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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 188x268, garegga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5759797 No.5759797 [Reply] [Original]

Why do boomer idiots get so triggered when you tell them this game is piss easy boring shit?
They get completely angry at someone daring to have a different opinion

>> No.5759806

Post your scores

>> No.5759809

It has problems but easy? Seriously?

>> No.5759813

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.5759835

So you can 1CC it?

>> No.5759838

Yeah, it's quite easy

>> No.5759840

>still hasn't posted scores

>> No.5759879

>He's still seething someone dared think for themselves

>> No.5759897

What kind of fucking "boomers" are you talking to? Oh yeah, they sure love their Corvettes, AC/DC, and especially Raizing shooting games.

>> No.5759901

Substantiate your opinion, what flaws does the game have and why is a game that gives you full control of its difficulty with rank and scoring "piss easy"?

>> No.5759909

I remember when this came out thinking how ugly it was

>> No.5759930

1cc score and time stamp otherwise pointless thread.

>> No.5759948

Calling Gen Xers and older millenials "boomers" has been a thing for a while now.

>> No.5759968

>Pointless thread
>Anything other than pure praise and circlejerking is pointless
I see, this board is something

>> No.5759972

What was wrong with just calling everyone faggots?

>> No.5759974

Oh look another retro hipster thread butthurt because shmups are too hard for him

>> No.5759975

>If you don't like exactly what we like you must be wrong
What an excellent board

>> No.5760221

>Why do boomer idiots get so triggered when you tell them this game is piss easy boring shit?
Yeah and I bet you play stuff like Tatsujin OH loop 7

>> No.5760228
File: 46 KB, 474x474, chad jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a survival zoomer offers his opinion

>> No.5760251

Oh wow I've never seen this pattern before - make antagonistic controversial op shitting on something with zero arguments and then immediately reply to anybody questioning it with pre planned snark attacks along the lines of "cope" instead of offering a real argument or posting your scores.

It was bait from the beginning, this anon >>5759974 got it right and the fact that the mods continue to allow this garbage to shit up the board means they're probably behind it.

>> No.5760270

Shitting on things for the sake of it is just as bad as praising things for the sake of it. Just saying "this thing is bad and you are gay" isn't discussion, it's a waste of time.

>> No.5760276

4chan was infiltrated by youtube tourists who don't understand the concept of being rude and edgy because it's funny and now the word faggot is used unironically to refer to gay people.

>> No.5760461

There's nothing to acting like a twat and claiming a game is "piss easy". But if you don't show any proof then it's obvious it's just empty trolling.

>> No.5760465

Isn't survival = scoring in yagawa games?

>> No.5760469

You got it backwards. 4chan was invaded by edgy teenagers who thought the whole point of the site is to act like the biggest troll possible and derail any conversation that might happen because lolXDtrollingissocool!!!

I remember this place before the raids and though it's still special it will never be like it was again because now it has the reputation that brought in dipshits like you.

>> No.5760478

Not at all, scoring requires very precise rank control, lots of suicide, lots of milking and other various tricks. If you check Kamui's replays he will get the average 1cc score by stage 3

>> No.5760491

Yeah, it's pretty easy when you copymonkey replays, abuse savestates, use an emulator that removes all the input lag, play as an OP ship like Golden Bat or one of the Mahous, and avoid power-ups as much as possible to keep rank very low like a pussy.

>> No.5760498

Still not that easy desu

>> No.5760583

Anything that can be beaten through memorization isn't really hard, just time consuming.

>> No.5760592

Anything that you can improve at with practice isnt hard, just time consuming

>> No.5760605

The difference is the statement I made is true, while the one you made is not.

>> No.5760609

Both are equally true, the only hard things in life are ones that you cannot achieve through a lot of repetitive grind and time investment

>> No.5760706

Some things will always be hard no matter how much you practice though.

>> No.5761234

So are shmups. Try getting a world record in a shmup and you will see how they can be.

The real players don't play for clears anyway, they play for highscores, and this is always hard.

