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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 438 KB, 794x1204, Horror_Tour_3_front_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5733345 No.5733345 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone clue me in as to why was it so important to leak this? Let's review the facts:

>> No.5733349
File: 65 KB, 899x173, bakudd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"He was hoarding the games"
They were being shared and he was well aware of it, pic related. I had been already been reuploading some of them to legendsworld and a couple other abandonware sites by the time he took the links down. He was uploading something like 5 games a week at one point and taking the time to scan the boxes and manuals, and rip the official soundtracks, for free (since no one ever contributed to his patreon.) Only a few games at a time out of hundreds were ever off limits at any point, and he usually added them to the public folder later.

>"His games were stuff that was already out there that no one cares about."
There were a ton of extremely valuable undumped games in his stash that few had ever seen, one of the last things he uploaded before the Labyrinthe leak was a PC version of the cancelled Sega Saturn adventure FMV game Obelisk, which no one even realized existed, not even Saturn collectors, it was considered lost. He also dumped the full set of Psychic Detective games for Windows ported from FM Towns... for those who don't know, these sell for ridiculous prices, something like $1000 for the full set, and the previously undumped Windows version of Chu Teng (same price). He also dumped rare floppy disks like Flappy 95 with a Kryoflux. Those are just a few examples. Again: he was freely sharing them.

>"He made a douchey post on the bemani tracker."
This is probably closer to the real reason, the leaker got triggered or ego bruised and so decided to boost his own notoriety and publicly slander him, to the detriment of the preservation community at large. Pretty fucking selfish if you ask me, and exactly why /vr/ doesn't deserve nice things ever.

>> No.5733350

Peepee kaka

>> No.5733357

aahh pooo pee poo

>> No.5733358

He asked me to delete that pic on discord just now but it was a picture of him saying that sharing the games is fine

>> No.5733369

caca pee piss farrtt parp snot crumb

>> No.5733375


>> No.5733376


>> No.5733386
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>> No.5733394


>> No.5733395

>the leaker got triggered
Saint is based
BakuDD is cringe

>> No.5733401

not sure what this thread is about other than pointing out how /vr/ has shit taste in games, which is well known

>> No.5733404

Is that some kind of shortstack goblin?

>> No.5733414

Wrong site you reddshit PoS.

>> No.5733417

It's a BakuDD defense tactic, leave him alone

>> No.5733418

hey I'm on your side dawg

- poster of downsbravo

>> No.5733429

No idea who any of these people are. Summary?

>> No.5733476
File: 12 KB, 310x232, e35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this Saint? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyJBSpJlIyc
clicked on the most promising video title but it just devolved into some kind of unfunny fyad reject level 0 tryhard irony for zoomers

>> No.5733483

Like there's MDE style intentionally unfunny irony made to troll, and then there's this

>> No.5733503
File: 65 KB, 899x173, 1563007828040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I just reposted it.

>> No.5733561

>trusting an online community
He shouldn't have shared those games in the first place of he didn't want them "leaked"

>> No.5733563

These shitty "lost" games authored in macromedia or quicktime or whatever always ALWAYS turn out to be worthless piles 100% of the time. Chu Teng was incomprehensible shit. Necrobius was incomprehensible shit. These arent some lost Nintendo games, theyre shit tier autism simulators for hipster faggots. Get a fucking life idiots, no one cares about any of this.

>> No.5733565

namefags need to stfu

>> No.5733574

Like BakuDD? If he would just accept his responsibility for his own situation and avoid that mistake in the future rather than continuing to try to remind people a year later that he took his ball and went home he would be a lot happier.

>> No.5733581

Oh hey I downloaded that game and still didnt get around to playing it, is it good?
Dont give a fuck about hoarder/uploader drama or whatever the fuck

>> No.5733585

I don't know or care who that is, all I see is a shitty poster in multiple threads, tagging all his shitty posts with the same name, who needs to stfu

>> No.5733586


>> No.5733592

Then why are you even in this thread?

>> No.5733596

Shut up bombman and upload the rest of those """valuable""" games

>> No.5733597

to tell you to stop posting

>> No.5733598
File: 114 KB, 267x921, 2018-08-13-083501_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There were a ton of extremely valuable undumped games in his stash

>> No.5733631

Macro TV when

>> No.5733643

>They were being shared
Except the ones that were in the "do not upload" folder, which all the leaked games were.
>He was uploading something like 5 games a week at one point and taking the time to scan the boxes and manuals
Just like everyone at archive.org. So what?
> Again: he was freely sharing them.
No, he was "sharing" them with a handful of autists for cred. He soldl the games for ridiculous prices too and had no real interest in archiving for the public.
>preservation community
You're not preserving anything if you hoard dumps on your private dropbox.

>> No.5733647

So is someone going to link the leaked games or what

>> No.5733652
File: 439 KB, 1734x878, 2019-07-13-153851_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most are already on archive.org

>> No.5733654

Also fuck this stupid drama who the fuck cares

>> No.5733680

>Except the ones that were in the "do not upload" folder, which all the leaked games were.

Hmm, well, I already know this is false since I clearly remember downloading Fukkatsu Eggerland and Henry Explorers from old-games.ru (https://www.old-games.ru/game/download/6335.html)) which was both part of the leaked games torrent, and you can see these games were both mirrored from him in 2016, and there's also some other games from him on that website which were included in the leaked games.

So based on your post which immediately begins with misinformation, it seems like you're what is known as an "unreliable narrator" and so, your posts should be completely ignored.

>> No.5733686
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>> No.5733696
File: 87 KB, 992x418, preservation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5733704

so what you're saying here is

bombman: uploaded 120 games
saint: uploaded 0 games

seems pretty cut and dry to me

>> No.5733734

A more interesting point regarding that post: if Saint was going to burn bridges, he might as well have mirrored the entire folder, but he chose to ONLY mirror (and take credit for) the Labyrinthe game, which shows that the leak was singularly motivated by that particular game, not necessarily out of any sort of indignation against game hoarding in general

>> No.5733764

Saint said he was going to do a blind play of Riven but I never saw it, he must have gave up. Pathetic....

>> No.5733783

saint: archived 1 game
bombman: archived 0 games

>> No.5733785

But the guy archived LOADS of obscure, undumped games. He just had a handful he was trying to keep on the down-low.

>> No.5733790

saint: nigger
bombman: faggot

Who will come out on top in this battle of retards? Oh wait no one cares.

>> No.5733841

Except he never planned on releasing them to the public because they were "valuable"
Honestly it doesn't make sense, first he says he uploaded it to a private forum because others wanted him to upload more, then he claims that no-one cares anyway about the games.

>> No.5733850

So what is the new saint discord anyway? I don't get the grid thing.

>> No.5733924

shut the fuck up lapdog

>> No.5733990

pool's closed

>> No.5734228

BakuDD is the hoarder
Saint is the leaker

>> No.5734231
File: 690 KB, 500x667, 1561720550747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are either him or his friend? Fuck off.

>> No.5734237

He started to play but gave up because he didn't like it

>> No.5734240

His cool friends get to be on the more obscure servers. The downside is nothing happens on those servers.

>> No.5734253
File: 57 KB, 656x755, 1534632432530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Saint got out of EOP status unlike the rest of us and is now enjoying super obscure PS1 game
>tfw not autistic enough to learn jap

what a legend though tb.h

>> No.5734275

How much money has byuu spent again?

>> No.5734282

I liked to lurk and steal their memes, the people around him are morons though. The old server is pretty much dead. Hope a new link pops up without needing to talk to these people.

