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File: 217 KB, 388x331, snatcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5723545 No.5723545 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best version of Snatcher for EOPs?

>> No.5723547

Isn't only one translated?

>> No.5723576

The one where you stop being an EOP.

>> No.5724336

The one that's in English.

>> No.5725338
File: 10 KB, 436x122, snatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.5725435

Life is too short to learn ancient languages. Obviously by your bitterness you’ve come to this realization as well. I’m sorry you wasted yours.

>> No.5725451
File: 44 KB, 640x420, snatch this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5725460

Weebs absolutely BTFO.

>> No.5725570

what the hell does EOP and ESP even mean I don't keep up with you bastards new speak and I googled it and nothing of importance comes up.

>> No.5725651
File: 32 KB, 1440x1080, Snatcher_(NTSC-J)_[KMCD2002]-190709-161049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5725658
File: 26 KB, 1440x1080, Snatcher (Sega CD) (U)-redump-190709-163025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just play'em

>> No.5725662
File: 14 KB, 256x212, 1557462085330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5725713
File: 20 KB, 1440x1080, Snatcher_(NTSC-J)_[KMCD2002]-190709-161922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they gave this dude a five head in the PC-Engine version.

>> No.5725721
File: 18 KB, 1440x1080, Snatcher (Sega CD) (U)-redump-190709-165136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, comparing it the Sega CD version it seems like the American team had time to clean up some of the bad drawings as I noticed a few like with Mika and Gillian on the conveyor belt or how they fixed the foreshortening when Gillian poses with his Blaster and how Harry's front pocket is positioned wrong

>> No.5725736
File: 37 KB, 1440x1080, Snatcher_(NTSC-J)_[KMCD2002]-190709-161811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same with the sound when navigating the menu, in the PC-Engine version when you select something it makes a light thing noise while in the sega cd they changed it to a loud boop sound and also the obvious marilyn monroe poster changed to madonna

>> No.5725775

Sega CD. It was late enough that it shipped with all of the content, but early enough that it wasn't censored to hell and back like the PS1/Saturn version (The very small amount of censorship can be bypassed with a simple passcode if you care)- and the game is available in English.

>> No.5726216

english-only peasant
no idea

>> No.5726220

And is a pretty solid localisation on top of that.

>> No.5726227

Based and slam dunk pilled.

>> No.5726237

>The very small amount of censorship can be bypassed with a simple passcode if you care.
Fuck me. How have I gone this long without knowing this? What does it uncensor? Alice twitching?

>> No.5726268

It's ESL, i.e. English Second Language. EOP is pretty much used to refer to anyone who doesn't speak Japanese, even though it literally means "English Only Peasant" and ESL means we knows languages other than English (in my case, I'm a native Spanish speaker).

Then again, one could argue that since videogames are pretty much divided between "released in English" and "Japan only", EOP may as well mean "can only play English games peasant".

Pretty much any game not released in English that is from a country other than Japan is not worth playing.

>> No.5726290

>Pretty much any game not released in English that is from a country other than Japan is not worth playing.

That might not be true, but it's fair to say in discussions where the word EOP is used they're ignored.

>> No.5726392

There's no uncensor code in the Sega CD Snatcher. I don't know why people keep spouting this shit when it's been disproven for decades now. The only thing entering Konami in Jordan does is that it plays a tune, but it's the same for all the version of the game.

What was censored isn't that much anyway. A scene that had a dying dog with its organs exposed was altered so that the dog is already dead, a dead snatcher has its breasts exposed and a shot of Katrina's bare buttocks was covered by Gillian's head when he walks into her showering in his apartment. Also, they replaced all the movie/TV show cosplayers in Outer Heaven with Konami characters, but kept the bartender dressed as a Metaluna mutant for some reason.

Story-wise, they changed a few names and character designs, and they also moved the year of the story from 2042 to 2047, which messes the timeline a bit (but it's not really that noticeable if you're not paying too much attention). They also added a few extra scenes in the ending to cover all of the game's loose ends, which Kojima wasn't too fond of apparently.

>> No.5726528

And they changed a few things too in the localization like how Gibson ate buffalo but in the original it was whale meat and a dish they serve in one region in Japan (some kind of dumpling you dip with a sauce) was changed to Neo Kobe Pizza.

>> No.5726830

>And they changed a few things too in the localization like how Gibson ate buffalo but in the original it was whale meat
I never understood why they made this change.
>and a dish they serve in one region in Japan (some kind of dumpling you dip with a sauce) was changed to Neo Kobe Pizza.
It was ネオコウベ焼き/Neokobeyaki in the original, which is a fictionalized meal based on Takoyaki.

The Japanese version has more options that allows Gillian to act more like a sex pest (at one point you even get to show the "proof of your manhood" to Katherine).

>> No.5726948
File: 16 KB, 1440x1080, Snatcher (Sega CD) (U)-redump-190709-163410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the takoyaki more but i guess they changed it to pizza to diversify the setting

>> No.5726962

>which is a fictionalized meal based on Takoyaki.
Wrong it was Akashiyaki. Which itself is a variation of Takoyaki so the meal does exist.

>> No.5727035

I'm guessing Blaustein was too lazy to explain what a Akashiyaki was to the player, but Neo Kobe Pizza is such an odd name.

I was under the impression it was a bit different from actual Akashiyaki. I know the recipe was posted somewhere.

>> No.5727225

The also changed Katrina's age since she was 14
in the original iirc.

>> No.5727647

what is the best way to play this game in english?

>> No.5727712

(((Blaustein))) that's your problem.

>> No.5727746

Download the Sega CD version and emulate it or burn it to a disc if you have a console.

>> No.5727759

How do I burn it?

>> No.5727798

EOPs praise Blaustein all the time, but seeing his work on Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and then playing the JP original makes me realize why Kojima kept him on leash in the first place.

>> No.5727891

technically SD Snatcher, which was ironically one of the first retro games to be translated to english by a fan-team

that one actually had a semblance of an "Act 3" and proper ending before the pc engine remake came out

>> No.5727970

The MSX2 Snatcher also had a fan-translation. Technically, the PC88/MSX2 Snatcher was not unfinished, they deliberately left out Acts 3-5 from the game in order to save them for a potential sequel, but Konami abandoned that plan due to how long it took them to make the first half. That's why they made SD Snatcher instead.

>> No.5727974

Get a blank CD, bin+cue.

>> No.5728008

I thought Neokobeyaki was a take on okonomiyaki, which is often called "Japanese pizza." If I'm correct, and I'm not saying I necessarily am, Blaustein's choice of calling it "Neo Kobe pizza" wouldn't be too far off, right?

>> No.5728715

Does she hate foreigners?

>> No.5729042

Well she is a Jew.

>> No.5729112

wow there is a Snatcher game about me!

>> No.5729601

I don't know why people here get their panties in a knot when they see the term EOP thrown around.

Nobody is saying that there aren't any good non-English video games outside Japan, but the majority of the older Japanese video games are unlocalized and even the few that were are compromised in so way or another. You either, learn the language yourself and experience the game without the aid of a translator or just wait for someone to do a fan-translation.

>> No.5729739

>Well she is a Jew.

She is basically Jewpanese.