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/vr/ - Retro Games

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572438 No.572438 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite JRPGs?

Hard mode: no Final Fantasy
Nightmare mode: It has no sequels or prequels

>> No.572445

Live-A-Live all the way.

>> No.572456

Does "same series" count as a sequel? If not, Romancing SaGa 3

>> No.572472

I can't get into most RPGs because I hate excessive grinding, excessive random encounters and backtracking

>> No.572468

Very few. Favorite is Romancing SaGa 3, and I'm yet to find anything that compares to it really. I hate to say it, but a vast amount of JRPGs does indeed suck. I'm interested in Suikoden 2, that one looks pretty promising.

>> No.572479

not retro but Lost Odyssey

>> No.572481

>Hard mode: no Final Fantasy
Are you shitting on me? How is this any hard?

>> No.572474

Play some Ultima.

>> No.572483

easy. earthbound

>> No.572501


>> No.572493

Wow, that party is overleveled as FUCK.

>> No.572497

Compared to a Final Fantasy game, it's hard.

>> No.572510
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My favorite was Final Fantasy IV.
I've played through it on six separate occasions.
Twice for the original Super Nintendo, twice for the J2e translation of the original Japanese, once through the GBA version, and once for the PSP. I'm thinking of trying the DS version, after playing through the PSP version again.

It's my favorite game, period.
I'm sorry you think I'm a pleb, Anon.

>> No.572517

Illusion of Gaia

>> No.572518

Seconding Lunar.

>> No.572524

Psh, I'll kill of your nightmare mode easy:

>rudra no hihou
>FEDA: The Emblem of Justice

Also not hard mode but I love pretty much all the Dragon Quest games with a fiery passion up to and especially VIII.

>> No.572520


>looks pretty promising

Nigga you have no idea. At the risk of sounding like a raging fanboy, the game is great. It has a silent protagonist though, that turns a lot of people off from it, but it's a good turn based RPG with a good magic system, combat system(dem billions of combo moves between characters) and some good ass story on top of it, though a few things are worded strangely from translation/script errors. Actually just taking a break from this now before I go back to it.
You can push the muse-matilda border door to get to the other side. You can find wind hats from killing griffons.

>> No.572531

I think it'd be hard if this was /v/, I guess.

>> No.572547

Nightmare Mode:
Legend of Dragoon

>> No.572559

Is it at least somewhat nonlinear? Do the non-boss battles require at least something more than attacking and healing? Is it fast enough?

>> No.572609
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>> No.572612

Skies of Arcadia.

I don't care if it's off by one year.

>> No.572617

pretty much,
final fantasy is entry level Jrpgan

>> No.572668

Suikoden is turn-based, but it has some subtle things to it that speed shit up. For instance, if three people attack three different targets, they all animate at the same time. Also, if a battle ends before someone gets off a healing spell, they cast it anyway.

Wouldn't call it hard, but the boss fights are rather brutal, and in Suikoden 2 they can be pretty damn long if you don't have a good setup.

>> No.572706

>Treasure of the Rudras

YES. Thank you.

>> No.572731


Stirring, beautiful graphics and combat, unusual characters and an aggressively bizarre story? How can you pass that up?

>> No.572739

>What are your favorite JRPGs?
The SaGa series. They all hit the right spot, and mix things up enough to be really fresh, especially with character growth.

>> No.572743

Something that fits both criteria and is also true: Chrono Trigger

>> No.572745

Fuck RnH, one of the most boring JRPGs I've played. Good audiovisuals, but that's it. Typing out your own spells was a good idea, but it was implemented horribly.

>> No.572759

Maybe it is a language difference since it was mostly done with Japanese characters hence why one of the reasons why it wasn't localized (secondly since it came out near the end of the SNES life cycle).

>> No.572793

>Suikoden is turn-based
Turn based doesn't automatically equal slow if that's what you were implying, just look at Wizardry.

>> No.572803

Suikoden 1 and 2 are easily my favorite(s).

>> No.572804

My favorite as well. Is Chrono Cross considered a sequel though?

>> No.572814

It is once you play Radical Dreamers. CC had more to do with it than CT.

>> No.572806

Chrono Trigger had a sequel.
You might not want to believe it, but it's true.

>> No.572827

Chrono Trigger

>> No.572839

Chrono Cross is to Chrono Trigger what Prometheus is to Alien

>> No.572842 [DELETED] 

Mass Effect

>> No.572838

バハムート ラグーン

>> No.572843

Bahamut Lagoon?

>> No.572849
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Apt comparison

>> No.572854

Radical Dreamers looks pretty interesting. I'd never heard of it before

>> No.572861

No sequels or prequels? uhm Vay, i guess?

>> No.572870

>Hard mode
>No Final Fantasy
Should be easy mode.

>> No.572871

All my favorite JRPGs were made after 1999.

>> No.572867

Tales of Phantasia is probably the best RPG on SNES.

>> No.572878
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Final Fantasy 4
Hard Mode: Phantasy Star 4
Nightmare mode: Vay, I guess. Pretty much all really good rpgs have sequels.

>> No.572882

To be honest I find most SNES JRPG's somewhat dull. They really upped the ante during the PS1 era. Though I am not saying there are a few I really like on the SNES, just as a whole from the ones I've played I feel better I'd save my time and skipped them.

>> No.572895


I don't care for it. But then it's all about Chrono Cross and I fucking despise Chrono Cross.

>> No.572909



>> No.572904

Tactics Ogre.

>> No.572916

Not even a challenge.
Legend of Dragoon.

>> No.572926
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Grandia will always hold a special place in my heart because it was my first JRPG.

>> No.572931

Not related to the board per se, but TWEWY.

>> No.572938

This "hard mode" is really fucking easy.

Lufia 2
Suikoden 1 and 2
Mother 1/Earthbound
Dragon Quest 3 and 5
Wild Arms

>> No.572953
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>> No.572959
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Tales and Ys series

>> No.573018

Regular mode: Persona IS/EP

Hard mode: Persona IS/EP

Nightmare mode: 7th Saga or Radiant Historia

Novel-but-ultimately-not-terribly-good-mode: Paladin's Quest

>> No.573039

Suikoden II has been my favourite RPG since I played it.
Just playing through Xenogears right now for the first time, thoroughly enjoying it.

>> No.573051

Does Terranigma count as an RPG or is it more actoin/adventure?

>> No.573054

I ruined a good guide magazine for getting that out.

It was still worth it.

>> No.573056
File: 21 KB, 256x256, 256px-Legend_of_Dragoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nightmare mode achieved.
Has ANYONE else here played this? I haven't seen anyone mention it.

>> No.573060

Super Mario RPG

>> No.573071

>haven't seen anyone else mention it
>mentioned at least two other times in the thread

>> No.573083

>I feel ya dawg
I havent played that in ages, but I vaguely remember the (wind?) dragoon dying at the top of a tower, and I flipped my shit.