>> No.5734306

>they made it clear to me that they did not want the games publicly distributed
I don't get this. How do the developers themselves, who put so much work and creativity in their games, not want the game to be seen and enjoyed by others?

>> No.5734312

They fear that they will be raped by the game's distributor.

>> No.5734317

That's obviously not going to happen, the games have basically been wiped from existence because of their obscurity. Is Japanese fear of piracy law really this bad?

>> No.5734361

We are still talking about a commercially sold product with copyrights and not an art student's school project.

>> No.5734387

A commercially sold product that had such an absence of information on it that people weren't even sure it existed...
I'm starting to think the problem with these lost games isn't hoarding, but the tight laws of Japanese society. Hasn't it always been Westerners uploading Japanese media, from roms to anime? It's interesting because the guy we're talking about here ("BakuDD") said he was half Japanese, and it's almost as if he's torn between sharing these games or not. On one hand he's trusted some games by developers not to share, but then goes and shares them between a private group of people, but then eventually gives in to the Japanese desire of keeping the games out of hands once again.

>> No.5734402

This fag claims he is half Japanese, somebody please report him to the Japanese officials and get him banned from Japan.

>> No.5734405

A lot of western developers are the same. Lots of obscure old media from smaller countries is not uploaded to the internet and thus lost.

>> No.5734408

if he didn't want them to be shared he shouldn't have share with anyone. A shared "do not upload" folder is not a security measure, it is already a leak.

>> No.5734409

I don't know about their laws, but from my experience they prefer legit copies and don't support pirating. The guy from that post is acting weird though and owning rare games seems to make all people involved going on a nerd powertrip.

>> No.5734608

>that one faggot still ranting about byuu since he doesn't understand that byuu passes the games off to someone else to dump
>he'll probably show up to screech in this thread about byuu hoarding shit when everything byuu has ever touched has been added into the no-intro sets and is publicly available

>Is Japanese fear of piracy law really this bad?
People go to PRISON in japan for downloading ROMs, how bad do you think it would be for someone blamed for uploading shit?

A tl;dr version of this drama is as follows.
>people hardcore into JP games have private tracker, share shit among themselves
>someone lets /vr/ know some obscure JP game is on tracker
>some youtube/twitch guy named Saint who visits here downloads, goes posting it everywhere for e-cred
>uploader has section of games he doesn't want uploaded due to request of devs
>Saint copy+pastes everything to archive.org
>both sides are gay as shit

>> No.5734624

Why is the guy who reposted all the games gay? He seems like the only non-sperg in this whoel group of people

>> No.5734647

>people hardcore into JP games have private tracker, share shit among themselves
It's just about retro games in general. There were probably only like 5 people on the site that cared about the stuff in the private folder.
>goes posting it everywhere for e-cred
Saint genuinely wanted to play the game, and like >>5733734 said he wasn't actually the one who leaked the games. He just wanted other people to play the game he enjoyed, and was angry that the guy who kept it secret didn't even care about it (thought people were weird for getting obsessed over it). He had to figure out everything in the game, make his own walkthrough, and he even went out of his way to show all the different endings. If you take one look at his channel you'll see he isn't your average e-celeb.

>> No.5734656

This is the reason that we don't even let the public know where the private tracker for dumped recent-ish arcades games is. It only takes one fag to leak everything and make the guys dumping them bail.

>> No.5734682

Because he could have waited until all the games were dumped and could be leaked instead of rushing to leak 1/4th of the stash just because "OTHER PEOPLE NEED TO PLAY THIS ONE GAME I LIKED RIGHT NOW!"
>He just wanted other people to play the game he enjoyed
Great, and now those other games are stuck in limbo. Waiting a little while longer to discuss a single game with other people was that impossible for him? Fuck him and the attention whore uploader.

>> No.5734691
File: 17 KB, 256x352, laughing_elf_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put game online for strangers to download
>wtf people share my upload

>> No.5734693

>an someone clue me in as to why was it so important to leak this?

It had a cute sexy goblin girl on the cover dressed in nothing but a leather bikini+boots+gloves, riding a giant axe as if it was a phallic symbol.

>> No.5734702

>Waiting a little while longer
Bakudd was never going to move Labyrinthe out of the "do not upload" folder. He even sold ハラペコ月と星あつめ on Ebay, yet did not move it out even though it met his condition of "recouping the costs of buying".

>> No.5734706

What reason? Keeping old games nobody even knows a secret to feel better about yourself?
It's just digital media you can copy, not a super rare mtg card. The only thing that has value is the box and anything physical, who cares about the game files?

>> No.5734709

Who cares where it gets moved? You wait until he's UPLOADED everything first. THEN you leak. So people get everything instead of 1/4th of the stash only to have the uploader quit.

>> No.5734714

Which would have taken like 8 years at his speed.

>> No.5734718

>says reason RIGHT IN THE POST
Nigga, you are dumb.

>> No.5734729

But we would have actually had them, rather than just 1/4th of the stash.

>> No.5734739

Calling something a leak when he put it online in his community is a dumb move and even more of a dumb move to name another folder pls don't share. Again, I don't see a reason to keep it secret.

>> No.5734759

>uploading recent arcade games
>uploaders don't want this shit made public or they will stop uploading it
>as time passes, people stop caring about it being made public
>or some faggot leaks it, and the uploaders fuck off and no new material
Do you have downs? MAMEdevs have been playing this game for years. They dump some rare/obscure game, promise the hoarder it won't get leaked. They sit on it for years, then quietly add it into MAME. Everyone gets the game, and the hoarder has long stopped caring about it.

Then you have situations like Sega Sonic Bros, where some faggot like Guru makes a huge public scene about "DUDE, WE DUMPED THIS HOARDED GAME". Hoarders get pissed, MAMEdevs have even less chance of getting shit from hoarders, and they had to pull the game from MAME to avoid a shitton of drama.

The first method means we actually get games without issue. The second method means we get one game you need to modify the MAME source code just to make it work, and reduced chances of getting another hoarded game out of the hands of hoarders.

Can you explain how fucking over the release of future games is worth one game right now?

>> No.5734768

Gatekeeping fags are the fucking worst.

Imagine rationalizing sucking hoarder dick. Sure you get more undumped games, but is that really worth being a submissive faggot? I hope not.

>> No.5734772

I don't know why you talk about recent arcade games when the OP post is about a 25 year old game nobody even cares about. He even said in his forum post that not even he knows people that are interested in it, so there is no value and he got himself in this situation.
No idea why you bring something else up that has nothing to do with it.

>> No.5734784

>sure, you get more undumped games
And that is the entire point of game preservation, you retarded homo.
>lying to hoarders is sucking hoarder dick

>> No.5734787

Because the guy was replying to someone talking about a private tracker for dumps of recent arcade games? Try to follow a conversation before you open your stupidhole.

>> No.5734792

>a 25 year old game nobody even cares about.
He said in his forum post that he had recently sold a copy of Labyrinthe to a buyer, under the condition that he not distribute it to the public. But he still chose to make to game available to those on the private tracker, because it wasn't private. He even included a note in the file saying not to redistribute any of the games in that folder. He wasn't hoarding the game, which is why it got leaked in the first place.

Now, in the future, do you think he's going to continue making games in his collection available to people who want them under a "don't redistribute these" honor system? Or do you think he's going to learn that people can't be trusted and actually hoard them? This is why you can't have faggots doing this shit. These kinds of games are dumped with a certain amount of trust from the dumper. If you violate that trust, they stop.

