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5763223 No.5763223 [Reply] [Original]

What are /vr/‘s thoughts about the phantasy star series pre pso?

>> No.5763248
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Sega should have focused more effort on Phantasy Star III. Fleshed out the characters, added more dialogue and story threads between generations, added side quests and sped up the walking speed. Just think of the missed potential of this game.

>> No.5763264

Someone took that concept to Edo Japan and it's called Ore no Shikabane wo Koete Yuke.

>> No.5763272

the first game has bad scaling, I calculated the grind for basic equip and came up with somewhere around a day, so I found the variable for money in gameshark instead.
otherwise great, scifi fantasy mashup is always a good setting. the nightmare boss spooked me.

>> No.5763280

PS4 is an all time great, the rest are honestly pretty bad.

>> No.5763289
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Never played it, and never was a fan of any 1st person RPG
Pure retro-gaming kino. 8 years before Aerith, there was Nei. Was a fucking arduous grind back in the day, but with modern emulators, this game travels along at a nice pace. Probably the best music in the series
a quintessential example of a game with a great concept, but flawed execution.
The most polished of the series, but for some reason lacks some of the magic of PSII, in my opinion.
Why do great RPG series commit suicide by MMO?

>> No.5763293

Shittiest taste on /vr/ this week, congrats

>> No.5763336
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>Shitting on PSO
Anon why would you do this? PSO was and still is kino!

>> No.5763348

It's a very basic repetitive monster hunter.

>> No.5763351

Whole series has great music, 4 is the best game.

The sequel, Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines, came out in the West for Vita. It's okay.

>> No.5763365

Haven't played it but that game was infamously beaten down by the Japanese fans of the original. Japanese have notoriously bad taste and even them had a problem with it.
The change to a more moe art direction alone puts me off from it.

>> No.5763597

I always see people comparing PSO to Monster Hunter but it reminded me of Diablo (II anyway; never played the first Diablo)
Monster Hunter wasn't even out yet

>> No.5763603

I'm pretty sure monster hunter wasn't a thing yet when PSO released on the Dreamcast.

>> No.5763608

Yeah PSO is closer to Diablo. And to be fair to PSO, all SEGA was doing with the Phantasy Star license before PSO, was releasing compilations of the old games. Hell there still isn't a proper Phantasy Star V.

>> No.5764016

>for some reason lacks some of the magic of PSII, in my opinion
I like PS2 better than PS4 because
- you can name your party members
- it's incredibly A E S T H E T I C
- you can choose your party members, opening up a lot of equipment / development options and strategy
- it's really fucking hard, you are always poor until the endgame, the mazes are PSYCHO and as a result progress feels earned
- the minimal narrative lends the game an exploratory feel, although it's linear your progress along the line is up to you, if that makes sense
- LEGENDARY ending
PS4 is much more pacey, you are essentially hurried along someone else's story and rarely get confronted with the same dilemmas you get in PS2 (e.g. 2 dead party members and just enough TP to teleport out the dungeon BUT do you risk dropping down the next chute to see if your goal is there rather than leave the dungeon and have to retrace your steps later). You don't really make any choices in PS4, there's always a best weapon and armour for whoever's in your party and exploration / grinding is unnecessary.
That said, PS4 is definitely the most *lovable* game I've played, it's just stuffed with callbacks and details to make players of the previous games happy

>> No.5764850
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i liek gaem

>> No.5764915


Greatest science fiction based JRPG out there. Yes, even better than the abortion of Takahashi.

>> No.5764950

What do you mean? Earning money to buy the shit? It depends on the path you take, I know at least two paths where you never have to grind besides the very beginning of the game to survive the first monsters. Also, there are hidden dungeons in this game that aren't on online maps at all, at least 5 that I know of on the world map, some of them give you early access to tougher monsters and bosses as well as equipment.
Also if you guys didn't know, the game Hoshi wo Sagashite is in the PS Universe. You go to the worlds and there are references. It's a short, okay game.

>> No.5765995

Not at all dude. I was able to obtain basic gear within a couple of hours and by the end of the day I was already exploring the desert planet.

>> No.5766002

I'll try the Playstation game. But the vita game seems too generic.

>> No.5767926

I've only played PS1. It was good, but I played it long after it came out, so I don't have a frame of reference to compare it to other contemporary games.

I liked the 3D dungeon navigation, but I played it emulated on my PSP, and I feel like it would've been far better to play on an original console with graphing paper in hand. Due to the identical graphics for wall tiles and lack of way markers, it's easy to get lost. Also, it felt a little grindy early on.

>> No.5768239
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Posting images on imageboard.

>> No.5768289
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I liked the psvita version, somehow was more enjoyable than the rest.

>> No.5768296

>psvita version,
Why do you do that? You know damn well it is it's own game not a port of another and almost entirely unrelated to what we've been talking about in this thread.

>> No.5768470

Dumbest skill naming convention in the history of video games second only to FF's English-sandnigger hybrid spells.

