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5690484 No.5690484 [Reply] [Original]

I think PDS has wonderful art direction, a surprisingly compelling story for a fifth gen game, a wonderful soundtrack, and an engaging battle system.

That said I found the random battles to be largely annoying, especially in the regions where every 2 seconds you're in another battle with the same enemies. I also think there's too much empty space, exemplified by the tunnels under Uru and ESPECIALLY the Tower. Mostly cookie cutter corridors for miles and miles. I also found the abundance of useless items to be annoying.

Still I vehemently hate JRPGs but I found this one to be overall enjoyable. I've heard it described as "an RPG for people who don't like RPGs" and I would agree with that assessment.

>> No.5690490

Also in retrospect I find some of the enemies to be poorly designed.

>> No.5690494

It's a fucking joy to play, and you can finish it in a weekend. Probably the only game I'm proud to own.

>> No.5690502

>art direction
I sure love dogshit brown worlds.

>battle system
I sure love unoriginal ATB knock-offs, but with a pointless positioning gimmick tacked on.

I sure love when a story is barebones and forgettable.

PDS = overrated

>> No.5690508

This is literally one of the best games of the retro era, nay, of all time. Everything just comes together so perfectly.

>> No.5690509


You're mental. The positioning/aiming system never got old. It was inspired.

>> No.5690516

Do you even play video games?

PDS is clearly brilliant and is a damn shame it wasn't adequately fleshed out. The emptiness works with the setting but if ever there were a game that could have used some expansion packs this was it.

>> No.5690519

This. Imagine if the development team had another year to work on it. Imagine if the Saturn was a success and the Panzer series didn't die only a couple years later.

>> No.5690531

I can't into jarpigs where you don't have a team of characters. It's also way too short and ugly.

Skies of Arcadia and PS1/2/4 shit all over this overrated turd.

>> No.5690569

I AM mental, but you're just a loser with bad taste

>> No.5690571


>> No.5690621

The frequent battles are to level you up. Note the game never requires you to grind.

>> No.5690626

The environments you fly through are spartan but there's something I like about the animation quality.