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5747071 No.5747071 [Reply] [Original]

How come Quake lost so much popularity? If someone wants to go with the difficulty excuse, Brood War is just as hard and it's still popular as fuck.

>> No.5747101


The FPS genre was fundamentally changed forever the moment FPS's became popular on consoles.

The RTS genre never became popular on consoles - hell, it's barely even popular on PC any more - and as such, it was never changed into something else like FPS genre was.

>> No.5747106

>How come Quake lost so much popularity?
Western tastes are constantly evolving, and the genre as a whole moved on from arena shooters.
>Brood War is just as hard and it's still popular as fuck
Bugmen with no internal monologue are content with their P2W freemium trash, pachislot, and gookclicks.

>> No.5747176

give it a chance. q3 only launched a few days ago.

>> No.5747183

Anon, Quake 3 came out 2 decades ago

>> No.5747198
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>tfw 1999 was 2 decades ago
fuck, I'm old and still a loser

>> No.5747391

Console FPSes like Halo took over.

>> No.5747501

No and you're retarded. Counterstrike is the single game that blew away arena shooters and it wasn't even on consoles to any significant extent. The reality is PC with mouse controls is the whole reason aim-based games like CS took off the way they did, consoles are more suited to games where aim isn't as important like Quake. Your comment on RTS games is utterly laughable if you really believe that.

>> No.5747558

That's some impressive history revision.

>> No.5747562

It didn't, with Champions it's more popular than it ever was back in the day.
We have more options now though, but numbers wise it's at least twice as popular.

>> No.5747567

>with Champions
It's not an arena fps anymore. It's just an Overwatch clone now. SJW poetics and all.

>> No.5747569

QC is nowhere near as popular as any previous game before it (except maybe Quake Wars or something). It peaked at like 12k players and that was right after the E3 where they plugged it, and then it immediately dropped. Now it's like two or three thousand.

>> No.5747636

Quake was never good.

>> No.5747828

You mean Halo, and yes it was a major console title.
>aim isn't important in Quake
1v1 me any map, any Quake

>> No.5747851

>early teens
>setting up a LAN required not being retarded, and actually knowing people who wanted to drag their machines somewhere
>anyone who could discern a phone line from an ethernet port could plug into the dorm line and have giant halo games

>> No.5747853

Yet CS:GO was popular on consoles. It works like any other FPS; much better with mouse, but playable at some level with a controller.

Aim in Quake is different than aim in CS. In CS, you die in 1 or 2 headshots, which muscle memory helps you easily target with a flick. In Quake, flick/twitch aiming is still a necessity for finishing an engagement or taking out a wounded player before they can escape and ambush you elsewhere, but the bulk of the fighting also requires more sustained aim. The lightning gun in particular is the major test of aim in Quake. There's also the fact that Quake has much faster movement and much more vertical movement, whereas CS models move slower and are usually just on the ground at a level height. In fact, when shooting in CS, you typically stop moving or just strafe, whereas in Quake, you have to keep your aim while jumping and dodging.

Aim in Quake:

>> No.5747902

>aim isn't as important like Quake
found the n00b that always hogged the rocket launcher

>> No.5748748

cs, tribes, unreal, tf, half life , doom, duke, unreal, blood, shadow warrior, goldeneye, jedi knight> gayke

>> No.5748756

Because Overwatch shows more tits than Quake.

>> No.5749849

>Quake lost so much popularity
Your assumption is wrong, but thanks for playing.

You do realize that this game still has user-made levels being created for it every single month, right?

This game came out in 1996 and it's been ported (officially and otherwise) to so many systems that virtually anything made in 1999 or later can play this game. How many other 20+ year old games can say the same?

>> No.5749853

>Yet CS:GO was popular on consoles
And this is how everyone knows your retarded. Why is it that you think explaining what Quake is somehow makes you more right?