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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5713402 No.5713402 [Reply] [Original]

Why do fighting game fans shit on single player modes? What fighting game are u playing?

I'm playing Waku Waku 7 by myself and it's a lot of fun, I tried hardest difficulty setting and it's brutal. I think doing a 1cc no-miss would be pretty impressive.

>> No.5713427
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waku waku 7 is a lot of fun, though politank-z is absolute bullshit.

currently playing samurai deeper kyo for ps1. i recommend it even if you've never read the manga/watched the anime. i certainly haven't and i'm having a blast

>> No.5713430

Thanks m8, checking that out now.

Also I'm trying to find a rom of Chaos Breaker, wonder if it's good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crI1Q0IqOeU

Looks interesting

>> No.5713447

Samurai Deeper Kyo starts pretty good, but then they pull bullshit like a nurse that eats people with her body, a guy with a huge gatling cannon and other stuff (mind you, it's supposed to be a serious samurai-era story). By the end you're just laughing at the trainwreck.

>> No.5713451

>Why do fighting game fans shit on single player mode
are you fucking retarded

>> No.5713452


>> No.5713456

Single Player teaches you bad habits. Even a simpleton would be able to find flaws in AI, flaws that do not exist when fighting a human opponent. There's also a certain cadence that an AI has.

The story modes can be pretty cool, but fighting the CPU is a bad habit that should be curbed.


>> No.5713471

Fighting the AI lets you practice quite a few useful skills, reaction time, combos, hit confirm, countering, etc Even if the mind-games and general strategy are very diffferent. That's taken into account.

I used to practice the shit out of CVS2 at home on dreamcast, single player, and I did pretty good at my local arcade, definitely saw improvement

>> No.5713474

Anything you learn from a single player match you can learn more from multiplayer, it's less of an issue nowadays but I'm from a time where most of my fights were in an arcade so you could ask for feedback the moment the match is over.

I've always wanted to play more of this but was surprised there was no online scene for it. Last Blade 2 was another one, getting people to play them is like pulling teeth.

>> No.5713476

Red Earth / Warzard is a pretty fun single player fightan game.

>> No.5713478

It's hot garbage. At least it's the third best CPS3 game since that board only had 3 games (and 4 revisions of the same 2 games)

>> No.5713480

Anyway Tobal 2 roguelite mode (fan translated) is still the hardest single player fighting game for retards experience ever made. Once you beat the game you unlock a 100 level dungeon you need to do in one sitting which is possibly one of the hardest vidya achievements ever and if you're a masochist you can capture enemies with limited movelists and use them.

>> No.5713482

I'm from a time where most of the people at my arcade were asian tourists, or ESL asians who could barely speak english. So I was either playing against the AI for practice, or playing against dudes who could just say "ahhh, okay" or "no goodo"

>> No.5713483

Testing it out now, it's pretty hard on normal settings, getting walloped. And the default setting is Survival mode, so I can imagine hardest dips are really brutal

>> No.5713504
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Play her game

>> No.5713529

Arina Beam

>> No.5713546

>though politank-z is absolute bullshit.
holy shit you're right, but still fun to fight

>> No.5713572

>Samurai Deeper Kyo
>When the main character's motivation is ass and titties, and that bald bad guy that later joins the good guys is constantly trying to get under the main girl's kimono.
I dropped the manga after the fifth volume and never returned.

>> No.5713936

>Why do fighting game fans shit on single player modes?
Because most of them are shit with the AI reading your inputs. They also have an issue with AI opponents being overpowered. They're just not balanced in the way that other arcade games are.

>> No.5713950

Is this true? I beat KOF95 Rugal, AoF2 Geese, Kaiser Knuckle General, Battle Coliseum Neo-Dio.
Never had that much trouble. Maybe if you stop being a retard and stopped using mix ups against a mind reading opponent.

>> No.5713975

Obviously multiplayer is superior for fighting games, but I've always had fun with single player too. I love beating the games with everybody and seeing all the different endings.

>> No.5714021
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Apparently new AI can adapt and learn and create interesting challenges.

They put an AI against the top DOTA2 players and it crushed them.

>I've always wanted to play more of this but was surprised there was no online scene for it.
There were a couple people playing it on Fightcade today, was fun. But ya, it's mostly dead for online

>> No.5714032

>They put an AI against the top DOTA2 players and it crushed them.
Also I should mention they didn't program it with any strategies or rules, it simply learned by playing thousands of games via trial and error.

