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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 102 KB, 220x302, Super_Mario_Bros._3_coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5735736 No.5735736 [Reply] [Original]

I always thought it was just okay. Am I the only one?

>> No.5735742

yes. it's a masterpiece. personally i prefer it to super mario world and consider it one of the best video games of all time

>> No.5735749

It's alright. Platformers didn't get good until we started getting 3d collectathons.

>> No.5735760

>great and creative levels
>gets progressively more challenging as it goes on
>huge variety of power-ups, enemies, etc.
>tons of secrets
>keeps the player hooked by introducing new concepts and ideas throughout each world
it's a near perfect game. what's not to enjoy?

>> No.5735762

SMW is easier, the levels feel bigger and more expansive.

>> No.5735763

super mario world was a step back in a lot of ways imo. why the hell did they remove all the minigames and the super secret stuff like coin ships. that being said it was still an amazing game and finding all the level exits was fun there just needed to be more secrets and overworld minigames.

Hammer Bros - GONE
Coin Ships - GONE
Card Matching - GONE
Lining up the Symbols - GONE
Map Screen Inventory - GONE
Two Player Battle - GONE

more shit too that I probably forgot about

>> No.5735767
File: 29 KB, 480x360, Extra Lives Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the hell did they remove all the minigames

>> No.5735772

Shiggy said it wasn't entirely finished due to the need to get it out in time for the SNES's launch.

>> No.5735776

Yah the in level ones were cool but I mean the mushroom house games and the other stuff that would show up on the map

>> No.5735778

SMB3 was a mature game made from years of accumulated experience with the NES. SMW was a launch title for a brand-new system they didn't quite have a handle on yet.

>> No.5735781
File: 24 KB, 480x360, Bonus Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the hell did they remove all the minigames

>> No.5735783

To be fair, Yoshi's Island was more the SNES SMB3 in terms of a late game made with lots of experience at hand.

>> No.5735840

Good engine, but ruined by autoscrollers and lack of difficulty. SMB1 is better.

>> No.5735854

how are autoscroll levels bad? and how is SMB1 more difficult/better?

>> No.5735861

>how are autoscroll levels bad?
Slow and boring.
>how is SMB1 more difficult
No powerup farming.
Faster pace.

>> No.5735887

No it is a fantastic game although I would say the last world is a little too unnecessarily hard. It is better than SMW and SMW2.

>> No.5735914

I unironically love smb2j (esp All Stars repaint), and yet still you are a wrong faggot

>> No.5735945

>the last world is a little too unnecessarily hard
When did anons become this casual?

>> No.5735950

Why do you use the "unironic" qualifier like you've got your dad's nutsack stuffed in your mouth? And of course you chose the wrong version. It couldn't have gone any other way.

>> No.5736082

Mario games are designed for children. If you enjoy playing them as an adult, there is something wrong with you.

>> No.5736130

No. Remove the mario skin and the nintendo licensing and suddenly it’s a generic 8/10 floaty as hell platformer that goes on too long.

>> No.5736132

That shit was honestly pretty stupid. Most of them were luck based but you were missing out on useful powerups if you skipped them. They get more and more tedious with each playthrough.

>> No.5736135

What does that have to do with anything? Mario 1 and 2 are two different games.

>> No.5736159

It's the exact opposite zoomer. No normal non-fucked up human would not like playing Mario, except maybe people who never played videogames.

>> No.5736240

>Card Matching - GONE
>Lining up the Symbols - GONE
I didn't really miss this stuff. The World minigames were fine.
>Map Screen Inventory - GONE
The issue here has a lot to do with the change in world structure and powerup types. Since you can just go get a feather or yoshi from a level you've already beaten (or the """super secret""" area), whenever you feel like it, there's no real added benefit to having a stock of varied power-up items.

>> No.5736250

Too many autoscrollers and it hands out too many lives. It would be a masterpiece if not for that.

What's an amazing platformer to you? Mario isn't floaty.

>> No.5736967

The biggest issue with SMB3 is the lack of saves.

> But warp whistles

Yes, but if you use warp whistles then you don't get to keep the power ups you would have saved in your inventory playing the game the long way, which makes the game significantly harder.

>> No.5737405

It’s funny. SMW finally introduced a save feature, but everytime you load the game it resets your lives.

>> No.5737608

You haven't really beaten Super Mario 3 unless you've done it as small Mario, Super Mario, Fire Flower Mario, Raccoon Tail Mario, Tanoki Suit Mario, Frog Suit Mario and Hammer Bros. Suit Mario.

>> No.5737624

Save function wasn't an issue back when SM3 was out , it was only when saving became the norm for games later on did it become a revisionist "issue"

>> No.5737658

SM All Stars had a save feature. I don't remember how much it actually saves though.

>> No.5737662

SMW is shit. The graphics are so ugly like ALTTP. Not a fan of the sound font either.