>> No.573097

I almost bought it for $20, but then I didn't.

>> No.573091

Yeah, that's a super obscure game from a no-name publisher. It went basically unnoticed and I doubt anyone's played it.

>> No.573109

It's mentioned all the time, a lot of people really like it.

I don't understand why though. I found it pretty mediocre.

>> No.573112

I think that was the only thing I didn't like about it was when he died and was replaced by the king. Lavitz was a bro.

>> No.573106


I actually own that game, and I have never actually played it.

I'm sorry.

>> No.573121

It had a Greatest Hits version, so yes, quite a few people played it.
It's one of the most reccommended jrpg's on the PS1.

>> No.573139
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I mean, you punch Hitler for fuck's sake.

It doesn't get any better than that!

>> No.573149

Mediocre, seriously? It's shit

>> No.573156
File: 21 KB, 353x400, DestinyOfAnEmperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destiny of an Emperor is an old favorite of mine. I don't know of any other JRPG that has hundreds of recruitable characters, including being able to recruit former enemies, to use for a mostly customizable party. Plus there's a small modding scene that has greatly expanded on the main game, improved the combat and made a lot more of the characters actually useful.

Also nightmarish mode: there was a sequel but it was never brought outside Japan.

>> No.573167
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The greatest

>> No.573185

This actually looks really interesting. Thanks anon.

>> No.573201

Beyond the Beyond
I hate myself

>> No.573226

My friend Black Matt borrowed that game from me when we were about 11-13. He was the son of a diplomat and was very well spoken for his age. We were friends of convenience because we both had the same bus stop so we would always talk to each other every school morning about vidya. I would go over to his house and we would play vidya. He had Mario tennis and Mario golf because his dad thought the other games would teach him bad life lessons or some crazy anti-family ideals. The dad was nuts about shit like that, but that is besides the point. When we would go over to my house we would play stuff like Crash bandicoot because it was pretty much the closest thing I had to a multiplayer game. Eventually, he would ask about my rpg collection. I showed him Wild Arms and your picture(>>573056)

He would come over to play the games and I would mostly watch him. He got to a point in The Legend of Dragoon where he couldn't advance because we would only be allowed to stay over for an hour or two. So I let him borrow my Legend of Dragoon and my PS1. 4 days later I get a call from him and he is balling his eyes out. He mutters to me as quickly as possible that his dad had smashed the the games and the system. Without hesitating I yell to my mom to fix this problem. She calls them, they talk it over. She calmly says to me that there is nothing we can do because they are diplomats and we can't press any legal charges on them and they aren't willing to fork over the money to fix my playstation and games.

I still have the broken legend of dragoon disc 3 in a storage locker.

>> No.573236

Right there with ya. I still have my original cart for that game back when I was just a wee young lad.

>> No.573238

Don't you mean Cool Fuhrer?

>> No.573272

Thousand Arms

>> No.573273

>FEDA: The Emblem of Justice
It has sequels.

>> No.573276

Oooooouch, that even hurts MY feelings. I'm glad I never had to deal with that shit.

>> No.573283 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 373x280, Persona-2-Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he wasn't cool in the original version.

Just regular everyday old Hitler

>> No.573304

Were you still friends with him after that?
I mean, it's not his fault his dad is fucking nuts.

>> No.573337
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Jade Cocoon.
It had a sequel, but it was shitty and I chose to pretend it doesn't exist, for the sake of lore.
Does it possibly count?

>> No.573361

ya, I still keep in touch with him through facebook
he lives in kenya now

>> No.573371

> sequel suckrd and doesn't count
Only if we can do the same for Legend of Legaia

>> No.573363

You do know that if he's a diplomat that shit like that reflects very badly on his country and you can report behavior such as this to the authorities and his embassy, right? Despite what Lethal Weapon 2 might have you believe, a diplomat doesn't just get to do whatever they want and 9 times out of 10 when you get law enforcement involved, they contact the diplomat's embassy and the diplomat ends up losing their immunity.

>> No.573379

I still got that one, complete with instructions and all.

>> No.573408

Hard mode is simple for me as my favorite jrpg is suikoden II.

Nightmare is a bit less easy but i would say legend of dragoon

>> No.573414

>implying any of that matters

That was the coolest of stories, bro.

>> No.573419
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Dragon Quest VII
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Pokemon Red
Final Fantasy V
Super Mario RPG

>> No.573452
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I really like Hybrid Heaven. It does have its flaws, but I like it for what it is. A RPG that mixes things up with some platforming and shimmying along with a natural growth system and learning skills from your enemies. Though combat is slow it is still very fun.

>> No.573481

easy mode: FFVII
hard mode: Chrono Trigger
nightmare mode: Vagrant Story

Mother series is on my to-do list

>> No.573484

Thousand Arms

I love it like you would a bad movie, the voice acting and entire concept of it all is so hilarious its good

Gameplay is entertaining too

>> No.573705

Amazing game, period. First JRPG I've played, and still my favorite.

Gotta get the GBA, PSP, and DS versions though.

>> No.573712

Love 'em, especially RS3 and SaGa Frontier.

>> No.573720

Great game, period. The only other one I've seen that combines RPG with fighting moves is the Warden class on LOTRO.

>> No.573758

Probably Xenogears, but I really need to play it again just to make sure it wasn't my 16 year old 2deep4u mind.

>> No.573770
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I'm still scared of going back to some games. Most jrpgs these days are for twelve year olds and all the jrpgs I loved the most are the games I played when I was twelve.

>> No.573773

This is the only choice, gentlemen. Not Final Fantasy, and no sequels or prequels.

Although I would sell my soul for one.

>> No.573794 [SPOILER] 
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i feel things for you, anon...

>> No.573809
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I loved that game.
I never beat it, got to the point were you choose classes, but then school started or something so I stopped playing

>> No.573813
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you made me believe you for a moment...

>> No.573824


>that look

Someone's trying to book a train to pound town

>> No.573972
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>> No.574581

Does Shining Force count?

>> No.574629

>Chrono Trigger had a sequel.
>You might not want to believe it, but it's true.

>> No.574639

>Beyond the Beyond
i knew someone would fuckin' say it


>> No.574656
File: 250 KB, 1054x992, Final.Fantasy.IX.full.109571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy IX.

I don't even care that it's easy mode or entry level. No game before or since has ever made me feel the way I felt when I first played this game. Every two years or so I go back and replay it, and it reaffirms my love every time.

There are better games. Much better. But not in my heart.

>> No.574695


>that fucking turrible character design


i understand it's a pretty good game but I just can't get past the furry/animu trope/superdeformed shit.

>> No.574706

It's called Final FANTASY for a reason.

>> No.574707

Just how it is I guess. If you can't play it, you can't play it. Goodness knows there's games I've never played cause I couldn't stand to look at them.

