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File: 29 KB, 600x337, NEOGEO_07-13-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5742442 No.5742442 [Reply] [Original]

Why did it fail? It's a great console with a lot of great games and it was very advanced at the time. It was way more powerful than the SNES and Genesis combined. It was every gamer's dream to own one. What happened?

>> No.5742443

>It was every gamer's dream to own one
It emphatically wasn't. Most never even heard of it.

>> No.5742446

It didn't fail, you fucking nigger.

>> No.5742465

Too much money for mainstream appeal. $200+ per game... hmm I wonder why it did poorly?

>> No.5742467

>adjusted for inflation
>launched at nearly $1200
>$391 per game
>~1 million sales across all regions
It failed, spectacularly, and nobody gave a single fuck. It was an overpriced meme console.

>> No.5742490

You're a stupid literal kid that doesn't even know what he's talking about.
It was a niche luxury console aimed at enthusiast hardcore fans that lived for about ten years and more, while the mvs version basically dominated the 2d-based arcade scene all over the world.
The Neo Geo brand is still well known today and its most famous games still get home ports on every modern console released.

>> No.5742494

>niche luxury console with nogames
Heh. I'll take my MD and SNES libraries bursting at the seams with classics. You enjoy your nigger-tier fighting games.

>> No.5742527

And you know the best part? The system was basically pure profit. The hardware was basically the already-existing arcade board. The games were games they already made and didn't even need to bother porting since the hardware was nearly identical. And, since they knew an item that expensive wouldn't be mainstream, they didn't overproduce it. It was just free money and they didn't give a damn how well it sold.

>> No.5742543

>buy a 32X and upgrade your genesis
>it's now vastly more powerful than a neo geo but costs way less and the games are cheaper too

>> No.5742569

Because unlike today, you couldn't just emulate it and pirate its library for the cost of electricity.

>> No.5742591

ignorant posters like this are the reason /vr/ is dead. read up on the neo geo and realize you are wrong. You have to be retarded to think it was a failure. like someone else said, the system was pure profit because it wasn't meant to be a traditional console but fans wanted a way to play the games at home, so they made the aes. snk knew it was expensive and would not sell as much as the snes/md, but why would you be a weenie when you could be a real hot dog?

>> No.5742595

>it has polygons so that means its more powerful

>> No.5742618
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I mean 90% of home players aren't going to make the time/money investment. That's the price of a cheap beater car, and we're talking a video game setup. This ain't Christmas present money.

>> No.5742621

32x is terrible
Mostly because it has no games

>> No.5742627 [DELETED] 

It did mot fail. You are just amerifat. Thats all.

>> No.5742629


It did not fail. You are just amerifat. Thats all.

>> No.5742632

nigga we saw that

>> No.5742690

No, it's more powerful because it can actually do super scaling.

>> No.5742692

Then make some.

>> No.5742702

>thinks neo geo is an it
>thinks it failed
>couldn't afford an mvs bootleg on a months allowance

>> No.5742717

you retarded nigger, it was an arcade system first and foremost (and it was completely successful at that)
the home console thing was just a side bonus

>> No.5742734

It failed because it was too expensive. (Not saying it was priced too high or anything, it was fairly priced.)

>> No.5742742

>it was every gamer's dream
Were you alive back then? If not learn to sit back and not speak on behalf of an era you have no idea about. The first reply is somewhat right, I heard of Neo Geo and that's all, I never saw one, I didn't know what games it had, and I didn't know what it was other than a new console. I "heard" of it the same way I heard of Tori Amos, I knew the name and that was it. It wasn't anybody's dream to own it.

>> No.5742778

How the hell did it fail, in the 90s I saw at least one everyplace where I saw arcade games

>> No.5742785

no street fighter

>> No.5742907

Piracy and bootleggery was actually cited as an actual reason of why the SNK brand fell on hard times in late 90's / early 00's

>> No.5742920

what about KOF?

>> No.5742928

Not necessarily fail, it was just really niche because of how cost prohibitive it was. Imagine being a kid and trying to convince your boomer parents to buy you a very expensive electronic toy in their eyes, to them a game console is the same as a furbie or something like that.

