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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5752106 No.5752106 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of your favorite ZX Spectrum games?
Mine are
Mr Bollocks' Freaky Pudding
Willy Dicky and the Jammy Dodgers
Manic Bongus and the Penis Pongus
Bubble and Squeak 2: The Sticky Banoffee Whillamawizzer
Chuckie Fuckie and the Argie Bargie
Dizzy Egg vs Margie Thatcher
Turd Trouble
Foetus Faeries
Her Majesty's Nutty Knickers
Big Ben's Big Bong
Demoscene 005

>> No.5752120


>> No.5752131


>> No.5752193

Crikey! I remember all of these games, most of them used 4 colours but there was one game which used a special hardware trick to display 4 and a half at the cost of some slight resolution. Right smashing experience it was back in those days.

>> No.5752794

Eric and the Floaters

>> No.5752807

I don't see how Americans can make fun of the Speccy when they were peddling PCs with pink and aqua graphics for 5x the money.

>> No.5752943



>> No.5752973

Burger detected

>> No.5753005

Grew up with the NES, Game Boy and DOS PC before moving on to other platforms like the Genesis and so forth and i have to ask, why did the Spectrum start being mocked or more mentioned here, i remember there was a time where the ZX Spectrum was never mentioned at all?

As for the computer itself, i have very little experience outside of emulators, and i only tried to play Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy and KnightLore trying to get into a system i never tried but had an interesting history...ended up hating those games and not finding them fun at all but that doesn't mean i hate the system, just that i don't have much experience and some of it's most well known games left me feeling cold.

>> No.5753013

>why did the Spectrum start being mocked or more mentioned here
Because we brits are tired of the lack of /vr/ representation. Our childhood games and consoles are just as important as yours.

>> No.5753172

Thats a fair position anon.Those games are always mentioned as they are significant to the platform historically, but the machine does have games that stand up far better. If you ever get the urge again I'd recommend checking out the likes of Lords of Midnight, Laser Squad, Head over Heels, Highway Encounter, Cyclone and Micronaut One.
You quite probably still wouldn't like them, but the level of polish and design is far higher than a lot of the usual meme games.

>> No.5753195

Everyone has something to make fun of, that's why /vr/ is a magical board.

>> No.5753203

Those computers could still do far more.
The Speccy was a ludicrously underpowered machine.

>> No.5753206
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>> No.5753224

>What are some of your favorite ZX Spectrum games?

Without a doubt, Zniggy. I just hope fucking byuu actually releases the prototype someday. Fucking "collectors" hold the rest of the community hostage until they get their 15 minutes of dick sucking fame.

>> No.5753243

summer always brings an increase in console war threads, and speccy happens to be a convenient victim

>> No.5753309

I just hope he releases the cure for cancer he developed and is hoarding. My niece is dying of leukemia, and she doesn't have a lot of time left.

>> No.5753328

Probably because the Speccy is one of the rare examples with so little redeeming value.

>> No.5753338

say what you want, but speccy hate threads are a very recent phenomenom on /vr/.

at the same time, the number of people who admit that they're /v/ refugees has increased drastically.

>> No.5753347

It's probably flared up some thanks to Zniggy!!, but there's always been people who hated the Spectrum.

>> No.5753357

>/v/ is a fucking shithole so let's migrate to a better board and make it a shithole too
literally vermin

>> No.5753360

I've never owned a speccy, so I don't have any nostlgia towards it.
I have emulated some of its games though.
many of them, I found to be unplayable crap (i.e. manic miner, jet set willy and all their clones).
others, I found to be enjoyable and with many interesting ideas (i.e. underwurlde, sabre wulf, doomsday castle, tir na nog, etc.)

it just makes me sad to see than 100% of all speccy discussion here is shitposting and console warring.
it's clearly a flawed platform, but to say that it didn't have a single good game is just dishonest.

>> No.5753408

Too bad it was completely a cassette-based software ecosystem which limited the kinds of games that could be developed for it.

>> No.5753838


The Spectrum and C64 made me appreciate the invention of random access memory.

>> No.5754407

hot garbage compared to the commodore, nice try though

>> No.5754572

Soibois see burgers everywhere. China master race snaggletooth.

>> No.5754602
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What good games has China made? Bootlegs don't count.

>> No.5754604
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>> No.5755578

The game thatrecords you fapping to trap porn. It wasn't made before 1997 but neither were you.

>> No.5755635

Advanced lawnmower simulator

>> No.5755637

Tbh those sound like better games than were really on the spectrum. But it's all we poorfags could afford

>> No.5755645

>Demoscene 005
A stunning technical achievement. Pixel by pixel scrolling, left *and* right, all at a smooth 10fps.

>> No.5755673

Fitting how a computer that requires you to be on the spectrum to enjoy it is literally called Spectrum

>> No.5755927
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This is my favorite. While not a ZX game, it's a reminder to Burgers that, however bad Eurofag games were, the ones you made were far, far worse. So bad, in fact, that you almost destroyed your industry with your crap. No other country on Earth has even come as close to making the same kind of catastrophic fuck up as you clueless retards.