>> No.574718


What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

>> No.574719

Dungeon with Percy in it. Ya know the one where the floor eats you? Just close your eyes and remember it.

To this day I still don't know where I found the willpower to beat that game

>> No.574724

You know that pretty much everything in FF9 was a throwback or tribute to its roots, right?

>> No.574742

Dreamcast is retro.

>> No.574797
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Nightmare mode.

>> No.574795


Sure but the character design is still fucking awful. Never should have got rid of Amano. That was the beginning of the problems.

>> No.574827

>Never should have got rid of Amano
But Amano WAS the character designer for FFIX.

>> No.574852

>thinks Crystalis is a JRPG


>> No.574856


It's an AJRPG

>> No.574865

It has so much grinding it may as well be one.

>> No.574868
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>> No.574869


>tfw I find out you're right

I'm guessing they deviated a bit from his original work. I hope.

>> No.574881

Golden Sun 2

>> No.574887

just because an RPG or an ARPG was developed in Japan doesn't make it a JRPG or AJRPG

>> No.574894
File: 166 KB, 800x640, Amano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little bit, yeah.

FFIX was originally conceived as a gaiden game to the franchise, and a deliberate throwback to the more cartoony style of the older games. It was only much later in development (like FFVI) that it got declared an official chapter of the series.

>> No.574907

Dragon Quest

>> No.574908


>a little bit

Oh god that's so much better. Why did they change it to that terrible superdeformed nonsense?

>> No.574902


>A Role Playing Game made in Japan is not a Japanese Role Playing Game

the coolest of stories from the broist of bros

>> No.574934
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>tfw this is the only time I've ever liked either of these characters

>> No.574949

Tidus does actually look a hell of a lot more badass on that.

That was probably made before his personality was handled.

>> No.574957

Star ocean 2

>> No.574962 [DELETED] 
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Amano drew things he didn't even design. The guy's awesome.

>> No.574971

Same could be asked about the DS versions' artstyle.

>> No.574972


They needed superdeformed, cartoony characters for PS1 games because the pixelation was godawful. It's why FF8 looked like shit.

>> No.575024


Actually, just in terms of design (I despise the game) FF8 looks way better than FF9.

And now they could make a game that actually for real realized his designs. I want Amano-style pale girls and males who are pretty enough to be fun too.

>> No.575027

Jesus christ you can't be this stupid can you?

>> No.575041


>still talking to these people

>> No.575123


>kuja's almost visible junk with modern graphics
>delicious quistis with modern graphics

Various degrees of want, etc, etc.

>> No.575152

But that's true...

>> No.575280

Normal Mode: Final Fantasy Tactics
Hard Mode: Dragon Warrior III, Earthbound/Mother 2, Super Mario RPG, or Chrono Trigger
Nightmare Mode: The Legend of Dragoon, Vagrant Story, or Xenogears.

>tfw very indecisive.

>> No.575292


Xenogears technically has prequels.

>> No.575304

Wait, what?

>> No.575323


Xenosaga. It's an alternate universe but as blatant a rewrite of Xenogears Episode 1 as can be. It also explains a major plot element of Xenogears.

>> No.575341

I thought Xenosaga and Xenoblade were strait alternate universes, though.

They're made by the same people, sure, but I thought they had almost nothing to do with each other. Kinda like Final Fantasy.

>> No.575358


Xenoblade is completely unrelated in every way.

Xenosaga uses major plot elements, major characters, and even locations laid out in Xenogears and Perfect Works, and also adheres to PW's timeline. It was intended to be a complete rewrite of Xenogears as laid out in PW, but it got cut short.

>> No.575435
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Phantasy Star IV

>> No.575439

Huh. The more you know, I suppose. I never really noticed until now.

I guess my choice has been limited to Legend of Dragoon and Vagrant Story.

>> No.575694
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Earthbound all day.

>> No.575734

FF3DS comes extremely close to the Amano sketches with some characters, though they still end up using PSX proportions because the screen's so tiny.

Turns out Amano's character designs look almost as bad as Square's
Also, holy shit the new Desh is a huge faggot compared to the old version

>> No.575741

It's a tie between Dragon Quest VIII and Persona 4, but Earthbound would be my retro choice.

>> No.575903

>he doesn't know about Radical Dreamers

>> No.575925

If we're only talking retro, Chrono Trigger.
In general, probably Mother 3 or Thousand Year Door, assuming that counts as a JRPG.

>> No.575937

That, and Shining Force II.

>> No.576005

Fully aware of it. Saw the hidden ending at the end fo the DS remake too.

Doesn't invalidate what I said. Remember how CC had a subplot where Guile was him with an erased memory? Well they changed their minds and yanked it out. But later on...oh wait nope that really was him. No wait it wasn't....but only if this and this happens and...

Plus most people who liked CT hate CC

>> No.576046


I only wish they left a little more room for a sequel.

>> No.576108

Parasite Eve

One of the few JRPGs that cut out the bullshit filler and was just all plot. Lot of JRPGs starting in the Playstation era had a crap ton of filler to make them around 40-60 hours making the pacing feel horrible.

>> No.576156

Yes and it is over praised to hell and back. The game was really mediocre but had good graphics. The combat system had potential but they should have done more with it.

>> No.578041
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You barely even scratched the surface, man. Dharma temple is only like 1/5th of the way into the game, you should go back to it. The game might be long as hell, but when you finally finish, you get a satisfaction that is pretty much impossible to find elsewhere.

>> No.578059

Quest 64

>> No.578083

Lost Odyssey.
Win in both hard mode and nightmare mode

>> No.578096

Hard mode: Metal Max Returns

>> No.578126
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>> No.578152
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Nightmare mode: Liva a Live
Hard Mode: Mother 2 or 3.

>> No.578271
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hard mode: suikoden 1/2

nightmare mode: TERRANIGMA

>> No.578307



>> No.578415

Final Fa...

Legend of Legaia

>> No.579370

Tower of Rudras.

Some anon was doing it for the retro gauntlet on the SNES and it's quickly morphed into my favorite jRPG.

>> No.579407


Terranigma has two prequels

>> No.579920

That's my favourite in the FF series too, though there are a few JRPGs I prefer a little more.

Definitely try the DS version. I'm not too keen on the 3D because on the DS it just looks bad, but the difficulty is ramped up a lot, especially great since the original and other remakes I always found to be too easy.

>> No.579926

Chrono Trigger.

Definitely fits nightmare mode, totally.

>> No.579965

i see wut you did ther

Hard mode: Harvest Moon (what you play a role)
Nightmare mode: Legend of Dragoon
Nightmare mode runner-up: Brave Fencer Musashi

I don't want to hear any Samurai Legend bs either

>> No.579995

They are not really prequels though, just some references here and there, which is understandable since the games were developed by the same people.