>> No.5742934

Cost too much, and what few games that existed were formatted for arcade style playback. Meanwhile everyone else was transitioning to multi-hour experiences and quests.

>> No.5742949

You're not going to get a ton of people purchasing an expensive-ass console that mainly houses fighting games while even excluding Street Fighter.

>> No.5743010

The console was $600 and the games were $200.

How is this even a question?

>> No.5744000

There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people.

>> No.5744026

I don't think it failed. It's a miracle that such a expensive console lasted that long. And its last game was released in 2005 (in AES format). For a hardware from 1990 it's not bad. And around 1999, almost ten years after it was released, still had strong games like Metal Slug 3 or Garou.

>> No.5744028

>Meanwhile everyone else was transitioning to multi-hour experiences and quests.

So in other words, jarpigs killed real gaming.

>> No.5744031
File: 44 KB, 654x436, 294571E1-18E2-43CC-A650-E45CBB2B373A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it fail? It's a great supercar with a lot of style and it was very advanced at the time. It was way more powerful than the Toyota Corolla and Honda Civic combined. It was every driver’s dream to own one. What happened?

>> No.5744036

Expensive and a whole bunch of fighting games, none of which were Street Fighter II (for the gentlemen) or Mortal Kombat (for the trailer trash). No great platformers, no licensed sports games, no JRPGs, very few continuations of high profile 8-bit series.

>> No.5744037

You were alive in that era and you didn't know almost anything about Neo Geo? I find it pretty surprising, to be fair. Even game magazines reviewed its games, and pretty much every arcade had at least a couple Neo Geo games.

>> No.5744048

The SNK fighters were Street Fighters' main competition in any region where Mortal Kombat didn't take off. And even some where it did (South America).

>> No.5744059

You're right, but they weren't console sellers to anywhere close to the extent that SFII and MK were.

>> No.5744570

Are you 12 years old or do you just not remember that it cost more than a car for a single game?

>> No.5744717

Since when is a car 200 to 400?

>> No.5744854

why did the ps1 fail, they stopped making it ages ago

looks like neo geo aes sold at least 700k consoles but I think the majority of sales were japan and haven't seen anything indicating you could still buy one after 1993, you could still get new aes games from a website right until the end when the xbox was around

>> No.5745128

Anyone here remember that you used to be able to rent actual game consoles and not just games?

>> No.5745134

great games and hardware mean jack shit when the console is $700 and the games are $200 each

>> No.5745142

It’s still the dream to own one. I remember seeing a metal slug neo geo can and of course was impressed


>> No.5745163

it was expensive as fuck and only had fighting games.

>> No.5745256

>i'm poor and ignorant
Why would someone brag about this on the internets?

>> No.5745562

severe learning disability

>> No.5745573


SNK sold millions of Neo Geo rom carts on both platforms. How is that failing please for a tiny osaka company? Fucking double nigger.

>> No.5745613
File: 178 KB, 900x1198, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but why would you be a weenie when you could be a real hot dog?
durr its funnty cause you used the line from the ad duur hurrr

>> No.5745627

t. weenie

>> No.5745703

Neo Geo AES collectors are perhaps the most maniacal of all collectors.
It was an exclusive club of die-hards from the start and it always will be.

>> No.5746564


>we were supposed to get Crystalis II in '98


>> No.5746595

You may as well just buy an arcade board, bud.

>> No.5746605

And what I find ironic is that while the AES was considered a collector's luxury in the US, the MVS was considered a cheap and easy to bootleg board in third world countries. It's amazing how perceived value can be flexible.

>> No.5746656

I'm trying to find that video of Dion Dakis talking about how SNK used to make limited authentic batches while simultaneously selling bootlegs out the backdoor. I think it's this one
As to who's shadier between SNK and Dion, I don't know.

>> No.5746737

My bad, it's this one

>> No.5747013



>> No.5747276

Most people didn't read gaming magazines too often. They'd pick one up at the store if it had coverage of a game they already knew about. Maybe there'd be an article about Neo Geo or maybe not. And if it was mentioned, how in-depth would it be?
I'd heard of it, but didn't know what it was.
of course

>> No.5747281

Did hardware bragging ever really work? Players always bought games, not performance.

