came across a small island that looks suspicious.

>> No.5802128

You'll more likely stumble on the place whlie using the teleporters, and the only hint you get that it's there is lit torches in the otherwise-recycled teleport temple map.

>> No.5802197

I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind the localizations because some people here are very defensive about them and react aggressively to the original names.
Final Fantasy had to deal with the 4 character limit and blatant copyright infringement, which weren't really relevant for DQ.

>> No.5803135

That is what got me. People said it's in the fire temple which I thought was meant to be a volcano or something of that nature. But nope just the normal teleporter area just with a torch or two.

>> No.5804564

You also get the hint that it's on an island. If you're checking islands for it, it's pretty easy to be sailing by the island with the shrine and walk in to try the flute.

>> No.5804947

If I recall, the island is so tiny that it's barely visible on the map. I usually just use the teleporters to get to it instead.

>> No.5804995

Because the people who get paid to localize games are drooling retards who think they can improve on DQ by filling it with cartoon onomatopeias, cringe worthy puns and characters that call you "senpai". It's so much more charming to picture your hero using their ultimate spell while yelling Kazapple instead of Thordain or Gigadein, right? Out with the generic JRPG stuff! Here comes the british mongoloid Richard Honeywood to fix your shitty old game.

>> No.5805001

I haven't been here in a while and wasn't aware there was a wordfilter for f am

>> No.5805075

>"Open" is such a meaningless word when you face certain death in pretty much every direction until you grind, and the grind railroads you a certain path.
DQ1 is the only one that's actually designed this way and people who haven't played another game in the series always betray how little they really know about it when they assert every DQ is built on the same model. DQ2 lets you explore areas you shouldn't be ready for yet but it usually results in a harsher beatdown than usual rather than systematic party wipeout. There's actually a lot of risk/reward involved in exploring late game areas earlier than you're supposed to, and now that I think of it it's just as true for DQ1 (although a lot harder to pull off reliably.)

>> No.5805113

I think the original english spell names have a lot of character, personally. The Blaze/Blazemore/Blazemost naming scheme is just as whimsical as the newer onomatopoeia spell names and is immediately recognizable as a part of the series especially when a lot of other games wouldn't bother trying harder than Fire1/Fire2/Fire3

>> No.5805124

The island that has it is right between the World Tree and the island town, so you'll probably sail by it quite a few times.

>> No.5805132

>DQ2 lets you explore areas you shouldn't be ready for yet but it usually results in a harsher beatdown than usual rather than systematic party wipeout
If only that were true for the fucking tower. The first few floors are pretty manageable, but the upper floors have encounters of 6 Lizardflys that will spam AoE and you just outright die if four of them decide to do it in one turn unless you have a certain amount of HP.

>> No.5805160

Thanks, this is actually a great resource, I was having a really frustrating time compiling a list of DQ 1-7 spell and skill names and their original japanese names a while back. The info from the fan wikis is really inconsistent

>> No.5805634

If nothing else, they're a lot easier to recognize at a glance what they do. Can you instantly tell the elemental difference between Zap and Crack?

>> No.5806960

After using them once, yes it's very easy to remember. Zap is obvious from the get-go, as are frizz, sizz, boom, and woosh. Only one I'd say that isn't is crack.
If you're going to argue about clear readability, I'd say it's much harder to remember the order of the ice family of spells in the original translations. IceBolt, Snowstorm, IceSpears, Blizzard.
I personally enjoy both the old and new spells names, though.

>> No.5806975

What do you think of the original spell names?

>> No.5806983

Crack is the only one of the elemental spells I have issue with. I remember when I first played DQ8, I kept forgetting it wasn't just a generic physical attack. Sizz and Zap are fine. It's the names like Oomph that tend to be really confusing.

>> No.5807001

Like the Japanese ones? I've never played a game with them since I don't know any Japanese, but looking at them laid out on a site like this >>5790718, I think they're pretty cool. Ionazun, Begiragon, Merazohma all sound sick.
I would absolutely love it if new versions of the first 6-7 games came out where there was an option that let you switch between the old localized names, the new ones, and the Japanese ones, maybe even letting you come up with your own names if you wanted. If I ever get around to remaking DQ2 with gamemaker I'd like to include something like that.

Really? I thought oomph was pretty clear, the only one I sometimes struggle with is fizzle because it's so close to frizzle.