>> No.580015
File: 33 KB, 250x357, 250px-Traysia_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traysia. Other than the lack of direction in the beginning it's got interesting characters, a good story, and bitchin' gameplay and environments. Easily my favorite Sega RPG.

Also, Chystalis. It had a remake, but no sequels, so there's two Nightmare modes.

>> No.580025

Earthbound and Chrono Trigger
>hard mode & nightmare mode are easy

>> No.580047

>What are Chrono Cross and Radical Dreamers?

You failed Nightmare, bro.

>> No.580067

Phantasy star IV
Nightmare mode: Skies of Arcadia ;_;

>> No.580062

>Chrono Cross

RD is a spin-off and not a (se|pre)quel

>> No.580076

Mah nigga.

>> No.580115

These are all 4/5th gen JRPGs I have ever played since 1991 when I started playing them via Phantasy Star 2 on my Mega Drive. Can't say I've finished all of them but I played them enough.

God tier:
FFVI, Chrono Trigger, FFVII, FF Tactics, FFIX, Xenogears, Vagrant Story

Very High tier:
Earthbound, Dragon Quest V, Der Langrisser, Alundra, Star Ocean 2, Breath of Fire III, Breath of Fire IV, Chrono Cross, Grandia, Suikoden II, Valkyrie Profile, Vandal Hearts II, Final Fantasy V, Ogre Battle: MotBQ, Tactics Ogre LUCT, Front Mission 2, Front Mission 3

High tier:
Front Mission, Dragon Quest III, Final Fantasy IV, Super Mario RPG, Illusion of Gaia, Lufia, Lufia II, Tales of Phantasia, Suikoden, Threads of Fate, Legend of Mana, Persona II E.P. / I.S., Lunar SSSC, Lunar 2: Eternal Blue, Wild Arms, Wild Arms 2nd, Dragon Quest VII, Brave Fencer Musashi, Vandal Hearts, Vandal Hearts II, SaGa Frontier, Legend of Dragoon, Tales of Destiny, Tales of Eternia, Parasite Eve

Okay tier:
Dragon Quest IV, Dragon Quest II, Star Ocean, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu III, Shadowrun, Terranigma, Soul Blazer, Legend of Legaia, SaGa Frontier II, King's Field, King's Field 2, Digimon World, Digimon World 2, Digimon World 3, Brigandine

Meh tier:
Dragon Quest I, Dragon Quest VI, Final Fantasy I, Final Fantasy VIII, Secret of Evermore, Jade Cocoon, Beyond the Beyond, The Granstream Saga, Azure Dreams, Arc the Lad, Arc the Lad II, Arc the Lad III, Hoshigami,

Low tier:
Dragon Quest II, Final Fantasy II, Alundra 2, Shadow Tower

Shit tier:
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, The 7th Saga, Quest 64

You will never play it tier:
All those jp-only JRPGs on the SNES.

>> No.580128

No wait, I forgot Panzer Dragoon Saga (High/Very High), which is also the one I played most recently, and Skies of Arcadia (High).

>> No.580142

Vagrant Story is not a JRPG, it's arogue fucking like, fuck.

>> No.580143

Are you playing the Mega CD version or what?

>> No.580152

Both are JRPGs. JRPG != turn based.

>> No.580161

Who ever said anything about JRPG's being turn based? If it isn't the Mega CD version of Shadowrun then it isn't a JRPG. One was made in Australia and another version was made in America.

>> No.580169

>kuja's almost visible junk

>> No.580171
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>out of his top 5 JRPGs, one is a strategy game, another is a dungeon crawler
Cool list, bro.

My top-5 JRPGs are River City Ransom, Castlevania II, Final Fantasy 1-9, Eihnander, and Bushido Blade

>> No.580168

>Okay tier
>FF tactics
>God tier
Only a neckbeard would place a turn based strategy in god tier. Your opinion is wrong.

>> No.580178
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>hard mode

Robotrek. First RPG I ever played, one of my favorites. I wish it was popular so they would remake it. In ways it was sort of ahead of it's time.

>> No.580180

Vagrant Story is turn based, but not a JRPG.

As said, it is a roguelike.

>> No.580187

It's a RPG. Not a standard one, but it is.

>> No.580197

>roguelike is a sub-genre of role-playing video games

>> No.580190

Regardless of the non-continuity, they're games from the same series. Kind of like Final Fantasy

>> No.580191

Sperg faggots detected.

>> No.580195

Yes, but not a JRPG.

>> No.580202

According to your idiotic logic, Parasite Eve and Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter aren't JRPGs either.

>> No.580203

Do you even know what a roguelike is like?

>> No.580205

Wait, there's actually a RPG on the N64 that isn not Quest 64 or Paper Mario???

>> No.580207

>I am proud of my ignorance.

Wikipedia can not be used as a source. Everything on Wikipedia needs to be sourced itself.

>> No.580221

>That backpedaling

>> No.580225

They are not JRPGs.


>> No.580215

>According to your idiotic logic, Parasite Eve and Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter aren't JRPGs either.
Parasite eve is a JRPG. Dragon Quarter is a strategy game.

>> No.580217

>dungeon crawlers
>not RPGs
Get a look at this faggot.

>> No.580218

>Made in Japan

It's a JRPG.

>> No.580230

You are literal-minded. It is a sign of low intelligence.

JRPG =/= RPG from Japan. It's a Japanese-style RPG, i.e. a Dragon Quest like game combining the Ultima overworld and Wizardry battles.

>> No.580231

Super Mario RPG is an easy start I'd say.

>> No.580226 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 285x272, sup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never played a pre-PS1 JRPG what do

>> No.580227

>Dragon Quarter
>strategy game
U wot m8

>> No.580235

Most aren't worth playing to be honest. The PS1 JRPG's are usually much better outside of a select few games on the SNES.

>> No.580236

>Dragon Quarter is a strategy game.
>Parasite Eve is a JRPG
>Vagrant Story is a roguelike

What the FUCK am I reading.

ALL of these 3 games have nearly the SAME type of gameplay. Parasite Eve served DIRECTLY as the inspiration and refinement for Vagrant Story.

ALL of them are JRPGs. ALL of them are RPGs.

>no permanent death, random dungeons, turn based movement
NONE of them is a roguelike.

>> No.580237
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>JRPGs are not RPGs
Holy fucking shit, what am I reading

>> No.580238

Have you played it? It is a strategy game. Battles have more in common with XCOM than Dragon Quest / Mother / Final Fantasy.

>> No.580247
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JRPGs are not RPGs. They are "Japanese-style RPGS". It's a historic misnomer. They are not RPGs and have never been.

Dragon Quest type of games have been called RPGs because of their ties with Ultima and WIzardry, even though no roleplaying was involved. Wizardry was borrowing elements from D&D, which is why it was marketed as a computer RPG.