>> No.5755954

I see you Australia-kun.

>> No.5755969

A few people shilled the speccy (and it's like 70% of content in Retro Gamer mag) and everyone outside of Britain was perplexed about it games at best.
It's like seeing people shill early Atari consoles or the Apple 1.

>> No.5757947

I did hear about those games though i haven't tried them, the first three seem to be the most interesting ones though.
Oh yeah, i remember that magazine, it's the main reason i tried playing ZX Spectrum, that magazine is heavily focused on micro computer or computer games though lately it's had more of a console focus as well.

But seriously, the first run was heavily Spectrum based with lots of articles about the Miner Willy games, and the writers gush a lot about the computer with some of them having favorite games being ones like Head Over Heels or Manic Miner.

Not that i really mind, way more people talk about console games and i actually find it really interesting to look at and read about a whole side of gaming i don't know about, even if the few experiences i had with the ZX Spectrum left me cold.

>> No.5758014

Because unlike America, European children grew up playing arcade ports and other games on garbage spec microcomputers like amstrad and speccy

>> No.5758032
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>It's like seeing people shill the Apple 1.

Great thread guys

>> No.5758104

>Oy, we didn't have good games but look at this demoscene we made using maths
Turns out that math can be copied from a book but good game design can't be.

>> No.5758357

>Yanks getting hot under the collar about not having a demoscene or an indigenous games machine anyone cared about in the early 80s
America is where consumer capitalism was born, no one can blame you guys for being worse programmers than Brits. The NES didn't allow you to program on it and the 2600... Well if you call that cartridge programming..

>> No.5758735

I bought a 48k spectrum but I never bought a power supply. What would happen if I use any US adapter?

>> No.5758760

We were too busy making real software for adults.

>> No.5758762

As long as it's 9V DC center negative and can supply at least 1A it should be fine.

This should be the correct style: https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/triad-magnetics/WSU090-2000-R13/237-2221-ND/6600155

>> No.5758771

Chaos: Battle of Wizards

Used to huddle around a computer with a bunch of people at school and play the fuck out of it

>> No.5760048

And /vr/ should care, why?

>> No.5760051

No we were inventing entire genres of PC game like the CRPG, flight sim, and text adventure instead of shitty copies of the latest Japanese arcade game.

>> No.5760054

That's ok, it won't work on a US TV set anyway.

>> No.5760058

>Crap RPGs, Flight """"simulator""""" and text adventures
Tragic list mate.

>> No.5760061

Australia-kun plz go.

>> No.5760071

Actually I'm English.

>> No.5760093

And grew up playing more actual arcade games than you've even seen in your life you ignorant zoomer faggot

>> No.5760107

It's definitely between Todger 2, Wankin' Wally! or Plasterer's revenge.

Honourable mention for Plumber's Pipe Challenge (Though you had to program this yourself).

>> No.5760197

Aside from Lords Of Midnight, i don't think i have heard about any other CRPG that was exclusive or started on the ZX Spectrum that was good, not that it matters, because i find a lot of 80's and early 90's CRPG's to be incredibly annoying to play thanks to poor controls and interfaces that annoy me far more than they should, i will admit that.

Flight sims...never cared for those at all.

Text adventures...okay, that checks out, i do enjoy adventure games and have played text adventures and had fun with them, even if sometimes i felt like checking a walkthrough...okay, more than a few times in the case of some games.

>> No.5760212

Julian Gollop's pre X-Com games were exclusive to or initially released on the spectrum, notably Chaos, Laser Squad and Lords of Chaos

>> No.5760331

Gollop's spectrum games are ALL good. Dude was an absolute beast in his prime.

Chaos is the simplest and definitely the easiest to figure out how to play without a manual. It's a really excellent multiplayer game, in particular.

>> No.5760356

bomberman for europoors

>> No.5760357

The Spectrum used tape storage not disks so that made it difficult to implement games like RPGs that depend on a lot of random data access.

>> No.5760360

I don't like flight sims either but I still can't deny they're an important part of computer gaming history.

>> No.5760386

is Eric And The Floaters the sequel to Turd Trouble?

>> No.5760393

Unless you made a single load RPG where the whole thing fits into memory at once, but then it's going to very limited since it can't be more than 48k in size.

>> No.5762608


>> No.5763503

It's the same game, but reskinned with minor alterations, you retard. Fucking ZOOMER. And stop calling Europeans poor. A spasticated faggot peasant like you could never afford to live in a city like London.

>> No.5763591

I always found that stuff fascinating. Britain was its own little gaming culture in the 80s, and it's fun to see people genuinely nostalgiafag about stuff you've never heard of.

>> No.5763613

And neither could you. London isn't even an English City anymore. The World's most expensive ShitHole.

>> No.5763627

Whats the appeal of this thing

>> No.5763795

I never once ran those bland CGA graphics. In fact until recently I've never even used CGA. The Commodore 64 was a good computer. And after than Many Americans went to full VGA.

Even Now when I do use CGA it's on a Tandy 1000 and it's Sixteen Colors. Not Four.

>> No.5763798

It's a whole new world of Retro Gaming. It's just sad that the majority of it is complete Shit. Still though. I has it's games.

