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File: 41 KB, 512x448, demons-crest-fire-boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5693167 No.5693167 [Reply] [Original]

How are SNES graphics so esthetic and comfy and why was this never achived again by anyone?

>> No.5693168

Perfect color palette and more colors available on screen at maximum potential versus every other 16 bit console

>> No.5693171


Because pixel art is hard and few know how to do it well anymore.

>> No.5693213
File: 33 KB, 256x224, mickey_magical_quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon's Crest as a very particular dark yet vibrant color palette. But many SNES games achieved similar levels of details.
Capcom themselves, with their Disney games, did some really great spritework and pixel art.

>> No.5694030

If there was a 32bit console full of sprite games those would look even better. What there is on Saturn and PS1 outdoes SNES. Stop talking out your culo.

>> No.5694057
File: 947 KB, 636x636, jm0ydkcz99cgmcypalmx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the good ol' "phrase a subjective opinion as a question to instantly validate it as a fact" gambit

They do look great though; the color limitations of the SNES were just at a spot-on threshold to allow for the optimal detail in graphics at that resolution. Not everybody knew how to make the most of them though; there's tons of SNES games with tasteless excess of shading and gradients giving them that dull "shiny" look.

Anyway, it's still all a matter of opinion. The Genesis' heavier limitations brought a really interesting gritty aesthetic in the latter stages of the system's lifetime, based on heavy dithering and thoughtful palettes.

>> No.5694078

Graphically-wise Game Boy Advance is literally SNES, even if it's a different kettle of fish underneath.

>> No.5694092

The palettes in GBA are a mess because of the non-backlit screen overcompensation on behalf of the developers.

>> No.5694093

>Graphically-wise Game Boy Advance is literally SNES,

>> No.5694096

Not always.

>> No.5694106


>> No.5694107

>not playing on original hardware where it looks right
top pleb

>> No.5694119

Why did Master System have such an ugly colour palette?

>> No.5694121

still better than contemporaries
corporations know not to push boundaries too far too fast

>> No.5694127

The NES palette had strange choices and was more limited than the Master System's, but was also much more pleasing.

>> No.5694132

You mean like in an SP?

>> No.5694194
File: 5 KB, 388x413, 1553123566469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you make dumb nonsensical retard posts?

>> No.5694198

How is it nonsensical?

>> No.5694224

Well, there's no such thing as a "Master System". He might be confusing it with the Sega System

>> No.5694228
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>> No.5694237
File: 10 KB, 256x224, 40426-monster-world-iv-genesis-screenshot-in-a-forest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As good as that distinctively Genesis look is, I wish we got more games like Beyond Oasis or particularly Monster World IV which focused more on clean artwork and good colour choice.

>> No.5694245

Kinda looks like an nes game with lots of black spaces and negative coloring.

>> No.5694249

If the logic that restrictions automatically equals better art then the PS1 wouldn't have had an immediate art leap as technical restrictions no longer limited talented artists. There would have been a similar leap upwards in the next generation if budgets and teams had continued to grow in the same fashion, and had 3D not killed 2D games on consoles for a while.

>> No.5694278

This is why I use a frontlit SP, colours dont look fucked. Tho some games have patches and I know of FFTA has colour options already

>> No.5694312

Just like all things in life there is a sweet sport between working with restrictions and technological advances that makes for the best visuals. It can be argued 16 bit or 32 bit era was that sweet spot.

>> No.5694318

The post mentions the Master System in a thread about the SNES and 16 bit systems. It would be like posting "Why does the Atari 2600 have such bad graphics?" in a thread about the PS1 and N64. Context can make a response nonsensical. The dumb retard part comes when you consider the Master System is actually pretty much the most powerful console of its generation, and he's asking why it has a bad palette (it doesn't).

>> No.5694337

Did you read the thread past the first post?
>The dumb retard part comes when you consider the Master System is actually pretty much the most powerful console of its generation
That's precisely why it's strange that it has an ugly colour palette. And I think you're confusing the number of colours with how appealing the palette is.

