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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5762186 No.5762186 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5762220

Yeah, how they DARE add a platforming element in an action-platformer?

>> No.5762231

He's going to say the big problem is the waiting around because some eceleb just made a video on it last week talking about the waiting in this fight and that's where op got all his info from. It's always quite a (((coincidence))) when some garbage eceleb makes a very specific video and it pops up as a thread here a day later.

>> No.5762242

Not for nothing but that IS the hardest of all Vlad encounters in the CV series afaik.
Mercilessly hard. I mean, if you could easily retry him over and over without worrying about continues, until you get his timing down a bit and hone your reflexes, it would be proper.

>> No.5762254

Why is Rondo so kino but Dracula X which is on a much better console so trash? SCV4 was amazing so there is no excuse.

>> No.5762257

>so trash
[citation needed]
It's a fine game. I like it better than Rondo, although I prefer III, IV or X68K over both.

>> No.5762274

It's monotonous, but the threat of falling can be mitigated by ducking, which cancels knock back effects in that game.

>> No.5762284

they're called whip 'n skip games.

>> No.5762301

jeez, bad example i guess.

>> No.5762334

Castlevania 3 was really unfun for me

>> No.5762512

I'm not actually convinced these alleged youtuber videos even exist. It sure is convenient that every time someone criticizes a game someone chimes in to vaguely claim some unnamed vlogger put out a video on the subject recently. Even more peculiar that the people who claim to hate retro youtube channels always seem to be the first to know about these things...

>> No.5762514

Back to /v/ child, people have been complaining about this since at least the late 90's. It's only very very recently that enthusiasts online are beginning to appreciate the "Dracula X"'s merits as a distinct title

>> No.5762526

I'm going to fucking hide this gay thread if somebody says hop 'n' bop or some stupid shit next.

>> No.5762569

belt scroller

>> No.5762570

Bump n'jump?

>> No.5762614
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Boring af.

>> No.5762748

Rondo of Blood is readily available on multiple systems in English now, and still widely acclained as ever, so the ol 4chan contrarian syndrome kicked in. Dracula X's numerous faults, namely the godawful stage design, have been discussed to death for literal decades but none of that matters now, we have to hold it up as a misunderstood and overlooked classic the plebs just don't get.

>> No.5762761

Which jewtuber put out a video? Which video?

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this trend.

>> No.5763119
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>> No.5763125

>namely the godawful stage design
Examples? Because I can give some examples on lazy level design in Rondo.

>> No.5763132

I like both but I'm curious what part of Rondo you consider lazy.

>> No.5763141

I like both too, but some lazy stuff in Rondo that I remember off the top of my head is stage 5b. I know it's supposed to be an extra bonus level, but it's mostly just copypaste of past levels assets and the level design is virtually nonexistant, just plain long halls with some enemies thrown in.

>> No.5763146
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>> No.5763220

OP here this was just a boss that came to mind when i was thinking what to put as an example

>> No.5763236

Not who you replied to but I'll agree. I still think the game is amazing though. Looking at this stage in this video it is obviously what you said.


>> No.5763239
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It's ok imo

But pic related otoh is absolute cancer, especially on higher difficulties

>> No.5763354
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>> No.5763371

>It's always quite a (((coincidence))) when some garbage eceleb makes a very specific video and it pops up as a thread here a day later.
How do you know so quickly if you hate them?

>> No.5763394
File: 71 KB, 486x431, 7-area6-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second game had a very crummy final boss, too. Thankfully they finally nailed final boss fights in Demon's Crest.

>> No.5763417

Exactly, it's a thought-terminating cliche designed to prevent discussion whenever one or two manbabies get triggered over a game getting criticized.

That makes sense. Give it a few years, I'm sure people on here are going to start complaining about Shin Megami Tensei If... now that it's no longer a white whale amongst translation projects.

>> No.5763658

How about Smack-a-Drac?

>> No.5764312

He's just a little hard, as a boss fight he's fine. Use the axe to get an angle on him, and duck down to avoid being thrown back.
I'm not even any fucking good at these games and I did it, what's your excuse?

Yeah, it's actually quite conspicuous.
More, I'd almost suspect anon to be OP, who got really incensed by some stupid take by some vlogger nobody has ever heard of.

>> No.5764316

It could have been better, particularly given the high technical bar Super Castlevania set, but the game is still ok

>> No.5764330

Secret of Mana bosses are pretty shit

>> No.5764339


>> No.5764376

That’s not what conspicuous means.

>> No.5764396
File: 12 KB, 320x224, Double-Take-Shinobi-III-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That boss is bullshit, which is sad bc most bosses were good in that game. Also, fuck this boss. It was way too long, lmao.

>> No.5764546
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how do you like your Castlevania bosses, senpai?