>> No.5747293

N64 and Xbox had braggable specs
Nes was 1000x better than atari

>> No.5747338


Too bad dion is full of shit.

>> No.5747654

It didn't fail. The MVS was the most successful single arcade platform until Sega's NAOMI, and the AES was a particularly niche product priced as a high-end luxury option to bring home literal arcade games that sold far more and for far longer than SNK ever anticipated.

Through the mid-90s, SNK was still releasing for the thing even though the more powerful 3D machines were around (like, the only thing that prevents the Saturn and PS1 from getting perfect ports of Neo Geo games is that they don't load from cartridge, and they don't have like 8+MB RAM needed to load everything for a stage at once from CD, although the Saturn gets around that with its RAM cartridges).

>> No.5747684

It isn't.

The 32X succeeds in an entirely different way to the Neo Geo, which has no bitmap mode whatsoever (so even though you do have the power to potentially do a filled polygon game with that 12MHz 68k, you don't have any real way to get the graphics on the screen with the Neo's video chipset).
In contrast, the 32X's primary way to draw things is either in software to a framebuffer, so it can throw whatever it wants on screen (assuming the CPU has time to draw it).

On the other hand, the Neo Geo succeeds in an entirely different way to the 32X.
The Neo Geo can sling tons of sprites around every frame, while the 32X can barely update all the pixels in the whole framebuffer within 1/60 of a second. Something like Chaotix is done largely on the Genesis (all the background and level art), while the 32X only draws some objects.

The 32X absolutely blows for 2D games, largely depending on the Genesis if you want to keep a reasonable framerate since drawing it all on the 32X will lead to your game running at 30 or 20fps.
It's kinda okay for 3D games, since it's largely designed around being able to put large blocks of color on screen (there's a fast-fill feature, and that's the only bit of hardware acceleration it has), which works well for the flat-shaded games seen on it.

>> No.5748261
File: 20 KB, 240x240, 1557739764360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while we're here.

Assume I've played every good fighting game on the system already, are there any good underrated Neo Geo games I should try out?

>> No.5748484

The only thing I'd assume about someone who hasn't tried the entire library of ~150 games for a very popular console is that they're retarded

>> No.5748535

Because people who could afford a Neo Geo were really poor and couldn't buy multiple consoles.

>> No.5748538

I'm pretty sure SNK sold every single AES they made. Demand was pretty high considering.
It's a home arcade board. A pure luxury item. It still is too. It and its games are still costly despite MAME existing.

>> No.5748598

The closest thing to Street Fighter is probably SvC Chaos - an odd game in its own right

>> No.5748672

everything you just described sounds more like a loss not a profit. but man Top Hunter is dope

>> No.5748685

Here's the catch.
The AES (console) is the exact same hardware as the Neo Geo arcade cabinet while costing ten times more. It's an overpriced scam for idiots. If you really care about having a consolized experience just buy a supergun.

>> No.5748802

It's a profit because it cost them next to nothing to produce while selling every unit at a ridiculously high price.

>> No.5748858

yeah but NES didn't win on bragging about specs. NES won because kids saw one of their friends playing Super Mario Brothers and said I want THAT for christmas.

>> No.5748917

Most parents weren't willing to shell out thousands of dollars for what was perceived as a toy back in those days. And even the parents who bought video games for their kids, a $100 SNES was way more appealing than a $700 Neo Geo.

>> No.5748970

No, because they were just slightly re-purposing shit they were already making for arcades, so there were no real development costs to speak of. Whenever they finished developing an arcade game, they could just toss out a home version of it for some extra sales. No development costs means they didn't have any initial costs to recoup, so the only sales goal they had to meet was making sure they at least got back what it cost to physically make the consoles and carts. Which was pretty easy, given how high the price point was.

It was free money with no real downsides.

>> No.5748971

Oh, and advertising, before anyone corrects me.

>> No.5748994

>No development costs means they didn't have any initial costs to recoup, so the only sales goal they had to meet was making sure they at least got back what it cost to physically make the consoles and carts. Which was pretty easy, given how high the price point was.
This is a lot of hand-waving. What's the marginal cost for each unit? What's the ratio of number sold to number produced?
(price * num_sold) - (marginal_cost * num_produced) = profit

>> No.5749009

Most of the units produced were sold, since the production wasn't very high on them.