>> No.5763846
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There's a punkish quality to Spectrum games. They're cheap, unpolished, irreverent and they get to the good stuff quickly, probably because they know you've waited 3 minutes to play it. They also had basically no influence on the wider gaming industry, so nothing else plays like them.

>> No.5763856

What game is that? Looks fun.

>> No.5763916
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The cover art for many of these games adds to the effect by being badly made but imaginative. They and the manuals add context where the in-game story would for later console games.


Deflektor. It's on Amiga and ST too but they fucked up the art style a bit.

>> No.5764168

Yep, it's part of the reason why i enjoy Retro Gamer even if i grew up with DOS and consoles.

Some Youtubers also make it seem so interesting, Kim Justice has some problems but that channel has a lot of British Gaming documentaries, Daniel Ibbertson also sometimes talks about Spectrum games like this weird Popeye wrestling game where Popeye has to defeat aliens to prevent Earth from being conquered and two of the foes are a literal Dalek and a Xenomorph!

Too bad that the game looked absolutely awful and not fun to play these days, but any system that has Popeye punching the crap out of a Xenomorph is alright by me.

>> No.5764423

> trying to even put the embarrassing speccy on the same playing field as a PC
you are a dumb fucking moron. incredibly dumb. the spectrum was a pile of shit for broke fucks. don't try and pretend for a moment that it was good. it was the cheapest system sinclair could build and the british bought up this cheap garbage. anyone that didn't have a c64, bbc, and later the amiga, was considered simple as fuck or dirt poor. the amstrad cpc series is comparable to spectrum. the amstrad was also embarrassing and not owned by anyone that was serious about computers.

>> No.5764435


>> No.5764438

>Too bad that the game looked absolutely awful and not fun to play these days
a lot of spectrum titles got the same response as this way back then too. i can't quite begin to explain how despised the machine became, how unreliable it was and how it was a joke of the industry that people would make fun of constantly. it's not just by chance that spectrum's retro scene today is tiny, insignificant and releases for it are far and few between.
yes, everything about the spectrum and its user base truly is pathetic.

>> No.5764894
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>how unreliable it was and how it was a joke of the industry that people would make fun of constantly.
>yes, everything about the spectrum and its user base truly is pathetic.
Silly person.

>> No.5764913

>What are some of your favorite ZX Spectrum games?
based SMB3 All-Stars version

>> No.5764939
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Britbong say:
>We got extra colours and rez on da speccy using maffs
>50hz makes it look better

>> No.5764947
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>London isn't even an English City anymore.
And Burgerland isn't Burgerland anymore. It's Mexico Mk.2. ¿Entiendes esto? Of course you do, Juan.

>> No.5765193

I can't imagine how Americans will ridicule the Spectrum (admittedly a very limited machine) while they paid 3000 or more quid for a PC with bleeper sound and pink and aqua graphics. At least the Spectrum was priced appropriately for what you got.

>> No.5765329

Guy who wrote the post you are quoting, the ZX Spectrum still has quite a community on Britain and Spain, and it gets a lot of homebrew games or hacks, the Miner Willy games in particular get a lot of rom hacks...for some strange reason since, weird visuals aside, those games aren't that good.

It's not the biggest community, but it exists.

>> No.5765349

cpc was a much better machine and came with a a proper monitor. speccy was still expensive at 99 pounds. it was the system of the people. like a gameboy was for handhelds.

>> No.5765372

The Amstrad was designed by people dumb enough to think an 8-bit CPU can lug around a 16k graphics page.

>> No.5765385

how painful is this? mexifriends pls go home, m-muh freedom eagle doesn't need no sombrero

>> No.5765416

But yeah, Amstrad games were slow as treacle and scrolling was impossible. I guess the graphics looked pretty nice, at a serious performance penalty. At least it had a real sound chip unlike the Speccy.

>> No.5765441

A lot of computers didn't have great scrolling capabilities, the MSX for example wasn't that great either, and i remember in the 90's games like Commander Keen being a revelation on PC's for their scrolling.

Though there were computers that had games with decent scrolling, it's just that in general it took a while for computers to match consoles when it came to scrolling.

>> No.5765524

Atari 8-bit and C64 were the first consumer machines with hardware scrolling.

>> No.5765529

The Amstrad's graphics are similar to the Apple II DHGR mode which was also very greedy and ran at a painfully slow clip (although the Apple II was 6502-based so had a better execution speed for code).

>> No.5765534

That's in contrast to the C64 where most games used char mode with only 1k of graphics data to move around.

>> No.5765724

That Popeye game was considered complete trash back in the day too. I was there.

>> No.5765731

Plus you had hardware sprites which of course the Amstrad did not.

>> No.5766281
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I loved to play Deflektor back in the day on my C64. Great and very unique puzzle game btw.
But there were quite many ports of the game (Amstrad, C64, Atari ST and XE, Amiga, NEC PC-88 and PC-98 as well as Sharp X680x0), but indeed was the Spectrum version the original one.

>> No.5768546

>literally vermin
Niggers, arabs, and the rest of the "peopke of color"