>> No.5694363

Most 2D arcade games from the same era look and sound so much better

>> No.5694494

What's ugly about it? Provide examples. All I see is an 8-bit system where games are far more vibrant than most NES games.

>> No.5694507
File: 395 B, 160x120, Master_System_Palette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their colour choices for the most part just aren't very appealing

>> No.5694540

The SMS palette is plenty nice. Some games have a bad habit of using the purest tones too much, but it's a reasonably well-balanced palette for bright, colorful games. It's a standard 4x4x4 RGB cube, albeit with some colors that aren't different enough from each other.

Of everything I'd complain about, the sound chip that can't really do low notes is the real issue.
It can produce bass notes if you set the noise channel to periodic mode and tie its frequency to the third channel.
This gives you a low pulse bass sound, but you can count the games that did this with your hands. It takes two channels and you can't do noise drums at the same time, and I'm not even sure if Japanese developers knew about the feature. A few Euro-developed SMS games used it.

>> No.5694550

>A few Euro-developed SMS games used it.
Which ones?

>> No.5694752

Daffy Duck in Hollywood is one.
James Pond is another.

too lazy to check for others

>> No.5695440
File: 233 KB, 875x720, mwiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> As good as that distinctively Genesis look is, I wish we got more games like Beyond Oasis or particularly Monster World IV which focused more on clean artwork and good colour choice.

You should try Pulseman and Treasure Land Adventure. Just in case you didn't already.

>> No.5695487

There are saturn, ps1 and arcade 2D games that eclipse everything ever done on the SNES combined.

>> No.5695515
File: 60 KB, 700x524, dbz_ub22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, subjective. PS in particular I find it has very few actually good looking 2D games. A lot of them look really poor, with washed out color palettes.
Not to say it wasn't capable, but devs evidently weren't too interested in crafting good 2D, bar a few exceptions.
I wouldn't say it eclipses "everything ever done on the SNES combined". If I had to choose, I'll probably choose SNES and Mega Drive for 2D games, not PlayStation.
And Saturn, even though it's a "2D beast", still doesn't really have THAT many good 2D games outside of arcade ports. 4th gen systems still reign supreme IMO.

>> No.5695871
File: 32 KB, 512x444, som2shot49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are SNES graphics so esthetic and comfy
large master palette, enough sub-palettes, big carts and high end pixel art

>why was this never achived again by anyone
vast majority of those aesthetic SNES games were from the 94~96 period and by '96 people only wanted 3D games, so devs changed their priorities

besides "never again" is an overstatement, top tier Neo Geo games look far better than SNES games for instance

>> No.5696116
File: 75 KB, 515x224, vampires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but was also much more pleasing
not even close

>> No.5696237

Exception proves the rule.

>> No.5696242

I don't think I've played many Playstation original games that look better than the SNES' best. I know that in 1995-6 I wasn't interested in the Playstation at all because it had nothing that looked as good as DKC2, King of Dragons, or Yoshi's Island, which I was really into at the time.

Playstation has some arcade ports that are far above what the SNES can do, obviously.

>> No.5696247

>by '96 people only wanted 3D games

I'm still not sure what alternate universe this idea is from. Literally never heard this sentiment, and everyone I knew was all over 2d games like Diablo, Starcraft, Age of Empires, and Fallout. Likewise, everyone was still up for playing SNES games when they'd hang out at my house.

>> No.5696254

that's not the exception, that's the rule

NES games with more pleasing colors are the exception

>> No.5696260

That is literally cherry picking the best looking game on the system.

Master System is ugly, though, yes. Garish primary colors look awful. Somehow the more primitive NES soundchip also usually manages to sound better, too, though.

>> No.5696296
File: 264 KB, 498x423, RangerX_SegaGenesis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5696301

They aren't lol
The fuck is this meme?
You could say the same about the NES's minimalist graphics or the Genesis's moody patchy graphics

>> No.5696310


Not that guy - Im a nintendo boy, but I found the master system games like wonderboy and double dragon had far more pleasing colors.

