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5708409 No.5708409 [Reply] [Original]

Are source ports just as bad or worse than emulation?

>> No.5708414

Most mods/fan works are an abortion. I wish the cinematic mod was a one off but most of these people think they can do a better version than the original developers.

>> No.5708417
File: 99 KB, 1024x768, doomsday-engine-linux-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just depends. Usually worse.

>> No.5708423

No, but I don't have anything against emulation in and of itself either. In regards to sourceports I really just like ones that get old games to function on modern systems. Maybe higher resolutions or better mouse support and potentially bug fixes but no more. I don't want any creative liberties, either in terms of graphics or gameplay/balance.

>> No.5708441

This. Just make it run and enjoy.

>> No.5708449

Just as bad. Why the fuck would you play anything but the original? You're not playing the real game and you know it.

>> No.5708465

I wish there was more effort going on in keeping the source ports feeling like the original. Most seem interested in expanding the feature set but there's a real delight in playing the real thing as it was 20+ years ago.

>> No.5708470

source ports are fine when they dont add extra bullcrap and are literally just porting the code to a more modern OS or different device, abortions like your image im assuming is darkplaces are worse than emulation tho imo.

>> No.5708704

Fan ports are like the most zoomer thing you can do lmao.

>> No.5708724

Depends on the progger. The SDL port of Blakestone ran slower than on DOSBox even in the same resolution. Not sure if that port used the source code though.

Best source port I've ever played would be Star Control 2/ The Ur-Quan Masters.

>> No.5708730

Ah yeah. The Blake Stone port was sourceport.
Interesting that he made a PSVita port too.

Gameplay video looks fine here, but it played badly when I tried it with an integrated GPU at 768p resolution.

>> No.5709146
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It really depends. Could turn out good or bad. They're usually free anyhow.

>> No.5709170

If the source code is released, people can do great things, like bringing the game as is to a modern OS, like ChocoDoom does, or they can be complete abominations like Darkplaces.

>> No.5709175

Worse, if you're playing these abominations that aren't retro, you might as well be playing Call of Duty. You'll get a more polished non retro experience through COD.

>> No.5709251

>People actually hate DarkPlaces here
You know, I thought I was alone with my loathing of source ports...

>> No.5709278

I have nothing against these ports, in fact they attract more people to play classic games. It's not like they somehow delete the original anyway
My GOG quake install has darkplaces on it and I don't give a fuck

>> No.5709297

>Quake to CoD
Reminder that CoD had a retro PSX game too. But they're both very different games.

>> No.5709328

>emulating the game means it's not the original game anymore
Get a load of this retard.

>> No.5709336

What about limit-removing?

>> No.5709358

I like saved states in emus. Running 'em real fast is lame and causes sound glitches, unless you're going for a speedrun or something.

>> No.5709370

Darkplaces itself isn't the problem as it can be one-click configured to be vanilla.

>> No.5709970

no it cant cause it will still have quake world jumping you can sequence break some maps cause of the higher jump height in dark places that is totally unacceptable

>> No.5709978

Especially considering that PC games are always an approximation and different depending on hardware.

>> No.5709986

Not as bad. Software emulation is the worst.

>> No.5711806

>unless you're going for a speedrun or something.
That's not a legit speedrun though. I liked using the speedup for games like final fantasy and pokemon for stuff like farming and just speeding up the general slowness of the games. Save states are nice but it really depends on the type of game.

>> No.5711851
File: 333 KB, 1280x720, weird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this stuff. If nothing else, it's neat as a novelty.

>> No.5711858
File: 69 KB, 512x512, hd_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5711912

You may have posted this ironically and cynically, but it's a perfect example. The original image isn't going anywhere, and it was fun to make the other versions.

>> No.5713526

HD textures actually look pretty good on some game with filtering. Whoever made SweetFX should get a lobotomy.

>> No.5713574

90% of the time a proper source port done with actual source of the game is better than any emulation

What you refer to however are fan mods and those vary in quality greately.
Neither of the things you posted are there by default in any source port

Ironically, Swet FX works best on modern games, usually to correct the pisspoor "realistic grey" filters back to normalcy.

>> No.5713580

>what is chocolate doom
>what is PRBoom
>what is Quakespasm
>what is Fitzquake
>what is MarkV

You have only yourself to blame, mongoloid