>> No.5761252

I prefer 1cc collecting because you can experience a much wider variety of videogames that way. Highscores are the same type of mental illness as speedrunning, where you limit yourself to 1 game and go full autism with it, which isn't all that fun to me.

>> No.5761316

Every shmup is easy as shit once you memorize its layout.

>> No.5761330

That's wrong and shows that you don't have much experience with the genre, not shmup is like Thunder Force 3 or whatever other gay console shit you play.

>> No.5761348

>Highscores are the same type of mental illness as speedrunning,
It's not the same at all. Speedrunning is shit because the games almost always were not designed to be played that way. Shmups however were designed to get played like this and can be fun no matter how often you play them.

It only becomes shit if you play like 6 hours a day. then it's nothing but work.

>> No.5761373

It's not wrong, shmups are awful and rely on luck and memorization
Any game that replaces memory with skill isn't worth playing

>> No.5761375

Yeah Daimakaimura is really where it's at.

>> No.5761379

Imagine seething this hard

>> No.5761387

Nah I genuinely prefer action-platformers.

>> No.5761389

Don't know who's trolling who at this point.
Memorization just 1 aspect of shmups, execution is the biggest aspect, strategy and tactics are very important too since raw mechanical skills won't carry you far, and there is a mix of randomness and chaos that ensures reflexes are tested too from time to time. Luck's a part of it too ofc, but it's inherently a part of all games.

>> No.5761392

Luck isn't inherently a part of actually skill based games you idiot

>> No.5761394

I prefer action platformers myself but that has nothing to do with their difficulty. Daimakaimura is easy compared to the average shmup, and it's substantially more shallow than any Raizing shmup.

>> No.5761395

why do you get triggered at other people getting triggered?

>> No.5761396

>Daimakaimura is easy compared to the average shmup,
Average old shooter sure
New ones nah.

>> No.5761397

I'm not triggered at all zoomie, I thought I'd have a discussion but it turns out having an opinion is verboten. If you don't jerk off the shmup cult then you don't know anything, you are not allowed to think different

>> No.5761398

Shmups are all about self-controll and endurance.

>> No.5761401

Yes it is, luck is a part of any activity humans engage in to some extent. Skill based games remove luck from the systems and mechanics, leaving only "natural" luck that comes from inconsistent execution, concentration, and so on. Besides, aren't you complaining that the games are memory-based? Well you can't have games that are both unpredictable/dynamic but also minimize importance of luck.

>> No.5761404

Not at all. It's clear you play games at an extremely poor level and don't play anything skill based, so god knows why you're even in this thread

>> No.5761410

New ones being what? Raizing's shmups are harder than Daimakaimura ALL clear across the board except maybe Mahou Daisakusen 1-ALL and beginner modes. CAVE shmups are also pretty much all harder. Treasure's shmups are harder, Psikyo's shmups are harder, Takumi's shmups are harder. I really can't think of many developers whose average shmup is easier than Daimakaimura.

>> No.5761427

Dumbest post I ever read. All of those companies average shooter(except Psikyo) is easier than Daimakaimura.
Fucking Raiden II has a harder base difficulty than those.

>> No.5761437

I think you have a poor understanding of what luck is if you think there are games devoid of it. You could play games without any randomness at all like rhythm or racing time attack and the luck will come from inconsistent execution. Never heard of a lucky run that you can't repeat? In multiplayer the luck comes from a human element, in fighting games for example 50/50 situations determine entire games, and there's smaller reads happening literally all the time. The luck aspect is minimized with longer sets where the better players will most likely come out on top.

>> No.5761443

Never said games were devoid of it, just that games worth playing don't have luck as a factor. It's clear you play casual party luck based games instead of skill based games, which is fine but I hope you grow up soon

>> No.5761450

I've 2-ALL'd Daimakaimura in something like 16 hours in total, even Dodonpachi 1-ALL and Espgaluda gave me more trouble than that. You're either a god-tier talented shmups player who sucks at platformers, or you're a noob with no 1cc's making guesses based on first impressions. Which is it?

