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5688163 No.5688163 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the sequels never capture the same magic?

>> No.5688181
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Someone else played this besides me? Love the shit out of it.
I've never tried the sequels. The original w/ level editor was always enough. Also, fantastic OST.

>> No.5688189

I play custom maps with my roommates all the time, its a great experience. as for the OST:


>> No.5688195

It does have that boardgame feel to it. I did the same with family. 3-4 would take turns. Hell, sometimes we'd play MTG while playing AoW. That's back before Magic got ruined.

>> No.5688205
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That sounds super comfy anon. Passing around just a mouse is pretty nice. Sucks when someone goes out but thats a problem with some board games too

>> No.5688217

It was like a game of LotR Risk. And the turn-taking nature allowed us to do other things while others took their turns, or just kick back and wait. A very good time to spend with local multiplayer IMO. It wouldn't be nearly as good if done online.

>> No.5688223

I never tried the PBEM mode, but I've done board games that way. Any experience with it?

>> No.5688258

pbem? Forgive my ignorance.

>> No.5688264

nvm, play-by-email
No, I never did. I've known people who play chess by mail, but hell that was over 15 years ago.

>> No.5688315

i feel like it would be too involved myself, compared to something like chess

>> No.5688378

Oh hell yeah I love this game. Just the right balance between something like Civ and an RTS. I never played AoW 2 only the first and third, while the two are pretty similar I don't in AoW 3 how the army is smaller or having a domain mechanic which warns you when someone is about to attack.
Best track right here.

>> No.5688385

something about 3 just never grabbed me. I'm keeping an eye on the new one coming out but considering its Paradox behind it I expect it will be a dlc jewfest

>> No.5688465

Have you played Master of Magic? It is the game that heavily inspired AoW:SM (the best AoW, and if you haven't played it, I strongly suggest you play Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic)

Anyway I did actually buy (gasp!), download, and install AoW3, I fully expecting it to be ruined with modern cancer bullshit game design. Haven't tried it yet.

>> No.5688486

I have not tried MoM. And I've not yet bought AoW3. I got 1 and 2 on steam. Only played 1 though. That was enough. I should play 2 a bit. I'm getting bored these days.

>> No.5688586

i tried to install Age of Wonder shadow magic but it´s doesn´t work.

Black screen. Any tip o help to play this game in a modern computer???

>> No.5688590

I don't know about SM but there is a fix for the base game on steam, which i found in the community hub. I'm sure SM has a similar one

>> No.5688594

play modded AoW1.
it's better than vanilla AoW1.

>> No.5688595

What mod? Warlocks?

>> No.5688613

I'd have to weigh the work of modding with the enjoyment I'd get from it.
I don't just mod games.

>> No.5688698
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In high school, I spent days and days working on a remix of this song for a school project. I played the guitar on it, did all sorts of production and arrangement, tons of work. And as I sat there at the front of the class, playing it for everyone, I realized how much of a mistake it was, and that it was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

>> No.5688716

Any mod recommendations?
I fail to see why you should be embarassed by that unless you told everyone it was from a game.

>> No.5689045
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It's ok man... I would've picked 'Truth' myself, but I can see the remix potential in CF. Assuming it did turn out cheesy, if that's your most embarassing moment then you're doing pretty well.