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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 93 KB, 1024x578, 20160419215253_1-1024x578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5733931 No.5733931 [Reply] [Original]

How is it that every single re-release of Final Fantasy IX has those shitty mobile redesign menus? Why the fuck can't Square release a version that isn't basically a reskinned version of the mobile port? Maybe I am just being overly autistic but the new menus look awful

>> No.5733932

You're supposed to name her dagger.

>> No.5733993

worst cast of the retro FF games.

>> No.5734172

they lost the source code anon

>> No.5734184

>using dagger
found the pleb

>> No.5734196

Is that true or is that just some excuse the devs are saying because they're too lazy do it themselves and too cheap to hire a competent dev team to do the remaster?

>> No.5734252

8 had a worse cast. Only character I liked was Seifer. Waited for him to pull a Kain/Leon and rejoin at the end of the game and they even screwed me out of that.

>> No.5734265
File: 287 KB, 454x1511, Garnet_Til_Alexandros_XVII_character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you wouldn't fuck her ass

>> No.5734268

is that honestly how you think things work? like that the dev team has actual money and didn't just get paid a salary?

>> No.5734340

>is that honestly how you think things work? like that the dev team has actual money and didn't just get paid a salary?
There's a set budget for the project and there's somebody above the developers making the decisions about where that budget goes. So it's not "the devs" being cheap, it's the producers/executives. But his point is still reasonable. Don't be pedantic.

>> No.5734410

its an entirely different point. the people who made the game decide nothing.

>> No.5734415


>> No.5734419

This is one of the more autistic threads that I've seen in a while.

>> No.5734428

Yep, I noticed when I first popped in FFXIIiI a number of things just didn't hold up to the Final Fantasy and Square brand. The second I saw the in-game menu screen I felt like it was something you would see in an unfinished demo it was just so cheap from a design standpoint. Other things as well, the way dialogue boxes are presented, the HP and MP HUD's etc... All lacked the craftsmanship from old games. Makes me appreciate retro games and all the work they put in with so many limits. Playing Phantasy Star gives me a 'wow' factor that new games just don't.

>> No.5734538

Because its cheap and they are lazy. Looking at what the Final Fantasy brand even looks like post X tells you all you need to know about how much respect Squareenix has for the brand that put them on the map.

>> No.5734546

No, everybody knew what he was talking about even if he didn't word it perfectly. That guy was right you're being pedantic and pretending not to get it. Nobody came away from his post thinking it's the coders and graphic artists who would be behind such a thing. We all "got" his meaning, and human communication often has these kinds of shortcuts or slight literal inaccuracies that we all can process due to context.

>> No.5734557

his words betrayed an inherently ignorant and childlike misunderstanding of where money comes from and how business operates hinging on his bizarre sense of entitlement to have works of art delivered to his doorstep

>> No.5734576

I don't see an ass

>> No.5734634

>We all "got" his meaning, and human communication often has these kinds of shortcuts or slight literal inaccuracies that we all can process due to context
Half the fucking threads on this board get detailed by pointless arguments about semantics, so I'm not too sure

>> No.5734639

Case in point: >>5734557

>> No.5734687

>Actually naming her Dagger and not immediately going "Fuck you, you're Garnet" when it comes up.
THERE'S the pleb

>> No.5734694

If you don't have a problem with game companies foisting on users a shit mobile UI for a PC game then you are fucking pleb poison and should leave this site.

>> No.5735152

Why would anyone have a problem with retards being given a ui designed for retards? Every mustard with a triple digit IQ that wants to play it is already using mednafen or beetle.

>> No.5735240
File: 30 KB, 546x546, 1557181066759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mobile UI for a PC game
>PC game
Pick one.

>> No.5736080

>Obviously meant PC Port
Jesus Christ it amazes me how stupid people can be sometimes.

>> No.5736219



>man of culture

>> No.5736248

I'm going to guess they did it because it's "nice and clean" Remember when HD was first starting and everyone was having UI problems where no one can read the text because of how small it was. So just making them large and boring is a way around it.

>> No.5736304
File: 446 KB, 1920x1080, ff9-garbage-ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is the menu layout winds up fucked and retarded. What was once a clean, ordered list with rarely used side options(change/defend) is now a grid designed for fat greasy fingers to touch rather than for either a d-pad or a keyboard to navigate.
If the font size was actually an issue it could have been addressed by just fixing the font without making the whole UI retarded.

>> No.5736308

God everything about that hurts my eyes. As I said I think they were just going for "Nice and Clean" look but yeah everything about it just looks fucking bad.