>> No.5714183

It's funny that this is considered a new feature because I recall Tekken and SoulCal in the arcades had a card system where you could upload ghost data and it would roughly use your fighting style + your costume.

>> No.5714198

the main point of fighting games is the multiplayer, so if a developer spends too much time and resources on the single-player the hardcore fans will always see it as a waste of time.

>> No.5714203

These games are made for hardcore autists not normal successful people. No wonder they're dead.

>> No.5714209

Go play Street Fighter Zero 3.
Put on max difficulty.
Fight against Guy or Blanka.
Wait for them to grab you.

(The CPU can take 3/4 off your health with a single "beatdown" grab). Also, on almost every CAPCOM fighter, upping the difficulty makes the CPU take less damage and you more.

>> No.5714210

They were made for normal people, then those normal people dropped them and went to chase the latest trends cause they're fickle. Say what you will about autists but they're reliable.

>> No.5714217

>They put an AI against the top DOTA2 players and it crushed them.
The AI knows everything that is happening all at once, this is not fair. This is akin to a fighting game AI reading your inputs. Now if they could make an AI that processed visual cues just like a human, I would be surprised. That kind of AI they always flaunt about on articles is like a god inside a machine.

>> No.5714221

I guess you shouldn't let them grab you then. WHOA what a difficult concept.

>> No.5714224


no, they're made for a time when arcades and local multiplayer were the norm. if you can't find someone to play with, fighting games are extremely boring. and 90% of the time, online play is too laggy to be satisfying.

>> No.5714228

I noticed them that and I checked, turns out the neural AI they used has access to only same information available to a human player. It's still cheating since it can have perfect reaction times and never mess up execution though.

>> No.5714236

I'm saying that the CPU can do something the player can't do.
By the way, the tech out of 99% of your throws.
And again, this just shows that fighting against the CPU is a bad habit.

>> No.5714237

That I completely agree with, but make no mistake, developers knew casuals liked single player modes.
It would be a stupid business decision to ignore a significant portion of your audience when they are so easy to please only to cater to a small group of manbaby autists.

>> No.5714242

It's almost like, the CPU isn't like a human player and you should use different strategies against them rather than insisting on mix up mind games like an idiot.

>> No.5714251

That's a lie made for the article. It's not processing visual cues. It's processing information from the game itself, fed directly to it. It's like a permanent aimbot.
Yeah, it learned through trial and error, but it's still a god inside a machine. At the end of the day, it's just calculating things really fast, with data the human player has no access to.

I say that because there was an article yesterday about AI "dominating" at CS:GO. People in the article understandably commented: "but isn't that just a bot?" We have bots since, like 1996? And you can make them godly because they can see the whole map at once. What people don't understand is that AI doesn't have "line of sight". The game effectively transfers information to the AIs directly. What the developers do is to actually LIMIT what the AI is seeing, usually making them ignore everyone outside a certain radius, or it would be completely unfair. There are a ton of games with shitty AI where the bots headshot you from the other side of the map. That's because developers didn't limit the AI. They're gods inside a machine.

>> No.5714259

Which is exactly what the second poster argued about. You shouldn't get into the habit of fighting AI.

>> No.5714261

No it wasn't that sort of AI. It didn't even know the rules of the game or have any strategies preprogrammed in it. It functioned like a retard learning the game and through trial and error it became a super genius at dota2. Google the article it's neat.

>> No.5714264

Only if you're a loser weirdo who cares too much about proving something at videogame tourneys.
Normal attractive people plays the AI and casually against friends. Most of these games are so obscure they have no competitive scene anyway.

>> No.5714276

Fightcade has decent activity for a bunch of retro fighters. Kof2002 has 120-220 players.

I played a bunch of Jojo matches there and got invited to the discord, discord has over 2300 people online. And it's a game from 98. Very surprised.

>> No.5714286

That's a good point, I love using bosses with infinite super bar against friends in 98UM, I love 2002 Magic Plus with HSDM spam anytime and I love playing KOF95 with infinite SDM cheat (so you can circumvent charging), I love reverse dramatic battle in SFA3 and I love playing SF2 Rainbow Edition. You can't have silly fun modes in a tourney setting because tourneyfags are humorless faggots who never fulfilled in life so they resort to virtual achievements no one cares about. Kill yourself.