>> No.5734794

Is that a good game?
-yes: put up a video then.
-no: then who cares? Shut the fuck up.

>> No.5734802

>sells game and promises to not share it
>shares anyway for bonus e-fame points
>spergs out when it doesn't go his way
It's better to get idiots like this back down to earth.

>> No.5734810

>He was uploading something like 5 games a week at one point and taking the time to scan the boxes and manuals
>Just like everyone at archive.org. So what?

You do know this whole scanning and dumping shit on archive.org started very recently and it's mostly one single group behind it, right? Which bakudd is a part of. If it weren't for turbo autists like him meticulously archiving everything we would have nothing, so fuck you and your ungratefulness you unbelievably selfish prick.

>> No.5734813

What point are you even arguing anymore? First you say that he should have just leaked them to the public from the beginning, then this? And don't try to pull that "that wasn't me" shit.

>> No.5734815

>getting one over on some random nobody literally who is more important than getting games dumped
Yeah, we'll show em! Just like we showed Ebaum!

>> No.5734826

Are you just making shit up? Bakudd timegated his uploads for no reason and never uploaded anything to Archive.org

>> No.5734832

Both options of making it public for everyone or not uploading it at all would be better options than what he did. The second way would have been the better, because he is the one that broke the trust the guy that bought his game.
He has no right to complain about trust when he is doing the same.

>> No.5734857

They don't upload anything themselves, they give the raw materials to one of the guys running it who cleans up the scans and stuff, makes sure its up to spec and then uploads it himself. Lots of shit going on behind the scenes you're not aware of because you're only thinking about yourself.

I see at least 3 rare games in here other people have been looking for, Macro TV, Putle Story, and The Alius. So by focusing on the one game YOU wanted, you fucked over anyone who wanted to play those other games.

>> No.5734860

So he's a bad guy for sharing it instead of hoarding it, because he didn't post about it all over the internet? Is this really your complaint?

>> No.5734873

Ironically they wouldn't have been interested in the games and known of their existence if the leak hadn't happened.

>> No.5734889

I don't know about Macro TV but back then I was already aware of Putle Story from rockleevk looking for it and The Alius from a different Saint-like streamer on twitch who plays rare PC games.

>> No.5734891

He got literally paid for not sharing this game and yet he has done it to be the hero of his private tracker forum circlejerk.

>> No.5734910

the fact that this all started because someone got butthurt over a throwaway shitpost on sows is the funniest part about this whole thing

>> No.5734932

Can I get a link to the shitpost?

>> No.5734934

So he's a bad guy because he dumped a game that wasn't supposed to be shared, and now people can play it?

>> No.5734949

I don't think there was anyone to circlejerk to, since according to him, nobody really gave a shit about any of these games. It sounds like he put them on the tracker on the off chance there was some lone soul who really wanted to play it (although he didn't count on that person both existing and not caring about the rules of the private tracker).

>> No.5734956

>pic related
>file deleted

>> No.5734959

>Mushidanshaku No Yakata


Yo the box art of this game looks SICK, where's the iso of this

>> No.5734975

>try to join this super ebin private tracker
>got as far as finding their IRC channel and entering it
>promptly ignored by everyone when asked about joining
Yeah I'm not sucking dick for this autism.

>> No.5734994

This is why all top tier private trackers like PTP or RED have a vetting process. It's to weed out garbage people like you, who feel entitled to unlimited free shit at the click of a button, at any time, at no cost or effort to yourself.

>> No.5734995

Nice job assuming things from a person you don't know. Keep the keys to your sekrit club.

>> No.5734997

What I know is what you posted, which is that you don't know the first thing about how private trackers work, and are not even willing to put in a minimal effort to learn.

>> No.5735001

>/vr/ defends hoarders
expected as much from autists who stash plastic because muh 4ms of imput leg

>> No.5735026

You're not missing out much, private trackers are your typical pyramid scheme.
The only way to keep a decent ratio is to run a seedbox, of course FOR FREE so whoever is running the site can get e-cred from you in exchange for shitty torrents that could have been open anyway since 99% of this shit is abandonware.
Some even include ways to buy ratio with real money, which is even funnier.

>> No.5735043

>/vr/ defends hoarders
>entire thread is people saying the hoarder is a faggot, but the guy who leaked early is also a faggot since now 3/4ths of the collection isn't getting dumped
Nice reading comprehension there.

>> No.5735046

It depends on the tracker. Some of them, like sows, do freeleech every couple months so people can build up ratio. Others don't give a shit about ratio as long as you're not just grabbing one file and running off.

>> No.5735049

No respectable tracker lets you pay money for ratio. Also, private trackers are full of people who are knowledgeable in their respective communities.

Surviving on RED requires you to have a knowledge of music encoding and file formats. karagarga has people who archive lost films, bemanisows has its own internal teams of people who crack arcade games into being playable on PCs.
If you've ever watched a movie downloaded from torrents, there's at least a 1/3 chance the original rip came from hdbits.

Thinking that a seedbox is required to use trackers proves that you know nothing. Hdbits even discourages the use of seedboxes by counting ratio against you on otherwise free leech torrents.

Every time you open your mouth you show that you're an entitled, retarded fuckwad who has absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5735060

retrowithin is all freeleech though...

>> No.5735069

Wanna spot a leech who demands shit for free without being willing to give anything back? Find the person screaming about private trackers being "gatekeeping" or "circlejerks". Same fucks who constantly beg for shit in the /co/ mega threads but never upload anything to share. They never have a decent argument other than "ME WANT NOW!"

>> No.5735102

how is it archiving if you're only saving it for yourself and a select few other people? imagine if you opened a public library but didn't let anyone in

>> No.5735117

*copies game off a russian abandonware site thats been there forever and puts it up on mega*

Behold, I have archived a game

>> No.5735127

>game isn't dumped
>therefor it's not archived
>game is dumped
>therefor it's archived
This isn't a hard concept. And the reason for it not being publicly released to everyone has already been explained. "WAH I CAN'T DOWNLOAD IT RIGHT NOW" is not an argument, and has no bearing on if a game has been archived or not.

>> No.5735131

virgin detected

>> No.5735151

how would you describe archiving then?

>> No.5735159

Getting something copied so that if the original medium is destroyed, it's not lost forever. Or if not possible, putting it in the hands of those who can take care of it. For example, the Mona Lisa is archived in museums. You can't walk up to it and touch the fucking thing, but it's preserved for the future.

>> No.5735160
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>> No.5735161

so theoretically if i copy something for the original and only have it accessible for only 4 people on the entire planet (basically the same thing as not letting it be shared with everyone else), it's not lost forever despite the fact that i don't want them to spread it around to the enjoyment of everyone else much like the mona lisa?

>> No.5735163

they were on other abandonware sites but since he didnt upload them to archive.org they werent archived? not sure what point you're trying to make with this post

>> No.5735171

So is the hot red-head Goblin in the game or what?

>> No.5735172

I pmed bakudd asking for an invite to retrowithin because I wanted to download his games and he invited me right away even though I never talked to him before in my life. I didn't get the impresion he was gatekeeping, seems like they were available for anyone who was looking for them

>> No.5735175
File: 235 KB, 687x1024, 687px-Mona_Lisa%2C_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci%2C_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey bro i've been looking for this really obscure painting for a long long time and i've searched around and basically have found out that you and your small little group are practically the only people that has access to it. if so, could i just please see it since you've properly archived it and have the original anyways?
>>lol fuck off nerd

>> No.5735178

>5 copies
>it's not lost forever
Exactly. Even if the original disc is destroyed, there's still 5 copies out there. They may not be available to everyone on earth, but that game isn't lost to time. That's how preservation works.

