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File: 20 KB, 425x235, ffv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5740684 No.5740684 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't anyone remember this game as fondly as iv or vi? the multiple worlds, job/ability system, and blue magic system were all cool.

>> No.5740701

The whole game and plot is structured around job evolution. It has an impersonal factor to it that IV and VI don't seem to have.

>> No.5740703

Because it wasn't originally released outside of Japan, so not many people have played it.

>> No.5740739

> muh story

>> No.5740748

Gameplay is good.
Music is not as good when compared to 4 and 6.
Not a memorable cast.
The story is not great nor memorable.

>> No.5740824

Not released outside of Japan mainly. Also this, >>5740748

That being said it's tied with 12 as my favorite ff.

>> No.5740924
File: 141 KB, 677x1000, gilgamesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about music and cast
>when Gilgamesh and CotBB exist

>> No.5741068

> The game has one good character and one good song.
Wow, you sure showed me

>> No.5741071

because no one played it back in the day unless they were fucking japanese

>> No.5742104

Characters don't follow memorable archetypes and their designs aren't memorable either because they have to be nondescript to fit all the different job costumes.

It really doesn't have a story that's any worse or better than IV's, and honestly probably has a more interesting world with vastly more diverse dungeons and set-pieces, but yeah, the characters don't register much with people and that's what a lot of Final Fantasy is about for people.

>> No.5742134


>> No.5742193

This game has Four Job Fiesta, the other SNES games don't (obviously). I think it's very fondly remembered among the people who care about this sort of thing.

>> No.5742263

jrpg are popular for the story (i.e. characters).

>> No.5742269

>one good song
Tomorrow I'll prove you wrong.

>> No.5742273

You’ve literally never played this game zoomer.

>> No.5742275

It's not remembered because it didn't exist in the west when we were kids. So there's nothing to remember. It's not thought of fondly because it's not good despite ff fanboys overrating it to the moon for the past 20 years in their desperate search for a contrarian GOAT choice.

>> No.5742330

Because there's no story/characters/world and that's what people like the FF games for.
Instead you just pick a sprite and grind until you have all the abilities which are all useless and then move onto the next sprite and wash rinse repeat.

>> No.5742343

Cause storyfags were mad that it didn't take itself very seriously. They're not totally in the wrong, though. Pirate princesses, talking turtles, a giant evil tree trying to destroy the world - the game's plot is silly Saturday morning cartoon nonsense. That said, I don't give a shit cause the combat and job mechanics are superb and the humor is great.

>> No.5742361

>Because there's no story/characters/world and that's what people like the FF games for.
>Cause storyfags were mad that it didn't take itself very seriously.
both wrong
To the extent that storyfags even existed then (which they mostly didn't), they didn't have the same entitlement and expectations that they do now. FFVI created the storyfag and the "people only play JRPGs for the story" didn't really start gaining traction until the late 90s.

>> No.5742378 [DELETED] 

>why don't americans remember japan-only games?

>> No.5742383

based, americanpilled

>> No.5742407

>t. someone who was actually live back then
>t. kids who think people hated a game they didn't get a chance to play
I was pissed the first time I played FF5 on PS1. I couldn't understand why they didn't bring it to the US. The loading times were fucked, but they didn't stop me from playing all the way through.

It's like asking why no one in the west talks about Power D.O.L.L.S.

>> No.5742614

>>>5742361 (You)
>>t. kids who think people hated a game they didn't get a chance to play
fag read my post I'm only talking about the general state of (J)RPG fans at the time and their attitude toward story. The storyfag bullshit that is very common now was not so common then. People playing JRPGs were generally RPG fans and played for the gameplay as well as the story.
>I was pissed the first time I played FF5 on PS1.
>Not playing the RPGe translation in 1998 on ZSNES
Galuf's Daughter will always be Cara to me.

>> No.5742634

I mean, its easily my favorite FF ive played, but i can understand people liking 4 or 6 more. I do think this games job system is superior to anything in another FF game, but i recognize that, while i love it, the story is pretty typical even for the time, and the story was way more dynamic in 6 what with so many more characters

But i just find 5 such a feel good game, and i love it

>> No.5743457

Do you really wanna compare the OST of 5 to the OSTs of 4 and 6?