>> No.5807031

Squelch and Tingle make my blood boil

>> No.5807037

>Ionazun, Begiragon, Merazohma all sound sick.
The manga scanlation uses japanese spell names and it gives it so much character

>> No.5807353

How is the DQ1 NES translation compared to the mobile one? There is a patch to use the latter on NES.

>> No.5807690

Not really much of a noticeable difference since both use that Ye Olde English accent.

>> No.5808001

Think the issue is it's not really obvious which are group and which are single. Fire has Fizz (single) and Sizz (group) so that is easy to just spot in a spell list. While Ice only has the ending "Le" to tell it's group Crack (single) Crackle (group) which makes it harder to quickly know what to pick on a list.

New spell names are a mix bag. Some are fine and think just adding "Ka" in front for more powerful versions works. Like Final Fantasy's spell listing. But feel at times they really tried to be a bit too cheeky with them so it makes the player work a bit harder to understand their uses from the get go.

>> No.5808038

I think the worst offenders are things like Kerplunk. So many random attacks are named after generic "whack" sound effects that it's hard to remember which is which. And that particular one just kills you if you confuse it with another spell.

>> No.5808052

Yeah I feel they were trying to have fun naming them they never really looked at how players would react to the names. Weird names are fine but they need to be easily picked from a list. Having multiple spell names that look the same but having extremely different results will make a less enjoyable time for players. With regard to Kerplunk maybe some weird twist on Kamikazee should have been more useful since both results in killing yourself for something.

>> No.5808745

The DQIV translation is only infuriating if you already struggle with reading. I never got the complaint about the accents, they were transcribed well. I thought they added a lot of character to the different regions.

>> No.5808758

The game isn't a free roaming experience, it's a linear story driven JRPG that still doesn't gate you too much. The maps are fine for what the game is trying to accomplish, not every game is a sandbox.

>> No.5808765
File: 14 KB, 219x230, nofunrobot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gib me sloppy 80s translation, I don't like thing being too creative and distinguishable"

>> No.5808773

Yes, because I'm not a 70 IQ retard, Sizzles like fire, Cracks like Ice, Zaps like electricity, Whooshes like wind. If you can describe things through word association then the names are obvious.

>> No.5808779

Oomph is an actual word though... I think the problem isn't the names it's your level of literacy.

>> No.5808827

I'm okay with a little humor because it's not like DQ ever took itself that seriously in the first place but the problem with modern localizations is they never fucking stop trying to be witty. Instead of giving you a light hearted fantasy world as intended it reduces the setting to an obnoxious joke.

>> No.5808865

One issue is accents aren't really meant to be just read. And most people won't really find themselves having to read accents often enough. So when you are just thrown into a game where all the NPC are speaking in a certain way talking to NPC starts to be work. There should be hardly any wall between NPC dialog and gamer reading it. Even if it was a slight inconvenience players shouldn't had to deal with it. And since it was just something the localizers forced into the game most people felt ruined an amazing game.

>> No.5808889

That sounds pretty cool, I'll have to check it out. Thanks anon.

>> No.5808921

>And that particular one just kills you if you confuse it with another spell.
How do you confuse something like Kerplunk with Whack or Kathwack? If you play the games and see there's a family of whack spells, and there's only one "plunk" spell, it's pretty damn hard to pick the wrong one. Plus all of the modern names are in versions where you can see a description of what the spell does when you're selecting it.

>Even if it was a slight inconvenience players shouldn't had to deal with it.
Lol why? Games already force players to learn their own limits and rules in order to fully enjoy or even progress in them. It's not wild to expect a player to have to read accents in a heavily text based game. It's also definitely not a bad thing when a game isn't super accessible to everyone that plays it.
It's weird to see people with the "any resistance a game gives to the player is bad design" mentality on fucking /vr/ of all places.

>> No.5808927

>not a bad thing when a game isn't super accessible to everyone that plays it.
That's right. The games should be kept in Japanese.

>> No.5808941

Me me talk ligue diz zo me me game iz padrizian. Zumbers btfo

>> No.5808951
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 20-newgame51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you weren't aware already, this is the same guy responsible for modern DQ localizations

>> No.5808960

What other piece of written media that has accents has a major thing in the writing? Ulysses is a major one that comes to mind and Dragon Quest 4 is no Ulysses. And the restriction wasn't the design of the game. It was a layer made by the localizers because they wanted to be more "worldly" but accents in written form doesn't work in a way that spoken accents work to the average person.

