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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5690183 No.5690183 [Reply] [Original]

So... Does anybody watch sgdq on /vr/? LoZ randomizer is gonna be played in like 4 hours, before that pokémon crystal for like 3 1/2 hours... More interested in LoZ.

Plz don't stone me for asking, just curious.

>inb4 OP is tranny lover

>> No.5690193

was in it once

>> No.5690197

>nintendo shit
>more nintendo shit

>> No.5690249

speedruns are for zoomer faggots

>> No.5690262

why bother watching it live if you're not one of those /v/ psychos who fantasize about murdering half the people there? gdq is fun but I only care about the tetris block and some other stuff and I can deal with waiting a couple days to watch it on my terms.

>> No.5690352

I speedrun, but GDQ is cringy shit. It's actually hilarious how many of the old boys got excommunicated from the event.

>> No.5690356


>> No.5690357

How many? What are their names?

>> No.5690361

i watch speedruns occasionally but gdq is too much. cant watch 8 hours of cringy shit before a 30 minute run im actually interest in

>> No.5690373

Is that the tranny festival thing?

>> No.5690376

not after the scummy and incompetent shit they've pulled, nevermind how it turned into a talk show
i'll sometimes tune in for esa, nasa, and various other things as they pop up, but never again gdq

>> No.5690391

im not wasting my time on a freak show.
neither the runners good enough nor the organizers are what they used to be.

>> No.5690393
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As a runner or visitor?
Yeah it's 80% Nintendo games that pretty true
I dunno, some can be entertaining, mostly games that I know really well and See what kind of glitches are there I never have seen before... But I am not really interested in the times they run
Probably the best way to watch the stuff you are really interested in, there is a lot of stupid filler which isnt interesting, I get where you are coming from
What happened? Did they talk bad about wymen or trannies or something?
Shouldnt /vr/ like it then? :^)
Yeah, but you dont see them that much imo, at least the portions I have seen sofar. But I only casually click the stream to see if there something interesting, so maybe I just kiss them all the time.
What did they do? Are they keeping the donations or what?

>> No.5690397

Turn on your trip sevenleaf.

>> No.5690398

Miss not kiss... God damn you freudian slip...

>> No.5690406

>so maybe I just kiss them all the time.

Ewwww you set yourself up OP

>> No.5690415
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I made the inb4 into a self fullfilling prophecy

...I think I need a tripcode now...

>> No.5690431
File: 384 KB, 300x197, smugbilly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speedrunning is for pleb zoomer fags

t. plays sp games for score instead

>> No.5690442

ESA is super comfy

Also, Maral <3

>> No.5690465

>Plz don't stone me for asking, just curious
But nah I have better things to do than watch other people play video games. I'd rather play them myself. I might watch a TAS block of they have one though.

>> No.5690473

runner it involved kirby and being drunk

>> No.5690489

OP cant inb4
and shill this elsewhere, please

>> No.5690526
File: 42 KB, 240x260, seinfeld meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think GDQ, with a current viewership of 130k people watching LIVE right now, need to shill their stream on 4chan (whose userbase they no doubt hate), on /vr/ of all boards - probably one of the least populated boards on the site?

>> No.5690534

Why can we never just discuss what we're speedrunning? It's always about the meta bullshit when it comes to RTA threads here.

>> No.5690701

because of the howling babies that occupy this place.

>> No.5690720

Sure, I load the stream whenever GDQ's on and use it for background noise while checking in when it sounds like something interesting is happening.

I'm wondering if/when they will save the animals ever again

>> No.5690803

Nice LARP, zoomzoom. People have been speedrunning since before you were born.

>> No.5690809
File: 182 KB, 900x1200, Dw_CbDKVYAEb9mR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's your favorite trans speedrunner?

>> No.5691792

Obnoxious dude just played DOS castlevania and got assblasted by the level he proclaimed to be Super easy (stage 3)...
These are the best moments

>> No.5691795

I don't watch other people play video games unless I need to pick up tech for fightans or stgs.

>> No.5691796

Not even when playing at home with a friend?

>> No.5691798

it's been over a decade since I saw any of them, we all moved on our ways so no more couch/kb coop.

>> No.5691804
File: 280 KB, 560x315, Sad-Mario-time..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda sad that that isn't a thing nowadays anymore, best gaming memories was on the couch with friends

>> No.5691809

eh I don't miss it much, if I ever wanted to play a fightan it was suffering because nobody wanted to learn past the mashing stage, and grabbing is OP because fuck thinking or listening to advice.