>> No.5749023

It wasn't for kids, it was for adults with high paying jobs and more money than brains.

>> No.5749097

low production numbers lead to high costs... they probably didn't make any money off this

>> No.5749385

>it's another "OP tries to stir up shit with a "question" about a "failed" console" episode

>> No.5749408

Adults who are Children at heart or manchildren.

>> No.5749509

>Most of the units produced were sold
Well, whether it made a profit depends on the relationship between the markup and the percentage sold. If they sold for $700 and the markup was $100 (~15%), they'd need to sell ~85% to break even.
I'm not saying they didn't, I'm just saying it's not blatantly obvious

>> No.5749537

yeah which incidentally means that one shouldn't be surprised if kids from the era weren't familiar with it at the time. They might have heard passing references to it but not the same kind of detailed knowledge that they'd have about the consoles targeted at them.

>> No.5749764

Here's the catch. Only retarded underage parrots say that.

>> No.5749821

Absolute fucking moron.

>> No.5749829

I know know, the AES game cartridges has some RAM chip included in it, while the MVS has the RAM soldered to the board. This was an anti-piracy measure.
In every other way the hardware is the exact same, it's a byte in the BIOS that tells the game whether it should load the consolized or arcade versions of the software. You can access either the console or arcade versions if install an Universal Bios.

>> No.5749832

****The AES lacks a small ram chip that is included in the game cart rather than the board.
Fixed for clarification.

>> No.5750317

I literally never heard of this system when I was a kid and my family had upper middle class. I knew kids with $700 lego sets but no one ever even mentioned neogeo. this bitch was EXPENSIVE when it came out

>> No.5750318

OP is a retard if he needs to ask those questions.

>> No.5750382

>Grown-ass man, using that teenage-girl word "literally" like the other children on 4chan
>thinks no-one knew about Neo-Geo unless they were rich

Stop larping, zoomer. No amount of anecdotal tall-tales will make OP (You) and the rest of the children who get their opinions from Youtubers any less of a retard.

>> No.5750415

What is that, did teenage girls call dibs on that word? I can tell by your writing you must sodomize goats.

>> No.5750428

I knew about all the MVS arcade titles, but I was a poor fag who never heard about the AES until much later in life. Luckily I have a good job and can afford one now.
naw, lots of people never heard of the Neo-Geo home console at the time.

>> No.5750560


MVS carts used to cost 3 to 4 times as much as their AES counterparts upon release. Enjoy your low IQ.

>> No.5750902

if you weren't such a zoomer, you'd know how expensive the carts were. also outside of toys r us, it wasn't stocked by damn near anyone. even the dreamcast had greater retail support.

>> No.5750924

>i don't know know, i'll misparrot one detail and then correct myself once I reread the source I'm parroting. This is because I don't know what I'm talking about. In every way I'm just regurgitating that I read somewhere, it's a defect in the zoomer brain that tells my fingers to type the wrong thing. You can either laugh at me or try to keep a straight face when confronted with such comical ignorance.

>> No.5751028


>> No.5751056

Exactly this but in reverse, AES were the overpriced ones because they came in a cute box with cute art and a cute manual.

>> No.5752429

>let me prove how retarded i am

>> No.5752441

>Why did it fail?

it didn't faggot. maybe the CD and CDZ

NeoGeo lasted for almost 15 years, SNK could just keep pumping out KOF sequels into Mexican arcades for massive profit

>> No.5752457

I'm sorry you've wasted your life on an obvious rip off scam. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.5752518

>i'm sorry i proved myself a fool

>> No.5753061

Console price in the high hundreds. Games $200 each, most of the early batch were glorified SNES games. Only a titles truly stood out in the arcade environment.

By the time they hit their stride with fighters, the other consoles got better, and 3D became the thing.

Also ADK. Except for Twinkle Star Sprites, most of their games were garbage. (and TSS was available on other platforms.)

>> No.5753374

>NES won because NOA used anti competitive monopolistic practices to eliminate any competition.

>> No.5753640

Are you fucking retarded or what?
They literally re-purposed arcade cabs they weren't gonna use anymore most of the time.