>> No.5737674


>> No.5737684
File: 54 KB, 665x800, SUPER MARIO WORLD IS MY FAVORITE MARIO HOW COULD YOU TELL?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow epic reddit buzzword lil fella

>> No.5737689


>> No.5737702

It's the Seinfeld of 2D platformers. Extremely innovative for its time, but after you've seen all the things it popularized in newer games, there's little left to impress you if you're not a fan of the genre.

>> No.5737704

cringe is an anti-reddit word bum head

>> No.5737708

I've never understood this analogy. Seinfeld is still the best.

>> No.5737806

yoshi's island > smb1 > world > smb3 > smb2 > lost levels

>> No.5737808

probably not but you are part of a minority

>> No.5737816

It saves world progress. So if you make it to world 3 it saves you on world 3. You have to clear all the levels again but certain things will remain changed if you changed them, like the locked gates and I think Toad Shops and Forts

>> No.5737828

My goodness no

>> No.5737831

After SMW it would have been strange for future releases not to have a save feature. Prior to that it was perfectly normal.

>> No.5737858

I honestly feel like Super Mario World is just "OK", and that Mario 64 is a dull chore to play. So I'm with you on the unpopular opinion front in general.

However, SMB3 is one of my all time faves, so I'm going to have to kill you. Respectfully, of course. You are still entitled an opinion. Even as a dead man.

>> No.5737885

smb3 and hacks > smb1 and hacks > smb2 and hacks > super meme world and hacks >>>>>> losts levels

>> No.5737904

lmao at the assblasted smb3fags.

>> No.5737969

I don't see anyone particularly assblasted.

>> No.5737972

This guy

>> No.5737979

>Amateur garbage hacks are relevant to the relative quality of some of the best platformers in existence.

>> No.5737986
File: 1.42 MB, 189x341, 25392752.7_angrygamer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick a stupid opinion:

>Mario 3 is just OK
>Sonic was always bad
>SEGA system
>Gamecube is retro
i can guarantee someone on /vr/ will hold it up to you as absolute truth.

>> No.5737996
File: 54 KB, 647x740, eee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5737998

Super Mario Adventure, Super Mario 3mix and Super Mario Ultimate are so good that they could be official products. Not all hacks are amateur shit.

>> No.5738002

But only one of those things is wrong.

>> No.5738462


>> No.5738465

Literally none of these are wrong.

>> No.5738475

I prefer SMB2 and World.

>> No.5738476

All-Stars or GBA, eediot
Or if you really like the art style for the NES version that much just use save states

>> No.5738479

Imagine if there was a program that could automatically brick the computer of anyone that posted Wojack edits.

>> No.5738480

So you wanted the exact same thing all over again?

>> No.5738482

Over the last 25 years I played Mario from All-Stars/World all the way to 3D World and burned out so much I can't stand playing that shit anymore, even the 2D stuff which I prefer.

>> No.5738484

They're faggots that prefer HIMYM and Friends to Seinfeld.

>> No.5738712

More of a Frasier guy myself. Which is definitely the OG Xbox, very affluent background but slightly out of touch with the contemporary culture. Also Seattle.

>> No.5738961

zoom zoom zoom

>> No.5738991
File: 72 KB, 499x338, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5739042

he's clearly joking

>> No.5741056


>> No.5741154

Save for a few sad cases it's mostly just kids, who else could find humor in that kind of mindless repetition.
But yeah, I can't help feel disgust at how little shit they get for that, "arguing" by repeating whatever a person says and attaching one of your memedrone retarded comic man pics should be an automatic BTFOing from everyone else ITT.

>> No.5741297
File: 269 KB, 512x448, 1532572490337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder World is shit

>> No.5741383

>smb3fags instantly bring up smw everytime their game is criticized.
Like clockwork.

>> No.5742356

The incessant laugh track really ruins it. It's for autists that have to be told when something is funny.

>> No.5742425

It doesnt get more normie than this. What a basic bitch comment.

>> No.5742431

Don't pretend like you don't know most normals prefer SMW

>> No.5742472

nah bro, you don't know what a good game is. you need to work on your critiquing skills. in fact, you need to kill yourself. i bet you played all the mario clones back in the 80's and fapped to every frame on every one of them while you played them holy fuck I am so mad about this one post on some imageboard I will find you and make you pay for this post you are dead motherfucker do you hear me you are dead I will erase your entire bloodline after you and before you for what you said about my precious super mario bros. 3

>> No.5742582

*crushes a flamethrower's flame with stone ass*

>> No.5742616

But mostly discuss the actual game.
Why wouldn't SMW come up? The games are similar in many ways.

>> No.5742650


>> No.5742653

World always had more charm and replay value, IMO. Mario Bros. 3 is okay but it doesn't really have anything that makes me want to play it more than once.