>> No.5735186

Wasn't he the one who gave an invite to Saint in the first place? That doesn't sound like a hoarder being owned or infiltrated, it sounds like a narcissist taking advantage of someone's kindness for ego preservation

>> No.5735194

More like "Sure, come on in and download a copy." But hey, keep screeching about how a private tracker is evil gatekeeping.

>> No.5735202

If only some gay clique has access to it, then it objectively might as well not exist.

>> No.5735204
File: 108 KB, 1200x826, 321382891.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the game actually good? What about the first 2? Can we actually discuss this instead of the drama, I mean come on it's been over a year now

>> No.5735223

So the National Archives shouldn't exist because you can't walk in and borrow one of the archived movies? You are one selfish faggot.

>> No.5735225

No one could possibly give a shit about any of this, I'll bet a good 90% of these posts are just bakudd and saint talking about themselves

>> No.5735228

Good point

>> No.5735230
File: 43 KB, 570x587, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't support hoarders?
>you selfish faggot

>> No.5735241

Makes sense, the game is meant for high iqs

>> No.5735267

>national archives are hoarders!
Your retardation just reached a new high. Please explain how the National Archives are evil hoarders.

>> No.5735272

I don't think it would be a stretch to say that the National Archives and a couple of faggots in their basement are two very different things. Not to mention the difference in the contents and the importance of the contents being archived.

>> No.5735296

>it's preservation but...!
So it's a matter of importance on what is being archived? A matter of scale? Are you even capable of making a single coherent argument and sticking with it?
>Uh, he's dumping the games
>All you had to do was join the tracker and fucking download them
>But if he did that, the hoarders wouldn't let him touch the games
>No one is defending the hoarders, just telling you how this shit works
>That's not how preservation works retard, look at these other groups that preserve shit

Every single argument you've made has been "I WANT IT NOW!" hidden behind a pathetic attempt at logic, that falls apart the exact moment you look at the facts. Try harder.

>> No.5735302

Even in your Dobson tier I AM SILLY bullshit you make a good point. It should be everywhere, that's the only way you can be sure it's actually archived.

>> No.5735305

>private tracker
>gay clique
If the files were actually restricted to a "gay clique", the guy who leaked it would have never gotten his hands on the files to begin with. Private trackers don't exist for the purpose of excluding people who want the files, but to try to keep them out the eyes of the general public (mainly copyright holders who can slam the uploader with a lawsuit, but sometimes other reasons like the person who uploaded it in the first place not wanting the file to get too widespread). The idea is that if you're interested enough in what the tracker is offering, you'll be willing to put in the extra legwork to show you're not going to leak shit.

>> No.5735309

The private tracker whatcd was the largest collection of music ever conceived by mankind. There has never been a governmental body or anything in history that even came close to its breadth and volume. And it was 100% curated by "faggots in their basement", as you call them.

>> No.5735320

Again, the National Archives won't let you walk in and grab any movie to take home with you. Saying the National Archives doesn't archive anything because everyone can't stop by and grab a copy is 100% fucking retarded. Do you have a single fucking argument, or are you just going to keep repeating the same bullshit?

>> No.5735325

>grab any movie to take home with you
Physical media and digital copies are not the same thing.

>> No.5735331

Everyone who downloaded tons of music was on whatcd though. RW is secret club mentality 100%, you aren't even allowed to mention it by name or if they find out who you are on there you get banned. Putting those games behind the power user forum restricted it even more since more than half the users aren't power users.

>> No.5735337

Yes, whatcd didn't have that rule. And look what happened to them.

>> No.5735342

You can download old 1920 movies from them. But you can't download Titanic. Both are archived. Quit trying to hide behind semantics you whiny brainlet.

>> No.5735345

Tell that to the MIT guy who distributed a bunch of scientific papers online, got arrested for it, and killed himself.

>> No.5735350

Pointing out that theft and copyright theft aren't the same is not being pedantic. One is taking something away, the other doesn't effect the item being copied.

>> No.5735359

Because it's so hard to make power user on a tracker that's 100% freeleech and doesn't even require you to upload a single torrent. You really are entitled.

>> No.5735362

I'm not the guy you're arguing with, but I think you're trying to derail the argument with a debate about what counts as "theft".

>> No.5735364

And everyone who cares about the archival of retro games is on retrowithin. Your point?

>> No.5735368

Would take months without a seedbox. And good luck to anyone trying to get in that isn't already on another tracker or knows someone that's in.

>> No.5735370

But that isn't the fucking argument. The argument is
>It should be everywhere, that's the only way you can be sure it's actually archived.
>the National Archives won't let you walk in and grab any movie to take home with you
>Physical media and digital copies are not the same thing.
>You can download old 1920 movies from them. But you can't download Titanic. Both are archived.

Theft or copyright theft wasn't even a part of this conversation. You are trying to nitpick over the semantics of saying "grab a copy" instead of actually addressing the argument at hand. As mentioned earlier, you CAN download old 1920's movies from the National Archive, but not Titanic. This doesn't mean they don't have Titanic archived just because YOU can't download a copy.

Now, can you come up with an actual counter-argument to the current conversation, or are you going to try to hide behind semantic bullshit again?

>> No.5735380

>implying a couple thousand manchildren care about the archival of retro games

>> No.5735395

Right, so you can't figure how to download the torrents with the most leechers, and seed them back. A killer combination of entitled and retarded.

Retrowithin is the relaunch of underground gamer, which was by far the largest tracker for retro games for many years, until it was infiltrated by EA lawyers when they briefly allowed open signups. A MASSIVE amount of the dumps available to us now are thanks to the users there. Learn the lore, don't be a zoomer idiot.

>> No.5735404

Like, the people running no-intro, tosec, redump, they're all on underground gamer and retrowithin.

>> No.5735407

My argument is this: what is the point in """archiving""" something if nobody has access to it outside of a secret club? It might as well not exist at that point. 1920s movies and Titanic are not exclusively hoarded by the National Archives.

>> No.5735416

I think you guys are exactly the sort of people he wants to be upset by this

>> No.5735418

Doesn't he have a link from his Twitch page?

>> No.5735419

How do you think the youtuber was able to get his hands on it if nobody had access to it outside of a secret club?

>> No.5735421

I don't know, tell me.

>> No.5735428

He asked around, someone explained how he could get the file, and he did it.

>> No.5735430

Um, there are definitely many lost films from every time period which are "hoarded" and only given limited showings maybe once every year or two years.

>> No.5735432

Would you say he joined the club?

>> No.5735440

Don’t bother explaining shit to zoomers, they’re only able to process information if it’s in youtube video form

>> No.5735439

No. I'd say the people who were in the "secret club" saw someone was looking for the file and shared it, even though they knew he likely wasn't going to seed or stick around after getting it.

>> No.5735449

This again?

I know it might be hard for you EOPs to ascertain, but look around 2ch/5ch's download boards. They certainly pirate.

Or try looking at the peers of any torrent of recently released Japanese media. It's full of Japanese IPs.

>> No.5735453

Oh look, the schizo joined in.

>> No.5735462
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>> No.5735463

There are Japanese IPs as peers but they dont actually seed

>> No.5735467
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>only true Saint fans will get this joke

>> No.5735470
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>> No.5735474

They do. See for yourself in two weeks when new eroge comes out.