>> No.5714294

Single players a little annoying in general. Since a lot of fighting games contain things like reads/mixups it just feels like a guessing game against an AI. AIs will sometimes have bullshit reaction times, but also sometimes not be able to deal with the most basic kind of offense.

In a multiplayer match you can "train" your opponent act a certain way, and right when you think they've figured you out you switch up your tactics at the last second. Fighting game AI (in my experience) rarely works like this. They'll fall for the same shit over and over, but they're also capable of reading the buttons your pressing, meaning that an AI is simultaneously much better and much worse than an actual player would be. Its like playing against a child but they have psychic powers.

>> No.5714301

You don't sound too fulfilled. Why so bitter?t

>> No.5714302

Speaking of KOF96 I love how tourney champions can't figure how to dodge tornados against Goenitz.
Nigga just press a+b and don't throw or he'll counter ya.

>> No.5714306

To be honest I'm a little bitter because no online or tourney in the world will bring back my highschool friends who played as terribly shitty as me.
But my point stands, you can't use bosses in a tourney and 98UM and 2002UM have entire teams comprised of super powered bosses. THAT'S BORING vidogames are supposed to be fun.

>> No.5714317

If you can no miss the AI on hardest dips with multiple characters you're going to gain a lot of skills, muscle memory, frame understanding, punish understanding and combo abilities.
The mind games won't be the same, but this isn't about winning evo. It's still a way to practice against casual online players

>> No.5714319

The problem is that you keep thinking of the cpu as a normal human match. You should think closer to pattern looping Abigail in Final Fight than mind reading Third Strike Daigo.

>> No.5714325

This, it's just like a puzzle with execution requirements

>> No.5714326

Fun is relative.

>> No.5714329

I like playing against the computer, and if I find a low ping opponent online that's fun too.
It's not either/or, you can do both.

>> No.5714336

I had fun once and I hated it. But nothing is more infuriating than other people having fun incorrectly.
Look at these idiots enjoying themselves the wrong way.

>> No.5714726
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>Why do fighting game fans shit on single player modes?
People that do that aren't they're subhuman trash.
>What fighting game are u playing?
Tobal Nº1 quest mode, fucking roguelike nigga.

>> No.5714756
File: 2.50 MB, 800x450, SFA3 Chun-Li vs Blanka.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy that actually defends A3

>> No.5714759

>Beware of traps!
The game was ahead of its time.

>> No.5714763

There's a Samurai Deeper Kyo video game? Jesus...the anime was terrible. Also it's in no way supposed to be a "serious samurai story"

>> No.5714765

I must have played at least 50 hours of SFZ3 on my PSX before discovering the handicap on higher difficulties. See that green part of the health bar going down slowly (to signify big damage)? In max difficulty, there's no such thing. The lifebar goes down all at once to give you the illusion of damage, but you're actually doing less damage.

Another CAPCOM game that has handicap on difficulty is SFEX2. On Hardest, you do 0.5x damage, and the CPU does 1.5x.

>> No.5714768

I remember doing a tournament with all the monsters you could capture. The crystal monsters with floating crystals around it was cheap as fuck, ended up winning.

>> No.5714776

This game is pretty god tier if you don't consider V-ism, characters have tiny differences that make them stand out, even taunt moves have their place. I don't know how I used to play it though, it feels so fast paced to me nowadays.

>> No.5714781


On the zoomer logic that playing the AI is cruise control for scrubdom... Back in the 90s everybody has been playing the single player modes. It wasnt until champion edition that arcade goers realized SFII is a versus game too. Some fighting games like fatal fury 3 are geared towards single player experience. Others are absolutely no fun in single player mode. Since the AI is button reading like a mofo.

The bullshit notion that fighting the AI makes you a bad player comes out of the shoryuken dot com community. Its pretty idiotic. since the better players instantly adapt to any opponent/style they are faced with. Thats the top skill in fighting games, being able to adapt.

>> No.5714791


>> No.5714795

Mortal Kombat is the worst single player game ever. I think the most balanced of the initial trilogy was 1. 2 had ungodly button reading (it could counter throws even after dead!) and 3/UMK was cheap as fuck after the second opponent.

Specially on 3/UMK, if you don't use some kind of exploit, you're pretty much fucked. Everyone's favorite exploit is Smoke's flying kick/teleport punch.