JRPGs came to be knows as Japanese-type RPGs, although they are not actually role-playing games and never were.

JRPG =/= a role-playing game, period.

>> No.580246

It's amazing how there's always one retard who at any point in time believed JRPG served anything else than an indicator as to where an RPG was made. Here's a quick rundown for you 90s faggots, this is how all gaming mags operated in the 80s/90s:


Major subgenres:
- Action RPG (i.e. Dark Souls, The Witcher 2)
- cRPG: computer-based RPG (i.e. Planescape: Torment, Baldur's Gate 2)
- SRPG: strategy RPG (i.e. Final Fantasy Tactics, Ogre Battle)
- turn-based RPG (i.e. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy)

others (not vidya):
tabletop RPG
book RPG
live-action RPG

Place of origin:

>> No.580252

You are very wrong. Final Fantasy is not a "turn-based RPG". It's a JRPG. J stands for Japanese-style, i.e. Dragon Quest-type, not "made in Japan".

>> No.580262

>cRPGs aren't turn-based
What. Just. What.
What roleplaying? Have you even played those games? There wasn't roleplaying in Wizardry, there wasn't roleplaying in early Ultima either. If DQ is not an RPG series, that what is it? And what is Wizardry and Ultima?

The main difference here is that DQ is a consolized series - simplified, streamlined, easier to get into. Ergo, console RPGs.

>> No.580265

So there isn't turn based combat in Final Fantasy?

>> No.580272

JRPG is not a genre descriptor you fucking retard. It never referred to gameplay elements, despite your gross misconception, and you'd be hard pressed to find a single gaming publication who did so back then.

>> No.580269

What is ATB?

>> No.580273

What is Final Fantasy I, II, and III?

>> No.580279

Less than a quarter of the series?

>> No.580293

An atypical turn-based system, you fool. Where time never stops passing and turns are decided by a character's Speed.

>> No.580286

Your definition still doesn't explain those entries. You want to have a blanket term so you have to explain that.

>> No.580287

>There wasn't roleplaying in Wizardry
It borrowed mechanics and was therefore marketed as a "computer RPG". The term stuck. Horii borrowed it for DQ, and that's how DQ-style games came to be knows as Japanese-style RPGs.

They are not actually RPGs and don't necessarily ahve to be Japanese. They just have to ape Dragon Quest and it's successors in some form.

It's a genre, not a region.

>> No.580298

>JRPG is not a genre descriptor you fucking retard.
JRPG is a genre descriptor, period.

>> No.580294

ATB is turn-based. The only difference is every character has their own seperate turn.

>> No.580305

I didn't make up the definition, I'm a different anon.
But JRPGs also borrow mechanics from RPGs. I repeat, have you played Wizardry? On a superficial level, it plays very similarily to Dragon Quest 3.
So, kind of like how Baldur's Gate is turn-based?

>> No.580316

According to >>580246 , Baldur's Gate fits under both, cRPG and turn-based RPG, which is fine by me.

It's also a WRPG, but that has nothing to do with its subgenre, only place of origin.

>> No.580312

>But JRPGs also borrow mechanics from RPGs.
No. They borrowed mechanics from Wizardry, which in turn borrowed mechanics from D&D. Horii made Dragon Quest after playing Wizardry, not pnp.

Learn video game history.

>> No.580313

Well I was referring to his definition rather than what you were thinking.

Also don't forget how Fallout is turn based as well.

>> No.580320

Hard Mode: Chrono trigger
Nightmare mode: Soleil (but it´s an action Adventure like Zelda)

>> No.580317

>So, kind of like how Baldur's Gate is turn-based?
Yes, so? Being turn-based has nothing to do with it.

Being like Dragon Quest has everything to do with it. Or like Ultima, in the case of CRPGs.

>> No.580325

That guy is wrong on most counts. No wonder his definitions clash with reality.

>It's also a WRPG, but that has nothing to do with its subgenre, only place of origin.
No. Eastern countries can and do wrpgs. It's a genre.

>> No.580327

Shit, I remember Soleil. It was on the Mega Drive, right? I need to replay that.

>> No.580329

Wizardry borrowed mechanics from early pre-PC RPG games actually, such as the ones from the PLATO mainframes. And Might & Magic also wasn't directly influenced by D&D, but instead by Wizardry. Are the M&M games not RPGs now?
Turn-based RPG is a retarded classifier, period. There's too much overlap with everything else. Even SRPGs are turn-based.

>> No.580335


You're one of the retards who claims Dark/Demon's Souls are WRPGs, and the shitty EA LOTR game is a JRPG.

>> No.580336

>Wizardry borrowed mechanics from early pre-PC RPG games actually
Wizardry was using the barely modified D&D goddamn ruleset, son.

>> No.580340

>You're one of the retards who claims Dark/Demon's Souls are WRPGs
They are neither. They are action-rpgs.

Learn some goddamn fucking genre definitions already.

>> No.580343

Final Fantasy V.

Fuck your hard mode.

>> No.580347

Lufia II is the best JRPG ever made.

That satisfies "hard mode," at least.

>> No.580350

Your definitions are arbitrary, imprecise and shared by none. There's nothing to learn from your idiocy here.

If an RPG is made in Japan it's a JRPG, it's as simple as it gets. It's subgenre has nothing to do with it.

>> No.580356

>Your definitions are arbitrary, imprecise and shared by none. There's nothing to learn from your idiocy here.
Cool arguments.

My definitions are universal. They are only not shared by people who don't know the difference between a WRPG, JRPG, a dungeon crawler and an action-rpg.

>> No.580354

>Wizardry was using the barely modified D&D goddamn ruleset, son.
Why are the functionalities of the stats vastly different in the context of Wizardry then? Why isn't there actual roleplaying, and instead a model that's suspiciously similar to what's considered a JRPG even today? And how about you answer my M&M argument?

>> No.580363

Allow me to repost my own take on this dumb, recurrent and ultimately pointless discussion just so you fags stop making up assumptions about 80's games you've never even touched.

JRPG and WRPG are stupid classifications, especially the latter since implying that culturally different regions such as Germany and US are making the exact same kind of games just because they're "western" is kind of stupid. The separation of styles that give off the illusion of there being a "Japanese style" is actually due to the games being made more streamlined and easy to get into for console gamers. So in reality, it's more about computer RPGs vs console RPGs than west vs east. This is even more apparent when you take the modern big-cash (especially US made) "RPGs" into account; most of them are multiplatform, and they almost always indeed actually play like some odd bastard child of actual "WRPGs" and "JRPGs".

>> No.580368

>And how about you answer my M&M argument?
What M&M argument?

>Why isn't there actual roleplaying, and instead a model that's suspiciously similar to what's considered a JRPG even today?
I already explained that. The reasons are historical. The "JRPG" is a misnomer. As I already said. Google the word if you have to or something.

