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/vr/ - Retro Games

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569868 No.569868 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good entry level point and click Adventure Game that you would recommend to someone who has little experience with the genre?

>> No.569880

Clock Tower.

>> No.569882


>> No.569886

Sam & Max Hit the Road

You'll need DOSbox though.

>> No.569892

pink panther passport to peril

>> No.569894

Secret of Monkey Island, it's the Super Mario of Adventure Games.

>> No.569897


>> No.569905

Grim Fandango

>> No.569917
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I guess there's no right answer.

>> No.569923

modern Sam & Max would be a better starting point for someone new.

>> No.569948

put another point in monkey island

>> No.569959

Monkey Island
Maniac Mansion

the three holy "M's" of Adventure gaming.

Go play them right now

>> No.569978

Alright thanks, guess i'm starting with Monkey Island

>> No.569995

Play Grim Fandango once you get through those.

>> No.570023

The Longest Journey

>> No.570123


The plot may be outta whack but the puzzles are pretty straight forward and make sense.

>> No.570151

I love Grim Fandango with a passion, but he specifically asked for point and click.

>> No.570169

Dragonsphere is pretty nice and easy

>> No.570172


You're being pedantic.

>> No.570194
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Pic related

>> No.570212

You can also miss like half the puzzles in harvester

>> No.570213
File: 109 KB, 640x480, deathgate-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death Gate

For the love of all things awesome play Death Gate

>> No.570225

Whenever peeps talk about about click and point adventure games, conversation always revolves around the big name titles. It's pretty sad since there is a huge wealth of genuinely good but relatively unknown c&p games out there in the wilderness

>> No.570230

Full Throttle. It's relatively short, and the puzzles are for the most part relatively simple, but it has an amazing storyline and characters, and is one of my favorite adventure games of all time along with Grim Fandango. And then there's Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, which despite being an Indiana Jones game isn't based on any on the movies, and unlike most movie-based or inspired games is an amazing game. Its puzzle-difficulty depends on which path you take through the game ("fists" being the easiest, followed by "team" and "wits"), but I'd say it generally comes somewhere in between Full Throttle and Grim Fandango difficulty-wise.

Like others, I can also recommend Grim Fandango, but it isn't point & click - the controls may take a bit of getting used to, and the puzzles are considerably harder than Full Throttle's. For its storyline and atmosphere, however, it is my #1 favorite adventure game of all time.

>> No.570236


Don't name any or anything

>> No.570246

That's a good one too. I played through that again a few years ago. Not quite a traditional Sierra/LucasArts style point & click adventure, but definitely worth checking out eventually.

>> No.570251

Yeah good point, some off the top of my head;

Lost Eden
Death Gate
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon
The Journeyman Project
Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch
Star Trek 25th Anniversary

>> No.570258

Tex Murphy

>> No.570262
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>> No.570263

I should perhaps add the Legend of Kyrandia games. Especially the original and its sequel Hand of Fate. I really like how the first game is basically a point & click adventure with an RPG-esque feel to it due to the ability to pick up and drop any object anywhere and come back for it later, as well as the ability to get unlimited flasks and mix all sorts of weird potions.

The first game is by far the shortest and easiest of the series, but also the one that gives you the least information about what you're supposed to be doing, making it more exploration-heavy than either of the sequels.
There is even one item that to this day I have never found any clue to its location - it's something you simply have to find through exploration - and if you progress past a certain point in the game without it (almost at the end), you'll be unable to progress any further.

>> No.570284
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Full Throttle is probably the best place to start if you are new to the genre, like this guy said puzzles are relatively simple. Very good presentation too.

>> No.572319

There's been a few Deja Vu threads this last week. It's a good starting point. Short, only 2-3 hours (probably under 20 min if you speedrun), unlimited continues (unless you keep dying on the same screen enough times, then it deletes your save, but just reset before you die), and it's a decent story.

>> No.572338

>not Putt-Putt Goes to the Parade

>> No.573058

scummvm is much better for adventure games

>> No.573105

lol, way to pick one of the most obscure and niche titles in the adventure genre. Good game, but it's pretty hardcore. Plus a newbie could get his hands on better stuff like classic LucasArts titles or Clock Tower.

>> No.573165

Can someone recommend any P&CAs with flash-game quality graphics? Or really really low-quality (sprites etc)? Because this laptop is shit.

>> No.573230


Dude, it's point and click games from the 80s and 90s. Unless your computer is below a calculator in capacity, you can run them.

>> No.573245

MSPaint freezes if I draw too fast

>> No.573269

format that motherfucker's hard drive.

>> No.573267

Deja Vu, Shadowgate and Uninvited are a stylistically-linked trilogy on the NES, but Maniac Mansion or Secret of Monkey Island is probably easier to start with

>> No.573301
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>> No.573315


If you're computer is from this decade, hell, even the last decade, there's something wrong with. Fix that shit anon, Jesus.

>> No.573334

Hey OP, I wouldn't recommend Full Throttle because it's gameplay kind of sucks (though the plot and atmosphere are awesome).

Sam and Max Hit the Road is pretty difficult sometimes.

The first Monkey Island is a good place to start, though, it's never really toooo hard. Telltale's Sam and Max Season 1 isn't too hard either.

Wouldn't hurt to play Pajama Sam as a 'tutorial' for the genre.

>> No.573384


>If you're

Goddamnit. "Your" obviously.

>> No.573432

Day of the Tentacle.
It's not full on in and it's fairly easy to go through.
It's pretty entry level but it's not bad.
Though it's not like they really get difficult except for when they start throwing in batshit logic.

>> No.573461

>Day of the Tentacle
>anything but genre-defining

>> No.573463


>> No.573480

I'll admit that I'm fairly ignorant about point and click adventures, but isn't it mostly Sierra that had games that would flat out kill you quite often or even become unwinnable if you did the wrong thing?
My impression from the Lucasarts games are that you can't really lose, you can only get stuck.

>> No.573489

It's Maniac Mansion Lite.

>> No.573512

Every LA adventure game had a OUR GAME DESIGN PHILOSOPHY section in the manual, which pretty much tells they don't punish curiosity, they punish stupidity. Although this is only completely true for Fate of Atlantis, since it was the only proper LucasArts adventure game you can die in with no chance of trying again.

Back when it was called the LucasFilm Games division, every game killed you in many ways you couldn't avoid if you weren't too smart to dig yourself out of them. You can also die Monkey Island, but that's more of an easter egg, albeit a regular game over if you didn't save.

>> No.573626

>they don't punish curiosity, they punish stupidity.
These are often one and the same thing.
Or is it a smart thing to accept two conniving brothers offer to be shot out of a cannon with a only pot on your head?
When you blend wacky hijinx into adventure games you often need to attempt stupid shit to get anywhere.