>> No.5735478

How the fuck do you buy a game with conditions? That is gay as fuck, I can do whatever the fuck I want with it if I buy it. Are people actually little bitches that go along with this?

>> No.5735487

No, it was the buyer who specified that he didn't want the game to go public immediately after he bought the game, so the seller agreed it would be kept on private trackers until a certain amount of time had passed.

>> No.5735516

Just took a look at it and it's full of childish meme shit, no vidya discussion anywhere

>> No.5735526

vidya discussion is located outside the grid

>> No.5735530
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>> No.5735534

shocking if true

>> No.5735569
File: 40 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not seriously following this drama in any way, just happened to see the op, did a bit of googling and discovered a guy who makes unfunny videos, if youre trying to provoke a reaction by posting low iq memes that are about one step below tranny humor on the autism scale then well done i guess

>> No.5735596

Who gives a flying fuck about this? It has nothing to do with fucking retro games.

Already explained by multiple people to your retarded ass multiple times in this thread. Because having this shit a quick google search away means the copyright holders and hoarders can ALSO FUCKING SEE IT'S A GOOGLE SEARCH AWAY. Which makes getting more of this material dumped THAT MUCH HARDER. Because the people who dumped it and don't want the copyright holders or hoarders knowing it's been dumped STOP DUMPING SHIT WHEN RETARDS "LEAK" IT! It wasn't out of reach of anyone who actually wanted a copy either, stop pretending it was trapped in a goddamn safe in someone's house.

The point of archiving or preserving ANYTHING is to make sure everyone in the future CAN access the material, that it ISN'T lost to time. It's not to give you a copy right now. And for the record, the National Archive is the only source for a great deal of material, including genealogy records and naturalization records where the physical records were destroyed decades ago. Guess what, they have lots of material YOU can't access. Guess there's no point in keeping that shit since retarded anon can't get his own copy! Dumb fuck.

>> No.5735607

>Because having this shit a quick google search away means the copyright holders and hoarders can ALSO FUCKING SEE IT'S A GOOGLE SEARCH AWAY.
I'm sure the copyright holders for games nobody ever heard of are really the litigious bunch. I mean Nintendo and Sony? Chump change, they can't get their shit pulled down off Googleable webpages, but Literally McWho? They got elite lawyers.

>> No.5735616

At least three of those games actually were given to the guy who uploaded them by the original developers and copyright holders.

>> No.5735618

I mentioned copyright holders since modern arcade games popped up earlier. You better believe they will protect their copyright, it's why the download links on /1cc/ vanish so quickly. It's why the private tracker for new arcade dumps doesn't want any public notice.

Which still doesn't matter for the sake of the argument, since either copyright holders or hoarders finding out the game has been dumped is bad news, and will have negative effects either way.

>> No.5735620

Depends on who it is and how much effort they're willing to put in, for example Presto Studios went around doing takedown requests of their Journeyman Project games several years ago.

>> No.5735638

Yes, exactly. Sony and Nintendo are so big and have so much constant copyright infringement that they just can't act on it all and can only hit easy targets. A small no-name developer that thinks they can make a quick buck is much more likely to pursue legal action.

>> No.5735643

Hell, look at Digital Leisure. Good luck finding a public download for ANY game that runs under Delphine they currently have the copyright for. Even many private trackers have Digital Leisure games blacklisted to avoid trouble.

>> No.5735712
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The sheer level of butthurt from these weird exclusivity people is blowing my mind. Do they honestly think they're going to redpill anyone in this thread? Do they not realize they're acting like fools and being laughed at? There comes a time when you should step away because hanging around only makes things worse

>> No.5735741 [DELETED] 


>> No.5735752

Redpill implies that it's something people aren't aware of in the first place, a minority opinion. The number of private tracker users greatly outnumber the number of entitled shut-in nerds posting on /vr/.

>> No.5735757

I'm butthurt as fuck that I can't play The Alius now.
Look at how much it costs, no one is going to buy this shit

>> No.5735764

ironically some other twitch streamer seems to have played it
but no dump? you could try contacting him

>> No.5735768

Yeah I know, I mentioned that earlier in the thread. I tried contacting him but no response. He has a bunch of other rare games too

>> No.5735769

try his discord in the description, seems like he's active in there

>> No.5735780

Since there's a video up no one will ever buy it, it needs to become a meme first and have some sort of mystique surrounding it before anyone on /vr/ is interested. Just like Garage, Chu Teng and Labyrinthe, people only care about it if they feel like it's out of reach

>> No.5735790

idk, people itt with no knowledge of behavioral economics keep trying to make the argument that games don't lose their value when they're dumped

>> No.5735805
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I still don't understand what the private forum people are trying to accomplish here. Like lets just pretend everyone suddenly starts to agree with you. What happens next? Thread is such an incomprehensible shitstorm of gibber jabber I can't even tell what people are trying to convince eachother of anymore

>> No.5735810

yes we already know you lack reading comprehension due to your shitty attempt at setting up a strawman argument

>> No.5735817
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See posts like this makes me believe they're firmly in the wrong. Acting like a smug asshole at every opportunity will never help. If anything it'll convince people to actively harm you. So lets try to start completely fresh and have a neutral and non-aggressive argument presented to avoid pointless internet slapfights

>> No.5735834

hard to take you seriously when your tactics include both willful ignorance and/or distortion of facts to help your argument, truth doesnt seem to be a valued part of your discourse

>> No.5735837

They are trying to get games dumped and preserved. So people can play them in the future. So they don't get lost to time. This has been said multiple times. You could at least try to read the thread before posting.

Oh, it's just you pretending to not understand the argument again. Let me try greentext.
>hoarders are faggots
>hoarders don't want shit released
>dumpers get chummy with hoarders
>lie to them and say they will never release
>they dump, then keep it quiet
>people deep into this stuff can get a copy
>but hoarder faggots don't know, think it's still private
>years from now it releases, hoarders don't know who to blame
>repeat for more rare games
>dev/copyright owner will DMCA or even sue
>dumpers get chummy with dev/copyright owner
>lie to them and say they will never release
>they dump, then keep it quiet
>people deep into this stuff can get a copy
>but dev/copyright owner doesn't know, can't DMCA or sue
>years from now it releases, dev/copyright owner doesn't know who to blame
>repeat for more rare games

By all means, keep playing dumb. You are converting more people to your side by the second.

>> No.5735842

Sounds highly cliquey and very gay.

>> No.5735849

Hey that's my game. Keep in mind that if you buy it, you can't dump it, can't keep a copy, can only play it on every other Wednesday for a span of time no longer than 1 hour, have to delete saves after each playthrough to prevent leaks, oh and it actually will stay at my house so I can make sure you follow the conditions, but yeah, I'm happy to sell you this game!

>> No.5735856

You've been given every reason for why the system is the way it is, and all you can do is bitch you aren't a part of it? When all you had to do was not be a leech and you would have been? Jesus christ you are whiny.

>> No.5735859

This but for both sides, one guy keeping games on a private tracker to impress his clique and the other guy leaking one of the games to impress his clique, they're both self serving faggots

>> No.5735860

I don't want to be a part of any circlejerk. That's why I post on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.5735918

If you want to stop hoarders, stop acting like games like Labyrinthe are the lost Half-Life 3 holy grail. Hoarders get off to people getting mad at them for not being able to get their games. Ignore them like the insignificant trash they are and they'll go away.
>>that one faggot still ranting about byuu
byuu's a furfag lolcow without having to make up hoarding and pedo diaperfag accusations. All that guy's doing is making him look like a victim outside of 4chan. Call him on his actual bullshit like accusing UPS of stealing his games if you're that obsessed with ruining some random autist.
>Is Japanese fear of piracy law really this bad?
They just banned cheat code devices, and they arrested children for linking to a Javascript infinite loop. You don't fuck around in Japan. Their prisons are hard labor too.
Doesn't help when I can't even sign up.