>> No.580382

>implying you are helping

>> No.580393

>>And Might & Magic also wasn't directly influenced by D&D, but instead by Wizardry. Are the M&M games not RPGs now?
You can't even read the very post you've replied to, pops?

>A game derived from and similar to a tabletop RPG
>A game derived from a game derived from and similar to a tabletop RPG
>somehow not RPG, despite including almost the same fucking gameplay elements

>> No.580397


>> No.580409

Yes, go slay god right now!


>> No.580415

>And Might & Magic also wasn't directly influenced by D&D, but instead by Wizardry. Are the M&M games not RPGs now?
What sort of argument is that? An argument must be for or against something. This is not contrary or in support of anything ITT.

What do you want me to contest here?

>> No.580412

Please tell me how classifying games as computer RPGs and console RPGs (historically made mainly but not exclusively by Japs since the majority of popular consoles are from Japan) is less accurate than WRPG and JRPG and how it doesn't clear up a fuckton of misconceptions that the separation accepted around here brings up.

>> No.580414

You have no arguments, proof or solid ground to stand. Let's review all your stupid claims ITT:

>Vagrant Story is not a JRPG, it's aroguelike
It's not a roguelike, you don't know what a roguelike is, and Vagrant Story doesn't have the elements of one.

>Vagrant Story is turn based, but not a JRPG. As said, it is a roguelike. fucking like, fuck.
Vagrant Story is not turn based either, you clearly have neither played it nor knows what a roguelike is.

>Parasite eve is a JRPG. Dragon Quarter is a strategy game.
Parasite Eve, Dragon Quarter and Vagrant Story share the exact same type of gameplay, and the same subgenre. You have played none of these games, and you don't know what any of those subgenres mean

>JRPG =/= RPG from Japan. It's a Japanese-style RPG, i.e. a Dragon Quest like game combining the Ultima overworld and Wizardry battles.
[citation needed]
Find a single published source claiming this exact description. You can't.

There's really no point in arguing with an autist making up definitions as he goes and sperging along the way, so I'm done. Bring back some actual arguments next time, if you can.

>> No.580427

/vr/ - related: Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals

>> No.580432

You said that DQ and JRPGs are not RPGs because they aren't directly derived from tabletop. Yet one of the most popular western "RPG" series (and a shitton of others, such as Bard's Tale, etc) has the exact same background. Explain this shit.

Also, what about "RPGs" that make up their own systems, such as Fallout? Are they not RPGs now?

>> No.580434
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>> No.580428

>Vagrant Story is not turn based either,
Wow. That's superficial allright. But it is. It is 100% turn-based, you just don't see the goddamn fucking ATB.

>Dragon Quarter and Vagrant Story share the exact same type of gameplay,
No. What? That is incorrect.

>> No.580429

No one said any of that. You should lay off the pot needles.

>> No.580430

Will do, sir!

>> No.580446

What are you implying? That there are no discussions concerning definitions of "JRPGs" in this thread?

>> No.580440

This was a pretty nice thread until the shitstorm happened. What a shame.

>> No.580441

>You said that DQ and JRPGs are not RPGs because they aren't directly derived from tabletop

I said JRPGs aren't RPGs because they involve no roleplaying.

>> No.580447

It is what happens when you bring in tier lists.

>> No.580450

>Also, what about "RPGs" that make up their own systems, such as Fallout? Are they not RPGs now?
Fallout apes GURPS, kid.

>> No.580458

>But they do allow roleplay, it just so happens that the role is already pre-defined
No, roleplaying is not a gameplay mechanic in Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy or their like.

>> No.580453

But they do allow roleplay, it just so happens that the role is already pre-defined

>> No.580454

Define roleplaying, and name a couple of (actual) videogame RPGs from the '80s that feature it. It seems to me that you're just full of shit.

>> No.580462

Apes, not uses. It changes a fuckton of things. You know, like Dragon Quest does in your opinion.

>> No.580470
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Congrats on shitting up a thread, you spergs.

>> No.580480

Yay, a fucking ribbon for us. Thanks, asshole.

>> No.580476

>Apes, not uses. It changes a fuckton of things. You know, like Dragon Quest does in your opinion.
Quite unlike Dragon Quest does, regardless of my opinion. Dragon Quest was never developed as a D&D game (unlike "Fallout the GURPS adventure") and lacks the most important elements of 1st ed. D&D combat, such as miniature-based battles.

>> No.580487

I am implying that your attempts to settle the shitstorm are both amusing and fruitless, and that you are wasting your breath, so to speak.

>> No.580496

>Fallout the GURPS adventure
>The computer game publisher Interplay licensed GURPS as the basis for a post-nuclear war role-playing video game (Fallout) in 1995. Late in development, Interplay replaced the GURPS character-building system with their own SPECIAL System. According to Steve Jackson, "The statement on the Interplay web site, to the effect that this was a mutual decision of SJ Games and Interplay, is not true. [...] We are not clear what their proposal to finish and release the game without the [GURPS] license entails, for us or for the game, and have absolutely not agreed to it." [17]

>and lacks the most important elements of 1st ed. D&D combat, such as miniature-based battles.
Which Wizardry and a shitton of games derived from it ("tr00 RPGs with roleplaying") lack too. Your point just went out of the window.

>> No.580512
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>Which Wizardry and a shitton of games derived from it ("tr00 RPGs with roleplaying")
I neer said any of that.

What other imaginary shit are you arguing with? Spill it the fuck out before it's too late.

>> No.580521

You said that Wizardry is an RPG because it's derived from tabletop RPG systems. Then you said this >>580441

>> No.580536
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Let me explain it to you. Again. In bullet-list form.

1. Wizardry borrows D&D elements. It's not an RPG, far from it. But it calls itself one, because D&D it took the battle system from is that.

2. Horii plays W. and Ultima and decides to combine the two.

3. No roleplaying is involved in Dragon Quest, which is the (superficially_ Ultima-type overworld + Wizardry-type menu-based battles.

4. DQ borrows the term "RPG" from Wizardry. Neither is one, because neither employs roleplaying as a gameplay mechanic.

5. These are all historical reasons. The terms are misnomers.

6. Since Dragon Quest is a Japanese game and is being marketed as an RPG despite being one, it's clones are also called JRPGs (or jsut RPGs in Japan).

7. They become a very well defined genre that spawns a lot of similar games with various gimmicks.

8. So then.

>> No.580557


>being marketed as an rpg despite being one

You should probably quit while you're ahead.