>> No.5714807

It's a weird ego/insecurity thing. They have to be constantly in competition with somebody and constantly trying to be better than others. It's not limited to fighting games, but it's spread acorss all multiplayer genres.
Waku Waku 7 owns btw, at least the original and not the shitty saturn port which i paid money for :(

>> No.5714861

>and 3/UMK was cheap as fuck
Mortal kombat does that. Samurai Shodown 3 does it too. The AI blocks almost anything and punishes mercilessly. These are no fun at all in solo mode. Maybe that was their way of saying, feed me two coins instead of one or i'll fuck you up.

>> No.5714913

>It's a weird ego/insecurity thing.

Absolutely. The desperate need to dominate eats at their very core. Its like i-may-be-a-loser-in-real-life, but hey i am a god in this game. The games industry knows this too by now. And they design online games around that dynamic alone.

>> No.5714935

lmao what a trash post

>> No.5714938

this board has some pretty cool people but you guys are absolutely not qualified to talk about anything competitive.

>> No.5714982
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>> No.5715046

Congrats! You won the award for the most retarded post of the year.

>> No.5715057
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yes, its a well known fact that it took years for scientists to find out that street fighter 2 actually had two player capabilities.

>> No.5715070

>bat tops
>diagonal button placement
I hope all those cabinets have since been recycled into sewage piping.

>> No.5715081

Was it autism?

>> No.5715097

Can you describe in a whole sentence which part hurt you where?

>> No.5715131

>>bat tops
can't play without my wine-glass grip and wrist snaps
(not being sarcastic i need that shit)

>> No.5715160

I have always enjoyed single player fighting games.

>> No.5715223
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Because the AI is a joke and doesn't play like a human opponent. It does retarded shit immediately sweeps you if you try to throw, or whiff punishes jabs with supers, then lets itself do nothing for 10 seconds. It will teach you bad habits. It does not teach footsies. It is a waste of time. The only singleplayer content that matters is training mode, to practice combos, setups, record, and study match ups.

The beauty of fighting games is how skilled opponents adapt to what you're doing and can be conditioned or baited into behaving a certain way. Or the footsies/neutral game, where you try and score a hit while positioning yourself in such a way that your opponent's attacks will whiff so that you can punish them. Putting a retarded program in a loop, or just dping on wakeup over and over just isn't how good players behave.

If you played nothing but singleplayer, even for a thousand hours of autism dedicated to one game, a decently skilled vet from your closest FGC local could obliterate you with 5 hours in that game.

Game collectors and retro gaymerz are especially brain dead and don't understand this. They have zero skill and keep a bunch of saturn ports around, bringing up muh sprites and muh snk while they don't even play the games because they only play JRPGs and platformers. Which is ok, but don't buy up actual arcade boards and hardware so you can put it on a shelf or play it like one of your stupid JRPGs and then act like you know about the genre. This is while those of us that love fighting games try our hardest to get others to play them and actually create a community instead of jerking off and posing. If you claim to love KOF and make threads about it, but you can't do a basic combo with kyo or iori, you're a mongoloid. Start practicing, start playing against real people, and stop being a fag. Until then, shut up, and your opinions are meaningless.

>> No.5715261

>tfw too autistic to show up at the closest FGC or play online
Did anyone else have this issue when getting into fighting games?

>> No.5715270


Players like you never get far in ranbats or tournaments. You are stuck on your level, unable to see past your own ego and compensate with second hand knowledge. Its throughly enjoyable to take bloated posers like you apart and watch them blow up. But dude enlighten us, how you think how the rest of us has to enjoy their fighting games. And sorry if i hurt your delicate pro-gamer feelings.

>> No.5715312

if fighting gamers are so cool how come all the ones that turned designer have made such shitty games for the last 15 years

>> No.5715320


That david serlin game? lol Yeah, that was shit.

>> No.5715353


>> No.5715468


>> No.5716943

Smash brosh if all things had the right idea, design a party game with popular characters and let the community fix it for competitive. Let your consumers do your work for you, now dance fuckers, dance.

>> No.5716962

Let's be frank incels like to talk big but most of us are trash in these games. We are elderly slobs with decreasing reaction times, it wouldn't make any difference playing the cpu on lowest difficulty since we're all trash anyway.
Order Sol is just hard enough for me.