>> No.5735986

What is this even supposed to mean? I asked one of my millennial kids and she said it means "I'm a zoomer". If that true? Why would you brag about something like that?

>> No.5736013

To dilate means to insert something into your fake trans vagina to make sure it doesn't close, since in reality it's just a wound and the body treats it as such. Post-op transsexuals have to dilate pretty much for the rest of their lives.


>> No.5736018

I literally just started posting. You have a persecution complex and you lump anything not yourself as an enemy. This is unhealthy behavior
This response makes me believe there are no real winners here and everyone in this thread is an asshole for no other reason than ego stroking. I propose a solution, make private opposing subreddits to upvote eachother into oblivion. This way you can each circlejerk eachother until it all dies down. Either way you all suck

>> No.5736427

So.... does anyone plan on talking about lost games or is it just going to be ego stroking the entire thread?

>> No.5736461

Like it or not, it's the only way to get games out of hoarder hands. Otherwise, they'll just keep them in their private collections forever.

>> No.5736494

That's not true, and it doesn't matter anyway if you're getting banged by chad every night

>> No.5736541

lmfao if you think chad fucks trannies

>> No.5736548

Loool, I was joking by telling you to dilate, but it seems you really are a tranny.

>> No.5736793


>> No.5736851

Why is this faggot bitching about ppl finding out that he put a file up on a publicly accessible folder

>> No.5736873

No one gives a shit about anything in these private trackers lol

>> No.5736875

redditfag detected

>> No.5736884

fuck that's chump change i was expecting $1500 or some shit. do none of you people have jobs?

>> No.5736964

Right, that is where I tried contacting him, he didn't answer.

weird flex but okay. you gonna buy it?

>> No.5736978
File: 987 KB, 271x226, smgdh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon watches YIFY rips of capeshit at 720p and listens to all his music through youtube.

>> No.5736981
File: 50 KB, 379x500, 23carlin-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits

>> No.5737017

i dont give a single iota of a fuck about any of this faggotry but if youre talking shit about my BTN so help me i will pop you upside your fool head. bitch ass zoomer muthafucka.

>> No.5737020

sounds like you gave up pretty easily
try dming him, messaging a mod, messaging on twitch, etc...

>> No.5737054

is there a discord for obscure japanese pc games or is it more secret club bullshit

>> No.5737061

people don't actually care about lost games, they care about the drama surrounding them. lost games get posted on legends world and other sites pretty often but no one gives a shit because they can't complain about something.

>> No.5737083
File: 11 KB, 566x208, legendsworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legends world
Wow, look at all these treasures.

>> No.5737117

There used to be a few months ago, before saint deleted everything and left with most of his friends. The only cool guy is MisterMan as he does a lot of scanning of auctions and knowing runes. Everyone else are just third world children that spam porn and gore.

>> No.5737131

>it's ONLY interesting and has "value" when it's in Japanese

>> No.5737156

Reminder that you can't listen to In The Court Of The Crimson King, widely considered one of the top albums of all time, on youtube, spotify, iTunes, or any other digital service. Your only option to hear it is private trackers, unless you want a letter from your IP and your internet shut off for downloading music from tpb (yes, this still happens) Plus you don't know if you downloaded a FLAC or, as is the case with public torrents half the time, a soulseek repost from some kid who ripped a 128kbps mp3 from his scratched CD and re-encoded it to FLAC.

This is why private trackers exist in the first place, so that like-minded people can get together to preserve and archive their old media in the highest quality possible, away from the prying eyes of copyright trolls. You can gain access to any of these sites easily if you're not a drooling ddiq and know the bare minimum essentials of how to use torrents. But yeah, if you equate a private tracker to a secret hoarding club where no one is allowed in you are definitely full blown pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.5737174

That's cool and all, but when someone comes into this thread, all they see are tracker people sperging out and bringing their drama on a board of people that are not involved and don't care unless there is a result. The dicksucking and social engineering to get the games is for the turbo nerds. I have more the impression that people come here to collect e-points.

>> No.5737191

And I've got to wonder what you're doing in this thread for the past two days. Are you the guy who decided to play Robin Hood and leak the files or are you just here to bitch about how much you hate private trackers?

>> No.5737193

>You can gain access to any of these sites easily
It can takes months or even a full year to climb up some trackers if you don't have friends without invites. It's literally a secret club where you have to prove yourself to enter. Are you just trolling now?

>> No.5737194

I really have no idea what this thread is about, all I know is that I scrolled down the main board, saw some posts with idiots shitting on private trackers with the tired "muh sekrit club" meme in 2019, and got annoyed. Didn't realize that this thread was somehow related to "tracker people" or why that would necessarily be a separate category from the regular users of this board.

>> No.5737209

>Plus you don't know if you downloaded a FLAC or, as is the case with public torrents half the time, a soulseek repost from some kid who ripped a 128kbps mp3 from his scratched CD and re-encoded it to FLAC.

It's piss easy to check whether the audio shows signs of compressions, but you can also check if it matches the CRCs of the original CD as well.

>> No.5737224
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No, I'm just here to hear about saint and realize everyone involved into this is a huge faggot.
Preservation in itself is important though.

>> No.5737228

Not him but

If you want to say "private trackers are so we don't have to deal with copyright bullshit and corporate meddling", that's fine and reasonable, but don't pretend it's some kind of noble endeavor, that's embarrassing. The vast majority of people in these circles treat it as a secret, exclusive club, and it's not like we're talking about actual, physical objects that can be unique and need to be actively protected...

>> No.5737245

It's basically like women denying sex and blueballing men, just with sweaty guys that use rare video games as their weapon.

>> No.5737259

Some just don't understand that digital media has no value. When we are talking about a boxed game, that's what people pay for. Just data files are whatever.

>> No.5737289


Only happened 2 months ago. Forgive me if I didn't notice. And an archive.org link from April, are you serious? How long do you honestly think that is going to last? Are you really naive enough to think you can just throw up anything up on archive.org and it will just stay there on clearnet for all eternity, or are you just grasping at straws now?
As for physical media, it deteriorates, and usually needs to get digitized sooner or later. There are countless one of a kind films, records, and books from all over the world that have been preserved thanks to private tracker communities. There have been many mainstream media articles about their efforts. It's not some kind of well kept secret.
And torrent trackers are not "exclusive" in any sense except that, if you expect to just come in and use up someone else's bandwidth, then yes, they are exclusive to people who aren't entitled welfare queens that expect to get something for nothing.

>> No.5737296

Saint's a g even before this happened
Also I was wondering why he was following cursedcons on twitter so him being on sows is kinda great

>> No.5737304

Lmao @ that king crimson album on archive

Robert fripp is a luddite boomer though so there's actually a good chance he won't notice

>> No.5737307

also sows has always been a shit, it makes sense within the context of the bemani community especially after Programmed World, but the userbase is terrible so whatever

>> No.5737315

you gotta scroll through the garbage to find better shit retard. it's an archive, it's not going to include something because its "not cool".

>> No.5737362

In every private tracker I've ever been in, treating it like a secret club will get you roughly the same response as trying to claim 4chan is. They generally let anyone in as long as they're not being an obvious bitch (ie. asking for an invite then throwing a fit when nobody responds instead of waiting a few days and trying again).

