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File: 832 KB, 1121x800, DKC3_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5776254 No.5776254 [Reply] [Original]

If it was DK instead of Kiddy, this would be regarded as the best in the DKC trilogy

>> No.5776259

Nah. Levels still too gimmicky, Koin stops being fun when you realize that the gimmick never really offers a new situation, and you'd still be stuck with the weird and ugly enemy design.

>> No.5776267

3 always felt soulless
I'd be happy to be proven wrong, never could make it in that far

>> No.5776279
File: 48 KB, 1440x1080, Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble-190720-205733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5776284
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DKC1 still the best.

>> No.5776394

That is the absolute stupidest thing anyone could ever say about this game. Nice job, dipshit.

>> No.5776496


>> No.5776507

Great post, you probably used all your brainpower for that brilliant argument

>> No.5776998

No one thinks this when 2 exists

>> No.5777021

There are a lot of people who are determined to like only the second best thing because the actual best thing is too popular for them

>> No.5777028

The levels aren't too gimmicky. Not compared to 2 or even 1 in some places. The problem with 3 is that the level design just isn't as tight or memorable a lot of the time. There's some levels that you can just waltz through and be like, "is that it?". Obviously there are good levels in 3, especially near the end, but the whole thing is a lot more flimsy in execution, although there's definitely plenty of good new stuff. Also, the end world (castle) is much less climactic compared to 2, which feels bad.

Sometimes I like 1 more, sometimes I like 2 more. 2 is annoying to replay so often because it has so much collectibles. 1 feels like the mature choice as a favorite, plus I think it has the best music.

>> No.5777071

I bet this is true. 1 is my fav, 2 is excellent, and 3 was a lot of fun

>> No.5777516

>2 is annoying to replay so often because it has so much collectibles

2 doesn't require you to collect anything in order to beat it. Even if you're going for a 102% you are still only required to collect the bonus coins, the DK coins don't count towards the percentage.

>> No.5777531

3’s highlights are my favorite in the series but the consistency isn’t there. The boring levels are VERY boring. Mekanos is my favorite world in any DKC game though.

>> No.5777547
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It looks nice, but the atmosphere is kinda boring and sterile. Maybe it's the combination of the level with the soundtrack. It's just not my kinda aesthetic
1 had great atmosphere and 2 did great at building on that. Those 2 were so great that I'm still open to giving 3 another chance

>> No.5777585

I'm honestly surprised no one has done a ROMhack of DKC3 that changes Kiddy for DK.

>> No.5777591

I'm actually mad Frosty Frolics only play in like 2 levels because that theme alongside the winter aesthetics are pretty kino. The giant tree levels too, the BGM in those levels is quite nice.

>> No.5777606

It's a harder task than it sounds and there aren't enough DK sprites (like hanging from an horizontal rope) to replace Kiddy

>> No.5777621

You know what, I completely forgot about the horizontal ropes.

>> No.5777895

I'd argue 2 is more popular than 1 at this point

>> No.5777934

The levels are really bland and uninspiring so no

>> No.5777939

>nobody thinks this when an inferior game exists
Cool story

>> No.5778000

I find this hard to believe outside of someone having preconceived vague platitudes.

>> No.5778045


>> No.5778047

As far as the aesthetics of dkc3 go, I loved the factory, cliff, sawmill and waterfall levels the most.

>> No.5778071

To be honest, the gameplay of dkc3 would likely feel better if all you changed was kiddy's speed to be as fast as diddy.

>> No.5778125

dk1 and dk2 are among my favorite games of all time... especially dk2. that title screen and its music are max comfy. the soundtracks are probably in my top ten. but at the end of the day, they're just linear platformers with some per-level achievements that are completely optional. mario is the og platforming game. this is basically a dk skin for people who are tired of looking at the mushroom kingdom. it's manufactured variety. these games would have been better with a large, sprawling metroidvania-like world. it's just so weird for every level to be its own contained thing.

>> No.5778128

I was fine with Kitty, his Big dumb enthusiastic baby attitude and hysterical crying when he lost a life amused me.

I didn't like the level design, the lower-quality enemy design, and all around less impressive music and visuals.

it's still a good game, just not when I would go back to replay over and over. Unlike the first two Which I revisit all the time.

>> No.5778136

I just skipped through a longplay a little bit to see what more the game has to offer and it honestly looks pretty good in certain spots and has some decent music.
Maybe I was too harsh on it when I was in middle school

>> No.5778159

I played DKC3 (the whole trilogy, really) when I was a child, and although even then I thought DKC2 was the better, I did not hate DKC3. It is a good Donkey Kong game, I don't know why people give it some shit. When you suffer through miserable experiences like Hydelide, you appreciate a good game.

