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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5693585 No.5693585 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for old school retro games that pushed the boundaries in terms of artistic expression.

What do you guys recommend?

>> No.5693673


>> No.5693680


>> No.5693682

You're not wrong.

>> No.5693684

A hidden gem called Earthbound.

>> No.5693690

Probably the Amiga demo scene is what you're looking for although I personally think games like Aquanaut's Holiday or Lack of Love or yes LSD Dream Emulator express a vision using the medium.

>> No.5693693

>artistic expression
>video games
Pick one

>> No.5693697

Back then things were different.

>> No.5693708

Reduce your sperm intake

>> No.5693723


>> No.5693727

Super Marios Bros.
Metal Gear Solid

>> No.5693734

Anything developed Looking Glass, Black Isle and Troika.

>> No.5693738

pocket man
mortal combat

>> No.5693903 [DELETED] 

Soiboi cumguzzlers like you are triggered by anything

>> No.5693916

Imagine thinking games can't be artist expressions

>> No.5693941

Another World

>> No.5693967


>> No.5693992

The equivalent to OP's picture in /vr/ form would be something like Hong Kong 97 or something

>> No.5693997

>I feel like a grown up when I emulate the stubborn traditionalist father I never had

>> No.5693998
File: 97 KB, 1600x800, myst-tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this fucker

>> No.5694027

Cosmology of Kyoto
The Neverhood
Drowned God: Conspiracy of Time

>> No.5694408

Depends on how pretentious you are lol
If you mean something like Stan Brakhage then there's probably a couple early japanese walking simulators, but from the way I see it, pretty much any great retro game fits the bill, simply by virtue of being art at a time very few people considered games art...

>> No.5694424

Deus Ex Machina - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhtI3BEgZwE

>> No.5694482

They aren’t. They’re entertainment products to be played for fun.

>> No.5694591

Dripping paint randomly onto paper is not art. Get a real art degree you hack """artist""".

>> No.5694719
File: 44 KB, 379x500, Atlantis_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful artistry, completely outclassing Myst, but you probably won't be able to handle it. It's the hardest point-and-click in existence, and not even because of moon logic, the puzzles are just insanely difficult, like demanding you to decipher the mathematical system of the ancient Aztecs.

>> No.5694736

it honestly just sounds like youre asking for obscure point and click adventure games

>> No.5694809

Deus Ex.

>> No.5694863


>> No.5694894


>music isn't art, they're entertainment products to be listened to for fun.
>movies aren't art, they're entertainment products to be watched for fun.


>> No.5694909

Those are correct statements.

>> No.5695108

The only ones I can think of right now is grim fandango and monkey island.

>> No.5695141

Those are the farthest adventure games from being obscure.

>> No.5695147

That's exactly the point of my comment, signifying that I don't know many of them.

>> No.5695159

I can think of Loom, Legend of Kyrandia, Syberia, Broken Sword, Beneath the Steel Sky, Future Wars, Inca, Phantasmagoria, Little Big Adventure, and Dune as being the arty ones.

>> No.5695176
File: 50 KB, 720x480, 1555803437530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmology of Kyoto
Ihatovo Monogatari
LSD Dream Emulator
Takeshi's Challenge
Utsurun Desu.: Kawauso Hawaii e Iku!!!
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream

>> No.5695413


then what is art? muh deep paintings?

>> No.5695446

Gotta say Okami for ps2

>> No.5695473

Not if you're entertained by looking at them

>> No.5695475
File: 1018 KB, 499x374, original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art has to not be entertaining for it to be art? Dude first of all, art is subjective and there are so many different interpretations of art so your argument and is flawed.

>> No.5695564

Milon's Secret Castle.

>> No.5695785

Why that piece of shit game?

>> No.5696169

>artistic expression
Pick one

>> No.5696185


I pity you and your facile understanding of art.

>> No.5696191
File: 290 KB, 1920x1200, thumb-1920-197989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another world

>> No.5696202

the Mana series


>> No.5696269

>when both choices are the same thing

>> No.5696286
File: 49 KB, 970x545, Tempest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here m8


>> No.5696541
File: 2.43 MB, 3651x2734, 20190627_165831(1)~5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude first of all, art is subjective and there are so many different interpretations of art so your argument and is flawed.

It's not entirely subjective, but the word has so many different meanings that it's easy to pick one that can fit a given argument if people want a fight.

At it's base art just means skill, so anything that takes skill can be considered an art and thus the result of whatever that skilled endeavor is can be considered art itself. But that's extremely broad and often when people talk about it are referring to one of the "fine arts".

Also note though that even though art means skill, that's not the same as meaning good. It's just a descriptor, not a value statement. A bad painting isn't not a work of art, for example. It's just a poorly done work of art.

>> No.5696560
File: 331 KB, 753x707, 1486761448923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You postmodernist reprobate. I understand that people need to believe lies sometimes, but when you believe lies that are so obviously subservsive to our condition.... Please hasten the end.

>> No.5696614

Shut the fuck up, you're being more pretentious than a fucking pollack painting.

>> No.5696625

Yars' Revenge was the first one.

Also System Shock 2, Neverhood, Grim Fandango, anything by oldschool Tim Schafer desu,

>> No.5696628

Jesus fucking christ the absolute state of american education.

>> No.5696629

how about the chō aniki series? or is it incorrect to perceive such blatant demonstrations of nihongo madness out of cultural lack of comprehension as a form of art?

>> No.5696701

i see that another graduate of youtube university is here to share all the academic knowledge he got from watching entire tens of minutes of koch-funded video content

>> No.5696739

Thou dost speaketh the truth!

>> No.5696914

I was very, very obviously being facetious you literal autists

>> No.5696974


>> No.5697107

I wouldn't have thought that a page like this would exist.

>> No.5697169

It's hard to tell dude, I've run into some thick people IRL who actually think this way.

I think that all games are art, but that we currently lack sufficient critical language and critical frameworks to evaluate them as art. Attempting to supplant film criticism into games criticism is always going to be lacking because it will never allow you to evaluate even the most basic elements of gameplay. I think to truly start articulating artistic merit of something like "Dodonpachi", or "Snake, Rattle, N' Roll", or "Dragon Quest II" we first need to develop a critical framework for evaluating the aesthetics of gameplay.

>> No.5697182

Any SNES game or DOOM

>> No.5697191


>> No.5697229


This, Deus Ex Machina was the first "art game" ever made.

>> No.5697332
File: 45 KB, 490x729, mike-builds-a-shelter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously all games are art by the literal definition of art. Commercial art is still art. I think that we've firmly established that for like fifty plus years now.

Some people draw a heavy line between that and art purely for art's sake or primarily for art's sake. For games to have been widely distributed in the entire /vr/ era it was necessary for them to be marketable. Absolutely when it came to console games but even PC games, even ones using the shareware distribution model. The closest a snob like that will get to downloading pre-2000 games that satisfy that very narrow definition of "true art" is to grab some shareware CDs off the archive and start poring over the game sections