>> No.580558

>1. Wizardry borrows D&D elements. It's not an RPG, far from it. But it calls itself one, because D&D it took the battle system from is that.
You've said in >>580476 that the most important element of 1st ed. D&D is miniature-based battles. Wizardry didn't have that, Wizardry had the same fucking shit that appeared in DQ.
>3. No roleplaying is involved in Dragon Quest
Once again, no definition of roleplaying included. Instead of defining it, how about you explain what is DQ lacking in order to be classifiable as a roleplaying game in your eyes.
>4. DQ borrows the term "RPG" from Wizardry. Neither is one, because neither employs roleplaying as a gameplay mechanic.
So now neither of them is an RPG. Okay...
>5. These are all historical reasons. The terms are misnomers.
Misnomers used even today and still useful for classifying and separating a certain gameplay style from the others.
>6. Since Dragon Quest is a Japanese game and is being marketed as an RPG despite being one, it's clones are also called JRPGs (or jsut RPGs in Japan).
How is this different from the West?

>> No.580583

>Wizardry didn't have that
Wizardry had D&D stats, races, the class system, the inventory system and the two magic systems from 1ed D&D, though.

>Once again, no definition of roleplaying included.
Role-playing is self-definitive.

>Misnomers used even today and still useful for classifying and separating a certain gameplay style from the others.
Yes. They are genre definitions today. That's why it is incorrect to call "rpgs from japan" JRPGs.

JRPGs, due to the reasons I explained, are actually Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy clones, not "rpgs from Japan". For historic reasons that I explained.


>> No.580593

>How is this different from the West?
No different fromt eh west. It's a genre definition that is only related to regions historically.

Like a german shepherd. It's neither, you know? But they were shepherd dogs, and there's a German breed.

Do you udnerstand?

>> No.580602

JRPG=An RPG from Japan, creates no problems so I don't see why some people have such a hard time accepting it.
You have sub-genre like tactical RPGs, roguelike RPGs and action RPGs, but if they are made in Japan, they always carry some signifiers which indicate that it is a JRPG and the same goes for WRPGs.

>> No.580607

Dragon Quest is a console-style RPG nig nogs.

If you go by region, it's a JRPG.

>> No.580617

>JRPG=An RPG from Japan, creates no problems
Only if you're really ignorant.

A western-made Dragon Quest clone is still a JRPG, despite the region. WHOOPS.

>> No.580625

>Jellyfish is mae of fish and jelly, creates no problems so I don't see why some people have such a hard time accepting it.
Ignorance is bliss.

captcha: ofCours honors

>> No.580632

>Wizardry had D&D stats, races, the class system, the inventory system and the two magic systems from 1ed D&D, though.
Might & Magic, Ultima and a fuckton of RPGs of that time didn't though. I'm not that much familiar with D&D1, but it had Vancian magic right? It isn't used in Wizardry 1-5, those have a magic system that's identical with Final Fantasy 1. Inventory system is the same in JRPGs too, most stats are also the same. Wizardry had a luck stat instead of charisma. Also many more classes to choose from.
>Role-playing is self-definitive.
Nice dodge. How about you answer the second half of what I posted there.
>JRPGs, due to the reasons I explained, are actually Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy clones, not "rpgs from Japan". For historic reasons that I explained.
Are Dark Souls, Vagrant Story, Seiken Densetsu 3, Unlimited Saga etc. DQ and FF clones too?

>> No.580637

No it's a WRPG aping the style of JRPGs.

>> No.580642

Then what game IS an RPG? And why is it such?

>> No.580639

>Might & Magic, Ultima and a fuckton of RPGs of that time didn't though.

1.Wizardry is not an RPG.

2. But they called it an RPG.

3. I'm providing their reasoning.

Are we finally clear?

As I said, Wizardry is not an RPG, but borrowed the term for marketing, because they borrows elements of the system.


>> No.580651
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>not putting Suikoden II in elder god tier

Other than that nice list.

>> No.580646

What if the country of origin is unknown?

>> No.580649

>Are Dark Souls
>Vagrant Story
Dungeon crawler.
>Seiken Densetsu 3
>Unlimited Saga
JRPG. Overworld is unique, combat is pure JRPG

The games in the different genres from DQ and FF are not their clones, no. And the special games from one of the more unqiue directors is not a direct clone either.

>> No.580653

Vagrant Story

>> No.580656

hard mode: Persona 3.
Nightmare mode: The last oddeysey i guess.

>> No.580658

Then it is a Dragon Quest clone.

>> No.580660

>Then what game IS an RPG? And why is it such?
Many WRPGs are role-playing games, because role-playing is an actual game mechanic.

An example of role-playing in a game: dialogue trees that can solve game problems, awards like XP boosts for roleplaying your class/race/etc in the story, etc..


>> No.580661

>Vagrant Story
>dungeon crawler
Do you realize that "dungeon crawler" is a term used for Wizardry clones?

Unlimited Saga's combat plays vastly differently from DQ and FF.

>> No.580665

So Katawa Shoujo is an RPG? It has dialogue trees, C&C, all that stuff, you know...

>> No.580670

>Do you realize that "dungeon crawler" is a term used for Wizardry clones?
Yes. It's silly, but I purposefully decided against calling it's real genre out (the roguelike), because the other guy flips his shit when I call it that, and I don't want to discuss that genre also.

>Unlimited Saga's combat plays vastly differently from DQ and FF.
A lot of things in Unlimited SaGa is different from most games ing eneral, including other SaGa games.

>> No.580671

Bravo. Finally a person with some semblance of sense has spoken.

>> No.580668

It's a console-style RPG.

>> No.580674

>So Katawa Shoujo is an RPG? It has dialogue trees, C&C, all that stuff, you know...
I never played it. Is there roleplaying as a game mechanic? If there is, it is an RPG.

But I thought it was a VN, i.e. not a video game at all.

>> No.580682

Console-style RPG would be less of a misnomer, but it's not the term that is being used.

In fact, since DQ et al are not RPGsm and platform is barely relevant at all, it'll still be just as much of a misnomer, so no, bad idea.

>> No.580689

>Vagrant Story
Holy shit, do you even know anything about roguelikes at all? Vagrant Story isn't even proper turnbased. No random generation of dungeons. No character creation. No tile-based world structure. Highly limited interactivity outside of combat. Action game elements. It's like you don't know what you're talking about.
>A lot of things in Unlimited SaGa is different from most games ing eneral, including other SaGa games.
So is it an RPG or not?
You've just described the roleplaying genre as something dependant on elements irrelevant from videogames, so I don't see why it wouldn't be a videogame.

>> No.580693

>Vagrant Story isn't even proper turnbased.
Yes it is, and it even works on a checker fucking baord if you look closely. Don't get fooled by bells and whistles that easily.

But, as I said, I don't want to discuss yet another genre with you.

>> No.580695

So really, what the fuck should we call these games?

Can't use and classification of RPG, because none of them are RPGs apparently. Turn based action strategy grind run and bump games?

>> No.580705

>You've just described the roleplaying genre as something dependant on elements irrelevant from videogames
If it's irrelevant from video games, then it's not a video game.

