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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 192 KB, 250x355, contrahc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5766215 No.5766215 [Reply] [Original]

Have you 1cc'd all paths in the best Contra game yet, /vr/?

If so, I hope you weren't playing the scrubby Jap version...

>> No.5766223


>> No.5766228

Contra 3 only has one route tho

>> No.5766238

>Have you 1cc'd all paths in the best Contra game yet
Contra only has one path anon

>> No.5766240

I can only do it with the joke ending

Japanese version I can do them all

>> No.5766474

I only did ending a and c, its an ok game with mostly really meh bosses and terrible stages, quantity/variety over quality. Only outstanding part of it is the soundtrack. Contra 1, Super C, 4, Rebirth and HCU are all better.

>> No.5766597

>the Uprisingfag is back

>> No.5766694

That guy's the worst. He makes CV X68000 guy look like a prince.

>> No.5766963

>super c
>multiple routes
Full retard

>> No.5766980

Why are people pretending that Hard Corps isn't the best Contra game? Its getting rediculous at this point.

>> No.5766985

It's got competition from 3 amazing games. And no, Uprising isn't one of them.

>> No.5766987

Uprising might as well not be considered Contra at all. Why did they make the movement so fucking clunky?

>> No.5767093
File: 55 KB, 548x535, 1535408517056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super C had multiple paths? Shit I'll have to play it again

>> No.5767097

I think the movement is one of the only things it does well.

>> No.5767219

Perfect 1:1 movement, two speed modes, dashes, air dashes, buttons for locking movement and aim (unlike HC's dumb switching mechanic) is "clunky"? Just how retarded are you

>> No.5767442

>Gay anime fighter controls in a sidescroller shooter like Contra

>You normally WALK really slowly in a Contra game and constantly have to alternate between dashing like some kinda beat em up

The only good thing is the buttons for locking movement, it's a direct improvement from Hard Corps' brilliant switching mechanic. The game sucks.

>> No.5767829

You dont walk slowly retard, your normal speed is on par or FASTER than most Contra games. If you keep running and not using the dash you will just get the same pace as any other Contra, but you always have the option to speed things up past that and play more risky.
>hurrr anime fighter controls BAD
For starters theyre platformer controls not fighter secondly what kinda dumbass judges a games controls independently of the challenges theyre made for? The game has more complex layered levels and more emphasis on challenging platforming than the classic games, it takes full advantage of the extra movement depth.

>> No.5767923

I prefer Metal Slug

>> No.5767971


>> No.5768149


because Metal Slug is a game made by assholes for assholes

>> No.5768235

Fang > Browny > Ray >= Sheena

>> No.5768248

Sheena and Browny are the only decent characters because the other two look retarded.

>> No.5768259

Looks like you're not very experienced at the game.

Fang is unanimously considered the strongest character in the game by a mile. Thanks to his charged shot "glitch". Nothing in the game comes close to the speed at which Fang can annihilate bosses. And this game is ALL about bosses.

Sheena is nowhere near as good as Fang or Browny. Ray and Sheena are pretty similar, they each have certain areas where they perform a little better. I think Ray is better though, but you need to be good at using the spread gun at a close range. Once you're good at that, Ray is slightly better than Sheena.

Also, there seems to be stupid rumors going around that Fang has a bigger hit box (and therefore gets hit easier) and has a shorter slide. I think these rumors started because of a stupid FAQ written by a mediocre player. Both are completely false. Fang, Ray and Sheena are all the same size and have the exact same hit box, despite how they appear in the game. Every single character has the exact same slide as well. This has all been confirmed by examining the actual hit boxes in the game itself.

>> No.5768438

No self respecting male would play as a manlet, even if its a robot

>> No.5768596

HC fags btfo.

>> No.5768684
File: 15 KB, 175x231, sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What it's like to be 16 and buying into any and all memes that you pass. Don't worry kid, it's gets better from here.

>> No.5768692

Only someone who is horribly insecure would even care

>> No.5769562

Ray is my nigga.

>> No.5769712

Hard Corps is the ultimate meme though, I swear most of its so called "fans" barely even played it and haven't done what OP's talking about. The "HARDEST GAME EVER XD" reputation it had here until recently-ish is a dead giveaway that most fans are either underage and didn't play much from the era, or are old faggots who barely play games anymore and have shitty memory. Get your own opinions.

>> No.5769717

First time I'm seeing a Contra hipster.

>> No.5769724

Last I checked the first one is still the most well known and beloved one followed by 3. It's really just old /v/ and /vr/ that have a massive hard on for HC and put it above all the others.

>> No.5769732

Frankly 3 is pretty overrated with the overhead levels and the infinite extra life farming in the overhead termite level boss. The only good is Operation C on Gameboy

>> No.5769746

I tried, but got bored and started playing Super C instead.

>> No.5769751

Yeah, well even the side scrolling levels and bosses aren't very good (though I do quite like the stage 4 and final bosses), I'm just saying that not worshipping HC is hardly an unpopular opinion. If you ask me both the 16 bit contras were mistakes, the developers were more concerned about chasing trends and adding gimmicks than making good run n guns, probably entirely the result of Nobuya Nakazato's influence and his autistic "cinematic boss fights are the future of video games" philosophy.

>> No.5769817

Extremely shit opinions.

>> No.5769852

stop giving you's to the zoomer that thinks outsourced contra games are better than the retro contras already

>> No.5769856

because metal slug has actual stage design and not just corridors of shit between boss battles

>> No.5769873

>metal slug
>good level design
I had a giggle.

>> No.5769878

He's right, MS level design is very solid

>> No.5769892

lol @ this obvious butthurt

>> No.5769956

Sheena is the best unless you're good enough to win with any character anyway

>> No.5769990

That just means that she's easier to pick up and use, not that she's the best.

>> No.5770157


yes and each route deathless.

>> No.5770829


I have beaten the alien cell on the rocket using one continue, haven't finished any other routes yet except for the joke one.

Sheena is best character btw.

>> No.5770869

Contra 3 is the best. PMW

>> No.5771276

Contra 3 is shorter and has worse and boring bosses.
Hard Corps has more characters, weapons, multiple endings, and more bosses.