>> No.5716963

smash should not be competitive period

>> No.5716969

just use precog to cover your reaction times doofus

>> No.5716978

reaction times matter less than you'd think and competitive play can be easier than fighting the CPU as you can pick another beginner to play with.
thats a way better experience overall and really follows the spirit of the arcade.

>> No.5717294

The largest asset for fighting games is remaining calm, which is usually held by the old more than the young.

>> No.5717865 [DELETED] 

ere's a dirty little secret, most people don't care if you play the CPU. They just pretend to be hardcore badasses on 4chan to get a ruse out of newfags. Most of us are terrible players and that's fine because it's just a game.

>> No.5717871

Here's a dirty little secret, most people are bad at videogames and don't care if you play the CPU. They just pretend to be hardcore badasses on 4chan to get a ruse out of newfags. Most of us are terrible players and that's fine because it's just a game.

>> No.5718014

being a hardcore gamer isn't about being good or bad, it's about being totally serious and intentional about the way you spend your recreation time and trying to have fun in the way that best suits you

there are a lot of people who say all kinds of dumb shit but all of that is totally fine because

its just a videogame

videogames definitely are real, but not being real is what makes them beautiful

>> No.5718059

Because the computer is trash compared to a real human player. Seriously it's not even the same game playing against the computer: humans are so much better and can learn new techniques that didn't even exist when the programmers made the game ai.

1P mode isn't even good for practicing before fighting a human.

I don't even know why fighting games bother to include a 1P mode. Just leave it out, noone who knows anything about fighting games will touch it with a 10ft pole.

>> No.5718063

The Computer cheats, because it can read your inputs, and block your moves before you even have a chance. Playing against a human is more fun because it's fair. You get a fair matchup, not a computer with 10000000x faster reaction speed and ability to read your inputs befoe you're finished making them.

>> No.5718078

Reaction speed is actually not that important in high level fighting game gameplay (at least for any well designed game). Frame perfect execution like daigo's is not required at all. Far more important is being able to read your opponent and do the correct counter move more often then they can. If they do rock you do paper, if they do paper you do scissors you do rock, and if they do paper you do scissors. The timing windows aren't that precise, if they jump and you do a shoryu, you're going to fucking clock them, no matter if it's a few frames late.

In short fighting game masters don't react... They predict.

>> No.5718080

this is some serious AI cope

>> No.5718520

>join match on vs. cabinet at arcade
>other player doesn't play again, computer opponent appears
>start panicking and shrieking in fear
>can feel my hard-earned skills slipping away
>learning hundreds of bad habits by the second
>fall out of my chair and run to the bathroom drenched in sweat
>vomit into the toilet and spend the next 30 minutes crying about all that I've lost from playing an AI

>> No.5718542

Do yourselves as favor and read the manga.

>> No.5718553

everytime you weren't fighting vs and owning the cabinet

you wwere supposed to be perfecting your skills and 1ccing the gigawing or raiden cabinet next to it, even better if it was point blank or time crissi or virtua on or bust a move or tokyo tanks instead

you were the warrior on the battlefield no matter which frame you were challenged in

>> No.5718557

Shit man, the Third Strike candy cab at my local is next to fucking Cruisn' Exotica. You want me to climb in and out of that between matches?

>> No.5718558
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pros practice against the AI all the time, there's no "training stages" in the arcades so you gotta be creative in how you practice against a live CPU, but it's still viable.
there's more to fighting games that 100% mind-games and footsies, stop being a goober.

>> No.5718561

>1ccing the gigawing or raiden cabinet next to it
>going broke practing shmups on cabs

>> No.5718610

shut up fag, modern arcade games have training modes.
you people are fucking clueless.

>> No.5718639

>modern arcade games have training stages
neat, my point still stands, playing vs comp is fine practice and can be fun

>> No.5718642

your point does not stand you fucking idiot.
your only argument was refuted.

>> No.5718645
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>put in quarter to play a vs game
>other guy loses and leaves
>now have to waste my money on shit shit input reading CPU
I'm glad arcades are dying.

>> No.5718647

>pros play training modes
you just proved my argument even more.
training modes are AI not pvp lmao

>> No.5718648
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this thread is garbage.

>> No.5718649

>he can't dominate the AI on normal settings
absolute joke

>> No.5718653

I actually play fighting games, not rng single player garbage

>> No.5718657

so this here is actually the most casual board or what

>> No.5718659

Yup without a doubt, /v/ and /vg/ actually play games despite whining

>> No.5718661

probably because its collectors.
truly despicable people. they dont respect the medium.
own multiple boards for old fighters but cant press one bnb.