>> No.5764583
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Just spam hydro storm you retard

>> No.5764589

I don't know if I ever actually played 5B. A shame it's such shit looking, but easily skippable since 5A is my favorite stage in the game. The other alternate stages are a lot more interesting

>> No.5764794
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>final boss is impossible if you pick a certain weapon type

>> No.5765324

I'd blame autocorrect, but in truth I'm a filthy ESL. Anon is still a faggot regardless.

>> No.5765589

Sega system

>> No.5766010
File: 34 KB, 768x672, mm1-yellow-devil-battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't know about the Thunder Beam+Pause trick, this guy can be a real motherfucker (and the one in MM3 is even worse).

>> No.5766050

you can take him out in literally 20 seconds, just land on his head repeatedly

>> No.5766193

>yellow devil
>is orange

>> No.5766212

It was a jab by Japan at the Koreans

>> No.5766269

C'mon, its a cool boss. Isn't it in 3 easier, due to slide? Anyway, the best version of it is the Shadow one.

>> No.5766385


>> No.5766390

He's not that hard in retrospect, i'll give you mm3 cause he pulls that wavey transfer shit once or twice, but if you have good reflexes and no to only jump when the bottom two rows gather up, then its just a matter of patience.

>> No.5766394

the best version is unironically in MMZ

/v2k when?

>> No.5766408
File: 172 KB, 500x375, shinobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck who thought this was a good idea???

>> No.5766443

MMZ is unironically my favorite series in the whole franchise. (Maybe except for 4). Introduced so many new styles and gameplay elements without breaking it.

>> No.5766485

Oh my God! I hate that boss so much. Apparently you can skip past the statues with a trick. I can never get it right.

>> No.5766493

man that part at the beginning of MMZ2 where you're slashing down endless copy droids and Zero actually calls you out and says "this isn't fun anymore"

and the designers just flat out remove the exp grinding that was in the first game

playing MMZ and ZOE back to back is such a good time

>> No.5766506

2 and 3 were my faves easily, just wish they had merged their ideas together. 2 had incredibly good levels and boss fights, but a somewhat lacking story and shitty villain. 3 toned down the levels and bosses, but had the amazing story line and easily my favorite final boss fight in the entire franchise. (Missed opportunity though, i'd have shat an even bigger brick if omega resembled his X series look)

>> No.5766515


>> No.5766545

seed and feed

>> No.5766587

Just jump into them holding right and then use the ninpo right before you make contact.

>> No.5767058

tough thread for poor shinobi

>> No.5767071

Only the last one is actually bad/retarded though.

>> No.5767169
File: 40 KB, 117x220, Vortex_queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do that 10 minute auto stroller again if you fuck up famalam

>> No.5767430


>> No.5767463

Literally Sega Lord X made a video recently complaining exactly about this boss fight for being too hard and "waiting too long." Keep jerking each other off that you cracked the code of a hidden agenda to terminate thought and that people aren't parroting e celebs the minute they make a video. Who is terminating what thoughts here. This is the worst form of lazy board pollution "if I didn't happeb upon it (and I'm too fucking lazy to do a two second search to confirm it) it doesn't exist"

>back to /v/ child
Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you're talking about. I don't care who was complaining about what since when, the only thing that matters is the validity of the complaints and the substance of the arguments made in support of them or against. Sweet irony to cry that people make fake statements about ecelebs making videos to shut down conversation and then in the next breath try to shut down conversation with a typical "lol you're a kid from /v/" cop out

>> No.5767717

Didn't even know about this youtuber when i made this thread jeez.

>> No.5767780

Why can't I find the video when I use my google-fu, Anon? Link or it didn't happen.
Also, I've never heard of this guy (or 90% of the e"""""""""celebs"""""""" /vr/ like to talk about cuz idgaf, but if you outright hate'em, why do you know what vids they release when? Why are you giving them YT shekels if you detest them so?

>> No.5767841

What the fuck kind of boss is a pile of statues. You can tell when a game is trying to gobble your coins when they just toss in a random "smash button really fast" segment.

>> No.5767884

>Activate the invincibility trick
>Get swallowed up by the queen
>Since you don't die, the game soft-locks as you see Ecco's shadow floating in a red screen

>> No.5767920

Even if this alleged video exists, why the fuck would we be expected to know who this relatively small youtuber is? I just looked him up and he has about 30k subs, not exactly lighting the gaming world on fire and shaping opinions of the masses.

>> No.5767928
File: 100 KB, 1125x1109, Dk48KgSU8AAwzpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whip 'n skip

>> No.5767935

Found the video, it has less than 10K views, was made 8 months ago, and he spends a whopping 30 whole seconds mentioning that even if you get good the fight requires RNG for Dracula to teleport to a location you can actually hit him from. Seems like a reasonable criticism to me.


>> No.5767959

Played 1, 2 and 3 through Wily Wars, no pause glitch. God it was so fun

>> No.5767965
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>> No.5768134

>Literally Sega Lord X
Who? Nobody has fucking heard of this person, if you dislike his takes you're doing yourself a disservice by telling people that he exists.

