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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 1085x976, Mario Land GB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5695816 No.5695816 [Reply] [Original]

You will literally never understand this game unless you've played it on the original gameboy, with the volume up and the contrast on medium. Not the gameboy pocket or the gameboy color. The grey brick.

>> No.5695821


I'm pretty sure that was the first game I finished.

I was really disappointed when I discovered that other Mario games don't have shmup levels.

>> No.5695825

being as my GB cart collection has been narrowed down to all pre-99, I wouldn't mind getting a brick and just playing on that as opposed to a GBC at this point

>> No.5695829

Nice bait.
A shitty blurry screen doesn't "make" the game, and I say this as a DMG enthusiast.
It may be the original, authentic way to play to play from an aesthetic point of view, but it's not the only way to "understand" the game, and far from the most comfortable way to play it today.

>> No.5695843

I prefer to play original GameBoy games on an original brick GameBoy.

>> No.5695869

Yeah okay, mediocre faggot.

>> No.5695874

>but it's not the only way to "understand" the game
wrong. OG hardware or your opinion is worthless

>> No.5695880

I feel sorry for you

>> No.5695914

Why is there so much shitposting about SML1 these days?
It's a fun, if short game.
I like the tiny sprites a hell of a lot better than SML2's larger sprites, you get the same sort of play area here like you'd have with SMB1 on the NES.
I wish Mario didn't drop like a rock when you walked off of a platform, and that's my one gripe with the game.

>> No.5696030

I play it stretched on a 4k hd screen emulating it on a PC, u mad?

>> No.5696063
File: 23 KB, 400x326, 1451790294037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you feel that way?

>> No.5696069

Not him, but it is unironically the way the developers intended. Either use that or a Famicom Wideboy.

>> No.5696073

I can understand that, but is the change really that significant? The game plays the same way, and looks almost the same way. Is anything really lost by playing on a later model of Game Boy?

>> No.5696085

grats on being king of the shitpile

>> No.5696086

You loose the original GB's greenish yellow tint. I personally strongly associate that look with original GameBoy games, so that is my preferred way to play. I could see some people disliking the dim screen, but I played enough games on it back in the day that I don't find it difficult to find a good lighting situation with a lamp or whatever.

>> No.5696156

You're right in some way OP.
Gameboy games have a unique look and feeling to them when played on the OG brick. These days though I find myself annoyed by the screen's ghosting and needing a light pointed at a perfect angle. There are so many different options now to play these games, I rarely go back and use the DMG. It IS the authentic way to experience it, and it is quite magical, but the games on their own stand by themselves, and I wouldn't discredit anyone's experience of them just because they didn't play them in pea soup green.

>> No.5696164

The first time I played this game was at my cousin's on an emulator in black and white on a CRT monitor around '97, and he even had a gamepad which made it feel like a console game. Hell it being a handheld game never even occurred to me at the time.
I would take that any day over playing it on a tiny, unlit, screen.

>> No.5696170

My first experience playing SML was on a Gameboy Color, the brown sprites that stick out will forever remain part of my memories. How dare you discredit MY retro experience OP.

>> No.5696176

I upscale mine to 64k, then downscale it back to 144p, then output it to an oscilloscope via 3.5mm jack and some tinfoil. U mad?

>> No.5696180

If you want to be that reductive then no one can understand it anymore because you can't TRULY understand Mario Land if it's not 1989 and you're a ten year old kid playing under your blankets with a flashlight and the volume as low as possible while still being audible because it's past your bed time, but you don't want to get caught.

>> No.5696182

What is gained by having a greenish yellow tint?

>> No.5696235

imagine being such an insufferable hipster faggot that you pretend super mario land is a good game

>> No.5696241

>What is gained

>> No.5696249

oh god no my eyes hurt just thinking about it. the shit we dealt with back then. the future is truly a better place

>> No.5696250
File: 17 KB, 640x480, boss1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who don't get it are idiots

>> No.5696251

hell i beat return of samus on that damn thing when i was 7. took me like 3 weeks. super game boy was a godsend

>> No.5696673

...except that isn't what a Pocket, or Color model looks like. At all. There's nostalgia, and then there's retardation. No one but a complete moron would ever prefer playing any of their collection on a DMG.

>> No.5696712

not him, but don't worry we feel sorry for you zoomers too.

>> No.5696902

>not playing gameboy games on the supergameboy
You all superGAYboys

>> No.5696910
File: 1.30 MB, 2372x3166, IMG_3928 (Edited).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude i love the GB smear screen!

>> No.5697052
File: 19 KB, 128x110, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30 years old and the first time I played SML was on a GBP.

>> No.5697063


>> No.5697072

>nice bait
>posts 2/10 bait afterwards
Good job good effort

>> No.5697076

kino grayscale game boy pocket > blurry green tint brick

>> No.5697080

A distinctive look. If you like it, you like it, if you don't, you don't.

>> No.5697094

>music must be played by banging rocks on other rocks or it's garbage
Opinion discarded.

>> No.5697109

>it's bad because mine broke!
Seething incel.

>> No.5697131

I had a red brick, does that count?

>> No.5697150

look I get the nostalgia too, I sometimes pull out my brick for old time's sake, there is an undeniable charm to it espeiclaly if you used one back then. but please stop with the obvious bait shit threads like "this is literally the one and only way to experience this properly otheriwise you have never lived" shit.

>> No.5697153

>things I disagree with are bait

>> No.5697309

I don't think you can appreciate this game unless you were a kid in 1989 who played it when it was the only real game you could play on a handheld.

>> No.5697425

Yea? And I'm Shigeru Miyamoto and the first time I coded this bullshit for gameboy I was consciously aware that one day it wouldn't be played on its original hardware and context of use and its value would be diminished and judged as it was used on proprietary home based computer systems. now take your emufagging and leave, zoom zoom.

>> No.5697454


>> No.5697490

did you even read his post?

>> No.5697493

He's shitposting. Don't give him attention.

>> No.5697494

I remember when I was this stuck up on real hardware, what an embarrassing phase that was in my life.

>> No.5697531

Using seething is unironically seething. Fag vocab

>> No.5697548

We don't do that here

>> No.5697678

Oof. Must have hit a nerve there.

>> No.5698637

belt, leather belt

>> No.5698715
File: 302 KB, 500x500, 1558793875118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 shades of tasty pea soup

>> No.5698860

The music in this game is some of the best in the franchise, I wish it would get used more often.

>> No.5698879

Nah, I played it post-2012 on emulator and had fun with it. You're just pretentious and like to pat yourself on the back for things that were completely average and unremarkable at the time..

>> No.5698961

Why did this game scare me as a child?