But games can and do use actual roleplaying as a gameplay mehanic. I don't like it, but Baldur's Gate etc. has actual roleplaying, and so does P:T. There is real gameplay in the way you perceive your character's personality.

>> No.580714

I personally'd stop calling something a role-playing game simply because it uses exp/levels/stats/has an inventory, because none of that has anything to do with roleplaying.

But that's wishful thinking. The fact is, Dragon Quest clones came to be called JRPG outside Japan, and RPGs in Japan, and that's a historical fact to be accepted. Even though they are not RPGs and never were.

>> No.580717

>FFVII in god tier
Stopped reading.

>> No.580723

But only the environments are tile based. You don't move tile by tile. And it isn't turnbased really, it's more like RTwP than anything.
>I don't like it, but Baldur's Gate etc. has actual roleplaying
But it doesn't. You're just picking one from a set of prescripted routes, not actually acting out how you perceive your character should act. You're not actually roleplaying, and proper roleplaying is impossible to do in singleplayer games (even singleplayer tabletop, by the way).
Perfect. What is your favorite turn based action strategy grind run and bump game, anon?

>> No.580729

He also has DQVI in "meh" tier.

>> No.580738

*interactive storytelling, not roleplaying

>> No.580734

>I personally'd stop calling something a role-playing game simply because it uses exp/levels/stats/has an inventory, because none of that has anything to do with roleplaying.
It has a fuckton to do with roleplaying, since those elements have existed in actual tabletop RPGs from the very beginning. This is what separates RPGs from any other form of interactive roleplaying really.

>> No.580736

>You don't move tile by tile.
You do! The enemies track you by tile. You are in the range if you are on the tile, no matter what part of it.

The game only pretends you ahve free movement.

>> No.580737

Alright then, you can call 'em turn based action strategy grind run and bump games, I'll call 'em console-style RPGs and everyone can call them whatever they want and we can all be happy, right?


>> No.580746

>It has a fuckton to do with roleplaying, since those elements have existed in actual tabletop RPGs from the very beginning.
Those are the elements from wargames. They have nothing to do with roleplaying.

D&D/Chainmail was a wargame with RPG elements originally. Roleplaying was it's primary gimmick.

>> No.580750


They are called JRPGs. It's a misnomer, but that's how it is.

Just don't take the term literally. It's not "an rpg from Japan", it's a Dragon QUest / FF / Mother type of game.

>> No.580762

>No, they track you by their spherical fields of vision, and fight within their spheircal fields of action
Of course not. You're the only one using those spheres.

>> No.580754

>The enemies track you by tile.
No, they track you by their spherical fields of vision, and fight within their spheircal fields of action. You do too.
>Those are the elements from wargames.
From which all RPGs originate from.
>D&D/Chainmail was a wargame with RPG elements originally. Roleplaying was it's primary gimmick.
And roleplaying as such is impossible to translate into a singleplayer RPG. So, they're all "Wargames" now and the only thing we should call RPGs are MMOs and MUDs?

>> No.580757

Lucienne's Quest

What's my hipster-fueled prize? Do I get anything better if I actually own it?

>> No.580771

>And roleplaying as such is impossible to translate into a singleplayer RPG.
But it can. Baldur's Gate, Fallout and even Dragon Age have roleplaying. You can improve or otherwise your situation through roleplaying a better or worse person, etc..

These games do simulate playing with a game master.

>> No.580773

Even if this was true, you're still avoiding the tilebased structure. And what about the other points? VS doesn't even have random generation of any kind, how is it a roguelike at all?

>> No.580789

They throw a few paths at you from which you can pick from. That's not roleplaying. You're not acting out your character, you're fitting him into one of a few predefined frames that the authors had prepared for you. Kind of like Shin Megami Tensei

>> No.580797

>. And what about the other points? VS doesn't even have random generation of any kind, how is it a roguelike at all?
It is a roguelike with pre-generated mazes. ADOM wouldn't change it's genre if the mazes were all the same every time, and neither does Vagrant Story.

Yes, Vagrant Story is pretty simplistic and forgiving, but it still is a roguelike. Because of that all, though, you may argue that it's hardly one. You may if you want put it in a seperate genre, but if you msut classify it, it's a roguelike and not a JRPG.

>> No.580803

It's a simulation of roleplaying. As good as it can get with a computer.

I never said it was brilliant. I dislike computer RPGs. They are a thing, though.

>> No.580806

What does VS have in common with roguelikes that JRPGs don't have in common with them?

>> No.580817

super mario RPG?

>> No.580819

Direct control in battles, for one. No Dragon Quest-like seperation between the field and battle arena. Focus on the inventory instead of charater stats.

>> No.580837

The SMT series "simulates" roleplaying just as well. DQ itself also gives you an illusion of choice quite often, sometimes actual choices. So much for the argument that JRPGs aren't RPGs.
>Direct control in battles, for one.
How is VS's system "direct control"? Are ARPGs even more of a roguelike than VS?
>No Dragon Quest-like seperation between the field and battle arena.
Again, ARPGs. And loads of western RPGs. Pretty sure a few Japanese ones in there too.
>Focus on the inventory instead of charater stats.
This is hardly defining anything. There are plenty of roguelikes that focus on stats instead of inventory. Not everything is Nethack.

>> No.580859

>The SMT series "simulates" roleplaying just as well.
So it does.
>DQ itself also gives you an illusion of choice quite often, sometimes actual choices.
No. DQ does not give you any choices. There is an occasional prompt, but it is not an element of gameplay. You just have to pick the right answer.

>Again, ARPGs.
They arne't JRPGs, though, and barely share elements with them. Vagrant Story is not an ARPG either, because it has turn-based combat (camouflages with real-time running that doesn't actually influence battles).

>Focus on the inventory instead of charater stats.
This is hardly defining anything.
Well, I may have to agree.

>> No.580898

>No. DQ does not give you any choices. There is an occasional prompt, but it is not an element of gameplay. You just have to pick the right answer.
Not true. While a lot of them are "duds", there are actual choices to be made in the series. I haven't played them all, but DQ7 had a plenty, and DQ3 had one right at the very start (if you refuse to go to the king several times, then your mother will leave you alone), another one from the game that comes to mind is how you could become a king if you wanted to, even those this was effectively a "dead end" in the game.
>They arne't JRPGs, though, and barely share elements with them. Vagrant Story is not an ARPG either, because it has turn-based combat (camouflages with real-time running that doesn't actually influence battles).
The combat in VS isn't that much removed from combat in the Seiken Densetsu 3 for example at all. Is SD3 a roguelike?

Plus, roguelikes have no "direct battle control". You pick a choice and the character acts it out in an abstractly portrayed manner (such as "tiles bumping into tiles" combat). Hardly direct control. Unless by direct control you mean that your characters aren't AI based, which includes the vast majority of JRPGs.

>> No.580903

*even though

>> No.580910

>Lufia 2

Glad I'm not the only one.