>> No.5718664
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>I actually play fighting games
>gets schooled by CPU on normal settings

>> No.5718692

post you 1ccing kof cpu bosses or fuck off forever

>> No.5718704

No the point is YOU should post that video in your defense, if you actually play KoF games regularly, I've never not 1cced a fighting game I was into, on hardest settings.

>> No.5718705

nice dodge

>> No.5718709
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>/vr/ even dodging the cpu

>> No.5719418

>pros practice against the AI all the time
they literally don't, what the fuck?

playing against the cpu is worthless

this, it's truly pathetic

>> No.5719810

>Why do fighting game fans
>fighting game fans
stopped reading. you clearly don't understand fighters.

>> No.5719834

how do you think people trained in the st2 days, you fucking retard? of course tournament players played against the ai to practice combos on the home editions

playing against the ai to train muscle memory is not the same as playing against the ai to train strategy

>> No.5719902

Playing against AI is great if you want to decimate a game. I am good enough at most of the fighting games to beat them easily. VS other living human beings is where your skills develop. My group of friends from highschool had been playing MVC2 up until a few years ago, and the level we are on is out of this world. We are good because we play other humans. Every single one of us can do absurd combos, and in a way the match is decided by who makes the least amount of errors. Its an interesting meta, and there are few titles that I am at that level.

>> No.5719905

I think you're mentally fucking retarded.

>> No.5719940

i know you're a dipshit that won't bother to fix your shitty memory, but there's plenty of video evidence of 3s/st2 tourney players grinding on arcade mode of home editions for practice

no fucking shit playing against ai doesn't teach you how to beat humans, no one is making that strawman argument except you shitbrains, but doing c.mk into a super confirm is the same vs ai and vs humans

>> No.5720172
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>/v/ says /vr/ is casual
>meanwhile on /v/, pic related and most posters agreeing
/v/ is hardcore, that's why they like the easiest games the most. Yep. Now I think about it, that would explain why VN's, Turn based strategy games, and casual shit like Smash and Pokemon are so popular on /v/.

>> No.5721596

/v/ produced tournament winners in fighting games.

>> No.5721628
File: 64 KB, 768x614, retro gaymer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ and /vg/:
>redblade (best unist player in america), cloud805 (marvel god), broski (2nd best sfv player in the UK), u4ick (netplay hyde god), luvcheez (extremely good at mvc3), lolimaiko (vatista player), ghodere (tekken tournament player), and multiple tekken players

>35 year old fat collectors that only play against the CPU on the saturn version and actually think they're skilled even though they can't even do a basic combo but think they're REAL FIGHTING GAMES FANS for posting sprites and pictures of their CRTs even though they would get raped by anyone in the FGC

Hmm I wonder who is better at fighting games and who I should listen to? Maybe you should stop shitting on /v/ since they actually produced fighting game champions? Wanking to sprites and talking about SNK lore doesn't make you a real fighting game fan, it makes you a casual and a secondary.

>> No.5723637

damn, harsh but true

>> No.5725296

What counts a miss in a fighting game? Losing a round?

>> No.5725818

>Daigo stayed in the SEGA Arcade near his home for as long as he could playing against other people in VS and Champion Edition until closing time
>AfroLegends went to a friend's house every day to practice ST2 on an arcade machine against his buddy
>Tokido and Nuki exclusively played in arcades against challengers
>Riz0ne played on MAME for a short time before being given a copy of ST on the Dreamcast exclusively for the training mode when he couldn't play against people in tourneys
>eltrouble played the arcade versions at 7/11 and the SNES port with friends as often as he could
You can find all of this with a quick Google search you lying piece of shit. Top tournament players don't practice with AI because it's a complete waste of time. The computer jumping around and constantly smacking you while you're working on getting a 5 frame DP out isn't conducive in the least.

>> No.5725887

All these fighting games are dead outside of SF or Tekken anyways

>> No.5725927

/v/ and /vg/:
>too high iq to enjoy current gen, too low iq to enjoy retro
>finds no joy in vidya anymore
>can only experience fun vicariously through watching other men play videogames
>obsess over tier lists and "the meta"
>actually plays vidya
>has a backlog big enough to last a lifetime
>not concerned with anything other than appreciating the games as they are