>> No.5761454

2-ALLED DODOBIRD SHOOTER years ago. 1st loop is baby tier. What the fuck 16 hours 1st loop?

>> No.5761457

Oh you're the lying shitter

>> No.5761461

2-ALL TYPE C-L did it ages ago.
2-3 is dangerous maximum bonus destroyer, 2-6 boss is just one annoying fuck. Hachi is whatever and Hibachi is fun.
The End.

>> No.5761469

It took you months to parrot an actual player, congrats.

>> No.5761470

speedrunning scotformers takes more skills than scoring shumps.

sorry /shumpg/ kiddies, but it's the facts.

>> No.5761473

Whatever man, I don't even play shooter anymore I just play beat em ups and some random action platformers.

>> No.5761482

Got any 1cc's lately? Considering Daimakaimura harder than any shmup is incomprehensible to me, once you learn the item spawn order, that red arremers can't do shit if you stand and shoot upwards and the stage 4 boss the game is as good as beaten, and the difficulty between loops is the same so if you beat one you've beaten them both.

>> No.5761490

Posting trite thought-terminating cliche memes like "seething" and "cope" the opposite of thinking for yourself

>> No.5761492


>> No.5761494

Not much really just playing Final Fight and Night Slashers wanting to no miss them with every character I might give Final Fight hardest a go later on. I dunno I guess i'll go back to shooters one day I have been thinking about DoJ White Label sometime but eh I dunno.

>> No.5761497

Ricky detected

>> No.5761503

Is that some e-celeb or tripfag I'm supposed to know about you fucking zoomer?

>> No.5761506

It's a shmupg regular

>> No.5761513

Just go hardest dips to begin with, iirc all it does is make enemies more aggressive earlier on, doesn't change any of the strategy or anything

>> No.5761517

t. Chav

>> No.5761519

I thought they spawned more enemies as 2P mode. Didn't know that.

>> No.5761521

How are you doing chav? Are you still ill?

>> No.5761524

>/vr/ has so few arcade players that anyone who plays Final Fight is assumed to be the same guy

>> No.5761525

Only chav plays on hardest dips.

>> No.5761531

And pasky, and scoop, and other beat em up players, and everyone who gets featured on replay burners and michaelpf08's channel. Adjusting difficulty is standard for non-shmups.

>> No.5761538

They don't post here though. Stop pretending chav.

>> No.5761541

I'm not the chav, fuck outta here dad bod genetic pudding ape shitter

>> No.5761546


Sure it's not like they are EASY but still, in the ones where enemy patterns aren't random they are relatively easy compared to other challenges. That was the point. When you can learn though practice and memory where certain attacks are going to come from it changes the type of learning and in the end the challenge isn't the same.

>> No.5761553

Crossed Swords starter weapon only that's fun.

>> No.5761567

>dad bod genetic pudding ape shitter
You are obviously the chav

>> No.5761579

I'm joking, I'm not the chav. Gonna have to ask a discuck where he went.

>> No.5761680
File: 246 KB, 846x1200, DGPVWawU0AAhhuK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beat em ups fags hows ST-V emulation on MAME or do i still need my Saturn for this?

>> No.5761718

PS2 imo

>> No.5761770

and you wonder why we hate you shmupniggers.
play a real genre like fighting games, arena shooters or rts.

>> No.5761773

shmupniggers think fighting games means playing against the AI, they have no idea how to play skill based games

>> No.5761775

Niggas spend more time yapping about their autistic dot dodging than steering their gay ass phallic ships. See you in the lobby bro

>> No.5761779

Post fightcade username, Tyrone

>> No.5761783

I don't use fightcade and my name isn't Tyrone, is this a new shitpost?

