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5731024 No.5731024 [Reply] [Original]

What are you playing right now /vr/?

Pic related

>> No.5731487
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1561867855250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which version of this game is the best? The android version looks fucking awful but I want a version that doesn't look and sound like ass but has post game content

>> No.5731491

GBA version with patches that make the sound and music more like the SNES version might be your best bet. I wish somebody would make a hack of the SNES version that adds Dragon's Den and the other extra stuff.

>> No.5731498

Alundra on PS1. The puzzles are fun, but the combat is a little bland. Great music and writing though.

>> No.5731513
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Taking a break before Dragon Quest V to familiarize myself with Pokemon Red. Never got the hype, but I'm enjoying it so far.

>> No.5731516

>Which version of this game is the best?
SNES w/ Woolsey Uncensored

>post game content
If you want Dragon's Den, get the GBA version with the sound and color patches as anon suggested:

>> No.5731571

FF Tactics for the first time. Mostly blind except for a quick guide on how to unlock jobs and a spoiler/warning about the Wiegraf fight. In Chapter 2 so far.

>> No.5731614

Pokemon Red on an emulator. I wish I knew if there was a way of linking in emulators.

>> No.5731706

OP here, playing the SNES version and having a good time, but I'm also not stressing over no post-game. Been on a steady march through late 80s-early 90s JRPGs, so been sticking to original console versions (with deloc, bugfix, etc patches)

>> No.5731709

OutZone and FixEight - I love getting drunk and playing run 'n guns.

>> No.5731724

I had literally just finished FF7 at the time OP made his post. I had played it when I was younger but got frustrated by the end when I learned how much crap I missed (and how much of the game was unrevisitable), but this time, I got pretty much everything I wanted and did pretty much everything there is to do. It's a neat game with a lot of flaws (particularly with writing), but I think the American/International version's de-emphasis on battling/encounters made the game what it is.

Also, emulators are the only way to do KotR-Mime spam against Ruby/Emerald Weapon. Also, KotR-Mime spam is cheap as hell, but whatever.

Also, Steal as well + KotR is literally the best materia combo.

>> No.5731748

The SNES version is the best one and post-game content is for fags.

>> No.5731842

I don't know if play the RPGone translation or just stick with woosley uncensored

>> No.5731915

i'm playing ff7 on the ps1 classic. the game seems to run fine.

i just got back to sector 7 after the don's crib.

i've been using a walkthrough for a complete playthrough (i've already beaten the game 4-5 times) but using a walkthrough makes the game kind of boring. i think i'm going to not look at it anymore and only use it for gold chocobo.

i mean, i'll miss some cool shit but i'll still be able to beat the game and the weapons.

>> No.5731916

The "classic" shmups haven't clicked with me but I've been trying

>> No.5731929

What have you tried so far?

>> No.5731940

Yes, there is. I used TGB Dual when I was a teen.

>> No.5731968

Megaman X3, just got done with the first two. So far X3 seems a little more difficult than them, or at least enemies seem to do more damage in general.

Are X4 and later ones worth it?

>> No.5731972

Just look up the missable items/materia, make a list, and play the rest of the game without a guide.

Also maybe look up the blue magic enemies since there are a few bosses that have learnable blue magic spells that are easy to miss.

>> No.5731991
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>> No.5731997
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Playing through Chrono Trigger for the first time right now. Combat is very fucking nice in this game. Not /vr/ but I had a blast playing through Luigis Mansion and Metroid Prime over the past few days. Having a wii with homebrew and a nice crt is goddamned fantastic. May try out Terranigma next or may do a run of Pikmin 2.

>> No.5732048
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About 3 hours or so into this

>> No.5732201

X4 is the best. I'm currently working on them in order on the collection for the switch. I felt like a casual for using rookie mode for x3 but I just wasn't having fun with it.
I'm near the end of x5 right now, it made some strange choices (limited number of times you can play a stage) but besides that it's fun

>> No.5732232

I'm playing Eiji Aonuma's Marvelous on SNES. It's neat.
Good choice anon, those games fucking own. RIP Toaplan.
X4 is good. Dunno about the rest.

>> No.5733995
File: 79 KB, 462x299, tumblr_nexsut47BE1sibomdo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Slader Glory for NES, with an English patch

>> No.5734016


the JP box art of the Breath of Fire games is so superior it makes me furious

>> No.5734059

Fallout 2.