>> No.5743542

Not him but
BotBB > V Regular Battle Theme > IV OST > V OST > VI OST

>> No.5743641

Wow, shit taste.

>> No.5743642

Not that guy, I'd mostly agree that soundtracks for 4 and 6 are better but not by some ungodly obvious amount.

4 has a nearly-unmatched thematic purity and some of the best battle themes in the whole series.
6 was clearly a passion project for Uematsu and really stands out (unfortunately I fucking hate the main battle them which is one of the most important tracks in the game)

The only other FF soundtrack I'd rank with 4 and 6 is 9.

But 5 is solidly competent all the way through and has many standout tracks. I think many people diss it because there's a lot of major-key content. But given that FF5 is more of a lighthearted story it's appropriate. I admire the soundtrack of FF5 a great deal.

The main theme is great, with plenty of color and depth despite being Major Key:

Lenna's theme is as good as the sweet themes in the other games like Rosa's or Tifa's:

The Cave Theme is similar to the one in FF4 but has its own flowing, ethereal character:

Harvest is one of my favorite fun/dance tunes, this percussive motif comes back in battle themes also.

Dragon Flight is as good as any Airship theme in the series:

Uematsu puts his usual flair on tracks like Ancient Library, which would be boring and perfunctory in most other games:

Evil Lord Exdeath,similar to Golbez, but still has own character (better in some ways)

The Final Battle Themes are classic Uematsu. Maybe not quite as memorable Zeromus or Dancing Mad tier but still similar quality:

Dear Friends is a perfect ending

>> No.5743649

Also the real finale track:

>> No.5743651

Blue magic was a pain in the ass to get.
I will say that it was really fun having characters with ability combos that could tear through anything by the end of the game, even omega and shiryu.

>> No.5743665

>Pirate princesses, talking turtles, a giant evil tree trying to destroy the world - the game's plot is silly Saturday morning cartoon nonsense.
wtf are you talking about? jrpgs are always like that. We're talking about a series that has flying ships, magic spells and potions, resurrections, undead enemies, magical crystals people are trying to steal, killer robots and so on, "pirate princess" is the last thing you need to be worried about and has nothing in common with "Saturday morning cartoon nonsense".

>> No.5743675

FF's that don't have a job system shouldn't count as numbered entries

>> No.5743702
File: 101 KB, 496x497, Final_Fantasy_Anthology_-_Final_Fantasy_V_[NTSC-U]-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5743718
File: 102 KB, 352x240, law of the west.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Music is not as good when compared to 4 and 6.

If not for the laws of the west, I'd put you down for saying this.

>> No.5743723

>comparing a new release of a new game with its inclusion in an anthology where its marketing effort doesn't even include putting it on the front cover of the box art
you know what he meant retard.

>> No.5743829

don't forget the other ending themes, they're all great and there's a total of 4

>> No.5743880
File: 543 KB, 1200x1695, PowerDoLLs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like asking why no one in the west talks about Power D.O.L.L.S.
It's a tragedy, that's what it is

>> No.5744065

>why doesn't anyone remember this game as fondly as iv or vi
others were ported to the SNES
this one wasn't

>> No.5744078

I'll admit, I only played this in my 20s and I love the hell outta it
I found Galuf's death to be one of the saddest things because in helping him remember himself, we got to learn more about him than i ever felt we learnt about aeris

on top of that, gilgamesh is awesome and i always had a soft spot for exdeath. dude has all the magic and power of every demon sealed within himself, turns himself into a fucking splinter

>> No.5744127

>I found Galuf's death to be one of the saddest things
plus that scene is one of the coolest death scenes in the whole series, where he basically underflows his own HP value to survive long enough to beat Exdeath, which leads to permadeath for Galuf.

>> No.5744148

IV had a better story and characters. The story was still more entertaining then any FF post VII though. Enjoyed the job system and the difficulty was near perfect.

>muh Butz tho

>> No.5744149

And Galuf's friends actually TRIED to revive him, which is more than can be said for Aerith getting stabbed and nobody so much as moving.

>> No.5744152

>muh Butz tho
You can change his name at the start.

>> No.5744164

This is true. None of these stories take themselves seriously. IV seems to be a melancholic game set in medieval times until about halfway through when your fighting robots in a giant tower and all your "dead" comrads return to say hello.

>> No.5744169

>default name being Butz tho

Why would I change something so bizarre?