>> No.5753649

>Games $200 each
It's almost like they were Arcade PCB's you retarded wikipedia zoomer piece of crap.

>> No.5753894

failed on the home market because it was far too expensive. it was a roaring success in the arcades.
>It was every gamer's dream to own one.
not really. i'd prefer to own a multicart arcade cabinet.

>> No.5753901

>most of the early batch were glorified SNES games
you don't know shit about neogeo. shut the fuck up.

>> No.5753918

Expensive as fuq

>> No.5754032


lol Generation clueless weighs in on the Neo Geo..

>most of the early batch were glorified SNES games

please!! Tell me more!

>> No.5754054
File: 449 KB, 1382x907, 2019-07-21_214045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else here actually collecting AES or MVS?

or is /vr/ now totally overrun by little kids?

>> No.5754068

>most of the early batch was glorified SNES games.
... but it predates the SNES in Japan by like half a year. By the time SNES came out they had already released shit like King of the Monsters and Alpha Mission which look way better than any early SNES games. Even KOTM SNES port looks garbage in comparison.

>> No.5754072


don't feed the troll..

>> No.5754134

Too expensive, no stores near me even carried it.

>> No.5754140

No, not into fighting games and the library when you take those away is too sparse for me. Very cool console though.

>> No.5754146


it does have some decent shooters and platformers though.

but yeah if you take out fighting games it won't be the best choice for many ppl.

>> No.5754219

Speaking about Alpha Denshi, World Heroes games were everywhere in Spain around 1993-1994, specially the second one. I don't know if those games were successful or not, but I sure saw more of them in arcades than King of Fighters. I remember having fun with them in arcades but finding them incredibly difficult in MAME, for some reason.

>> No.5755439

The World Heroes games were a pretty common sight. Surely not because it was an early fighting title. No way. WH Perfect was ok, but the series was shit. Jet was one of the few games I got rid of.

Doesn’t matter how much unicorn farts are driving its “4D” graphics. It’s still a 200 fucking dollar cartridge.

>> No.5755848

Bros, why does shipping from China take so long? I started the journey to consolize an mvs about a month ago. Got the mvs for like $50, various components ordered, blank rgb attenuation and stereo pcbs ordered and all soldered up. I sit here waiting for the mvs to arrive. This truly sucks. All said I should have about $150 in this, counting the 161 in 1 cart. It's a lot of fun except the waiting part.

>> No.5756323
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when are the chinese going to make a cheap knockoff neosd?

>> No.5756356

holding out hope that someone will figure out how to hack the chinese 161 in 1 carts to load a complete set of working roms

>> No.5756371

World Heroes 1, 2 and Jet still seem to go for a "reasonable" amount on ebay and yahoo jp, but Perfect is retardedly expensive

>> No.5756432

Wh2 is fun for the death match

>> No.5756456


when their current stock of multicarts runs out, so in about 90 years.

>> No.5756468


console was active for 15 years.

>why did it fail?

zoomers are retarded.

>> No.5757503

>console has games made for it for 15 years
>it totally didnt fail you guys!
People still make Dreamcast games, just because something gets games doesnt mean it was actually successful. The Neo Geo might have games but there's a reason why SNK fucking died, a 'successful' console wouldve kept them afloat. I love SNK and all, but fuck, be at least a little realistic.

>> No.5757564

15 years! Why, that’s as successful as the Atari 2600.

>> No.5757771

But SNK went bankrupt in 2001. Neo Geo was already 11 years old at that time. And before that, they have had some failures like the Hyper Neo Geo 64, which only had 5 games, and the Neo Geo Pocket which was not a huge success, as far as I know (at least not to the level of a Game Boy).

>> No.5757816

Neo Geo is very niche. Look at what Konami and Capcom had to do to survive during the seventh-gen.

>> No.5758006

Dreamcast games nowadays made by fans and hobbyists, SNK were officially releasing games for the Neo Geo for over a decade though.

And the Neo Geo had nothing to do with SNKs bankruptcy, that was because arcades died over here and the Hyper Neo Geo flopped. If anything the Neo Geo was a rousing success because it set out what It wanted to do and SNK sold almost every unit they made.

Objectively that isn’t a failure.