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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 73 KB, 640x639, Legend_of_Mana_Boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5741997 No.5741997 [Reply] [Original]

Legend of Mana turned 20 years old yesterday. Between that, and the fact that I've been playing through the Collection of Mana that released not long ago, I've been thinking about his series a lot lately, so let's have a thread about it, and Legend in particular.
>god tier art, music, and atmosphere
>charming cast of characters and a huge amount of quests and side activities to do
>but suffers from clumsy gameplay, nonsensical systems that encourage using guides for the full experience, and a general lack of difficulty
The Secret of Mana remake was mediocre, but the SD3 remake looks much more solid, do you think Legend could benefit from a remake in the future as well?

>> No.5742380

Well, I liked the quasi-SaGa gameplay of learning abilities as you use the ones you know.
I don't think LoM should be remade. The beef I have with the upcoming Seiken Densetsu 3 remake is that several things cannot be easily lifted from the original, like the music, the (albeit clunky) mechanics, the art and such. All the charm of Legend would be lost.

>> No.5742434

>The Secret of Mana remake was mediocre
It's extremely faithful to the original and the few things it adds all improve it.

>but the SD3 remake looks much more solid
Completely deviates from the original, will probably be a shitty button masher and won't capture the original graphics and gameplay as well as the SoM remake did.

>> No.5742468

Legend doesn't even need a full remake. If they have the high res art assets (it's squeenix so they don't) they could use those and then redo the sprite layer with 3D made to look the same which is pretty possible at this point considering the sprite layer is the only thing being rendered. That way you could fix the combat and make other little tweaks and it would be incredible. Legend of Mana is one of the best games ever in terms or lore and world building. It just needs the gameplay not to suck and it could be great.

>> No.5742686
File: 12 KB, 399x322, 1516091495355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It just needs the gameplay not to suck

I have to replay LOM every so often to remind myself that I kinda hate it, just looking at screenshots makes me remember how amazing it looks but not how monotonous the game actually is.

>> No.5742797
File: 1.91 MB, 1585x1112, 1547305515916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best character coming through

>> No.5743108

>Nikolo just wants the goddess to smile and have a nice rest
>all the sproutlings like TIME TO WAKE UP MOM
he's right

>> No.5743424

>It's extremely faithful to the original and the few things it adds all improve it.
I don't remember the original crashing every few hours

>> No.5743556

I liked the SoM remaster, really don't see why people call it mediocre but then slob on SD3 when it's already confirmed to be completely different, guess most people on /vr/ really are graphicwhores at the end of the day.
The game was directed by Kawazu and shared most of its team with SaGa Frontier 2, it's possible they still have the original hand drawn assets for backgrounds unless some higher ups messed up with those, if they still have the original assets for the SNES SaGa games it's not far fetched that they might have the LoM ones.

As for a possible remake, I wonder about that, it won't be the same without at least Kawazu overseeing the project, LoM was a synthesis of Kawazu and Ishii working together on creating the game both wanted to make.
Ishii isn't at Squenix anymore, but Kawazu is, taking him out of a possible remake and entrusting it to another person would mean possibly losing a lot of what makes the original great, LoM a SaGa/Mana hybrid, and the closest thing to a fully fledged action based SaGa game, Mana and SaGa are also sister series in more ways than one.

On the other hand, Kawazu has recently said he has no idea how to handle a potential SaGa Frontier 2 remake due to its unique presentation, and given how SaGa Frontier 2 was being worked on in parallel with SoM and shares the same style, I wonder how he would approach of a remake of that game.

>> No.5743954

The original Secret of Mana doesn't crash, but it is absolutely loaded with graphical bugs, even a casual player will notice stuff like the chest opening and sleeping animations frequently not lining up properly, monster sprites occasionally glitching out, the screen darkening glitch, etc.

>> No.5744053

Jumi >>>>>>>>>> Dragons >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit > Faeries

>> No.5744087

>SD3 remake

this is the stuff that nightmares are made of.
the original was already fucking garbage in terms of gameplay so I just hope they salvage spell-casting not to be shit this time and add some decent AI scripts to the characters you don't control. but since it's japanese shit games from shit devs we talk about of course you can't expect a whole scriptset for every character like in BG2 or NWN2 or even have something like they did for FF12. Gay.

>> No.5744093

>if /pol/ was a rabbit character in a fantasy universe

>> No.5744238
File: 99 KB, 640x448, 60-097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niccolo is a jew.

>I don't remember the original crashing every few hours

I had like three crashes through the whole game, stop downloading dickgirl.jpg.exe