>> No.5744182

Come to think of it on the psx version I think the default is Bartz though.

My SNES version had a bizarre translation of IV also with Kain constantly calling Rosa a whore.

>> No.5744215
File: 155 KB, 870x289, 50 percent semen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always see people calling FFV a feel-good game, but I remember it being incredibly gloomy and depressing. It starts with a huge long cutscene about how the wind stopped blowing and is stale, the earth is rotting, etc. and then a bunch of character deaths throughout it, the scene with the souls on the pirate ship graveyard, and a ton of other gloomy shit. There's even a quick flashback about Butz' childhood that was just absolutely heartbreaking IIRC. Like there's some goofy moments but it's overall a pretty depressing game, with easily one of the highest body counts for named characters in the franchise.
But I feel like I'm the only one who feels that way? Pic unrelated, just felt like sharing.

>> No.5744218

>V Regular Battle Theme
Easily the blandest post-NES battle theme.

>> No.5744234

yeah there's an odd thing where modern zoomers hear nostalgiafags talking about how great the stories are in the SNES games, go back and play them and go all /lit/ on them.

Yeah yeah, they are good stories so long as you accept they are still just videogame stories meant to be entertaining for 12 year olds. Nobody ever meant to say they were literary masterpieces (well, maybe there are some that overanalyze the fuck out of Kefka in FFVI but other than that...).

>> No.5744240

I find it less annoying than the FF6 battle them but yes it's pretty bland.
My favorite main battle theme is probably FFIV.

Also like VII, IX, and X regular battle themes.

>> No.5744246

Japanese people probably do

>> No.5744635

What do you find 'annoying' about FFVI's theme? I find it to be one of the more stimulating and memorable ones.

>> No.5744648

Your assblasted defense of this game which relies on a storyfag boogeyman would actually mean something if the gameplay wasn't shit, unfortunately for you it is shit. It vassilates between being a generic rpg with no difficulty to a slow boring high encounter rate slog, a meaningless one since any challenge is trivial, there are no real dungeon puzzles to solved and its not like there's any sort of rewarding dungeon crawling - which would make a slow grindy rpg tolerable. It tacks on a job system whereby the only way to get anything out of it is to grind for hours, again which is a meaningless endeavor in an easy game with very little to reward the player. Keep relying on boogeymen to defend this pile of shit.

>> No.5744651

Nigger, if you were half as smart as you think you are, you would know how to spell this word. As it stands, your opinion belongs in the trash.

>> No.5744707

It doesn't have enough of a chord progression. It just keeps on hammering tonic for 45 seconds before doing a little transition and then repeating.

>> No.5744719

I admittedly know nothing of music autism, but literally every battle theme is a 45 second loop, so I wouldn't expect much progression of anything.

>> No.5744725

Not meant to be a personal slight against you, but I don't understand this "FF5 didn't take itself seriously!!!" shit.

Lenna and Faris' sisterhood, Faris' sense of self-esteem, Galuf's death, Krile's familial love, Bartz' fears, the threat of Ex-Death and the worlds merging, Syldra's sacrifice, everything about the Warriors of Dawn were all played completely straight and without a single bit of irony. Not that these were interesting plot elements or anything, but I don't think FF5 was this kind of maverick, irreverent wacky parody that people make it out to be.

Only the GBA English translation put an intentionally hammy angle on dialogue.

>> No.5744728
File: 13 KB, 720x480, 1560179992628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only the GBA English translation put an intentionally hammy angle on dialogue.
This is the exact culprit. People new to the DQ series have the same problem with the intentionally hammy dialogue. You can condemn EOPs for not learning Japanese all you want, but these faggot translators need to be held accountable.

>> No.5744735

>Not that these were interesting plot elements or anything, but I don't think FF5 was this kind of maverick, irreverent wacky parody that people make it out to be.
Nah, Yoshinori Kitase is pretty well known for adding a lot of humor and silly elements to the game's plot. It was originally gonna be a very dark story penned by Sakaguchi, but Kitase turned it into a total cheese fest, for better or worse.

>> No.5744736

>Kitase turned it into a total cheese fest, for better or worse.
Give specific examples.

