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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 205 KB, 640x1077, sd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5765667 No.5765667 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been playing this game recently. I picked Duran-Riesz-Angela.
Gameplay is better and worse than SoM at the same time. While the hit detection is better the gameplay feels much slower and your cooldown period is not as specific as well as it's harder to avoid enemies.

The readability of the graphics is worse than SoM imo, I've lost count how many times I lost track of where Duran is in the screen...it's annoying.

The menus are laggy as fuck and the game in general has lag in many transitions(I can understand Secret of Mana having some lag because of its troubled development cycle but there's no excuse here).
Magic casting is so fucking slow in this game, I guess they did this to prevent you from chaincasting like you could in SoM

The AI customization from SoM(and SoE) is pretty much gone, replace with this weird ass nonsensical chess board shit.

The storyline is weird and complicated so far. The tone is very urgent but I really haven't found a reason to care about any of the characters so far.
SoM and SoE had meh stories too but at least they didn't bombard with so much story like SD3 is doing.

>> No.5765670

The music so far has been very mediocre and generic for he most part. In fact the only good track has been this imo

I wasn't crazy about SoM's music but at least it was serviceable meanwhile SD3's music has been very forgettable.

People here will probably bash me for this but so far my favorite game of the series has been SoE(even though Evermore isn't technically part of the series but you know what I mean).
I love the AI Customization in that game, you can set up your Partner to never attack ever if you want to. Also so far it has the best soundtrack too and pretty ahead of its time...I even like the ambient stuff.
The bosses are the best designed(in SoM you just spam magic and then use a Walnut and same here in SD3 so far while in SoE the alchemy system made it so that you can't spam shit and the bosses were well designed around the limitations of the gameplay style itself).

That's not to say that Evermore is a great game heck I wouldn't even consider any of these games to be good(though SD3 certainly gives you that impression from its Chrono Trigger-tier graphics but so far it hasn't been great or even that fun to play) but I would say it's the least worse one.

>> No.5765672

And with all that said, I wonder how that SNES CD version of Secret of Mana would have turned out? You know, that "Maru Island" game?
Both Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana spawned from that same project. Was it maybe a blessing in disguise that the SNES CD never came out and they had to scrap that project and then we got Chrono Trigger or could that game have been even better?
We'll never know for sure.

But what I do know is that the concept of the Mana series has a lot of potential which imo has never been executed properly.
I like the whole concept about how it's based around Pre-Christian European Religion and stuff like that, that concept is very underutilized imo. And also the artwork of the series(not the character design...more referring to those detail drawings of those trees and stuff) is absolutely stunning.
It really feels like a series with a huge wasted potential.

>> No.5766157 [DELETED] 

>The music so far has been very mediocre and generic for he most part.



Lmao, no!? It has an arabic/indian-like theme on it's soundtrack, maybe you mistaken it with "mediocre".

>> No.5766458

To each his own I suppose. I don't think I've gotten to those parts yet(I got Jinn and completed the whole Rolanto Kingdom section)
These tracks do nothing for me anyhow.

>arabic/indian-like theme
I don't hear it, but then again this game series is supposed to based on ancient european mythology/religion so that wouldn't make any sense whatsoever

I prefer tracks like these much better to any of the SD3 stuff so far

>> No.5766802

if somebody could mod AI scripts with different priority tasks into that game, I'd ask them to marry me. it's a real shame how shit magic is and how garbage both magic-focused characters are unless you control them 90% of the time and then it's still sluggish slow dogshit.

btw a lot of L/D and D/D classes are half-baked shit (most 1st class changes going for Dark are absolute trash) and total shit and you better have a healer ready so it's usually best to have at least one character going into full light class changes, both times. Duran is fine as Duelist however but that's one of the few exceptions despite dark blade being useless against most enemies. Would still rather have him as Paladin.

>> No.5768530

>arabic/indian-like theme


>> No.5768952

>ost is bad
oh cmon



>> No.5769508

I would hate to play these games for the first time this year. They were cool when i was a dumb 13 year old in the 90s but honestly they're so mediocre that it would be really disappointing to experience them for the first time in 2019.

>> No.5769962
File: 2.05 MB, 640x558, Pink Typhoon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to spank Angela!

>> No.5771686

Do these games play well on hacked Vita?