>> No.5768570

so now I am sinful because enjoyed?

>> No.5768603
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I feel like the original games can only be fully appreciated when you play them in order (Gaiden and Adventure are optional).
I remember playing PSIV for the first time and enjoying it a lot, but only when I gave the whole quadrilogy a try, I started really loving it.
All the small references to the early games really make it glow.

I just wish there was as many character development/interaction in II and III as there's in the concept art.

>> No.5768650

2 and 4 are absolute kino.

>> No.5768653

Fuck off.

>> No.5768685

Good series but it had a huge amount of design flaws, it would've benefited from skill and spell descriptions especially in 2.

PSO isn't MMO, you get four players in a session tops.

>> No.5768910

I and IV were great.
III was wasted potential.
II was fucking dull and I never got far into it.

>> No.5769002

It's crazy how good the original Phantasy Star looks compared to Dragon Quest (released a year earlier) and Final Fantasy (around the same time as PS), but it's not as good game as either of them, imo.

>> No.5769012

>pre pso
Not even worth talking about desu.

>> No.5769020
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I love Phantasy Star 2 for being an amazing dungeon crawler with top notch dungeon design, music, and aesthetic.

I love Phantasy Star 4 for being on the most solid traditional JRPGs ever.

Don't really care for the rest of the series.

>> No.5769075

Replaying through Phantasy Star 4 I can't help but have the feeling that Reiko Kodama was aware that the age of the classic JRPG was over, or was soon to be supplanted by the cinematic over the story-driven.

>> No.5769092

I'd blame CDs, but then I think that Lunar 2 is actually very well paced, with all the cutscenes and story segments directly push the game along.

I think the culprit is the idea that RPGs needed to be long, rather than good, that took off in the mid/late 90s.

>> No.5769108

Not even that far ahead. Look at the opera scene in FF6. People talk about how "moving" and "revelatory" it was, but to me I always found it pretentious and annoying. Sometimes Chrono Trigger seems like an apology for that.

>> No.5769115
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I always felt like PSIII had the most potential out of all of them, but they fucked literally everything that could make it good.

>> No.5769116

I think the opera scene was just a flop,. They were trying to make a moving scene and it didn't quite work. Its kind of like the Cid's death scene, that does work. I don't think its an example of anything nefarious.

>> No.5769125

I didn't mean to imply that there was any malice, but the existence of a 16-bit opera scene shows a big change in the central "thesis" (for lack of a better word) of a JRPG.

>> No.5769180

IV is alright.

>> No.5769201

>Dragon Quest (released a year earlier)

>> No.5769206

Phantasy Star III has SO MANY extra content created by the original character designer (Toyo Ozaki, iirc?), that you can't help but admire her dedication. We are talking about artbooks with detailed story and character descriptions, manga, doujins, novels, all stuff that never made it into the game.
Imagine a current-gen remake/remaster where they could let her go wild.

>> No.5770347

There is nothing wrong with the game, but it's not a different 'version' of Phantasy Star, it's an entirely different game, full stop.

>> No.5771017
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What's the consensus on the Sega Ages remakes?

>> No.5771139

Best remembered as a puke-fest fever nightmare.

>> No.5772437

I played the Sega Ages PSII, and I have to say it's a very ugly game with forgettable music. Really the only positive thing I could say was that Rolph has a meter you can hold down to dish out a sliver more damage then a regular attack, didn't make it any easier.

>> No.5772458

Nei's legs alone in that image are enough to make me melt. The way she caresses that massive rifle and looks at the viewer in what can only be disgust is icing on the cake. Was this cover art also done by the Guardian Legend's Japanese cover artist?

The initial time investment the earlier games require is what's kept me from playing them. Now that my office is cleaned up, I have a Master System with the FM mod, and a Master Everdrive, I have no real excuse at this point. I was a big fan of PSO, then later Universe. Not exactly retro, but Universe starts off shit, then gets less shit, then has a callback to II, then gets progressively less shitty until Phantasy Star Portable which is a little barebones, then gets real good for Phantasy Star Portable 2, and then breaks your heart into a million pieces because Sega decided English speakers weren't allowed to play games with pretty girl create-a-characters without a guide or a VPN.

>> No.5772674
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>a VPN.
Years later the myth persists...

>> No.5773164


>> No.5773270

The only part that's kind of bad I'd say is the very beginning where you need to grind a bit. After that you gain enough experience just exploring.

>> No.5773285
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Pretty cool monster designs throughout the series. I loved how the creatures look alien and I like the enemy robots. Even a simple zombie looks menacing.

>> No.5773369

That's Seppo Star, not Phantasy Star
At least post the original artwork not the autistic fan art Sega of America came up with

>> No.5774181

Hm. So were players just banned for being English speakers? I did learn at least that PSO2 is coming west next year. Will my heart break again?