>> No.5696316

>How are SNES graphics so esthetic and comfy

>and why was this never achived again by anyone?



>> No.5696320


>comparing a 1992 game on 1987 hardware with a 1986 game on 1985 hardware

Well done. Excellent shitpost.

>> No.5696410

some Sega System games can almost pass for early 16-bit games, Nintendo games games are easily distinguishable thanks to its muddy palette and 3-color sprites

>> No.5696421

It's different. Can't put my finger on what but it is.

>> No.5696424

The resolution is drastically lower and the color palettes suck.

>> No.5696427

The GBA can do proper 3D. The SNES needed add-on chips with co-processors for 3D games that ran at 15fps. There's an ocean of difference between the SNES and GBA.

>> No.5696429

>the SNES needed add-on chips with co-processors for 3D games.


>> No.5696437
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, 1550634108651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16-bit best bit!

>> No.5696441
File: 37 KB, 480x480, 1531453967262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Sega system?

>> No.5696450

lower resolution and garish palettes to make up for the lack of backlit in early models, but the GBA is overall substantially more powerful

>> No.5696460


>> No.5696764

>Somehow the more primitive NES soundchip also usually manages to sound better, too, though.
The NES sound chip isn’t actually more primitive though. Master System still uses the same sound chip as the Colecovision. Unless you get the FM module, then it’s definitely better than the NES.

>> No.5696782
File: 66 KB, 634x444, bad-taxidemy-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Sega System"
Do you mean the Sega Master System?

>> No.5696793
File: 1.99 MB, 3849x3444, crt_castlevania_IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5696961

The PC Engine had literally twice as many colors onscreen, and every console released after the SNES had a bigger color palette.

>> No.5696983

The virgin SNES
>piss-poor resolution
>action plagued by slow-down
>first-party games deliberately slow to avoid slow-down from crippled CPU and shitty graphics chip
>cross-platform games cropped so you can't even see who's firing at you
>mode 7 graphics haven't aged well at all, rendering mode 7 games shitty tech demos and footnotes to today's audience
>CPU so bad it requires add-on chips in the cartridge for basic shit like drawing polygons

The chad Mega Drive
>beastly 320x224 res (25% more pixels)
>CPU twice as fast for smooth action
>first-party platformers as fast as racing games
>cross-platform games in their native resolution so you can see the whole screen
>focus on gameplay rather than cheap, shitty tricks like mode 7
>can render polygons without any special chips

>> No.5696987

>Graphically-wise Game Boy Advance is literally SNES
Wrong. The GBA takes the SNES' already shitty 256x224 resolution and cuts it in half!

>> No.5696990

It had a far superior color palette to the NES and Commodore 64.

>> No.5696992

>The NES palette had strange choices and was more limited than the Master System's, but was also much more pleasing.
Nintentards actually believe this. Sorry sweetie, the NES color palette was ABYSMAL!

>> No.5696993

It also has a newer chipset than them. What's your point

>> No.5697002

>Most 2D arcade games from the same era look and sound so much better
The Neo Geo is the greatest 16-bit system in terms of graphics, for that very reason.

>> No.5697006

>Their colour choices for the most part just aren't very appealing
Far more appealing than any other palette of that era.

>> No.5697014

>top tier Neo Geo games look far better than SNES games for instance
SNK had the greatest pixel artists of that era. Not only did the games look great in stills, but they ran smoother than any other console and the backgrounds were so lively and animated. I like Sega's use of animation in their games, but SNK took it to the next level.

>> No.5697017 [DELETED] 

>I'm still not sure what alternate universe this idea is from
It's from jewish (((magazines))) like EGM who shat on the Saturn for having 2D games. They did it because they were on Sony's payroll and doing all they can to undermine the competition, and those views on 2D games were not shared by console or PC gamers. They just repeated it so much in their articles that if you're too young to remember and you just read the articles from that time, you'd think "everyone" was over 2D.

