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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5720867 No.5720867 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Guilty Gear, /vr/ ?

>> No.5720984

yeah but only the new ones.

>> No.5720997

>the only games in the series worth talking about are not /vr/
>actually only the very first game is /vr/
take this to /v/

>> No.5721167

It could use less adolescent animu faggotry but it's aight

>> No.5721174

guilty gear x wasn't that bad, definitely a gigantic improvement from regular guilty gear missing link on ps1 but the series didn't get good till GGXX and #Reload. Love it though. Awesome characters, voice acting, incredible soundtrack, a cool story mode that allows for multiple endings depending on the choices you make and sometimes how you do in a match. multiple costumes per character. shit never gets old.

>> No.5721179

I gotta give props for Missing Link for being as completely FUCKED as it was in terms of balance and yet still selling enough that it could merit a sequel that fixed all that shit.

>> No.5721216
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I love Guilty Gear, but it's pretty hard to deny that its success as a series is basically a huge fluke. Quite glad that ArcSys was willing to give a young, inexperienced Ishiwatari such an opportunity to express his vision.

>> No.5721229

Good production values can carry a game; it's not even a bad game really in terms of technical mistakes or clunkiness at least.

>> No.5721231

At the same time, infamously the Instant Kills have "no penalty" compared to the heavy nerfing they got in later games.

...and that still doesn't even hold a candle to the fact that someone actually greenlit Chaos Mode.

>> No.5721349

Yes it's fucking awesome but I suspect /vr/ doesn't actually play it

>> No.5721747

Baiken is bae

>> No.5721789

I had played GGX on a friend's Dreamcast then decided to give the original a try on my Playstation. What a disappointment and it's just utterly broken. Well, it still has decent visuals and a good soundtrack going for it.

A few years laters I played lots of #Reload with coworkers and it remains my favorite fighting game.

Jam is even better. She's the perfect blend of cute and badass.

>> No.5721821

it really isn't until XX (which isn't on any /vr/ platform) that Guilty Gear stopped being entirely retarded as a series
like, X is still tons of fun to play and you can do all kind of dumb bullshit, and the original on PS1 is stylish and has the best soundtrack in the series (would actually play it more if insta-kills didn't immediately end the match)

but XX is when move properties started to make any sense whatsoever

>> No.5721834

Not even worth discussing any game before reload and even that game had retarded slayer infinites

>> No.5721841 [DELETED] 

Poor-man's Vsav.

>> No.5721869

but I like it precisely because it's so broken
balance is fucking boring

>> No.5722051

Not even comparable and gg is 1000x the fighting game that qbee/wolf mash will ever be lmao

>> No.5724025

i find funny that they added missing link to the anniversary bundle instead of #Reload or X