>> No.5691812

Only watch it for the cringe man. Love it!

For me it's always gonna be SUMMER CRINGE DONE CRINGE or Awesome Cringe Cringe Cringe

There's literally nothing funnier than the battle of autism between the mustache guy and the jumping jacks guy. Also the vids on youtube of it are amazing.

>> No.5691817


>> No.5691818

Then ya did it wrong, you need to gloat and make fun of the loser as well as combine that the winner keeps to play if there are more ppl. Makes them want to learn real quick :^) especially if an unspoken ranking starts to evolve in the friend group.
We used to play alot of killer instict Gold on n64, the rock paper scissor mechanics were quickly learnt after getting their asses handed to them over and over again

>> No.5691835

I don't think any approach would work when they just kept making up excuses. If I was at someone's house they'd ban grabs and characters eventually. If I hosted, they'd whine and ask for bans/play something else. In short, they had scrub mentality, as I've read years later. And I didn't have unlimited access to Internet or fightans that could be played online, so fuck the memories. We all were bad in the beginning, but then came time where I improved just by playing and observing instead of making up "fair" rules, and they actively refused to improve and eventually walked away.

>> No.5691894

GDQ-like events tend to be great for learning the routing and thought-process behind certain speedruns, along with some potential interesting quirks about the game, the speedrun's history, etc. If you just straight up look for the top speedruns in a given game, 99% of the time, they won't have any real commentary (because the player will be focusing on doing the run), which means many skips/glitches/movements go unexplained.

But as a lot of people said, the GDQs in particular are shit nowadays. So, eh.

>> No.5692012

Like anything that gets too big, it sucks to watch now. Fuck "professional speedrunners"

>> No.5692030

I stopped watching it after AGDQ last year, it's not fun anymore. Too corporate and safe, too many trannies and a lot of the more entertaining runners don't even go anymore.

>> No.5692234

GDQ is much too sanitized of an event these days because they want to keep it squeaky clean for all the big name sponsors the event has now.
All the runners have to think about what they say constantly and it's completely unnatural. Though at least the event does make a lot of money for charity which you can't really be mad at.

>> No.5692304 [DELETED] 

>GDQ is much too sanitized of an event these days because they want to keep it squeaky clean for all the big name sponsors the event has now.
All the runners have to think about what they say constantly and it's completely unnatural.
people who say this don't actually watch it

>> No.5692307

>All the runners have to think about what they say constantly and it's completely unnatural.
None of the runners actually feel this way and this is entirely a projection on the part of people who want to be angry.

>> No.5692819

This, when was there a situation where they thought what they were thinking? Most of them have such social anxiety or some form of autism that they just stutter about gaming mechanics, are they supposed to start talking about politics or what?

>> No.5692868

A rare, but dying breed of gamers.

>> No.5693028
File: 2.62 MB, 1600x900, 1534465251224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the practice room
>What are rehearsals
I guess you two missed the completely scripted Mario Odyssey run?

>> No.5693063

>I guess you two missed the completely scripted Mario Odyssey run?
No, I saw it. It was a terrible idea that had literally nothing to do with GDQ rules.

>> No.5693930

This is why the early ones are so great. Now they just read a thousand variations of the same donation comment over the whole run.

>> No.5693957

I watch the vods. A lot of people seem to let politics get in the way of enjoying video games now.

>> No.5693963

Speedrunning is just as cringy as those events, talking down on your fellow speedvirgin friends doesn't change the fact that you're in the same boat.

>> No.5693983

I don't speedrun shit, but I look forward to the event every year, fun shit for a good cause sounds good to me

>> No.5694017

>/v/ psychos who fantasize about murdering half the people there

Is this real?

>> No.5694350

yeah lol look at the /v/ threads. there are groups of people who seethe out of their minds at the existence of speedrunners.

>> No.5694661

There was a time where I would watch it live and try to see the runs that seemed interesting but the event has been shit for at least three years now if not longer. Now I don't even bother watching the runs when they upload them to youtube. The "no fun allowed" and "please shut the fuck up so I can read more donations, greetings from Germany!" way of running the show ruins it.

This is still my favorite thing that came out of GDQ though

>> No.5694671

>Ctrl + f "chair sniffing convention"
>0 results
You dissapoint me /vr/

>> No.5694696

That one tranny with the gap in his teeth makes me cringe everytime I hear about speedrunning

>> No.5694742

We Powerpoint now boyz

>> No.5694746

The fact that he changed his name to Narcissa still makes me laugh. What a fucking retard.

>> No.5696557

What game is trans? Is that a new switch title?