Stop going out of your way to be offended and upset you fucking outrage junkie.

>> No.5768138

So anon is some kind of fucking special needs child?

>> No.5768194
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Fuck this guy

>> No.5768212

iirc there are no item crashes in the SNES version.

>> No.5768214

Drac can even teleport onto your platform as well.
He also instagibs you with almost any attack if you don't have perfect placement due to knockback.
Didn't watch the video yet, but this boss certainly stood out in my memory as one of the more bullshit fights.

>> No.5768417 [DELETED] 
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try anything by Seth Rogen or Adam Sandler, Opie

>> No.5768427
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>> No.5768436
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Worst boss forever.
You can't do anything but die.

>> No.5768475

>horrible bosses
Every Final Fight boss beyond the first.

>> No.5768612

Item crashes in Rondo and Dracula X are actually very weak compared to later games. Hydro Storm doesn't do any more than a single whip hit per cast.

>> No.5768938

There are.

>> No.5769447

what the fuck are you smoking, this is piss easy with the axe, just get in the second pillar and crouch to wait for him, yo get two axe shots and they deal a shit ton of damage, and when he morphs timing is the key as the axes destroy the fireballs.

And if you panic for getting hit just crouch and there wont be any knockback BAKA

>> No.5769450

What is X button

>> No.5770307

Nah. I suck at platformers like these but I can do Drac X pretty fine, assuming I get to him, but in Circle Of The Moon he's a monster of a boss and I never beat him there, and this is a Metroidvania, widely considered easier than the classic games.

>> No.5770312
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>> No.5770418


not funny

>> No.5770763
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The most disappointing boss of all time?

The story says that's the most powerful robot ever that needed energy sourced from all planets in the solar system
but it can be defeated by 1 hit and even without using topman's power it's very easy and not even climactic

>> No.5770785

/v2k/ isn't happening, you dumb faggot. Get the fuck over it and go back to your containment board.

>> No.5770804

Water level in TMNT, you know the one. Fuck seaweed.

>> No.5770839

Bro, have you played the game? The part where you have to wait for everyone to dig the tunnels is absolute bullshit as you have to wait so fucking long, and if the encounter rates as well as enemy difficulty spikes will absolutely fuck you if you didn't know they were coming, just trying to figure out the tunnel shit can have you getting raped 'n' gaped unless you have the casino equipment which breaks the game as well. There is also nothing to do while you pass time for the tunnels which was just forcing you to grind. Also the amount of missable shit with no explanation is a pain in the ass, especially with some characters who need it because all the other equipment you get for them has them doing 20 damage on a group of 6 enemies with 400 hp each. Also recruiting demons has way too many fucking choices and none of it is solved through common sense so good luck with that shit. That game is full of shit to whine and cry about.

>> No.5772107

The trick is to use the Thunderbird to rack up tons of damage then use the super jump to bait out and dodge the charges.

>> No.5772109

It might actually be two hits of the Top Spin, but that's still really easy to land in a single jump.

>> No.5772143

ah, but it should. /v2k/ is the right answer that leaves no one behind.

>> No.5772254

I'm literally on this boss right now.

His first phase is just boring, it takes around 2-5 minutes everytime and once you get to his second phase you only get around 30 seconds to faff around before a fireball knocks you into a pit before you even get half his health down.

It's just so tiresome to do his first phase over and over.

>> No.5772276
File: 141 KB, 1920x1440, Akumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rondo (J)-190726-010447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they tried to change it up, unlike Rondo of Blood. Shaft's Ghost was harder in the original game than Dracula, which is just disappointing.

On that note. How does Dracula X compare to Rondo of Blood?

>> No.5772281
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>> No.5772285

Shaft feels like the ultimate boss of the game, and then his ghost form is a bonus of sorts. Dracula might be difficult if you don't realize the backflip can cheese his first phase, but once you find the sweet spot to jump over Hellfire, the fight is a breeze.

>> No.5772343

It's pretty much an inferior "port" but really it's an entirely new game with new stages and somewhat similar bosses to the PC-E version. Also has SNES renditions of the PC-E music which is both laughable and quite nice once you get used to it.

It plays like 1/2/3 with and a lot of emphasis on platforming which can't be cheesed with Maria since she's not in the game, so enjoy some pitfall deaths.

I just finished it and I found the first five stages were fine, then stage six just throws you a terrible stage that isn't fun to play at all and a medicore boss right afterwards. Stage 7 is annoying mostly because when you die at Dracula and game over you restart at the beginning of the stage and have to keep retrying which can be a real bitch since Dracula will kill you a lot.

Game has two endings and some alternative stages that you can find. Overall, it's not a bad Castlevania game and if you want more of a Castlevania fix after finishing than it's a fine game just really frustrating and annoying to get through sometimes.

>> No.5772359

It's not a smash the button fast segment. If you try that, you die. You have to know the technique.