>> No.5761791

Post profile/rank and a match in your zoomer fighter of choice then, Jamal

>> No.5761793

Holy shit shmupniggers literally do not know anything about fighting games

>> No.5761797

I'd play shmups but I have a job unfortunately

>> No.5761803

More like you can't read cuz you're a dumb nigger desu

>> No.5761804

Excellent post you complete fool. It's clear shmupfags only pretend to understand fighting games, anyone with knowledge knows how fucking idiotic it is for you to go "durr rank"

>> No.5761807

Rank's a basic indication of your playing ability esp combined with match footage, you're dodging it because you're a shitter with nothing to show

>> No.5761810

No it isn't, educate yourself before posting. You know nothing about this genre

>> No.5761816

Massive cope, you can game rank but if you're shit (you are), you're still going to be shit

>> No.5761819

>You are
See me right now

>> No.5761824

Post profile

>> No.5761825

Nice dodge. You know nothing about the genre and seethe hard when someone points it out.

>> No.5761829

Afraid of getting your mediocrity exposed after talking big? Loser.

>> No.5761832

So if I make a lobby you'll ft10 me? I guarantee you'll dodge because you know nothing and don't want to be exposed

>> No.5761838

Sure, which game? I know enough to know a poser fag when I see one

>> No.5761843

I do too, you scream faggot who knows nothing
Let's see if you dodge

>> No.5761846

>Hasn't joined
Hmmmm a faggot who thinks rank actually matters is a dodger, what a surprise

>> No.5761857

>Still hasn't joined
Wow what a fucking surprise, /vr/ is full of retarded posers that just jerk off games without playing them

>> No.5761860

Nice random link retard, did you hope I wouldn't check?

>> No.5761861

Holy fucking shit are you telling me you don't even know how to use that? This is the level of intellect I'm dealing with

>> No.5761864

Ofcourse I know how to use it, but it just brings me to the GG page

>> No.5761868

Fucking hell you're a joke. Well that proves it, you know nothing about fighting games.
If you knew anything you'd have one of if not the best fighter on the market, but you don't.
I know you're going to get triggered and seethe, but nice dodge

>> No.5761873
File: 8 KB, 264x376, SFA3_Dan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shmup fans

>> No.5761876

They're so good at dodging they dodge other games and even the concept of skill itself

>> No.5761886
File: 50 KB, 480x360, boys in da hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ftg fans

>> No.5761889

What the fuck is an FTG lmfao

>> No.5761891

fighting and arena shooters fags are laughing at you shmupcucks.

>> No.5761938

Oh no...not the elite super-gamers

>> No.5761941

I 1cced Revenge Of Shinobi. I am a God. Fuck the boomers.

>> No.5761961

Its one of the best genres for you then aslong as you dont fall for the competitive scoring meme

>> No.5762035
File: 1.60 MB, 300x200, 4f5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.


>> No.5762051

You dont "1cc" console games nooblet.
I mean technically you could but no one cares.

>> No.5762059

You can since old console games are just arcade games lite, nobody cares about 1ccs either way

>> No.5762070

Reminder you are literally not allowed to 1cc things if the shmupniggers don't allow it.

>> No.5762123

Fuck you I 1cc'd Final Fantasy 6 and my mom said I was cool!

>> No.5762214


Oh boy, another passive-aggressive "my taste in toys makes me mature and better than you" dick measuring contest thread.

>> No.5762215

>That spacing
>Getting mad at facts
Yeah go back

>> No.5762394

You can reiterate that but it's meaningless masturbation without any actual examples, arguments, or even definitions. Luck can be defined either as just events outside of one's control (like another player's actions), or an unlikely inconsistent result that you can't replicate (like your own performance), a fluke. Both are used synonymously in normal speech and when it comes to games, especially sports (think "lucky shot"). Furthermore, "skill based" has different meanings, Richard Garfield's presentation on luck vs skill is a nice example of this since his view on skill is "skills get tested" rather than "the end result is purely the result of skill". So what the fuck do you even mean? Do you even know it yourself?

>> No.5762435

If you can't replicate results the game isn't worth playing, this is an easy concept to understand you fucking illiterate retard

>> No.5762464

Sure it's easy to understand, if you avoid thinking about the implications of such a retarded fucking statement. Inconsistency is the core of games, without it playing is as engaging as watching paint dry.