>> No.5697021

>Somehow the more primitive NES soundchip
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. The NES' soundchip is far more advanced than the shitty 8910 clone in the Master System. It has a triangle channel and a DPCM channel. The Master System can only play square waves and white noise.

>> No.5697029

>comparing a 1992 game on 1987 hardware with a 1986 game on 1985 hardware
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, either. The NES is 1983 hardware, and the Master System is 1983 hardware with a bigger color palette.

>> No.5697034

>some Master System games can almost pass for early 16-bit games
That's because the Genesis' VDP is a barely upgraded version of the Master System's VDP.

>> No.5697038

>It also has a newer chipset than them
Wrong. It has a newer, superior color palette.

>> No.5697260

Master of Darkness looks like dogshit here. Everything is bland, brown, and unappealing when compared to Castlevania III's bold colors, use of chiarascuro, and stylized graphics.

>> No.5697386

the pc-engine isn't a 16 bit console.

>> No.5697581


>> No.5698117 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 900x447, Goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yamamuro's current style looks like plastic because of the shading
>Shintani's style looks too much like late OG DB

when will we get an anime series with peak Toriyama aesthetics?

>> No.5698169

well since the majority of the Genesis library worldwide was composed of commission games (games developed in japan for americans) and american developed titles, by people who understimated the color limitations and only choose the garish palettes imaginable, well, that's what happens.

>> No.5698173
File: 9 KB, 256x224, Dragon Quest V (1992).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but it's not just in comparison with Genesis games

>> No.5698219

16-bit graphics and 16-bit generation, chump.

>> No.5698225

The SNES had the same resolution as the NES and barely higher than the Master System, so if you reduced the color like that screen shot of course its games would look 8-bit.

>> No.5698640
File: 7 KB, 320x224, FoxyLand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some indie pixel art styles suit the Genesis restrictions quite well

>> No.5698675

I was around back then, and if you were too you're being purposely dishonest in pretending to that the idea of 3D being all the rage in mainstream gaming culture is from an "alternate universe." Maybe there were a few with very refined taste that had the foresight to appreciate good sprite work, that was the tiny minority of gamers.

Just a quick anecdote for some younger folk around here who weren't around back then related to this topic: I remember a kid came into school talking about how he just got Madden 98, and, back then usually for sports games the big question was "can you create a player / can you make trades,"(that was a big deal at the time,) but this time the first question everybody was curious to know was "is it 3D?" I remember he lied and said it was for whatever reason (probably so nobody would shit talk it.) Nobody was asking is it good or can you make a player, it was the obsession with 3D that dominated the conversation.

>> No.5698686

Sorry man, I never experienced that, and I never experienced "console wars" either.

It doesn't take "refined taste" to see that sprite graphic or pre-rendered graphics look better than rendered polygons. That's obvious just from looking at them. But likewise, I never didn't want to play polygon games because they were ugly, they usually added new gameplay opportunities because of the extra dimension.

>> No.5698694

8 bit processor, lad.

>> No.5698696

Doesn't actually matter, since the graphics are 16-bit. And that's what everyone actually cares about. Sega plastered "16-bit Graphics" on the Sega Genesis for a reason.

>> No.5698704
File: 17 KB, 256x224, Ninja_Warriors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't play much SNES anymore. Got most of my fix in the 90s, then discovered its RPG library in the 2000s, so there's not much left for me to discover. Been playing this one lately though. Graphics are so damn nice. Playing via S-Video on a consumer CRT.

Basically the ideal 16-bit graphics, no pixelation, great color, enough detail to bring the environment to life and set a mood.

Not perfect though. No impressive parallax going on, and the animations are merely fine.

>> No.5698742

That's true. I'm a 2D art lover and even then I was looking forward for the next big 3D game. I mean, watching Daytona USA in 1994 pretty much sold me the idea that 3D was the future. It was great walking into an arcade to find out the new Model 2 game by Sega (Manx TT, Seg Rally, Virtua Fighter 2, etc). And if it wasn't enough, playing Mario 64 in early 1997 just blow my mind again.