>> No.5778170

If we treated b+ games fairly and objectively as b+ games, then /v/ and /vr/ would not exist.

>> No.5778185

To be fair, it would've been pretty damn hard for even Rare to top DKC2. If 3 was a one-off game that didn't sell well, it would probably be a "SNES hidden gem", but it had a lot of hype to live up to from the first 2 games. They were already pushing the system with 1 and they were able to really expand on it with 2. By the time 3 came out, they'd done about all they could have done.
I heard that Rare took DK out because some high-ups at Nintendo were kinda dickish about the series

>> No.5778212

Maybe in the near future, someone will make a romhack that replaces Kiddy with DK, or even Diddy. Or, take DKC1 and hack Dixie into the game... It's fun to think about.

>> No.5778240

I heard the opposite, that they were given DK because Miyamoto wanted to see what young blood with this CGI tech could do for it.
That said, I honestly believe, at least on graphic quality, DKC3 is the best looking one, like they completely dominated ACM tech there,

>> No.5778246

I don't know. Dkc2 had pseudo-3d backgrounds in the ship hull and castle levels. I don't remember anything like that in 3.

>> No.5778304
File: 28 KB, 256x223, Mekanos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mekanos is the best world in any DKC game. Prove me wrong. you can't.

>> No.5778321
File: 38 KB, 412x400, chinesedad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DKC3 is certainly a B+ game but when your predecessors are DKC and DKC2 it's no surprise everyone turns into a Chinese parent about 3.

>> No.5778389

I do agree some areas like the dock levels you start out in are a really large departure from the previous games. The best level aesthetics in my opinion are the snow levels, forest levels, and especially the cliff levels.

Just asking out of curiosity, did you play the SNES or GBA version of DKC3? The GBA version has a completely different OST, and while some tracks in it are nice, others absolutely butcher the tone of the game.


>> No.5778467

SNES. A lot of the GBA ports of SNES games were ok graphically and it's cool that they added some extra stuff in the case of the DKC games, but audio quality usually got hit hard

>> No.5778576

Yeah. It'd be great if, some day in the far future, someone ported the GBA exclusive levels of DKC3 to the SNES, since while I haven't played that port in a long time I remember them being well-enough designed and they didn't have any exclusive enemies (other than the walking explosive barrel whose sprites exist in DKC3 SNES but go unused).

>> No.5779272

The mountain levels had a similar depth effect in DKC3 but you don't encounter those till K5, which is just past the midway point of a general playthrough.

>> No.5779927

Nope, not by a longshot. That'd be a good start to fixing that fucking mess of a game but it is far from the only or even worst problem of the game.

>> No.5779985

Truth hurts, fuckface.

>> No.5779990

2 is grander and more polished than 1 but not necessarily better in all aspects. Depending on what aspects of the game you care about, it's perfectly legitimate to prefer 1 over 2.

Hell, fuck me for saying this but if you deeply care about world maps, collecting stuff and really pretty water effects, then it is even perfectly acceptable to prefer 3 over both 1 and 2.

>> No.5780003

Three has the highest amount of gimmick levels and the most annoying gimmicks. The problem with the level design in 3 is that it forces a slow pace on you without putting you in danger. 3 makes you wait for doors and platforms without anything to do or any danger to watch out for. It also makes you backtrack for collectibles and punishes you for going to fast. 1 rewarded you for going fast and taking leaps of faith. 2 is where the palystyle from 1 was beginning to be phased out a little bit and some of the problems 3 is plagued with were already introduced, like collectibles you are forced to collect. (buh-buh-buh you can finih without--- FUCK YOU, to see every level including the hidden ones you have to collect shit, that means you are being forced to collect, shut the fuck up and sit down).

>> No.5780005

>2 doesn't require to collect ANYTHING
>except for those coins you are required to collect
You are so fucking dumb, shitforbrains. First sentence you LIE like a motherfucker, then you admit it in the second sentence. How stupid are you?!

>> No.5780006
File: 67 KB, 641x553, diddy kong slapping dixie in the face while she kicks his fat-fuck stomach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GBA ports totally inferior all around, don't play them unless you're really interested.

>> No.5780007

3 could've been the best one with a lot of changed, but yes, there's some really neat things in 3 which make the glaring faults all the more infuriating because they are ruining something that could've been really great.

>> No.5780014

>Three has the highest amount of gimmick levels
(citation needed)
I strongly recall that all 3 games introduce elements that only exist in 1 level. Probably a lot of them you didn't even notice.

>> No.5780024

>the lower-quality enemy design
It's ghastly and so often overlooked, sometimes even denied, buy hardcore proponents of 3.