>> No.5774602

I wanted to get into the PS series but the first game is kind of a slog, didn't even do a dungeon in the time I played it. How do I into PS?
I like PSO1 though so I guess that is good enough./spoiler]

>> No.5774607

>the opera scene in FF6 was pretentious and annoying
Fuck you faggot that scene was fun

>> No.5774615

Just start with psiv, it has throwbacks but no prior knowledge is needed. It's very accessible and well done all around.

>> No.5774618

I have cucked myself out of one too many games by just starting with the most accessable or best one. One day I will force feed myself the PS series starting with number 1. I want to experience something organically instead of just going "Well this is the best way to do this so I'm doing it that way".

>> No.5774702

>So were players just banned for being English speakers?
No. Anybody claiming that must simply have been an obnoxious turd. Sega is quite aware that there are foriegners playing the game. Recently a GameGuard update came out that temporarily prevented anyone with the English patch from playing and Sega made GameGuard roll the update back so as not to lose paying customers.
>Will my heart break again?
If you expect an Americanese version powered by bloody Microsoft cloud technology to be any good, yes. Most certainly.

>> No.5774801

I remember hearing once somewhere that there were rumors for a fifth game on Saturn, but when fans got wind of it they damn near rioted and didn't want a sequel messing up four. Those rumors turned into PSO on DC.

>> No.5774806

You ever play lufia?

>> No.5774821

I finished IV today and am starting gaiden tomorrow. I have fallen in love with this series. I played the first one with a retranslation on an emulator with the FM sound and was blown away by how pretty a game from 1987 looked. The fish monsters on the beach in particular facinated me with their animation. It's such a fun series, I wish star ocean was more like phantasy star.

Nobody ever really talks about zero on the DS. The reviews make it sound okay though.

>> No.5774985

If it sounded exactly the same, but was on the Genesis, people would say it was just 10 minutes of fart sounds (which it is).
>braaap brap braaap braaaaaaaaaap

>> No.5774989

I have Zero and its guide. Picked it up while I was on my PSU/PSP/PSO kick eight or so years ago. Girlfriend nagged at me when I wanted to start it up while she was watching braindead TV and I never got around to it. Pretty sure each playable race learns exclusive plot details. There's an interview in the guide and it sounded like they were happy with the final result.

Does anyone have any recommended staff interview resources for the earlier games? There's no shortage of art books and fan sites, but a generic search tends to yield a lot of results for PSO.

>> No.5775454

>am starting gaiden tomorrow.
Ah, keep those expectations very low. Gaiden's bad. I don't say games are outright bad lightly, PS2 and 3 have their problems but they're not at all bad. Gaiden is bad. Just letting you know what you're getting yourself into.

>> No.5775780

The first one is very nice, Yuji Naka is a wizard. The Switch port is incredibly well done, I'd recommend it.

>> No.5775781

won't talk about it too much cos not retro but PS Zero on the DS was a decent little game - it played much more like PSO than the PSU games (which were at best merely okay and inferior in every respect to PSO)

>> No.5775797
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>> No.5775798

I've only played PSO. Is there a proper starting point or should I just start with the original? It's been on my to do list since I played the shit out of PSO 20 or so years ago.

>> No.5775863

1 is good for its age but 4 is great.

>> No.5776453


The greatest, perkyest BGM ever in the history of gaming.

>> No.5776469

I don't even remember where I downloaded it, but there is a port of Phantasy Star I for the mobile phone. It was only released in Korea but someone took the uploaded rom and made an English patch for it. The graphics and sound are a sliver better than the original, and you move much faster in dungeons.

>> No.5776664
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I vaguely remember hearing about that one. Isn't it missing monster animations or something? That would make it a terrible downgrade.

>should I just start with the original?
If you think you're a bad enuff dude, yeah. Absolutley no handholding in that game though. If you want something far more accessible and very well presented then 4 is the way to go.

>> No.5776698

I played it for a few hours today and I'm really enjoying it so far. It certainly does have a strange vibe.ans is really grindy, but with a turbo button on an emulator it makes it much more pleasant. I think I'm actually enjoying it more than 3 so far. I did spoil the big twist though, so I'm just waiting for the reveal to happen.

>> No.5776892

Really dissonant considering how hopeless and bleak, and nihilistic, the story is. It's almost Texhnolyze before Technolyze.

>> No.5777392


That's not even the most perky and upbeat tune in the game.


>> No.5778580


And it would have been PERFECT to play after the final scenes with the Earthmen.

>> No.5779609

my exact thoughts

>> No.5779959

QoL is better but art direction and music (specifically for PSII) is worst

>> No.5780913

I thought the Opera scene was great at the time, certainly one of the bigger setpiece moments I saw in a console game until that point. Looking back, it's a little bare though and it ultimately only is really moving if you "fill in the blanks" so to speak for Locke and Celes's characters.

>> No.5781308

RPGS are shit.

>> No.5783604

fuck you faggot that scene was fun