Fast shot and gifted. I didnt dump stat anything so my special is like 5955599. I actually regret the high luck so far. I'm also really hurting for skill points even though I dont need to boost guns very high.

I am also playing with rough combat, but I had to drop it to normal or easy to get through the temple.

I'm disappointed the game already gave me a g11 and p90. I might leave them in the car and grab a FAL and grease gun.

I kept vic just long enough to repair the autodoc and generator in the gecko caves. Cassidy has a sniper rifle, sulik has a .223 pistol.

>> No.5734075

this is the psp version box for all versions worldwide

>> No.5734081

ff6 here too.
game's so fucking easy, why?
phantom train beaten in 2 turns, and it's not like I grind or anything.

>> No.5734110

Have you played 1.3 yet?

>> No.5734743
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>> No.5734902

Just got done playing the Gameboy version of Dragon Warrior II. It almost gave me an aneurysm.

>> No.5734916

SNES Woolsey uncensored. The added stuff in GBA versions are so underwhelming. It would only be for autists who *need* to comb over every little bit of extra content no matter how superfluous it is.

>> No.5734930

The SNES version has the best translation.

I'm not sure which version(s) fix the evade* bug, but gameplay wise I would choose that one.

*In the SNES version, evade is a dummy stat and magic evasion counts for everything. Makes items like the Aegis shield (high magic evade) a god mode item.

>> No.5734935

I like the idea of BMW making magic special, but the translation sounds like it's going to be awful.

>> No.5734972
File: 135 KB, 1148x789, goldeneye-007-nintendo-64-n64-016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GoldenEye. Please someone send help for Silo, I keep getting destroyed at the end.

Also how to git gud? The enemies seem to hit you at random and there are no ways to recover health, it's particularly frustrating in infinite respawning guard levels

>> No.5736109

Dragon Warrior 2 on NES. Grindy, but the gameplay is well thought out so as to keep things interesting, just like I had come to expect from the first game. Kind of disliked the first game due to how basic it is, so this is definitely an improvement.

Any idea if it's similar to the NES one or a different deal?

>> No.5736150

playing miscellaneous games on my Famicom, can't name a specific one

based, I just finished it recently, could be a little bit longer though

>> No.5736261

Be cautious in the early part of the level, you will need to have good health going into the final section - take your time but obviously you will still need to make the timer. Then near the end after Ouromov starts running just make a run for it to the elevator. Assuming you can do it on agent you should know where to go. Sometimes it's a good idea to peer out from corners and take them out, but if you're in an open area it's often better to just run for it. Like any good game there's no real secret, you will just get better over time.

Marc Rutzou got a world record on that level in agent recently. Supposedly he spent about two years and at least 450 hours going for it.

>> No.5736347

GBC DQ2 is a port of the SFC remake.
-Inventory size increased from 8 to 10
-Added a bank to store money and items
-Chance of enemies using devastating moves reduced
-Princess learns Zaoriku too (the resurrection spell with no failure chance)
-Zaoriku can be used in battle
-Zaoriku restores to full HP instead of 1 HP
-Some weapons and armor got buffed
-Prince can equip more weapons (e.g. Sword of Light & Loto's Sword)
-Begirama and Ionazun spells do more damage
-Can sell off stuff at any shop instead of just the item store
-Equipment store menu shows who can equip what and how it will change stats before you buy it
-Characters have an actual independent defense stat instead of defense just being agility/2
-Added stat-increase seeds
-Party members auto-retarget if an enemy was killed before their turn
-The MP-drain effect of Fushigi na Odori (Mysterious Dance) was changed from percentage to fixed, making it less threatening
-You get the world map in the dragon lord's castle
-Metal slimes & hagure metal slimes give much more XP
-Avoiding damage from poison swamp & lava areas required Lot's armor or the water robe originally but in the remake can be avoided with the Toramana spell
-Poison swamp tiles do half as much damage
-The final bosses no longer cast Behoma (full heal), though they have higher HP

>> No.5737006

Tomb Raider 2. The sunken ship levels are literally my favourite levels of any game I have ever played.

>> No.5737108

Tales of Destiny. I've never played a Tales game and I basically rolled a die to pick my next ps1 rpg. Combat is slower than I expected but I'm having a blast. I need to start playing more action JRPGs

>> No.5737216

Just finished Alttp this morning. Will start Link's Awakening today.