I don't remember being much interested in 2D games from middle to late 90s, and pretty much everybody around me was the same. The 2D fever came back strong in the 2000s, though.

>> No.5698754

And there were plenty of examples in the 90s like that infamous Castlevania SOTN review where the megazine attacked the game for using 2D.

I remember an interview made to Philip Harrison in 1995 where the journalist, talking about the early lineup of games of the Playstation, asked to Phil how he could explain having a Parodius game there if that was a such a step back in graphics.
That was pretty much the mood at the time, with some exceptions.

>> No.5698876


16-bit graphics, chump.



>> No.5698882

>And there were plenty of examples in the 90s like that infamous Castlevania SOTN review where the megazine attacked the game for using 2D.
I remember that, and I remember the gaming rags shitting on the Saturn version of the game because it didn't have transparencies. Long story short, when Konami ported the game, they orted the engine from the PS version which used the PlayStation's 3D GPU to texture polygons from a flat perspective to simulate 2D since the PlayStation didn't have 2D hardware. Well, first of all it was in a low resolution that the Saturn was incapable of, so the textures were stretched on the Saturn and looked like shit as a result, but also the Saturn can't do transparencies in 3D in hardware and they didn't care to do it in software. Had they used the Saturn's 2D hardware, it could have done everything the PlayStation version did and then some. They still would have had to redraw every sprite to fit the Saturn's better resolution, or simply display more of the game areas onscreen, but Konami didn't care to do it.

>> No.5698931

>the Genesis' VDP is a barely upgraded version of the Master System's VDP
That's a laugh.

>now supports multiple background layers
>completely new DMA system
>completely new line/column scroll system
>now supports translucency (shadow/highlight)
>huge bump up in resolution
>now supports sprite flipping
>supports high-res interlace mode
>huge bump in sprite limit
>now supports packed pixel format
>big increase in the types of supported sprites
>supports massively larger color palette with external color RAMs (arcade machine version)

>> No.5699029

>why am i so retarded and why will this never be "achived" again by anyone?
Millennials were a one off speed bump in human evolution.

>> No.5699167
File: 699 KB, 976x2120, DQ6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5699176

Looks like a shitty browser game.

>> No.5699231

16 bit JRPGs have always had that "something" to me. Even in the best there's a real feeling that their reach exceeded their grasp.

>> No.5699245

Different experiences. For me, the late 90s was all about Diablo, Starcraft, Fallout, Baldur's Gate. All 2d games. The 2000s was when every PC franchise started going 3d with ugly N64 tier graphics (check out Civ 4 or EU 3).

I played 3d games, of course, all the time. But they weren't new or exotic, they'd been around since I started gaming in the early 90s.

>> No.5699297

>it doesnt matter what the specs actually are!!

>> No.5699426


>> No.5699546

But that's because you prefered PC games, and they didn't start to get nice 3D graphics till the very late 90s.

In consoles or arcades, that was another different world. I mean, yes, there were 3D games even in the 80s like Hard Drivin' or Winning Run, and I saw them back in the day, but watching Virtua Racing, Daytona USA or Virtua Fighter was like stepping 10 years into the future. I don't remember being conscious of prefering 2D or 3D graphics, back then. I loved 2D too, but those Sega Model 2 or 3 games were just too awesome to ignore the potential or that technology for videogames.

>> No.5699569

I always thought polygon graphics were a sort of tradeoff until the PS2 era. Trading graphical quality for mechanics. Decent looks pretty ugly, but it you can move your ship in true 3d. Goldeneye badguys look ridiculous, but hits on enemies' body parts register animations based on location. Jedi Knight looked pretty ugly, but had incredible vertically designed areas that you explored in 3 dimensions. These sort of games looked ugly but offered gameplay that wasn't possible in a 2d space.

That's why I'm actually amazed when I hear that there were people who thought that 2d was a negative, not only because I literally never experienced that, but because 3d games objectively looked worse. I never thought any of the 3d games I played and enjoyed had good graphics.