>> No.5744767

I can't find the interview where he went into this, but he said himself he was in charge of adding more lighthearted elements to the story. FFV was originally meant to be pretty dark.
>1UP: FFV was much funnier than previous games, with a lot of comedy elements in the cutscenes. Was that your doing?
>YK: Sakaguchi was in charge of the overall plot, and because FFV was a relatively serious story, I wanted to be sure to inject spots with a little bit of comic relief and humor.

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20121105211009/http://www.1up.com/features/final-fantasy-kitase-story?pager.offset=1

>> No.5744771

Except FFV is so autistic in its Japanese ways that every 'comedic' moment is denoted with this theme:

Anything else was meant to be taken relatively seriously, including all of the named deaths (which I think is a FF record). The thought that this game is silly is something that the commie translators made with their hammed-up translation. It's just as serious as IV or VI.

>> No.5744787

>implying the original Japanese version didn't have hammy dialogue

>> No.5744792

It didn't reference fucking online communities that existed decades after the fact. You can't possibly defend a translation including a wink to their online community. I'd expect that in a romhack, not a sold product. That's utterly lacking in professionalism.

>> No.5744812

>Except FFV is so autistic in its Japanese ways that every 'comedic' moment is denoted with this theme:
That doesn't make the intent any less comedic in nature. There's tons of slapstick and goofiness in this game: >Galuf trying to feign amnesia after his plan to take Faris' ship fails
>Bartz and Galuf getting spoony after seeing a sleeping Faris
>Playing piano poorly at pubs and slowly getting better
>Gilgamesh's numerous blunders
>That one senile werewolf you meet in Galuf's world
>Bartz and Krile's shenanigans after they split off from the Tycoon's
>There a talking turtle sage that makes a lot of wisecracks

>implying Japanese games don't reference memes, pop culture, and other similar shit from Japan
You're a fool if you think this is totally inappropriate in all situations.

>> No.5744815

>Bartz and Galuf getting spoony after seeing a sleeping Faris
>muh 'spoony'
You literally think in memes, don't you?

>> No.5744817

Yes, most stories contain at least six comedic elements. If you think six comedic elements in a story makes a story entirely comedic, you are functionally retarded.

>> No.5744826

>You literally think in memes, don't you?
This is an FF thread and it's an appropriate word for the situation. Blow me.

Those were just six examples in a long list of goofy things that happen in FF5. It's a very campy, self-aware story that doesn't take itself seriously.

>> No.5744829

>This is an FF thread and it's an appropriate word for the situation. Blow me.
No, you're probably sixteen. You remind me of myself when I found All Your Base.

>Those were just six examples in a long list of goofy things that happen in FF5. It's a very campy, self-aware story that doesn't take itself seriously.
Then surely you can name more than six? Because every FF game includes at least six.

>> No.5744848

Listen to the theme to 4 and then the theme to 5.
Notice how both of them start with the exact same "dundundundundundun duhduh dundundundundundun duhduh" In solfège(do-re-me) terms thats "do do do do do do ti ti do do do do do do ti ti".

The "ti" creates tension that leads to "do" and the little intro establishes the key and tonic note (aka "do"). In FF4 and FF5, there's a chord progression that leads away from the tonic note after that intro, and eventually arrives back there when it's time to repeat. In FF6, the theme just keeps coming back to "do" every measure or two. This is probably most noticeable at about the 15 second point, when the 4 and 5 themes get more harmonically interesting, the 6 theme doesn't.

This is a very perplexing decision for a track that you're going to be hearing a LOT over the course of the game. It's very uncharacteristic of Uematsu and none of his other regular battle themes are like this, even FF1's. Sure, it's one thing to do a minimalistic chord progression when you're using a completely different style for a different purpose (eg this area music from FF7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8o9gGOKEg4).). But in this case, it's the same general style as all the other FF battle themes. Except he doesn't change chords or modulate or anything like he does in the other FF battle themes.

Also note that the "music autism" is just me being able to explain the problem after years of learning about music. I have always hated it, from the first time heard it as a kid back in Christmas of 1994.

>> No.5744851

>Also note that the "music autism" is just me being able to explain the problem after years of learning about music. I have always hated it, from the first time heard it as a kid back in Christmas of 1994.
It's cool, and I appreciate your perspective, but I simply can't picture a 'do' or a 'ti' in my own head. You have a gift, and you should cultivate it.

>> No.5744859

The final boss theme is good too.