>> No.5808965

Accents, particularly Kansai, are a common feature in Japanese pop culture.
Not in DQ though.

>> No.5808968

That's just a dialect though, the words aren't warped to imitate foreign speaking inflections. It has no impact on readability

>> No.5808976

Foreigners speaking broken Japanese (片言) are also a common feature. They tend to use the same style so you get used to them.
Normally you see them played for jokes and flavor and not where important information is conveyed.

>> No.5808983

If that's actually how you interpreted my post you might legitimately be retarded.

>> No.5808986

Except Kansai/Osaka is a written form of Japanese as well. The difference is there is no written form for southern accent or British accent or for where I live Boston accents.

>> No.5808987

How the fuck am I supposed to interpret
>It's also definitely not a bad thing when a game isn't super accessible to everyone that plays it.

>> No.5808995

The thing that bothers me about it is it pushes the script into straight up comedy territory. The games at their core are definitely funny, I mean this is the series that gave us puff puff. But at least there's timing behind those humorous moments. A huge threatening dragon casting "C-c-c-c-cold Breath" is just stupid and uncalled for

>> No.5808998

The humor even results in inconsistencies sometimes. Big Bang was renamed to "Big Banga" in DQ8 as a nod to the way Yangus speaks but it's still named this way in every subsequent game

>> No.5809005

I'm not acting like the accents are a casual filter, I'm joking that if you actually struggle with them it's probably your fault more than the game's.

>> No.5810298

That's not an accent though, there is not real life equivalent for what you wrote while there is in DQIV, and if you weren't quite sure what they were saying they drop in words from that language/region so to anyway with two braincells to rub together and an experience outside their own house it should be obvious what they're saying.
I'm a perfectly average non-native English speaker and I had no problem understanding the writing even though I was in middle school when it came out. Therefore it can't be the game, it has to be the level of reading comprehension and literacy of the people who complain.

>> No.5810312

Finally someone else on this thread who can read above a first grade level, I swear some of these people must sound out each letter when they read. Normal people don't have problems with reading accents, transcriptions, descriptions, transliterations or anything of the kind, they just read it.

>> No.5810331

>A huge threatening dragon

You might have had a point if we weren't talking about Akira Toriyama designed monsters, who all look insanely cute to adorably spooky.

There isn't a single "threatening" enemy design in the main series outside of maybe Orgodemir's mutated final forms and some of the robots.

>> No.5810429

Maybe something like "Squelch" would have been a better example. From the name alone, you'd assume it was something that weakens the enemy somehow. But it doesn't, because it's the Antidote spell.

>> No.5810869

I honestly just wish there was more transparency in the spell lists. If spells don't scale, I'd like it if it would state the typical damage range in the description. Instead of "high frizz damage" just say "100-200 damage." That way I wouldn't have to take notes on how much damage I'm doing, and remove speculation if it's typical or atypical of the spell.
This is especially a problem in DQ6, where some characters end up with six pages of spells.

>> No.5811079

I was just talking about DQ1 to be clear. Dragon Quest may be "open", but to then pull the speedrunning card which relies on meta knowledge of the worst kind (abusing RNG) to be pulled off properly is a ridiculous defense for its open world.

The truth is that "open" in DQ1 means nothing else but the place you choose to get stronger in. I haven't played DQXI, but to hold that against it is dumb. It's not like DQ1 allowed you to bypass parts of the main quest (which is the only quest aside from finding the super duper Erdrick armor; the weapon you find in the last dungeon anyhow). It just allowed you to optimize the grinding, and grinding = AIDS, so it's like saying "you can contract HIV but you can choose who you contract it from!", basically making a negative seem like a positive just because it gives you some choice.

That said, it is very possible other DQ games are genuinely open and thus expose DQXI's flaws for what they are.

>> No.5811508

DQ games all have open portions where you can explore the world and do side-quests and find treasures, but the story is always linear. DQIX also has that open period, actually it has two of them, it's just that the map designs are have corridor like portions with smaller fields inbetween than just open sprawling fields, the end result is the same still.

>> No.5811516

I meant XI... Though actually the maps are very similar to IX, in that they're larger areas proken into smaller portions, that's how FFXII also did its maps.