>> No.5699578

16-bit graphics, chump. Twice as many colors onscreen as the Stupid Nintendo, and its 65c02 ran at twice the speed of the SNES' shitty Apple III CPU.

>> No.5699583

3D games of the 3DO/PS1/SAT/N64 era looked like shitty 8-bit graphics with a much higher color count. 2D games of that era and the 16-bit era were much more detailed and refined, and they look aesthetic to this day. 3D from that era hasn't aged well at all.

>> No.5699592

>>now supports multiple background layers
Wow, 1 more background layer!
>>completely new DMA system
It's "new" and it's still shit.
>>completely new line/column scroll system
Nothing the Master System couldn't do in software
>>now supports translucency (shadow/highlight)
Which not a single game used
>>huge bump up in resolution
256x192 to 320x224 is hardly a "huge bump"
>>now supports sprite flipping
Wow, that saved the devs time from hitting Image > Flip horizontal in their primitive 80s version of photoshop!
>>supports high-res interlace mode
That not a single game used.
>>huge bump in sprite limit
Exact same sprite count in 256 mode, 16 more sprites in high res mode. Wow, what a "bump"! I bet your mom thinks your 1" dick is a huge bump too.
>>now supports packed pixel format
Zzz who cares
>>big increase in the types of supported sprites
>>supports massively larger color palette with external color RAMs (arcade machine version)
You're that simp who insists the Genesis' palette can be expanded aren't you? NOT A SINGLE GAME USED IT, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST!

Neck yourself, faggot.

>> No.5699598

I do really think it was the sweet spot of gaming as a whole.
At that point we had 2D games at their finest and 3D games still felt like games.
Not some chinematic shitshow that pretends to be games like mordern gaming.

>> No.5699837
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>> No.5699856
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>> No.5699895

You need to keep in mind the distinction between beautiful and striking. Early 3D games at the time were striking to nearly anyone who saw them.

>> No.5700512
File: 80 KB, 512x208, Zenki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5700612

Beyond Oasis is gorgeous.

>> No.5700618

Magician Lord, Crossed Swords and Metal Slug come immediately to mind.

>> No.5700691

Magician Lord looks good, but the backgrounds are nothing special, nor are the animations. I could see it running on the Mega Drive.

Metal Slug, on the other hand, is something no other 16bit console could even come close to.

>> No.5700831
File: 26 KB, 512x416, Legend of Xanadu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5700837

Yeah, if browser games had actual detail put into them and soul.

>> No.5700840

They sweat the details.

>> No.5700873

You think SNES looks better than Neo-Geo?

>> No.5700879

yesterday i saw this nintendrone saying N64 graphics are Dreamcast graphics with worse textures and lower framerate

OP probably believes SNES graphics are better than Neo Geo's as well

>> No.5700902

Too expensive for so few games. I'm glad they emulate easily nowadays.

>> No.5701127

Nintentards are the absolute dumbest fanboys in the industry. Their little brains have been drenched in onions sauce.

>> No.5701130

It was too expensive for any amount of games.

>> No.5701163


yeah beyond oasis might be the best looking game on the system. those ancient artists knew what the hell they were doing


>> No.5701168


in which case you might as well put the VRC7 or N163 in the ring

>> No.5701183 [DELETED] 


technically you can expand the color ram. never happened, but it is a thing. sonic 2 did use the high resolution mode tho. and a decent number of games used shadow and highlights for transparent type effects.

not just 16 more sprites total, but they can be much bigger. so more than double the sprite pixels per line.

the master system can only do 16 8x wide sprites on a line, the genesis can do 20 16x16 sprites.

> >>big increase in the types of supported sprites

he probably meant going from 2 possible sprite sizes to 24.

>> No.5701187


i think you can expand the color ram, even if it never happened

sonic 2 did use the high resolution mode. and a decent number of games used shadow and highlights for transparent type effects.

and not just 16 more sprites total, but they can be much bigger, so over double the sprite pixels per line.

the master system can only do 16 8pix wide sprites on a line, the genesis can do 20 16 wide sprites.

