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5702570 No.5702570 [Reply] [Original]

How did you feel when Mario world came out? Was it too different from 3? Did you like 2 when you first played it or did you think it was too weird? Should Mario have stayed true to the first game?

>> No.5702625

I was a bit apprehensive when I first saw SMW, I was thinking it was aiming for a toddler (like ages 3-5) audience with the cutesy dinosaurs and worlds based on cakes and candy

I enjoyed it once I actually played it, though. The cape and Yoshi both felt more fun than any SMB powerup and the Special World had some fun levels with the right level of challenge.

>> No.5702630

Also, I LOVED 2 and thought 3 was a regression from 2 becasue no selection of characters and shorter more horizontal level design..I felt like "Nintendo must have wanted to take Mario back to something like the first game." I wouldn't know about the backstory of SMB2 until much later.

>> No.5702636

Hey larkin, who's that guy?

>> No.5702638

As a dumb kid I was too preoccupied with how much better the graphics looked and being able to save my progress and ride a dinosaur to be concerned with any of that. It seemed like a massive leap forward to me at the time. Took me until years later to recognize SMB3 as the superior game.

>> No.5702753

World was actually surprisingly similar to Mario 3 but in a good way. Zelda 2 and Mario 2 had sort of conditioned us to expect radical departures. I got Mario 2 (US) when it was brand new but I wasnt all that surprised thanks to the first issue of Nintendo Power.

>> No.5702987

It was great but it felt like the controls were sloppier. Years later we confirmed with emulators that it has 3 times the amount of internal input lag frames.

>> No.5703042

World was awesome. 2 was awesome to a lesser extent.

>> No.5703282

Even after playing 3, I was afraid World would be too overwhelming a change based on the previews. When I finally got my SNES, it was heaven to learn and play, like my first time with 3.

>> No.5703602

I played it at a friend's house and remember that it sure felt like more Mario. I'm pretty sure I dabbled with it later when emulating but not a ton. My opinion is that 3 games were more than enough.

>> No.5703630

summer of '92, I was 4 years old and woke up to see my mom and dad playing SMW. that's the first time I remember seeing the game.

>> No.5703650

I'd only just turned 3 a little bit before it came out, but I remember playing it at a demo kiosk at a Sam's Club, presumably not too long after release. Maybe within a year? The Banzai Bill in particular really made a big impression on me.

>> No.5703658

>How did you feel when Mario world came out? Was it too different from 3? Did you like 2 when you first played it or did you think it was too weird? Should Mario have stayed true to the first game?

These really weren't considerations at the time. As for Mario 2, there was only one other Super Mario, there wasn't some huge precedent set by a series of games, there was just one other game and it wasn't weird that a sequel is different. At the time the Mario series was still being established and so 2 was just as much a precedent for what the Mario franchise was as 1 was. It wasn't until after 3 and World came out and were more similar to 1 that 2 then looked like a black sheep, but not even immediately it was years later on the internet after these games had been digested for years and after younger people went back and played the games for the first time that the idea of it being a black sheep picked up momentum. During the 90s I don't remember anybody ever talking about Mario 2 except in terms of hooking up the old Nintendo to play it once in a while, same for Zelda 2.

As for World it was the first SNES game I saw and played and I was so blown away by the colors and sounds. It sounded sharp I never heard anything like it before. I remember even the first time the start up screen saying Nintendo came up and it made that sound it was like "wow." I also had the same blown away reaction for "Sega" at the beginning of Sonic and the colors of that game too. I don't know if you can appreciate what a difference it was going from four years of playing NES everyday to seeing that for the first time. It was like having blurry vision and putting on glasses for the first time. In hindsight I love the look of the NES games but at the time those colors and graphics it was like a whole new world.

>> No.5703913

I was just a kid out shopping with my mum. I was walking around and I didn't know anything about the Super Nintendo. Suddenly I saw this TV screen with SMW playing, I was like what the hell is this? The colours were amazing. It was like something you could only have dreamed of.

>> No.5703938

I got it w/ my SNES in late 92 and stayed up into the wee hours w/ friends playing it, and it was awesome. Still remember that night.