>To be fair, it would've been pretty damn hard for even Rare to top DKC2.
I disagree, if the original team from 1 and 2 had done the game it would've been much better, but they were working on banjo and handed 3 to a B-team of formers assistants and amateurs, many of whom never worked on another video game after 3.

>If 3 was a one-off game that didn't sell well, it would probably be a "SNES hidden gem"
Of course, without a question. Let's also not forget though that 3 carries over a lot from the previous games and that is mostly what makes it still somewhat good-ish.

>They were already pushing the system with 1 and they were able to really expand on it with 2. By the time 3 came out, they'd done about all they could have done.
The ugly enemy designs have nothing to do with system limitations. Some of the graphics (the water especially) are way better in 3 than in previous games. 1 didn't even have animated water in the world maps.

>> No.5780026

He didn't say anything wrong though. You can beat the game without going out of your way to collect all the bonus levels and the DK coins. Even if you're a completionist, the DK coins don't count for your percentage, only the bonus coins and at least one visit to the other kongs do.

Why the hostile attitude by the way? Just because you're on 4chan doesn't mean you have to act so agressively.

>> No.5780028

>citation needed
Count them yourself. I did and 3 has the most, 1 has the least. It's not just about the number though, some of the gimmick levels are great, like the minecart racing in 1 and 2. but 3 doesn't even have that, only the much inferior and annoying sled racing with tons of obstacles to clear.

>> No.5780029

DK Coins are needed to get the Barrelcopter, to fly to inaccesible areas in order to get the remaining Banana Birds, which do add to your percentage.

>> No.5780031
File: 106 KB, 970x728, aerith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Rare actually made a pre-rendered RPG for the PS1 with a setting like the Northern Kremisphere. DKC looked way better than Mario RPG by Square, so it could've been amazing.

>> No.5780035

I love the "deep woods" aesthetic, it reminds me of home.

>> No.5780038

>He didn't say anything wrong though.
Yes he did. You can't complete the hidden world without collecting all the krem coins.

>You can beat the game without going out of your way to collect all the bonus levels and the DK coins.
You can also download a savegame and only beat the final boss or you can watch the credits on youtube. It doesn't fucking matter. Beating the game is irrelevant if you don't get to play all of it.

>Even if you're a completionist
Does wanting to play all the levels make me a completionist?

>the DK coins don't count for your percentage, only the bonus coins and at least one visit to the other kongs do.
I don't care about any of that. The game forces you collect krem coins to play all the levels.

>Why the hostile attitude by the way?
Because he's lying without even realizing it and his stupidity pisses me off.

>> No.5780045

Oh but that's 3, we're talking about 2 which "only" forces you to collect krem coins. But yeah 3 is obviously the worst because it forces you to collect all kinds of shit, just to progress through the game. Of course some people like that kind of thing and even go so far as to complain that 1's secrets and bonuses are "meaningless" just because they aren't required to progress or play every level.

>> No.5780054

That would've been amazing. Nintendo really fucked up by going with a low capacity medium like cartridges and forcing developers to go 3D or go home. Innovation at gunpoint is not a good look. 5th gen was too early to push 3D so heavily and forcibly and prematurely ending 2D graphics, even just as backgrounds was a horrible decision.

>> No.5780057

ok, you're the only retarded person here. When you defeat K. Rool you get the standard ending and beat the game. When you beat all the lost world levels you get the special ending. You don't have to play all the levels in a game to beat the game. That's the end of the discussion bruh, anything you say in response to it that doesn't agree completely is just some deranged nonsense, very likely from a zoomer.

>> No.5780069

It's not about beating the game or even getting the special ending, it's about playing all of the levels. How is that a hard concept to understand? I like the game, I want to play the game. I don't like collecting but the devs force the player to go collecting shit in order to be able to play all the levels.

>You don't have to play all the levels in a game to beat the game

Oh my god, what is fucking wrong with you? To play all the levels you have to collect all the krem coins. If you don't care to play all the levels, why do you play at all? Why not just skip all the levels and go straight to the boss fight? That way you can beat the game without having to play all those irrelevant levels which you obviously don't care about, you fucking retard.

>> No.5780170

>why do I have to collect one dk coin and two kremkoins per level to play all the game, why can't I just skip content?

>> No.5780182

What he originally said was "2 doesn't require you to collect anything in order to beat it" which you contradicted. Depending on the person it could make sense to beat the game and enjoy it without doing the more difficult lost world. Yes you have to unlock it but that's how videogames are designed.


>> No.5780189
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>> No.5780202

The point being that 2 is where the collectathon bullshit started. Of course I'll grant you that there are people who enjoy that sort of thing. I'm just not one of them. In my opinion Rare went to shit because their ever increasingly focus on collectibles.