>> No.5744861

Again, it's no Dancing Mad or One Winged Angel. It's good, but you don't write home about it.

>> No.5744902

kind of apples/oranges comparison. One-winged angel is a fantastic Uematsu take on Symphony of Psalms, but honestly a seems a bit try-hard to me in the context of the actual game. It felt like "I have to one-up Dancing Mad so, digital chorus it is." I personally enjoy J-E-N-O-V-A more.

As for Dancing Mad, while it's one of my favorite videogame tracks of all time, I remember thinking it was just OK when I first heard it. Technically impressive but felt rather odd for final battle music.

Meanwhile Exdeath's final theme just feels like a suitably epic final boss theme and even includes a playful quote of a funk tune whose name escapes me at the moment. (This same phrase was quoted in Necron's battle music in FF9)

>> No.5744903

>Then surely you can name more than six? Because every FF game includes at least six.
Why are you so obsessed with that number in particular?

>> No.5744936

Because you specifically named six different 'funny parts'. Also because I'm a jewish wizard who loves the number 666. Rise the beast.

>> No.5745258

DQ didn't. The rumor that the translators were preserving Japanese accents is a bunch of horseshit. They're retards who think they're funny.

>> No.5745423

I'm playing through DQB2 right now, and it's physically painful. This is the sort of thing that makes me think I can learn moon.

>> No.5745465

Yeah but it was on the PS1 though

>> No.5745998

>you know what he meant
I'm no psychic, so no.

>> No.5746049

I'm more annoyed that they give all the spell names such wacky words like Kazapple or Thwack. Just tell me straight up what they do without making a joke out of it, you fuckers!

This is why I won't play any DQ game that doesn't go by Dragon Warrior. At least back then, the localizers were taking it a little bit seriously.

>> No.5746090

first game I ever completed on an emulator. second one was FFIII nes version

>> No.5746092

Has anyone tried any of the hacks for this game? How good are they?

>> No.5746163

You don't have to be psychic. You just need some very rudimentary knowledge of marketing. Do you need to be spoonfed this very simple shit?

If FF5 had been released in NA in-between the release of FF4 and FF5, it would have been marketed as "the next Final Fantasy game." Fans of the series would have been excited about it, and gone out and bought the newest entry. It would have been their focus and main game they played for probably a few months. They'd have bought strategy guides and talked about the game with their friends.

This did not happen. Instead, it was released with modest fanfare on an anthology disc with FF6, after the massive hype of FF7 and when FF8 was the newest released mainline game. It does not require psychic skills to understand that being released on the fucking PS1 as an anthology disc 7 years after its initial release doesn't get the same kind of reception as a new release.

Yeah, fans of the series were excited about the chance to play the game they'd missed. And some did. But many didn't even bother to buy the game and those who did, might not have even bothered to play it all the way through. The port was good, but still had more loading times than the original, and there were lots of other, newer, more popular games competing with it in 1999.

But seriously you should need me to explain this shit to you.

>> No.5747629

V was the best of the SNES trilogy, a shame we didn't get it back in the day. I wonder how the timeline where it was released as Final Fantasy Xtreme is doing?

>> No.5748136

There's a sort of rogue-like hack out there that it's pretty fun.

>> No.5748151

Can't forget this one:

>> No.5748371

Good remake when?

>> No.5748618 [DELETED] 


>> No.5750269

I have a question.
Was the Final Fantasy world doomed since the beginning?
I mean, it all started, and correct me if I'm wrong, with this dude playing with the Crystals, then it was about an Emperor who divided his soul in two parts to reign in Heaven and Hell.
Then, fast-fowarding until VI, you have this psychopath literally destroying the world just for shits and giggles.
Like, won't the threats against the world ever end, no matter how many times the situation repeats itself over and over again until the end of times? It's pretty depressing, if you ask me.

>> No.5750320

Final Fantasy is completely disconnected, isn't it? Like not even a shitty afterthought timeline like Zelda, just different universes entirely.

>> No.5750456

>My SNES version had a bizarre translation of IV also with Kain constantly calling Rosa a whore
What lol do you have some sauce for this?

>> No.5750527

Good post

>> No.5750827

>Final Fantasy is completely disconnected, isn't it?
There are the games set in Ivalice, and ff13-shit, of course, but other than that, yes.

Nobody asks you.