>> No.5736335
File: 247 KB, 1378x1080, ff9-original-menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just for reference, the menu layout in the original

>> No.5736458

Nice recovery

>> No.5737285

It's an excuse. They could remake the menus but they didn't bother.

They could also use an emulator for the ps1 version.

>> No.5737424

And by "mobile design" he means fonts rendered as vectors, which is literally how every single program outside of most videogames renders text.

>> No.5737596

>And by "mobile design" he means fonts rendered as vector
That the text looks like it doesn't belong is just one issue. If you look at the screenshots just posted you'll see that it has more implications than just font rendering. The menu layout is different because it's designed for a touch interface that needs large target areas for menu choices. This is inefficient and cumbersome to anyone with a gamepad or keyboard available.

>> No.5737640

Everything about this looks like trash, why play this over the original.

>> No.5737837

Because Enix bought Squaresoft, not the other way around, and Enix has always been kinda mediocre compared to Squaresoft, and it shows.

>> No.5737842

Also, ANYTHING that goes onto a phone is going to look like complete trash because phones are the absolute shit-tier of consumer electronic devices. They fucking suck as PCs and they suck worse as vidya consoles but every retard with a room-temp IQ uses them for those things.

>> No.5738473

Fuck off you fucking idiot, menus have nothing to do with the source code.

>> No.5738483

They don't need to remake anything.
Everything they did was reverse-engineered from a retail copy of the game so they easily could do that with the menus too but the mobile was the leading platform for the remaster and they couldn't be bothered to fix it for the console/PC version.

>> No.5738608

Retards are the most lucrative demographic, though.

>> No.5739773

I've just finished the Switch port and...oh god, it's awful. It feels SLOWER than the original, if possible

>> No.5740313

I don't know but it drives me crazy. It looks so fucking bad. They could at least use a different font that doesn't look like the actually put some thought into it instead of shitting out another quick release.

>> No.5740338
File: 583 KB, 1136x640, IMG_2081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

>> No.5740340

If you wanted to play it on the switch, why not install retroarch and play it through pcsx-rearmed? Why would you pay money for a trash product?
>owns a switch
Oh, right. Carry on.

>> No.5740779

>V and VI never got DS remakes
>instead they got this garbage
Kill me

>> No.5740849

Does this fix everything for the PC version or what?

Like I heard one thing about the PC version is that the music starts over after every random encounter which sounds like it would ruin the game for me

>> No.5740871

That has been fixed in the latest release. I'd suggest not using the "original" font it comes with though. To me it's terrible looking with the updated everything else but you might like it. Basically though yes, it fixes almost all the problems and eyesores.

>> No.5741121
File: 279 KB, 1136x640, ffv ios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5741220
File: 219 KB, 1273x1024, 1507646212169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that blind status effect animation

>> No.5742405

So why is it so common for devs to lose the source code to old games? I remember hearing about this from the people responsible Panzer Dragoon Saga and the original Silent Hill PS1 game. I expected better from the Japanese

>> No.5742413

Gamesdev is just another wagecuck job. You get contracted to do X, you do X, you're done. The computers/devkits the game was programmed on may be shuffled around and repurposed for a new project, and things get lost or destroyed along the way.

>> No.5743338

Holy shit this painting is amazing. Even the cat is looking with disdain

>> No.5743365

FFV looks okay after you get used to it not being the SNES/GBA version. FFVI is the real shitpile.

>> No.5743597
File: 1.77 MB, 1651x1103, Narshe-world-map-FFVI-iOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guessing you are saying that since FF5 wasn't much of a looker compare to FF6 but don't give me that this >>5741121 is ok.

>> No.5743663

That honestly looks way better than the original for both examples.

>> No.5743719

>So why is it so common for devs to lose the source code to old games?
archiving costs money.

>> No.5743960

Same reason early 1900's film makers never kept their film reels. Both cost to save it (and yes saving data back in the 80's and 90's actually cost a shit ton of money) and well...why would they? It might sound harsh but for many of them they never really thought it might be best to save some stupid source code when game development was make -> sell -> make new. And when they did remake it they never really needed to source code since they did it over (Mario All-Stars, Dragon Quest 1-3 SNES, Final Fantasy Origins) so many never felt they would ever need it in the first place.

>> No.5744584

those sprites look really amateur.

>> No.5746197

They still had the source code, only had to rewritten it to a more modern language.
Surely they lost parts of the graphical resources though (like 3D models out of which they made the backgrounds).

>> No.5746198

people like this exist and vote with their dollars