>Depending on the person it could make sense to beat the game and enjoy it without doing the more difficult lost world
That's just disgusting. At that point you might just wanna watch a let's play on youtube you fucking pussy.

>Yes you have to unlock it but that's how videogames are designed.
No it's not. What the fuck are you on about you disingenuous fucktard. Some but not all of them. It's shitty game design because collecting things isn't a game, it's a task. It requires no skill, only patience. There's nothing to learn and master, it only wastes your time.

Collectors are sick in the head. Go buy phucko dolls and put them on your shelf if you love collecting so much.

>> No.5780218

Keep coping

>> No.5780223

nope you dope

>> No.5780232

Bonus levels and mini-games are content

>> No.5780248

Well you must hate 1 then because it graciously allows you to forgo all of the BONUS content if you just want to play the game. That's how it should be. That's how the game can flow freely instead of making the player do something boring and tedious just because it can.

Hey, if you like being forced to do bitch work like collecting just to be allowed to experience all of the fun stuff, bitchin' for you. Like I said, I've actually encountered that argument here on /vr/. People listed as a negative for 1 that the bonus stages were not a requirement because they didn't contain collectibles.

>> No.5780250

Don't even bother. He's obviously got a few screws loose

>> No.5780257

Fair enough, I suppose to somebody who likes collecting shit somebody who doesn't will look as crazy as any collector looks to regular people. So yeah, please don't bother and just shut the fuck up. Nobody cares to hear you defending your collecting fetish.

>> No.5780293
File: 79 KB, 512x448, LostWorld-map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allows you to forgo all of the BONUS content if you just want to play the game.
why would you want to? bonus levels are part of the game, collecting coins are part of the game.
You mean, you don't play the lost world levels in dkc2?

>> No.5780307
File: 411 KB, 500x436, donkeykongcountry2end.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All bonus areas in DKC2 can be played on the first time through a level. They don't require any kind of backtracking or replaying a level, you don't even need to beat a level to have 'unlocked' its DK coin and kremkoin on the world map, you can exit a level as soon as you collect it.
They only thing they functionally require is knowledge of where a hidden area might be in a level and being able to beat whichever mini-game or small challenge to reach the coin.

My personal best run for a 102% run of DKC2 is only a few hours, it takes hardly any time to actually unlock content and finish the game.

>> No.5780312

I bet you think you're real cute with your weasely wordplay bullshit. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5780318

I enjoy wordplay and gameplay, unlike you.

>> No.5780320

Collecting is not gameplay.

>> No.5780335

lol. how did you arrive at that arbitrary conclusion?

>> No.5780347

Collecting things is not a game, it's a chore.

>> No.5780358


>> No.5780572

Your a fucking queer , unlockable levels and watching the credits on YouTube have nothing to do with eachother

>> No.5780579

based and redpilled

>> No.5780706

As an adult I would agree with the levels being kind of gimmicky and weird.

As a kid who was 9 years old when he was trying to 103% this with a friend for over a year I would say it's a great game with a scaled down difficulty compared to DKC2 (I couldn't get all the Krem coins so I made multiple files and unlocked different Lost Levels so I played every level except the real final boss). All of my friends at the time really liked this game and we all agreed that DKC 2 was pretty hard (It's great to play as an adult though) and that DKC 1 was very cryptic with the percentage results.

I really enjoyed all three games and felt like each one added more to the previous game.

>> No.5782790

Cope harder

>> No.5782830

1 is the best looking game in the series.

>> No.5782847

Collecting is no different to finding items or solving puzzles. Too bad you hate anything that makes you use your brain.

>> No.5782918

dkc2 is obviously the best in the series. It has the best music and gameplay

>> No.5782958

>The best level aesthetics in my opinion are the snow levels, forest levels, and especially the cliff levels.
absolute shit tier opinion right there. Best aesthetics are objectively dock levels, factory levels and snow level.

>> No.5782972

I can see SOME aspects of DKC3 being a chore to some players, like the banana birds, since you have to run around the map finding caves/talking to bears. Banana birds are only needed for the "true" ending though; the stuff that unlocks extra levels, like bonus and DK Koins, are absolutely gameplay content. You're exploring the levels and doing minigames. There are a few "do or die" coins that could be annoying but those are a handful at most.

>> No.5782975

Factory levels have the best music in the game, you're right. Forest levels have the second-best music in the game, though, and succeed at creating a spooky atmosphere (though my opinion might be biased just because Ripsaw Rage exists).
The docks look nice, but the music is really off-putting to me. It's the only area I can think of that was improved in the GBA port due to the new music.

>> No.5782981

highly doubt it. want it or not it is a very late snes release that not many people got to play and even if they did the reason ppl would dislike it wasn't because of a different kong. if anything people were happy they got to play as a different monkey, before making their mind if he delivers or not.