> >>big increase in the types of supported sprites

he probably meant going from 2 possible sprite sizes to 24.

>> No.5701205

The "3D" on the Saturn was achieved by distorting 2D sprites, that and doing sprite+sprite transparency was painfully slow. The other 2D part was a glorified mode-7 style tile-mapper that's only useful for backgrounds and was probably used for SOTN.

>> No.5701216


the "3D" on playstation was achieved by distorting 2D triangles.

and VDP2 wasn't used for sotn which is partially why the game ran worse

>> No.5701217

The base SMS sound chip could only do simple sqaure waves and noise. The NES sound chip at least had the benefit of changing the duty cycle of it's square waves, that and it had a triangle wave channel and a pcm channel that nobody used much b/c ROM space was at a premium.

>> No.5701303

>N64 graphics are Dreamcast graphics with worse textures and lower framerate
Well he’s not wrong when it comes to some games. That’s basically Rush 2049. The Dreamcast doesn’t have a big T&L advantage over the N64 but it does have a very large fillrate advantage.

>> No.5701521

Back then people were impressed with realistic looking images look you see in rambo 3

each console is comfy in its own way

snes - shading for colours
genesis - gritty hi rez
nes - low colour art style
sms - bright colours

even cdi, 3do, jaguar and home computers can be comfy

>> No.5701640
File: 11 KB, 320x224, Ristar_-_The_Shooting_Star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true. It is pixel art at a big resolution, but that doesn't make it look better.

>> No.5701646
File: 18 KB, 320x224, scorch-items.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5701647
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>> No.5701662
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>> No.5701664
File: 20 KB, 320x224, (Genesis)%20The%20Misadventures%20of%20Flink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5702045


forgot about ristar but beyond oasis has some nice looking setpieces

>me: subjective opinion
>you: that's not true

can you stop with the autism

>> No.5702110
File: 66 KB, 480x480, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A finished not buggy translation never

>> No.5702168

>The "3D" on the Saturn was achieved by distorting 2D sprites, that and doing sprite+sprite transparency was painfully slow. The other 2D part was a glorified mode-7 style tile-mapper that's only useful for backgrounds and was probably used for SOTN.

You're confusing the Sega Saturn with the Sega CD...
>the "3D" on playstation was achieved by distorting 2D triangles.
>and VDP2 wasn't used for sotn which is partially why the game ran worse
This is exactly what I'm saying. VDP2 is the 2D chip, the one made exactly for 2D games like SOTN but because it came out on PlayStation first, which doesn't have a 2D chip, they had to program it in such a way that a 3D chip draws it to look 2D and to port it to the Saturn the right way would have taken much, much longer than the rush job they gave it.

>> No.5702169

>You're confusing the Sega Saturn with the Sega CD...
he's not

>> No.5702170

>Well he’s not wrong
Yes he is.

>> No.5702179

She is

>> No.5702506


Nice application of the mega drive's color palette.

>> No.5702510

Don't push your shit opinion as fact, it's a perfectly ordinary 4x4x4 RGB color cube.

>> No.5702516

A pity specially because is the biggest jrpg on the system. It deserved a better translation.

>> No.5702545

The entire upper left quadrant is all puke coloured. That doesn't leave you much to work with.

>> No.5702598
File: 3.72 MB, 320x224, Thunder-Force-IV-Mega-Drive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing the Master System couldn't do in software

Show me a Master System game pulling off this.

>> No.5702616

The reason SOTN looks like shit on the Saturn is BECAUSE they used the 2d hardware (the VDP2). You can't draw a transparent sprite that is both transparent over other sprites, and over the background at the same time. They have to pick between sprite to background or background to background transparency, or use meshes. You also have to pick between using gouraud shading and having background priorities (ie. drawing a sprite behind a background, and another one in front of it), and SOTN used a ton of gouraud shading effects.

The game wasn't badly coded, it was just so custom built for proper 3d hardware that the Saturn had no chance of running it, short of having every effect rewritten from scratch.