>> No.5762465

Like I said, inconsistency and luck are the core of the shitty party games you play, not actual games

>> No.5762473

My bad didn't think I was talking to an actual retard, give the keyboard back to your handler.

>> No.5762474

>Everyone must be playing the same casual garbage as me, otherwise they're mentally ill
This is the level shmupniggers are on

>> No.5762487

/vr/ should be banned from talking about shmups and arcade games. No one here is educated on the matter.

>> No.5762561
File: 43 KB, 450x336, 3LLq6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much onions does a person inject himself to start liking this genre?

>> No.5762562

Nah not the genre, but there are definitely games in the genre that are soi incarnate, like Caveshit

>> No.5762568

Guwange for instance, supreme soi magnet

>> No.5762578

Raiden DX,Strikers 1945 II =CHAD

>> No.5762631

I 1cced Splatterhouse and Strider too. Fuck you, boomer.

>> No.5762732


>> No.5763448

back to your overwatch and super cuck fighter 5 threads on >>>/v/ zoomer.

>> No.5763459
File: 162 KB, 590x802, aine3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad shump devs: Toaplan, Psikyo, Seibu

Sǫy shump devs: Cave, Raizing, Treasure

>> No.5763460

about anything in general, no one is capable of carrying a basic conversation

>> No.5763604

Console 1ccs are cool but honestly if it's a console game you should shoot for a no-miss. I can no-miss Castlevania Bloodlines pretty ez

>> No.5763728

>Chad shump devs: Toaplan, Psikyo, Seibu
true kusoge tardo tier taste LOL!

>> No.5763745

hahaha! LMAO! ROFL! you're such a troll

>> No.5763747


>> No.5763752

KEK! LUL HE USED THAT OTHER 4CHAN MEME! So epic haha, straight from the assembly line!

>> No.5763772

>shmupg dead
>some /v/tards trying to copycat it with fake look I'm an asshole lmao gimmick posting
>totally miss the nuances that made it funny in the first place
Soulless trash, fitting for /v/

>> No.5763784

>totally miss the nuances that made it funny in the first place
it was never funny tardo always a shit

>> No.5763803

>complaining about tardo
sup kraut-kun. still mad he's a better stg player than you ?

>> No.5763817

>still pretending to be someone else while blaming everything on kraut months later

>> No.5763818

All these idiots are capable of is bitter irreverent shitposting, no wit, nothing to actually say, no enthusiasm towards the games. Could be replaced by AI and nobody would notice
>inb4 "t-that's what /shmupg/ was!!"

>> No.5763825

not me. i just came back from privat lesbian show with 2 19 yos - not in the mood to argue

>> No.5765960

isn't 19 too old for you? kek

>> No.5765976

no? lolis are definitely more beautiful but their downside is that they are too fragile

>> No.5766083

Because it's really obvious you're lying. Post 1cc video with timestamp proving it's you.

>> No.5766085

And then you grew up and realized how beautiful it is, right?

>> No.5766095
File: 253 KB, 848x425, tesla on the storyfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is some sad shit right there. Also Chav never uses caps or proper punctuation anyways.

>> No.5766127

The site was never good, but the day everything stopped being fun was whenever the Fox News report came out about 4chan. After that, people started to serious base their actual irl personalities solely off being edgy anonymous trolllords.

>> No.5767089
File: 816 KB, 1261x4939, b-b-but v used to be good! (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, you're all wrong. 4chan is still fun for many of us, and if it's not for you, there's no need to stick around. The thing is the site has changed a lot. I started posting regularly around 2007, and for me, current 4chan is the most fun that it's ever been. The creation of /vr/, /vg/ (which allowed me to leave all the nintenfats on /v/), /pol/, /fit/, and an older, more right wing userbase in general aids in that a lot. Some people miss old maymay culture, but honestly I always felt mudkips spam and le troll face were just corny.

>> No.5767095

I remember some dude in low caps threatening to murder me out of nowhere, so that was him.

>> No.5767108 [DELETED] 

Recalibrate, dude. Kirby is loss easy. Gadgets is hard.