>> No.5737638

uhhh sows is the least autistic tracker community on the interwebs my dude, ive been there since the beginning and sows has little if anything to do with this drama lmao

who is saint, what does he have to do with bemani games? bakudd says he invited saint to sows but he never posted or uploaded anything, not sure why hes allowed there tbqh if hes a proven leaker whos just there to repost all our shit to 1cc like every other mexifag

>> No.5737659

Why do you suck his dick? I don't get it. Are you just hoping you'll get some of his super secret rare gamez? And have some independence for once and stop asking for your great leader's permission to make a fucking post. What's wrong with you?

>> No.5737663

i dont have the slightest on what youre talking about senpai

>> No.5737690

>hoping you'll get some of his super secret rare gamez
Saint doesn't have shit. He's just a cool chaotic neutral dude.

>> No.5737703

I meant Bakudd. His cronies are in some Discord server relaying messages for him, it seems like.

>> No.5737707

the same could be said for saint, lmao

>> No.5737731

could be, i wouldnt know, i got here from sows forums

>> No.5737745

>sows isn't autism but we're too scared to type out the actual name of our website for some dumb fucking reason
i think its autism, chief

>> No.5737748

I am a regular on the peepee nigger discord where saint and bakudd reside. They just gave me a direct order to post my dick and balls in this thread

>> No.5737754

Yeah, you generally don't want to name private trackers. Once it gets to the point where people casually throw the name around, that's when the lawsuits start hitting.

>> No.5737763

You Anon, deserve an award. The only post in this thread that attempted to discuss retro games, yet it seems no one actually cares about the origin of the game that started this drama. What a sad realization. I'd post my thoughts on it but I haven't played it.

>> No.5737782

I'm a saint crony but I haven't been on the discord server in months so it's not like he's telling us what to do or anything

>> No.5737801
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>> No.5737818

lol okay whatever you say broski, not sure who ur expecting to bait with this bottom tier trolling

>> No.5737869
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>> No.5738070

So you're saying you're a tranny who's using a stent to keep your wound open? Why would you brag about something like that?

>> No.5738258


bakuDD put up luv 2 shy flacs on sows so he's cool in my book

>> No.5738349
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>> No.5738419


>> No.5738507

Jesus goddamn CHRIST. The fact that there are now anons on the retro games board who unironically think that torrent trackers are somehow ANTI-PRESERVATION is some truly mind boggling mental gymnastics and just shows the extent of how much zoomers have infected 4chan with their AIDS since its glory days. Goddamn it, have we seriously gotten to this point? Wow, fuck.

>> No.5738538

Pantsshitting zoomers are going to be the death of western culture, mark my words. I blame the kikes for eroding our social cohesion with onions and nigger shit. We should have gassed them while we had the chance.

>> No.5738787

Is anyone going to talk about the game pictured in OP
Is it good?

>> No.5738802

It's a macromedia game

>> No.5738805

meaning what

>> No.5738865

So this guy
>bought more than 1 copy of Labyrinthe
>uploaded it years ago to a sekrit club in a sekrit club for brownie points
>sold off the games and wanted it to not leak so he can sell it at an even higher price to some gaijin
And we are supposed to be grateful about all of this. lol.

>> No.5738873

>Guardian Heroes Final.

we are talking about the same Guardian Heroes from Saturn?

fucking bitch hoarders, what is their problem by keeping all those games?

>> No.5738887

The weekend's over, so the guy posting the bait is probably gone. You can leave now.

>> No.5738959

Just googled it and I think thats supposed to be Guardian *Heroines* Final which is some shitty dojin game from the looks of it on youtube.

This seems like a good opportunity to quarantine this thread and remove all the waste of space weeaboos who shit up the boards with threads about shitty hipster games that they can't even read.

>> No.5738987

That Retro Bishoujo thread is straight cringe

>> No.5739060

>complains about weaboos on 4chan of all places

>> No.5739081

Holy shit is everyone involved in this a giant faggot.

>> No.5739085

>there was a Life with Louie videogame
That actually is interesting.

It's literally just Saint pretending to not understand. He tried arguing it up and down this thread, then started to pretend he didn't understand all the big words and everyone should just agree with him because man, those big words are hard to understand! People have tried to explain how he just fucked things up for everyone who actually wants all these games preserved, but he's too brainlet to understand why /vr/ isn't sucking his dick for his retardation.

>> No.5739192

not sure which is worse the as always autistic private fag tracker cucks defense force or the aspie weeb streamer virgin damage control squad

"uhm well ackshually its easy to join RED just wait 5 hours in irc queue to take the interview, ok first question what is the exact frequency cutoff in audacity for a transcoded v2>flac, wait you answered too fast did you just google it? youre banned forever"

"dont talk that way about saint chan he is such a chaotic neutral with +3 stamina sugoi! *sunglasses guy, speedo guy or some other forced meme* nice vid saint hehe we did it reddit, thanks for the donations here are some more WACKY shit from vector.jp"


>> No.5739219

>messaged dumper for invite
>got invite
>got in, started downloading stuff
Yeah, these fucking hoops I gotta jump through, jesus christ.

>> No.5739224

like, have sex, man

>> No.5739243

Honest question, wtf is the point in all this? For like the games, aren't they all pretty shitty? Why would someone want to play them when you have access to so many good actually released games and tons of other shit to do with your life? Even if you are a game historian it takes a lifetime to just play all the good released stuff.

>> No.5739253

Obviously this thread wouldn't have happened in the first place if nobody wanted to play Labrynthe.

>> No.5739276

To preserve every game. The entire point of game preservation is to preserve every game.

>Dude, why do you care about videogames on a board about videogames?
As usual, /v/irgins have no actual argument, just shitposting and memes.

>> No.5739282

Fuck labyrinthe thats like some gay twinkletoed fairy shit, I still want THIS >>5734959

>> No.5739287 [DELETED] 

I am a fucking piece of shit faggot I have never had sex, I have only had sex had to me (by big black cumfilled cocks), I'm a nigger, a jew and a sperg faggot queer ccuck tranny

>> No.5739690
File: 2.76 MB, 3687x2602, mushidan.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good is subjective, some people enjoy playing games that are terrible
It's yet another crappy macromedia director game

>> No.5739696

Then buy it, it's 25 bucks

>> No.5739746

>macromedia director
The game engine of choice for true artists

>> No.5739763

Why? Imagine having the mindset that all drawings ever should be preserved or all songs, etc... What's the point?

>> No.5739852

So they don't get lost to history? On the off chance you aren't just pretending to not understand the point of history preservation, I'll try to explain in words you can understand.

If we don't preserve everything, then how do we pick and choose what gets saved and what gets lost? By what's currently popular? A specific level of interest from the public? Only the top 10 on a console are worth keeping? The people involved get to chose what is history for everyone else? Only games that were best sellers? Where the fuck do you draw the line? How do you justify your nostalgia for game X being more important than someone else's nostalgia for game Y?

And that's why preservationists try to preserve all of history, and not just a small part of it.

>> No.5739956

>Imagine having the mindset that all drawings ever should be preserved or all songs, etc
That would be ideal for history's sake. Imagine have all that from Ancient Rome, it would be awesome.

>> No.5739961

reminder that bakudd didn't care about any of the games people claim in this thread he was "saving", and when an outsider who was actually interested in a game he locked up he called them insane and mentally ill just for wanting to play a fucking specific video game. I get the arguments that we would have more stuff from him, but you can't argue that he was in the right. he's the insane one

>> No.5739979

He's been in this thread the last couple of days laughing at all of the crazy shit people have been posting about him.