>> No.5703948

I didn't own a Super Nintendo at the time, so I'd only ever play Super Mario World at friend's houses. The graphics were bright and colorful, but I thought it was weird that we had shifted back to "one hit knocks you to small" even if the item reserve box existed. I thought it was the coolest thing watching the world's terrain shift and adjust as you carved your path through to Bowser. Overall, pretty cool at the time.

>> No.5705223

Kevin Nash also got it in the summer of 92

>> No.5705319

>late 1992 or early 93
>was aware of the super nintendo but seemed like a distant thing from another world
>playing Family Game (Famiclone) every day. SMB3 being one of my most played ones (and had the famous hacked bootleg that lets you use any powerup as many times as you want, I explored every single corner of every level)
>rich neighbor invites me to his house
>shows me his Super Nintendo with Super Mario World
>loved everything about it
>the music in bowser's valley sounded like an actual heavy metal band playing as far as I was concerned
>back home, going back to SMB3 was kind of a bummer now that I had tried the new one
>fast-forward a year or so later and I get my own SNES with SMW, loved the hell out of it, still my favorite Mario
Also I think one of the reasons the Mario series is respected, besides of how polished these games are, is because each entry in the series feels like its own game, with the only exception being SMB2J/LL.
SMB1, 3 and World all have their own physics, art style and nuance. They do feel like they belong to the same family, but are completely different. Not just a quick sequel that's "more of the same".
When people say "all mario games are the same", it's like yeah I can understand that, but have into account all 3 Mario games (and 2/USA) were built from 0, they didn't reuse any actual asset from the previous game. All physics are different. Very different.
I think Nintendo didn't do another sequel like SMB2J until New series and Galaxy 2. Up until that point, each mario game was basically its own thing.

>> No.5705347
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I went from NES to Megadrive so I didn't play SMW till later.

However I do remember seeing a screenshot of Banzai bill in a magazine and being amazed, pic related.

When I finally did play it on a friends SNES around 1994 I thought it was the best Mario game, still do.

>> No.5705627

I heard he met the same fate as Steve Albini in the summer of '86.

>> No.5705636

Nothing much, really. I got a snes because of sf2 so it felt like a consolation prize for someone who just got a super nintendo.

>> No.5705809

I played first super mario world. And since I was a kid and not aware of the chronological order of both games, the moment I played SM3 I had a blast. I mean I enjoy Yoshis, but the power ups are so bland in comapassion with 3, and the world design/side tracks are way cooler. But SMW Special world is still magical, and I enjoy that place.

>> No.5705815
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>and the world design/side tracks are way cooler
SMB3 has variety in worlds, since they're all different, but SMW actually has the superior map design, where the whole game is interconnected with secret exits, and multiple ways you can play the game depending on which path you choose.
SMB3 lets you choose a path and skip over some levels, but in terms of secrets, there's not much other than the secret map part on world 2 and maybe the canoa part in world 3.
I think the map is one of the strongest points in SMW. I still think it's the best "overworld map" in any platformer game.

>> No.5705828
File: 100 KB, 613x238, 03-SM64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fucking amazing. Unlike going from SMW to fucking shit SM64. I thought Nintendo had lost their goddamn minds with SM64. Leave it to their fucking viral marketing and paid off reviews to convince the nugamer idiots of the time to actually think it was good.

>> No.5706107

Disappointed. It wasn't much better graphically than 3, it was far shorter, and not nearly as difficult. At the time I was wondering if I should have bought a Genesis instead.

>> No.5706109


>> No.5707271

he's going to save the f*ckn day.

>> No.5707367

>At the time I was wondering if I should have bought a Genesis instead.
well, Genesis' Sonic The Hedgehog was even shoter, and even though Labyrinth Zone can be considered a "casual filter", I don't think you would have found it more difficult than SMB3 either.
Also, while I think SMW has fewer levels than SMB3, 3's levels are way shorter on average.

>> No.5707371

I was like 5 and just starting my video game journey so I have no clue.

>> No.5707387

never had a snes or smb3 on the nes so my first experience with either was super mario advance 2 and i thought it was the greatest game on the gba.

>> No.5709051