>> No.5767119

kek, fucking seriously. Not even the world record holder for garegga consistently 1CCs the game on every playthrough.

>> No.5767121

Granted, he's trying to do a bunch of more complicated shit than just survive, but even still.

>> No.5767127

No, just no sowwie sweetie but if you think rude and edgy is funny then your not old enough to be on this site, much less /vr/ and yeah gays are evil and 18 year old are millennials. It's just the law of the land now

>> No.5767129

Recalibrate, dude. Kirby is piss easy. Garegga is hard.

>> No.5767575

I'm learning Japanese so I can talk about games with people who actually enjoy them instead of you fucking losers

>> No.5767580


>> No.5770186

This was a good bait thread.

>> No.5770236

I still find it hard to wrap my head around all the conservatives who really think this is or should be their site. To me it's still the pervy weird board that memed a cute crossdresser into one of the biggest trans pornstars there's been. Maybe that's part of why you all set up shop here in the first place, for all the trolling. But it's made it so the banter is less fun and more just purposefully hateful which I find sour. Still despite all that, it's wonderful and there's nothing else like this place. I hope it never goes under.

>> No.5770238

For me it's made it more fun, sucks to be a lefty I guess.

>> No.5770549
File: 128 KB, 1164x345, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier: Toaplan / Cave (pre-PGM) / Raizing / Orange-Juice / Ruminant's Whimper

High Tier: Psikyo / Seibu / Technosoft / Siter-Skain / Daisessen

Medium Tier: Frozen Orb / Taito / Squaresoft / Takumi / Irem / NMK / Yotsubane / G-Rev / Platine Dispositif

Low Tier: Cave (post-PGM) / Konami / Edelweiss / Treasure / RebRank / Qute

Shit Tier: Euroshmups

Trash tier: Team Shanghai Alice

>> No.5770561
File: 173 KB, 220x289, Aleste_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's Compile rank in this?

>> No.5770562

Good shitpost but careful, someone might think you're serious

>> No.5770636
File: 178 KB, 640x424, konami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate soi genre really this is where all the cool kids plays

>> No.5770665

Of course it does, because you're less than human.

>> No.5770685

I think that's what he meant by less funny and just hateful.

>> No.5770694

Yup that's what I mean.

>> No.5770708

Don't project your subhuman status on me libshit.

>> No.5770712

Thanks for proving my point lol

>> No.5770716

I didn't prove your point I just effectively told you to blow it out your ass.

>> No.5770721

And the way you do so illustrates it perfectly. All you have is hate and attempting to upset others in place of real humor. You're literally less than human.

>> No.5770725

No, someone like you who would say "less than human" has no right to say that. Methinks you're projecting your true nature and crying foul on others.

>> No.5770736

Lol nice try. But seriously, I'm not even trolling your ilk who come here to make your "jokes" which are all based on hatered and bigotry lack compassion and empathy which are core human features. You can barely ever reply to anything without somehow doubling down on it. Throw as many soi memes around as you like, but you're literally sub-human.

>> No.5770738

Yeah, nah, net letting your off the hook that easy. Look in a mirror hypocrite.

>> No.5770741

I am full of compassion, even for you. I would like it if you guys could get over yourselves and learn to have fun that's not just belittling others and let this place be actually pleasant again. I just don't see it happening.

>> No.5770746

No you are not, you are the man full of hate you claim others to be.

>> No.5770764

Except that other than now, pointing out how you people act, I do not do this and I'm not saying what I am as a way of trying to be funny. Remember this is a continuation of a discussion of how humor has changed on this site over the years. That the humor the right brought when they came here is almost entirely mean spirited and based on spewing venom in the hopes of upsetting someone. To which the predictable response is "For me it's made it more fun, sucks to be a lefty I guess." Which illustrates it perfectly.

Now don't get me wrong, trolling can be fun and I get that you guys need a place to vent as well. But the pride and joy you take from simply trying to put others down really does make you less than in my eyes. Try as I may, it's hard to see you as really human.