>> No.5739989 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1563234856895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5740150

>he didn't care about these games
>that's why he hunted down the original devs to get a copy, ripped it, took the time to scan the manual and box art
>because he didn't care!
>he insulted people for showing interest
He called Saint an autist, after Saint went full retard and leaked shit all over his obsession over shortstack goblin macromedia game, I don't see anyone else saying he insulted them. Got any proof? HAHAHAH, why am I even asking? Fuck off Saint.

Oh god that would be amazing. Imagine all the graffiti of Socrates calling people boy-lovers.

>> No.5740160

lol, I bet baku hasn't played through any of those games. wanting to finish the last game in a series makes you an autist? I guess everyone who likes video games is one then

>> No.5740174

>ignores reason for insult
>makes up own reason
Goddamn, you do have the tism.

>> No.5740337

I refuse to believe that there exists 77 distinct individual people who care about anything posted in this thread, it reads like the same two faggots arguing back and forth with each other

>> No.5740542
File: 28 KB, 1176x147, Screenshot from 2019-07-16 05-44-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate hoarder/private tracker kikes as much as the next NEET, but Saint man, you already know you went about this the entirely wrong way, and posting here doubling down trying to hide your autism just makes you come up looking worse and worse. We got what we wanted already, just call the guy a faggot, cut your losses and move on.

>> No.5740636

My first post is 25% of the way into the thread, calling both baku and Saint faggots. Me and at least 2 other people have been trying to explain simple concepts to either 1 retard or a group of retards. Feels like slapping a blind person. I stopped posting about 60% of the way through, just posting again this morning. Shitton of posts, a lot seem to be /v/ tourists.

He reminds me of JD's autism.

>> No.5740891

saint only uploaded labyrinthe, frank cifaldi uploaded all the other games and he is unquestionably a 100% homogay dildo licker

for cabal cucktrackers you need a seedbox but RW is literally perma freeleech and comfy af, you sound pretty dumb also i got invited right away from their irc just mentioning i used to be on ug

lol i have a funny story about being interviewed by the turbosperg red moderator but i need to figure out how to change details enough to tell it without getting narced on by some of the spergs creeping this thread

>> No.5741240

solid 7

>> No.5741953

>got linked to this from sows
Holy shit this board is a trash fire. Fuck secret club niggers who hoard games but you aren't any better. If there's something undumped I want I buy it and share it as many places as possible, this ensures preservation. I've done this for quite a few albums and even bugged Japanese artists to get stuff released digitally in the past.

>> No.5742354

Preserving lost media is important. Media is history; It reflects who we were and where we are at that time.

It is estimated that 70% of all silent films are gone. Lost forever. Kaput. Producers of radio shows used to demand that radio stations that got their records must smash them and send them back the bits before sending a new batch of records. The BBC dumped thousands of hours of programming. A studio fire erased decades of recording masters.

The only way we can preserve our history is to spread it around; No one place should only have everything.

Our history is constantly being lost and we should cherish what is found. Just a few years back, a work-in-progress manuscript (a "beta," if you will) of Dungeons & Dragons was found amongst a bunch of cardboard boxes that had been sitting dormant for ages. The Blu-Ray remaster of the movie Blade Runner was only possible because the movie studio had erroneously forgotten to dump dozens of boxes of film material from the movie that was meant to be scrapped shortly after the movie was released.

Our history is priceless; The people who have lost the most know this the most.

>> No.5742372

Dude, you're trying to give your life some meaning to fill the void of not being a normal good person who has a good family, kids, real job, etc... Old shitty games that nobody wants to play aren't history or culture, same as some sketch an untalented artist makes shouldn't be preserved forever. All this shit will be lost again someday, it's pointless and a clear waste of life.

>> No.5742423

Stop projecting.

>> No.5742954

>Thinking the baitposter has a different schedule on weekdays

>> No.5743109

this is a retarded post but ironically there is actually is a guy on sows who has been able to get many albums digitally released but thats due to the fact he has connections in the japanese music industry, not some random nobody who autistically "bugs" people with pms on twitter or whatever in broken japanese

>> No.5743215

There are japanese artists and indie artists on sows you clueless twat

>> No.5743226


>> No.5743250

I agree but japanese don't care about preserving history, their entire culture is based on ephemerality

>> No.5743259

My question is, why do people who own these ancient games not want their shit everywhere? Nobody cares about piracy of 20+ year old games. Most of the rights holders for these things are fucking dead and gone anyhow. So what is the endgame here? Why not just dump them all enmasse? Are they really worried about piracy of a game not even sold anymore or is there sone kind of asshole ITS MINE shit at play here? Not saying they SHOULD dump everything or that people who leak shit are justified, just trying to understand why it seems to be a much bigger deal to these people than to anybody else.

>> No.5743290

This, no one is macking money on this shit

>> No.5743301

He did dump everything, read the thread before you post

>> No.5743304

I meant more in general, not this specifically, really. Why doesnt everybody just publically dump everything? Nothing seems to be stopping them other than their own desire not to. Thats what I was getting at, sorry if I wasnt too clear there.

>> No.5743305


>> No.5743313

There is literally no capital involved, you cant go to a store and buy this games.

>> No.5743324
File: 44 KB, 610x368, Df3nhnoU0AEYp6r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He asked me to delete that pic on discord just now

hold still

>> No.5743334
File: 54 KB, 604x453, notsureifbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5744001

Response of a child.
Anybody can get music released digitally.
Nobody gives a fuck about them, that's why. You also wondering why Flash games of websites for little children aren't being dumped and preserved?

>> No.5744002

>Flash games of websites for little children aren't being dumped and preserved?
But they are...

>> No.5744068

In this case, there were only a handful of games that were supposed to be kept "under the radar". Some of them were in there because the dumper paid a lot for them and wanted to make sure he got most of his money back before deflating the value by making the rip too easy to find. Others were given to him by the original developers and they asked that the games not be spread around too much for legal reasons (since they technically didn't own full rights to the game). In both cases, he still made them available in a small corner of the internet for people who really wanted them badly enough (with a disclaimer asking not to mirror them).

>> No.5744074

>Nobody gives a fuck about them, that's why. You also wondering why Flash games of websites for little children aren't being dumped and preserved?
You'd be surprised how many random defunct Flash games have communities trying to track them down because nobody saved them at the time. The reason that you preserve as much as you can is because you can never know which games people will suddenly care about two decades later.

>> No.5744089

Just stop responding to the moron. He got BTFO yesterday, and now he's changed to the argument that anyone who cares about preserving shit is somehow a damaged human because of it. Because screaming about people who are doing something you obviously don't care about is a sign of mental health?

>> No.5744161

>some random nobody who autistically "bugs" people with pms on twitter or whatever in broken japanese
It legitimately has worked for me in the past but you do you anon

>> No.5744173
File: 137 KB, 265x921, 1563022583126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakudd was dumping some childrens games going off this image. Ponkickies is a japanese sesame street type show and Niningashi is a math game for kids which I think he or someone else dumped on Macintosh Garden. I think domo kun is for kids too. Also when I looked at his thread on tokugawa forum he was talking about emailing some developers of old childrens games to see if they had copies left. So, at least one person seemed to care about them quite a bit.

>> No.5744225

This thread is boring, lets think of gross names for the people posting in it

Baku Pee Pee