Given that, they still did great, especially with the new stages where they tried leveraging the hardware to do transparencies.

DC doesn't have a big fillrate advantage, it just uses smarter rendering so it can get away with very small fillrate on the GPU.

>> No.5702629

>they had to program it in such a way that a 3D chip draws it to look 2D

PSX doesn't have a 3d chip, it has a 2d triangle plotter with no depth or perspective information whatsoever.

It's like the Neogeo in that regard, which had no background hardware and drew BGs using its sprite hardware. That's exactly how the PSX drew SOTN.

Because every pixel was drawn by the same GPU, they could easily do transparency in it. Saturn had two GPUs with completely fucked interaction between them. If you used the 2d hardware, then half the graphics are on the other chip, and you can't draw transparent pixels on the backgrounds if you are also drawing transparent sprites.

They would've needed to draw everything on the first GPU only, and then you could've had the game looking as good as the PSX version, only the transparencies and the shading would be additive instead of multiplicative. But they either would have ran out of memory or have the game running at 5fps (instead of the 15 it runs at).

>> No.5702672

>DC doesn't have a big fillrate advantage, it just uses smarter rendering so it can get away with very small fillrate on the GPU.
It has a very big real-world fillrate advantage, let's put it that way.

>> No.5702862
File: 394 KB, 3072x2688, Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5703024

the other reason transparency is broken on the saturn is because it uses forward texture mapping, where every texel from the texture (or sprite if you wanna call it that) is written to the framebuffer even if the it's distorted, so not only do you have a bunch of overdraw, any transparency that's performed will be corrupted.

best explained here

>> No.5703027


hyper dimension looks insanely good

>> No.5703610
File: 16 KB, 320x224, 35737-pinocchio-genesis-screenshot-the-show-begins-pinocchio-has.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now supports translucency (shadow/highlight)
>Which not a single game used
i know you're baiting, but this is a misconception, a lot of games used it for simple shadow effects (Mortal Kombat, Rambo III, Castlevania: Bloodlines, Vectorman, Garfield, etc), some tried to use it for shading alongside dithered art to lesser the color contrast (Ecco 2, The Lost World: Jurassic Park) and a few used it to give the entire background dark shades unavailable in the normal palette, like the cave from Ranger X or the first stage from Batman & Robin

highlight was seldom used but i remember some examples like the lens flare from Vectorman and the spotlight on Pinocchio

>> No.5703628

Ristar first boss does shadows too

>> No.5703919


Knuckles Chaotix uses the effect the same way in the character catcher machine

>> No.5705286

the sky battles tho

>> No.5705514

Thanks, that video was very informative! It's too bad the Saturn used quads, although I understand Sega's reasoning for it.

>> No.5706358
File: 508 KB, 512x892, DKC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5706584

Everything by Matt Furniss.

And Ristar.

>> No.5707680

this game also uses some zoom and sprite rotation effects

>> No.5708702

>when it comes to some games

some Dreamcast games are just PS1 ports with texture filtering, those games indeed look like N64 games

>> No.5708713


>> No.5710519
File: 526 KB, 1000x1000, Umihara Kawase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90s 2D is the pinnacle of graphics in terms of aesthetic appeal.

>> No.5710560

>The PC Engine had literally twice as many colors onscreen
You're still dealing with 9-bit RGB vs 15-bit RGB.

the DC has a bunch of multiplats with way shittier textures than they've got any right having on the machine

a lot of people like to use this to imply that the PS1 can't do "true" 3D, even though the machine has dedicated hardware for performing 3D position and lighting calculations

>> No.5710676
File: 425 KB, 512x894, Seiken Densetsu 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5710683
File: 320 KB, 512x889, Tales of Phantasia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5710793


I never said it doesn't do true 3D. It's just not as different from the saturn as a lot of people like to imply. They both handle real 3D perspective but texture in 2D space.

>> No.5711701

>You're still dealing with 9-bit RGB vs 15-bit RGB.

a 150 on-screen colors SNES game will look better than a 200 colors PCE game with the same art 100% of the time