>> No.5770784

Battle Garegga is a pretty fun game

>> No.5770878


>> No.5770884

Why do zoomer idiots call zoomers boomers?

>> No.5771140

It's too late lad, the mask slipped and everyone knows you're a fraud now.

>> No.5771151
File: 403 KB, 492x461, anon spidey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan was invaded by edgy teenagers who thought the whole point of the site is to act like the biggest troll possible and derail any conversation that might happen because lolXDtrollingissocool!!!

I've been here since 06. That was the entire fucking point of the site. You could be as much of an asshole as you wanted to, or as much of a nice guy you wanted to. And it was awesome because it both allowed you to let off a gigantic amount of steam, while also having fun, and once you let it out of your system, you'd realize you can actually talk about stuff you are interested in over here, and after that you were only an asshole in shitty threads. Plus the site was ultra fast even on the medium sized boards, and threads did not last 2-500 posts and 6-7 days, so it didn't MATTER if you shitposted, it would be gone in favour of a better thread in 15 mins.

Everything being allowed meant that things like racism or shitposting had no meaning. Everyone called everyone a fag or a nigger so often that those words lost any negative meaning. To an outsider, it looked like we were this pile of racist jerks, but 00s 4chan was the least racist community I ever seen.
And everyone was so acceptive of all of this that the place turned into a huge hivemind.

Oh yeah you cry they had the Habbo hotel nigger raid, but that was just trolling. If 4chan in 06 had nigger swatiskas in the background, people would laugh it off and go on their business as if it was nothing - because it was nothing, unless you give it a racist meaning.

It was all so much fun and none of it is allowed here anymore.

>> No.5771238

In short, 4chin became SERIOUS BIZNESS.

>> No.5771404

Console tier ie shit

>> No.5771407

Have sex

>> No.5771409

>ranking pre and post pgm caves but not pgm caves

You're dumb as brick

>> No.5771484

>I've been here since 06. That was the entire fucking point of the site.

You're basically confirming what I said there. 06 was when the raids really started and the fighting over them was already starting to change the site. You saw the ending part of that culture as you describe, one of the least racist, sexist and generally biggoted communities ever and very progressive. Everyone embracing their own crazy flavour of weirdness and having fun with it.

The problem with the raids wasn't the raid itself. Sure it was funny to show up as a huge mass and mess with people out of the blue. I even got why it would be funny to suddenly have a crowd of people in guy fawkes masks. The trouble wasn't that it wasn't funny, the trouble was that it brought attention and every time there was a raid, some of those people raided came back here and stayed.

And the thing about the abrasive but loving culture of everyone joking about each other's weirdness is that it only worked when pretty much everyone was in on the joke. But the newcommers rarely were, and they mostly saw it as a place where they could and should be as assholish as possible. It's very likely you were one of the edgy teenagers I was talking about who many of us wanted to keep from ever having heard of this place.

Even then though, you're not really the problem. The problem came when we raided Stormfront and they found their wat back here. They weren't just edgy kids, they were genuine scumbags and hardcore bigots. More importantly they knew the value of anonymous discussion and why they've been working here so hard ever since and now the site is almost a mirror of what it once was in some places. I still love it though and believe it can and will shine again.


>> No.5771492

Sad but true state of affairs. Even on other slow boards this is happening.

>> No.5772947

>have irony

>> No.5774307

So what shmup actually is challenging?

>> No.5774347

Shmups are rarely, if ever, actually challenging. There are far better games to actually test skill

>> No.5774572


>> No.5774603

Nigger what? Even the average shmup clear is challenging and takes a good bit of practice, and some are legit hard and never truly get easy. The genre's also based around scoring, so there's always the option to add challenge

>> No.5774604

>The average shmup clear is challenging
For the troglodytes on this board yes, but for people with experience in skill based games no

>> No.5774612

That's not true, it's challenging either way it's just that people who play skill based stuff have more patience and thus won't give up when hitting walls

>> No.5776292
File: 56 KB, 640x480, Gaiares9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Gaiares considered to be any good?

>> No.5776978

He's still alive, seen him streaming bmups days ago I think